The Mysterious Mr. Black

By therandomantic

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There's something about Mr. Black that Michael cannot point out. When he started working for him, buried mem... More



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By therandomantic

Chapter 8

I just pressed the up button of the elevator and the door instantly opened. I stepped inside and was surprised to see Mr. Black. It seems like we're gonna go in the office at the same time.

"Good morning sir." I said but he didn't reply or even nod. It's the usual treatment we get from him. But why do I even bother? Just because I slept in his place doesn't mean he's getting friendlier.

Once the door to the elevator opened, I gave way so that he can get out of the elevator first. I watched his back as he waltz into his office. I can see coworkers acting at their best that I almost want to laugh. So this is what Mr. Black see first thing in the morning.

He entered into his office and I sat into my chair when the intercom buzzed.

"Mr. Flynn. Into my office now." Of course I obliged the boss' order and went into his office.

"Yes sir?"

"You're late." He said. I'm what? Does he have an amnesia or a mental problem? We just met at the elevator a while ago.

"But I'm not late sir." I defended myself.

"I didn't see you in your chair when I entered into my office. That means you're late."

Because I let you walk first you idiot!

I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I can do this. I can do this.

"We met at the elevator sir. Didn't you see me? I even greeted you." I faked smiled. This bastard doing some bastard things again.

"Yeah. But I'm talking about me entering the office first. That means I'm earlier than you."

Asdfghjkl! Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! I badly want to stab his eyes with my ballpen.

"Okay." I surrendered. I don't have the guts to argue with him right now.

"Okay." He replied.

"Okay." I replied back and turned towards the exit when he called my attention again.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

Dammit it slipped from my mind.

"Your coffee sir." I bit my lip for my stupidity. Even though he didn't said a word, I can hear the voice of Walter White from Breaking Bad saying: you're goddamn right.

I sprinted my way to the coffee shop. This is the second time I forgot his goddamn coffee. Once I got into the building, I hurriedly went back to his office only to bump into Mr. Black when I opened the door.

Mr. Michael Flynn is officially dead at this very moment. He lived a very dull life.

"What the fuck?" He shouted in pain as he remove his coffee soaked tuxedo. The coffee is still hot and I knew for sure that I scalded his skin. Lord have mercy! Who knoes what's gonna happend to me?

"I'm gonna get some ice." I immediately went to the office canteen and scoured some ice. The closest thing I got is a frozen canned soda. The company clinic is  located at the first floor. It will take time to get there.

I returned to his office and I found him without his shirt on. I know that Mr. Black looks strong even when he's wrapped up in his suit but I didn't expect him to be this ripped. I think he should have been a model. He's looks like an exact replica of those classical sculptures. Every muscles are defined and aesthetically pleasing but what the heck, I'm here to alleviate his suffering.

I gave him the cold canned beverage. He furiously grabbed it from my hand and applied in on his abdomen. The affected area is now turning red. I stood there waiting for his next move or remark. I can already taste blood from biting the inside of my cheek.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" He asked exasperatedly.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to-" He threw his clothes on my face to shut me up.  It's funny how the scent of his cologne and the coffee complements each other as they invade my nostrils.

"Buy me a new outfit. Any brand will do as long as its not cheap and ugly." He handed me his credit card and gave me no further instructions. I took the clothes with me and wasted no second to obey his order.

Once I got out of the office. Everybody was staring at me. They must have heard the wailing of devil and wants to know if I am fired or not.

"What are you looking at? Get back to work!" All this nosey business is starting to annoy me. I'm like their living bet.

Hey Michael, Are you fired?
When will you be fired?
I don't know.
Why aren't you you fired yet? 

See what I mean? Is doing a good job not a valid reason? I didn't go to college but I know I'm smart. I just let my stupidity take over sometimes. But you know, I'm still a damn good secretary. My reports are accurate, I don't forget important details and I always get the job done.

I saw a dry cleaning shop nearby so I decided to take his clothes there using my own expense. I don't wanna use his credit card cause it might reflect on his bank statement. After paying for the services, I went to closest luxury store to buy him new clothes.

It was this time that I realized I never knew what his size is. His garments must have been custom fitted since I didn't see a size specification on the inside of his shirt.

I was exploring clothes at the expensive corner of the store and the salesclerk is just eyeing at me like I entered the wrong store. Yes it's true that I can't afford this brand of clothes but my boss can and I need to buy him a new set of clothing as soon as possible. So yeah, I'm gonna need his assistance or whatever since I don't know what goes well with what. In the end, I just grabbed what I think will suit Mr. Black. I chose a white polo for at least a change. I always see him wear black except this morning when we ate breakfast together. White suits him. It makes him look less scary.

When the salesclerk saw me make my way to the cashier, he trotted himself to my side as if to assist me to the payment center. This bitch.

"I don't need your help." I said as loudly as I can. I already know his intentions. Every sale they administered will get them a commission or if they go beyond their sales quota, a bonus will be given to them. He frowned but he aborted his attempt to accompany me to the cashier.

The transaction was fast and I heaved a sigh of relief when the terminal accepted Mr. Black's card. I'm still a little bit unsure even though I know that his card can handle a  large amount of sum.

I dropped by to the company clinic to get some ointment before going back to his office. I found him sitting on his chair busily typing, his biceps dancing with every movement of his fingers. He looks more intense and intimidating shirtless than in a suit. One wrong move and a punch will land on my face.

"I have the clothes now!" I raised my voice to get his attention.

"Good. Give it to me." He replied. His eyes still glued on the computer. I approached him and I can already see his reddish abdomen. I really scalded his skin big time.

"Here you go sir." I was expecting him to turn his attention to me but he just told me to leave the clothes on his table. I stared again on his florid skin. I can't just leave him in this condition. 

I placed his newly purchased clothes on his table. I'm not actually sure whether I would really do this but I opened the ointment anyway, dipped my finger in it and started to spread it on the affected area. Mr. Black was startled with the sudden skin contact.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked. Annoyed but not angry.

"It will help soothe the burn sir." I suddenly regretted my decision but what's done is done. I need to push through with this no matter how ridiculously awkward this is . I continued to rub the cream on his belly. How does he find the time to go to the gym to achieve this kind of well-toned abs? I feel like I'm caressing a smooth rock. 

"Are you gay?" he asked suddenly out of the blue.

"What?" Have I been staring to intently on his body?

"I mean do you like dick?" that's even worse. 

"No sir. Why would I even-" I removed my finger on his body. I'm starting to realize that what I did is straight out of a porn foreplay.  "I also got you some Tylenol. Drink that to lessen the pain. Your clothes are on your table and here's your card." I gave him his card and stepped away from him.

"If you will be needing anything I'll be right outside your office. Goodbye sir."  I need to get away as possible. 

"By the way Michael, you don't always have to call me Sir. It makes me feel old." 

"I'm accustomed to call my superiors 'Sir'. Sometimes I can't stop myself from saying it."

"As your boss I encourage you to call me by my name. I'm not a knight to be called sir."

"Okay sir." he doesn't look pleased with my reply. "By the way sir, I'm not gay."

"Okay." he replied almost like a sarcasm.

"Really sir. I'm not." 

"Sure. Whatever you say." he said still not convinced. I just let go of the matter. He is devilishly handsome and he knows it.

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