Gift of a Miracle

By piscesangel2

263 44 13

((COMPLETE)) Iliana possesses a Gift, not only the power to control water but also the ability to see a world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

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By piscesangel2

"I would've come to see you sooner." Father said releasing Iliana from their embrace. "By the time I finished operating on your mother and saw the state of the house, it was late... I'm sorry... I am so sorry... please forgive me!"

She looked up at Father, tears escaped from his pale eyes but she couldn't determine if it was due to sadness or anger.

"You've nothing to apologise for!" She remarked wiping away her own tears with the sleeves of the light cardigan Mrs. Dancey had provided her, along with the pair of jeans and the blue lace top.

"I should've been there for you and your mother... I should've—"

Iliana held Father's hand firmly in hers, "You were with us both..." She placed a hand above her heart. "... in here, as you are always. Please don't ever blame yourself Father."

It was his words and the promise she'd made with him, which helped her break free from the darkness forced upon her. And she was more than thankful for it... if only she could tell him the truth.

"How is Mother?"

Father sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "She has been stitched and under a term of antibiotics... she's in recovery at present, but hasn't woken up yet." He sighed in annoyance. "If only the hospital wasn't so busy and short staffed... I could've spent more time at home, and I would've realised the water pipes were unfit and unsafe... your mother wouldn't have been attacked and... Yuki wouldn't be­—"

Father's words faded into another large quivering intake of the fresh air, and a sharp exhalation... Iliana felt his inner suffering. The 'if only's' or 'should/could have's' were the worst mental tortures one could experience and the hardest for the mind to forsake.

"Father..." It took a moment for Iliana to conjure succoured words, as she too was struggling to find alleviation. In her attempt to act strong, her voice quivered as she continued. "We can overcome this... terrible time. No matter how slow, let's move forward together... Yuki would agree to that too, I'm sure of it."

Father looked deeply into her eyes with his own glazed with tears. He placed a hand over her cheek. "You once asked... why you weren't as strong as me... do you know why?"

Iliana shook her head, whilst struggling to prevent anymore tears from overflowing from her already sore eyes.

"Because you're far stronger than I could ever be." He smiled proudly. "Yuki would definitely agree to that."

The sound of a door bashing closed soon ripped Iliana's attention to the hallway beyond the open front door behind her. Kazuki's voice calling out for his mother and continuous banging soon followed.

"I hope we're not the reason to their quarrel." Father said.

"I don't believe we are."

Iliana overheard the conversation Kazuki had with his Mother on her way down the stairs. Kazuki's response to his mother's probing enquiry regarding his movements in life was inspiring. It was hard to keep the life of a Purifier discreet under the eyes of parents however, the intrusion of her ears clearly went too far when she heard Mrs. Williams' confess Beach Cove was illegitimately not under their name.

"Well... I suppose that's a good thing, as I'd like to talk to them." Father responded.

The banging noises ceased as they both made their way through the house. They found Kazuki leaning forwards with his forearms up against the closed double doors, and his forehead resting on the wooden oak. The desperation seething from him fluttered compassion within Iliana. She watched as he clenched his fists so tightly, they shook as his knuckles whitened. Kazuki peeled himself from the door. He straightened his posture and regained his usual impassive expression, when he turned and faced Iliana and her father.

"I apologise if we... interrupted." Father said with a tone of attentiveness in his voice.

"There's nothing to apologise for... I wasn't getting anywhere with matters here anyway." Came Kazuki's oblique response.

"Right... well... I just needed a moment with your mother actually."

"She's currently—" He glanced over his shoulder to the closed door. "— preoccupied."

"Your father?"


"Oh... well it seems you're my last resort."

"Seems so."

"I wanted to re-confirm my daughter's stay here in this household... but if it's inconvenient, I'm sure I can organise arrangement elsewhere­—" Father's gaze turned briefly down to Iliana. "... I cannot have the both of us take rest at the hospital."

"My mother had already agreed for her to stay here until your... situation has resolved. I do however hold a little concern regarding the potential reaction when your wife discovers our involvement... we're not exactly on friendly terms, as I'm sure you're aware of!"

A matter Iliana had only thought about earlier when Mrs. Williams mentioned it. From the look on Father's face, it seemed he too had given no thought about it either.

"We'll... resolve that issue when the time comes." Came his response after a pause for thought. "As the topic has arisen... I'd like you to know, I've never held such ill judgements of you and your parents and after your kind hospitality, nor will I ever."

"My parents will appreciate your words Mr. D'coye—" Kazuki's response was broken short by a buzzing noise. He immediately reached a hand into his dark jean's pocket and took out his mobile. "I must take this... excuse me."

Iliana heard Kazuki mutter Father Benjamin's name as he turned his back to them. Her attention reverted back to her father when he gently laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Blossom... I decided to take half the day off to watch over the start of the reconstruction on the house. Mrs. Dancey has kindly offered to help in our situation, she'll hopefully join me later this morning while I go back to the hospital to see how your mother is doing. The hospital is as crazy as ever... it feels like we have half of Bayle City under this... strange condition and the staff there are struggling. But I can take the whole day off and be with you in the afternoon."

As much as Iliana wanted to be in the company of her father, there were many other people out there who were in direr need for Father.

"The hospital needs you but you have to promise me, you won't overwork yourself. Think of patient safety as well as your own health Father."

Father chuckled as he playfully pinched Iliana's cheek. "As you say mother."

Iliana giggled as she turned her face away... her smile faded when she found Kazuki's eyes on her.

"Father Benjamin would like to personally wish you... gracious words as soon as it is convenient for you."

Iliana realised Kazuki's utterance was an oblique allusion to the Unknown World.

Father glanced down at his watch. "It's barely six in the morning!"

"He's always available for anyone at their darkest times of need." He replied casually.

"I didn't realise religious belief was so... popular in your age group!" Father remarked almost cautiously.

Iliana's parents had never believed in any form of religious culture, and although they distinctly frowned upon it, they somehow respected her study on the subject.

"Everyone has some form of belief, whether in themselves or in someone else, or in something... we humans all need something to believe in, it's what helps us strive in life." Came Kazuki's quick response.

"I thought you said we humans don't strive hard or long enough." Iliana mused raising an eyebrow.

"The majority don't..." A smile brushed across his lips. "... but someone once reminded me, there are people in this world who strive down the darkest of tunnels for those who can't find the strength to... such people are the light at the end of the tunnel... or words that effect."

Iliana gazed at Kazuki with an amalgam of incredulity and inspiration. She'd asked for his help yesterday and even with their differences, he willingly gave it to her... it seems he too was offering her a hint of regard.

Kazuki cleared his throat as he tore his gaze from her, then briefly settled back on Father.

"Please excuse me... it seems I too am needed at the Cathedral."

Iliana walked with Father to his car, parked on the side road in front of the Williams' large house. Her eyes caught Kazuki standing on the opposite side waiting for her.

"He seems attentive to you Blossom..." Father began to say. He turned to face her with his eyes squinting as if attempting to figure her out in some way. "Are you two—?"

"Father!" She responded in disbelief.

"What? He's the same person whom you invited to the Baddesley's party and... if I may add... so admirably defended. He was also incredibly resolute to have you stay in their house and support you, so much so... I found it hard to decline his offer." Father replied.

Iliana sneaked another glance up to Kazuki. She assumed his convictions for her support was under the request of Father Benjamin. Kazuki surely wouldn't be so obliging to offer his home to her... considering the mutually strained relationship with Mother.

After reassurance regarding her physical and mental health, Father drove away towards their wrecked house, a couple of blocks from the Williams' home. Guilt coursed through her like a violent stream. She was the true culprit behind the ruin of their home, and Father was clearing it up after her.

As she and Kazuki walked to the Cathedral together, she tentatively asked... "I was meaning to thank your mother for her hospitality before I left, but it seemed she was adamant not to leave the kitchen... is she alright?"

He scoffed as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his light jacket. "I don't know... it seems... I know as much about my family as I do about the Seven Miracles and everything else revolving around my life. That, I assure you will soon change on both parts."

"I, err... must confess... I overheard the conversation you had with your mother." She disclosed awkwardly and deliberately avoiding his gaze.

He snorted. "You stay one night and you already know most of my secrets!"

"Just most of them?" She jested quietly.

"If you knew all of them... I'd have to kill you."

The sincerity in his voice hastily brought Iliana's attention back up to meet his gaze, though the impish look across his face and the wicked smile gave her the reassurance that he was teasing. Something has changed between them this past day or so, and it was pleasantly civil compared to their first meeting.

She glanced over her shoulder before stopping in her tracks. A part of her subconsciously expected to find Yuki trotting close behind her, but when all she saw was the morning mist slowly dissipating over the still road. Her heart dropped at the realisation that she'll forever be without her loyalist friend. A lump formed at her throat and the tears dared another invasion in her eyes.

"Yuki..." Kazuki began to say as Iliana caught up with him. "... does the name have a meaning?"

"It does... it means 'snow' in Japanese. My father's friend whom he'd bought her from, mentioned the name at the Christmas party years ago... and it just suited her nicely." Iliana smiled to herself as those early years flooded back. "I can't help but wonder... your name also seems to have a Japanese resemblance, or is that just a coincidence?"

"Somewhere up in Mother's family tree, there was a young noble lady who eloped with a Japanese nobleman named Kazuki... it was unheard of in those days for Westerners to mix with that part of the world, and vice versa. They ended up losing both their name and fortune." He replied, gazing up at the quiet street ahead of them as if he was in reminiscing trance. "My mother is right... it is funny how the world works sometimes."

Iliana nodded in agreement... the world was full of riddles awaiting to be solved, and many hidden doors awaiting to be opened.


Jung was already waiting for them at the back door of the Cathedral when they both eventually arrived.

"Hey...!" He greeted, his gaze fell on Iliana first. "How are you holding up?"

"As well as can be... thank you."

"I can only imagine what you're going through... yesterday was one hell of a day."

"I wouldn't have managed to cope without everyone's help, and for that I'm truly grateful." She responded.

"You know... there's a phrase carved at the entrance of the Archives which has stuck in my head ever since I've seen it ... 'Fight the fears... brave the Unknown and ask a hand when you are alone'... it has a nice ring don't you think?"

"It's about time we know the unknown instead of fighting matters unbeknown to us... and before we end up losing, not only our bravery but also the hands in our favour." Kazuki instantly interjected with his eyes fixated on the dark aged mahogany doors behind Jung.

He spoke not only of the Unknown World, but also the personal matters unbeknown to him. He had somehow suppressed his frustration and pushed aside the storm of questions and doubts blurring his mind... having a teenage angst won't resolve anything. After a split second of silence, his gaze lifted to the stunned faces before him.

"Damn... how in the heck do you come up with such witty responses just like that?" Jung question snapping his fingers and looking extremely astonished. "Seriously... doesn't it hurt your brain to always think like that?"

"Can we please skip the chit-chat... Father Benjamin said this meeting was a matter of urgency." Kazuki said, sliding past Jung and opening the double wooden doors. "I'm assuming you have the key to the door!"

Leading them through the arcaded cloister towards Father Benjamin's private quarters, Jung began his explanation in a low tone as a handful of priests roamed the wide corridors further ahead of them.

"Father Benjamin finally got in contact with Cardinal Philippe yesterday, hence why we weren't able to contact him. Apparently, there's something he wants all of us to hear. I hope he can make the unknown... known. Hey... did you see what I did there? I'm totally amazing."

"Someone has to think so." Kazuki muttered in sarcasm, as they reached the door that led to the spiral stairs.

"Oi you!" Jung warned, pointing the long-rusted key at him menacingly.

Unbothered by Jung's empty threat, Kazuki added. "What of Lord Baddesley?"

Jung shrugged as he unlocked the door. "I went in search for him at the City Hall late yesterday evening, but the receptionist there hadn't seen him all day... it's as if he'd disappeared into thin air. That goddamn man! You were right Kazuki... he was the fishy fish all along."

"And what about those we Purified?"

"According to Father Benjamin, they were all confused as hell and when he asked about what they remembered, they pretty much ran from the mansion like their arse were on fire... my words, not Father Benjamin's by the way." Jung clarified, allowing Kazuki and Iliana to pass through when he opened the door. "Their location seems as unknown as the big man himself... but Father Benjamin believes that although they were Purified, their minds have been scrambled and who knows how long it'll takes to re-adjust... if it will that is."

Although Kazuki had no idea of the side effects after a Faustian Contract, he could only imagine it worked in similar way to the Lone Purifiers, Stray Purifiers and humans with Vision. The stability of their mind becomes frail and unstable... to the point of insanity.

Father Benjamin and Caitlyn immediately whipped around from the round table, when they saw the three of them file into the priest's quarters.

"How are you?" Father Benjamin asked Iliana as he strode to her like he hadn't seen her for a long time.

"As well as can be... thank you." Came the same response when Jung asked her same question.

"I feel awful for not having been there to help you all... please forgive me...!" Father Benjamin said sincerely, bowing his head down as if in shame.

"There's nothing to forgive... and besides, even though you weren't there... you did help me. Your philosophical words gave me strength, and for that... I want to thank you." Iliana responded just as fervently, a smile dawned across her lips.

The priest returned an appreciative smile before glancing up to Kazuki.

"Thank you for looking after her. I hope my earnest request hadn't caused too much of an issue with your parents."

"It's not my parents whom you need to direct your concern for Father Benjamin."

From the look on the priest's face, he understood Kazuki's meaning. Iliana's awkward shift next to him, gave him the impression that she too fathomed his train of thought.

"You know... it's really funny how the atmosphere just thickens around you Kazuki." Jung interjected flippantly.

Kazuki threw him a deathly glare as he turned to him. Jung chuckled impishly as he took a long stride towards Caitlyn, like he was using her for protection from an expectant thump. But after the sound of a distinct ping from somewhere in the room, Caitlyn's attention was soon pulled away from the grasps of her lover and dashed to the round table, then pulled up the lid to the laptop.

"The connection has returned Father Benjamin!" She called out enthusiastically.

"Thank the Lord." Father Benjamin muttered.

"What's going on?" Kazuki questioned as they all gathered around Caitlyn.

"Cardinal Philippe told me many interesting factors, most of which I thought would be important for all of you to know. But it'd be better if it came from the Cardinal himself. To be fair, he too seemed quite enthusiastic to see you all, especially Iliana." The priest replied. "However, the video call had been unsuccessful this morning, but it seems now we're back in business."

After few clicks on the cursor, Caitlyn managed to get the screen filled with a live image of a young dark-haired boy, and sounds of male voices speaking in a different tongue. The tanned young boy instantly withdraw himself away from the screen, revealing two men seated not far from the monitor and in deep conversation. Kazuki distinguished one as Bishop Francis whilst the other much older man, dressed in a black cassock with rows of red buttons down the front, meeting the red sash across his rounded waist defined him as the Cardinal.

The young boy interrupted the men by a gentle tap on the old man's shoulder and pointed at the screen.

"Ah... magnifico... well done my boy." The Cardinal cheered happily in a distinct Italian accent. "Technology has and will always be beyond me, I'm lucky to have a young soul whose brain exceeds his years."

The boy bowed slightly before standing behind the man like a shadow. The Cardinal leaned in closer to the screen. "Good morning to you all in England... how are you all?"

Kazuki didn't even make an attempt to reply to such a question and instead downcast his gaze to the laptop's keyboard as if he'd never seen it before. It seemed, the cat had everyone else's tongue too.

"Has the sound gone from this video again?" Came the Cardinal's voice laced with confusion.

"Err... forgive us Cardinal Philippe...." Father Benjamin finally responded. "... for my friends here had undergone a... challenging ordeal yesterday since our talk."

When Kazuki raised his eyes back on the Cardinal, he saw flash of intrigue flicker across the old man's pale blue eyes behind the thin, half-moon spectacles.

"Please tell me what happened Father?"

Kazuki retained his silence whilst he listened to Father Benjamin relate the events from what he'd heard from Jung and Caitlyn. He watched how the Cardinal's expression remained impassive throughout until the priest concluded. The old man tentatively glanced over his shoulder to Bishop Francis, who caught his brief gaze whilst stroking his blond goatee beard.

"What are the Seven Miracles? And what on earth are we up against here?" Kazuki questioned eagerly.

"Before I answer your questions my boy... may we see the girl with Gift of Water?"

Every eye in the room including Kazuki's turned to Iliana on his left. Father Benjamin pulled back the wooden chair in front of the laptop screen and encouraged her to sit upon it. Her gaze met Kazuki's as he stepped back and allowed her to pass him.

The moment she was seated Cardinal Philippe and Bishop Francis stared at the girl as if she was an extra-terrestrial being. The old man pushed his thin spectacles back over the bridge of his slightly crooked nose.

"Forgive my dear girl if we stare, but... it is an absolute honour to meet a Miracle, even if it is through a plastic screen." The Cardinal said then chuckled once again, only to start off a coughing outburst.

"Cardinal Philippe!" Bishop Francis called out, moving in closer to the old man in unison with the young boy behind.

The Cardinal waved both of them away as he cleared his throat.

"Are you unwell?" Iliana asked.

"Unfortunately, it's just old age... although my soul is of a young spring chick, my eighty-year-old body is most definitely not." The Cardinal croaked. "But this conversation isn't about me." His attention turned to Kazuki.

"The answer to your question my boy... the Seven Miracles are human embodiments of God's miracles. The Miracle of Love, Mercy, Victual, Healing, Resurrection, Tempest and of course Water."

"I have read most of the collection of books Father Benjamin has here, as well as a handful of books at the Archives in London. Yet I haven't encountered any information on the Seven Miracles." Kazuki stated.

"You wouldn't... books and scriptures on the subject are almost non-existent." "You said almost... meaning there are some."

Cardinal Philippe smiled as he pointed at Kazuki. "Bishop Francis had warned me about your astute nature... there is a saying, 'he who has sharp tongue—"

"Cuts his own throat." Kazuki finished.

"Ah, you know of it."

Kazuki turned to Father Benjamin whose eyebrows were raised when he caught his stare. "I do... a particular priest here has warned me about that one."

"You should take note... Father Benjamin's words are as true as a Sage."

Apparently the last Sage (once known as the Wiseman or woman), was the late Pope John. The Legion Leaders hadn't since known of another. They were greatly respected for the visions and voices they received from the Heavens, which were then translated into books and scriptures for the generations to come.

"Cardinal Philippe... The Fallen Angel Xaphan said... killing one of the Seven Miracles would unbalance our world, yet it instead they'd rather use it to their advantage... what do you think it meant by that?" Iliana asked.

A sombre look flashed across the old man's aged face. "The Miracles are connected to the keeping of the Barrier... their existence keeps the balance of our world at a stable state and prevent other forms of evil invading us. They also fight against the darkness we already suffer within our world."

"Jeez... they sure have a lot of responsibility." Jung chipped in.

"They do... that is why there are Purifiers and Chanters, we offer them support." The Cardinal responded. "However... if even just one Miracle becomes Tainted or dies unnaturally before they are reborn... it jeopardises the balance of the world. Their Holy Gift differs from the other Purifiers... as you know, every Purifier is given a Holy weapon chosen for them by God. However, a Miracle's Gift is appendant to their soul... meaning their mind and body needs to Bond with the Gift, not the spirit. Now the reason why I pointed that out is... if a Purifier becomes unfortunate enough to become Tainted, then they won't be able to touch their Holy Artefact, and in turn... they lose the ability to Bond with it. It's a consequence which a Miracle will never suffer... making them a either a miracle for the world if Untainted or a weapon if Tainted."

"The Fallen Angel mentioned that one was dead, another was Tainted and only five more to go." Iliana stated.

"That worries me greatly. These few months we have noticed a rise in possessions and Taints all over the world. Although we have officially denied other possibilities and rumours for the cause. Myself and many other Legion Leaders have unofficially surmised probabilities, and have acted upon them... quietly. And with what has happened on your continent, it has secured our speculations." The Cardinal looked over his shoulder to Bishop Francis, as if gaining confirmation from him.

The Bishop had remained almost silent throughout the conversation. His strong war-torn face made him look like the type not to be messed with. Especially the long scar from his forehead down to his right eyebrow, and another across his lips.

"The summoning of Fallen Angels and Demon Dukes can only be feasible if the Barrier has been Breached... and for the Barrier to be Breached, can only be caused by the loss of more than one Miracle. If we lose another, our world will be in peril!"

Tension grew denser within the room, Kazuki felt even more uneasy than normal. He had been so focussed in the workings of the Unknown World within Bayle City, that he hadn't even given a thought of how much it would also affect the rest of the world. Having to cope with matters in the City has recently been a challenge, so dealing with the rest of the world seemed like an impossible test of his abilities.

"Even more so if a Miracle has been Tainted and brainwashed to use their Gifts against those whom they're supposed to protect. Their Gifts are powerful... they can make us or break us." Cardinal Philippe added, before going through another spell of fitful coughs.

As the young boy gave a glass of water to the Cardinal, Kazuki brought his attention to Bishop Francis, but it was Father Benjamin who beat him to a question.

"What do we do?"

"Protect the world like we always have done... and also find the Miracles and protect them." The Bishop replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "Only recently we've had a leak of information about someone with a certain Gift here in Venice... we have been unsuccessful in finding him or her... though after this conversation, our search must be hastened."

"Another Miracle?" Kazuki questioned. "Which one?"

"We're yet to find out... and whichever one it is, he or she is making our search a challenge."

Cardinal Philippe waved his hand for attention after he drank the water and recovered from his coughs. "W-we must not confine a Miracle, they must be free—"

Kazuki caught Bishop Francis strained expression from the Cardinal's words before he interrupted.

"With all due respect Cardinal Philippe, we have been through this with the rest of the Legion Leaders... for the sake of our world... they cannot be as free as they wish, especially now that we know they are targets."

"If we confine them and take away their freewill, we may very well be reason to the stability of their mentality as well as their soul... a destination we don't want to lead them into." Cardinal Philippe firmly stated.

The Cardinal began another constant coughing outburst... his face flushed in colour. The Bishop and the young boy was at the old man's side within a flash.

"Cardinal Philippe." Father Benjamin called out to the screen, when the sounds of the coughs worsened.

"I'm going to have to cut this conversation short Father. I'll contact you again at a later time, but for now... protect the Miracle of Water and the people in your City... I'll send Purifiers to your aid as soon as possible." Bishop Francis declared hurriedly, with his attention flitting from the screen to the sound where the young boy had taken Cardinal Philippe beyond the view on the screen.

"When we've found this other Miracle in Venice... I'll come to you. Remember, the Fallen Angels and the Demon Dukes are fierce. But for all we know, they could be attempting a full breach of the Barrier, allowing those from the hierarchy above them to enter. Be cautious, and have faith! Oh and by the way... keep a close eye on that Lord Baddesley... for a normal human being to have forged a Faustian Contract is incredibly serious and dangerous, especially if he's manipulating others to do the same."

With that, the screen went black and silence swamped the room. Kazuki stared at the blank screen as if waiting for life to once again flicker across it. His mind was hazy and although questions had been answered, he was left with many more.

"Why is it only the Legion Leaders have knowledge of the Miracles? How can Purifiers and Chanters support them if we know nothing about them?" Kazuki questioned, crossing his arms.

"I assume it's to prevent the Miracles from being confined, and allow them the freedom to pursue their purpose on Earth." Came Father Benjamin's response. "As Cardinal said, confinement could lead to other consequences unfavourable to the world and to the Miracles themselves."

That may be so but on the flip side of the coin, the consequences of such important information to be withdrawn to only a few... has resulted to the outcomes of today. If they had known who the Miracles were, they could have had help from fellow Purifiers and Chanters sooner. Could the consequences of today have been prevented? So, in the long run... which side of the coin would be right?

"But as our little nit-picker Kazuki pointed out, there are some kind of scriptures or books about them from Sages in the past!" Caitlyn remarked.

"Yeah... it was rather cunning how the Cardinal sneaked away from that topic." Jung added.

"Even so... we haven't the time to trouble ourselves with that, when we have other matters to attend to." Father Benjamin looked down at Iliana who remained still on the seat in front. "Iliana... are you alright?"

As if his words broke her from a trance, her body jolted into movement. She swivelled to one side on the stool, her arm rested atop the back of the chair and gazed at the timber flooring.

"In the past, I have always thought Yuki and I were alone within the arms of Unknown World. Now with Yuki gone..." Her voice slipped to a slight tremble at the sound of the dog's name. "...the Unknown World continues to unveil its secrets of complexity. Although I've lost someone dear... I have gained in other things." She scoffed lightly as a smiled ghosted her lips. "Whether those things are for the better or not... it just seems ironic. I never have been alone and never will be."

Considering all the things that had been said, Kazuki hadn't expected the girl to be more concerned about that. It seemed loneliness was her fear.

A gentle smile washed away the apprehensiveness from Father Benjamin's face. "When one door closes, another always opens."

"Yeah, and from now on Mul-Sonyeo... if you like it or not, you've got us." Jung chirped merrily.

Caitlyn laughed as she playfully punched Jung on the arm. "That sounded more like a threat Marchog."

"What...? No, it wasn't... was it?"

"It did sound like I haven't the choice." Iliana admitted with a smile.

"Eh? I totally wasn't threatening you... I meant, that even if you wanted us around or not... we'd still be there wherever you are."

Iliana's face screwed into a picture of confusion. "I really don't think that sounded any better."

Caitlyn chuckled once again. "My sweet Marchog... I think you're digging yourself a bigger hole."

Kazuki grinned as he watched Jung's buoyancy bring laughter into the room. Whilst they continued their banter, Father Benjamin turned to face him. His look of disquietude waved Kazuki's smile goodbye.

"I said I wouldn't say anything but... it doesn't seem right to keep this from you." The priest confessed.

Kazuki furrowed his eyebrow. "Keep what from me?"

Father Benjamin pointed his index finger to him as a gesture to wait, before turning to the others. "Kazuki and I need to attend to small matters concerning the Cathedral's... up keeping. Now I appreciate and of course understand that we all have normal lives to live. But after what we've been told this morning, I hope you'll agree with me regarding the protection of Iliana."

There was a subtle but notable awkward shift from the girl in question, which the priest clearly spotted when he continued his reasoning directly at her...

"I realise it'll be a hindrance, but for the sake of the world's balance—"

"I completely understand." Iliana interrupted. "However, my concern is for the others... surely babysitting a girl like me would be challenging in many ways."

Kazuki almost snorted into laughter, but somehow managed to control himself by biting his bottom lip as hard as he could. Although it seemed he was unable to retain an amused expression when the girl directed a brusque question at him.


"I didn't say anything." He responded, restraining an impish grin.

The girl's eyes narrowed in a threatening manner. "You didn't have to."

He shrugged casually. "I just've become more of a conundrum of late."

Her eyes thinned further. "You know... I have a conundrum right this minute, and it's whether I should slap you now or later."

"You weren't so hesitant the first time."

He noticed a devilish smile brush subtly across her lips. "Well... I'm a little apprehensive to get too close to you, especially when you attempted to kiss me."

Jung and Caitlyn's loud intake of breath rippled past Kazuki's ears, he ignored their stunned expressions and grinned from her remark.

"Do you regret that I hadn't?"

She laughed. "Do you?"

He regained his stony mien, he swayed from giving a direct answer. "Wouldn't that start tongues wagging?"

"Holy monkeys dressed in leather... when did all this happen? And where the heck was I?" Jung cried out in disbelief.

"Well... I've clearly missed out on something here!" Caitlyn remarked, sounding left out.

Kazuki and Father Benjamin slipped out of the room in the height of Jung and Caitlyn's excitement.

The corridors of the Cathedral were bustling with passing priests, choir singers and other people related to the keeping of the religious building. It was after all Sunday morning, and the first mass was imminent, but Father Benjamin was taking Kazuki to the other side of the large arcaded cloister garden.

"So... what is it you've been keeping from me?" Kazuki questioned, as Father Benjamin led him down a stoned corridor branching from the cloister.

The priest paused in his tracks and turned to face him with that same discomposed expression across his face, making him look ten years older than he really was.

"I made a promise as a priest not to say anything to you about this, but considering we are friends... such promise is null and void. The room on the left will be of great interest to you." Father Benjamin declared, pointing down the short corridor. "I would stand with you however, I must return to my religious duties... besides, this would probably be a matter you want to deal with personally. I'll talk with you later."

Kazuki knitted his eyebrows. The priest's words were more elliptical than his own way of speaking and quite indecipherable. Father Benjamin patted him hard on the shoulder as if mutely saying 'good luck' and without further ado walked away from him. What the hell could be more important than finding Lord Baddesley and finding out his plans?

He stood in front of the metal studded mahogany door, muffled voices could be heard from the other side which silenced after his firm knock. He didn't have to wait long for the door to grunt open, but he was most surprised to find Mr. Dancey to receive him.

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