BoyxBoy oneshots

By ggluvj

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Thank you for giving my oneshots a read. It means so much. Most of these were written a while back so don't e... More

BoyxBoy oneshots
My Dog Loves Me
7 Minutes In Heaven
7 Minutes In Heaven (part 2)
No Sex For A Month
No Sex For A Month part 2
Secrecy Behind Rivalry
Secrecy Behind Rivalry part 2
Full Moon
Forgiveness On Both Knees By the Door
Pinky Promise
Pinky Promise 2
His Insecurity
Didn't Get To Say "I love you"
Happy New Year
Happy New Years part 2
Sweets Sweets Sweets
Sweets Sweets Sweets 2
Jace part 2
Zeke's First Christmas
Author's Note


16.6K 286 107
By ggluvj

Hey guys! I got a request for a new boyxboy so I spent hours writing it while I'm stuck at home, sick. I've been sick for a few weeks now and I have a lot of school work to catch up on. Hopefully you guys will enjoy this first part of this new boyxboy!

I'm sorry, but Sweets Sweets Sweets 3 might not be up at all because I have no idea how to continue it, and I might be taking that oneshot down unless any of my fans want to help me continue it by giving me some clues. ;)

Thank you so much for supporting me and I love my new fans! Thank you for reading!



Blood splurted out of his mouth as he coughed, grasping at the hole in his chest. He laid there in the cold wet sand, slowly taking in his surroundings. There was no one or anyone around. The night breeze that he loved was now a cold wind that blew over the sea. It smelled of salt and water. His clothes, hair, and skin smelled of salt and water.

My arms are hard to move. Jace thought to himself as his limbs were numb from the cold water. What happened?

“Help.” Jace tried saying, but more blood filled his mouth that made him cough harshly. His breathing came in harsh as he gasped for air. Why is my chest hurting so much? Why is so hard to breathe? Am I dead?

Fear gripped his already bleeding heart as he had one wish that he had not fulfilled.

“Oh god...” were Jace's last words as his heavy eyes closed for the last time.

(A week ago)

“Jace, you're such a fag!”

“You don't belong here!”

“Go away!”

Threats and comments were thrown at Jace as he stood there, taking it all in, staring straight at his mate. His heart tore piece by piece as his mate just stood there, glaring at him with disgust. Jace never expected himself to end up with a male mate, but he never cared whether his mate would be male or female. Shockingly, his mate turned out to be Damon, the Alpha's second oldest son.

Damon was always there for him, having his back and all when they had gone through training together during their early teens. At the age of 17, both of them learned that they were mates and there, the line was drawn.

(A year before)

“It can't be helped, Damon!” Jace exclaimed, feeling really attracted to Damon. Jace didn't understand why the wolf spirits would pair them together, but he did know that he always had a crush on Damon, although Damon was straight and he was bi.

Damon growled at Jace, using his Alpha tone, causing Jace to back away. “That's just fucking disgusting. I'm not a fag like you! I was okay with you liking girls and guys, but me!? I'm not gay!”

Jace didn't go after him as he felt the sharp pain in his heart. Damon was rejecting him and not wanting anything that was connecting them. His breath grew jagged and short as pain shot through him.

No. Damon, please don't do this! Jace begged to himself. His wolf whined as he too felt the pain, and soon the pain numbed. Jace took deep breathes, feeling sad and shocked. Damon hadn't severed their bond. Tears filled Jace's eyes as he knew that his life was going to be torture.

The year went on as Damon would push him, beat him, and threaten him almost everyday. No one seemed to notice Damon's actions towards Jace, but Jace had kept his distance, only glancing from far away.  On the outside, Jace would fight back, but inside, he was dying by every touch of rejection by Damon.

(Present time [a week ago])

“Don't try to take it to heart, Jace.” Jace's older sister, Jessica, said, glaring at the bullies and Damon. “They're just jealous that they couldn't get such a hot mate like yours.”

Jace gave her a small smile. “Yeah, one that doesn't like me back.”

Jessica shrugged her shoulders and took Jace away. “He's just stupid because he doesn't know what he's missing. He'll probably get jealous when you find someone new to replace him.”

“Like who?” Jace lifted an eyebrow, curious.

“I don't know. Are you top or bottom?” his sister asked.


She laughed out loud, confusing her brother.

“What's so funny?”

Jessica continued to snicker as she thought to herself, then looked her brother up and down. “Well you aren't bad yourself. I mean, girls are still after you like they are after Damon. There are also a few guys here and there, but in my opinion, if you actually do end up with Damon, you'd be bottom.”

“Why? You don't think I can top him?” Jace frowned.

Jessica chuckled and hugged her brother with one arm as they walked. “No, I meant as in position.” Jace blushed and blurted,

“What!? Of course I would be top!”

“Whatever!” Jessica exclaimed. “He's 6 foot 2, hot, tone with muscle and definitely bigger. As for you, you're only 5 foot 10, cute and handsome, with some muscle but not as define as Damon's, and strength wise, Damon is definitely stronger.”

Jace knew everything was true between them, but he couldn't imagine himself being bottom. He heard it hurt and it felt weird. He's dated a few males, but they had never gone as far as kissing. Blushing, he looked away from his sister.

I'm not bottom. I'm not bottom. I'm not bottom. Jace repeated in his mind as he went out for his usual jog. This time, he took a turn at the half way point, purposely making his jog a little longer. The turn would lead him astray from the path, but not too far from the pack territory. Jace loved jogging as it helped cleared his mind, but coming towards the end of the long path, he sensed something. They smelled of wet earth, pine, and anger. Something also didn't seem right about these wolves as they were getting closer. Quickly thinking of a plan, Jace turns around and ran back the way he came, but a big brown wolf had blocked his way. Another appeared at Jace's left. By their scent, Jace knew who they were.

“What do you guys want, Zack?” Jace called out, getting ready for the worse.

“Nothing really.” Zack came out from behind him, sneering with mischief. Jace could feel an evil vibe from him and the other wolves, and with that, Jace tightened his muscles, readying himself at anytime to turn.

“Then let me go.” Jace growled.

“Ah, nevermind. We do want something and that something is to get rid of all ass-fuckers like you in this world. None of you disgusting creatures should exist at all!” Zack shouted with disgust. “We know Damon doesn't like you. He hates people like you too. Of all people, you go for Damon when its clear that he had already severed the ties between you both. Are you really that desperate?”

Zack cackled with evil as he turned into his black wolf.

“People like you should never exist.”

And he attacked, but Jace was quick as he turned into his gray wolf and grabbed onto Zack's exposed stomach with his jaw. He quickly brought Zack down and cracked a couple of ribs with a crush blowing hit from his claw, but one of the brown wolves, named James, attacked Jace by the neck before Zack could receive that blow. James was about to crush down Jace's throat, but with having more strength, Jace ran and crashed James against a tree with his body. Both Zack and James whined in pain, although Jace was bruised as well, but Alan, the last wolf, refused to fight, knowing he too will lose. Instead, Alan turned tail and ran.

Jace didn't give chase, but continued to fight the wounded wolves until Damon and a few older warriors had arrived. Alan was closely tailing behind with a grin.

“What's going on!?” Damon demanded with his Alpha tone. He could tell that it was an uneven fight, but no one was to underestimate Jace's power.

“I-I don't know.” Zack telepathed to everyone. “We were just patrolling like usual when Jace came out of nowhere and attacked us. We-”

“Lies!” Jace barked. “You wanted to get rid of ass-fuckers like me, that's why you attacked me!”

Shocked by the name calling, Damon turned to Zack, making him flinch. “Is that true!?”

“Why in hell would I attack him!?” Zack tried defending himself. “He even attacked James and Alan!”


“ENOUGH!” Everyone flinched and lowered their heads in his authority as Damon glared deadly at his friends and ex-mate. “As reported by Alan, we will talk this through in the committee room with Alpha Dean and Beta Xan- where are you going, Jace!?”

Jace wasn't hearing it as he turned away and trotted home. Why in hell was Zack and his gang trying to get him in trouble with the Alpha? Enraged, Jace raced home because he knew Damon was running after him. Reaching one of his points where he hid some clothes, Jace turns back into human and grabs a pair of sweat pants under a pile of leaves.


Panicking that Damon was going to catch him, Jace slips the pants on and ran barefooted. Ignoring the branches and rocks in his path, Jace ran as fast as he could, but no one could out-run Damon the Demon as he pounded through the forest and caught up.

“Jace, stop!”

Jace closed his eyes for a second, refusing to let Damon's calling get to him.

“Jace, you better stop or I WILL sever our bond!”

Jace gasped and slowed down, but didn't stop. Damon was only a few feet away when he tackled Jace, knowing Jace would take off again if he let his guard down.

“Let go!”

“Listen to me first!”

Jace and Damon struggled for dominance over one another, each receiving a couple punches to the face. Damon finally locked Jace's legs with his as he holds Jace's hands above his caramel head. Both of them were out of breathe, but obviously, there was excitement in both their brown and blue eyes. Jace felt the pull towards Damon and tried not getting hard as his mate sat on top of him, holding him down. It had been months since they spared with each other and it triggered something, but Damon had clearly shown that he wasn't interested in guys.

“Why did you attack the guys?” was Damon's first question, which was no shock to Jace. The question only brought anger and disappointment in him, making him struggle again.

“Answer me, Jace!”

“Why should my answer matter, huh?” Jace spat out, taking Damon by surprise.

“Because-” Because it matters to me, was what Damon wanted to say, but he knew he had hurt his mate too much that he didn't deserve to get an answer.

Jace looked at him, waiting for his answer, but Damon only stared back. Jace frowned and looked away, knowing he'll embarrass himself by breaking down with pain, but Damon didn't deserve anything from him for how he was treated.

“I didn't attack them.” Jace said, looking away with anger and pain in his heart. “I only defended myself because Zack said...” Jace's throat got caught by a lump as it hurt being called names.

Damon waited patiently for him to finish as he sensed that Jace was upset and angry. He too felt pained as his mate himself was about to break down, but refuse to in front of him. Has he ever cried to another male? Loved another male? Damon wondered, but shook his head as he felt disgusted just thinking that.

“What did Zack say?” Damon demanded. He, needed the answer.

“Does it matter?” Jace replied calmly. “It'll only be reported that I attacked them for bullying me. I'm not weak by myself, that's why I attacked, is what they'll say in their defense. Obviously, my answer won't matter because I was stronger.”


“Get off, Damon!”

Taken back by his words, Damon got up and watched as Jace got up and walked away with his head high. Damon knew the pull in his heart as sadness filled it for Jace. Damon felt guilty of putting Jace through pain and hell, and he knew for sure he wasn't gay, but is Jace an option to change?

Damon hadn't heard from Jace in a while, even though they live on the same turf. Trying not to worry, Damon kissed his girlfriend hard, tongue and all. She moaned and leaned in, putting in a little too much effort to get him to moan, which kind of disgusted Damon. He pulled back and faked a smile. Wendy smiled and looked at him darkly and seductively.

“What was that for?”

Damon shrugged his shoulders and hugged her with one arm, but Wendy wouldn't let him get away with it as she pestered him.

“Tell me, baby.”

“It's nothing.”

“Aww, there's got to be something behind that kiss.” Wendy pouted. Then she smiled wickedly. “Did you want something in return? Like a BJ or something even better?”

Damon got up and shook his head. “Not today, Wendy.”

“Why, honey!?” Wendy whined. “You've already made me all wet and you're not gonna take responsibility of that?”

Trying not to show his disgust at her continuous begging, Damon tells her, “No.” and walks away. What did I find attractive in her? Damon wondered before running a hand through his light blonde hair.

Wendy wouldn't have it though as she ran up to him and tackled him to the ground from the back. She started kissing the back of his neck, then up to his ear where he was sensitive, but Damon rose up like a tree, making Wendy fall to the ground.

“Ow! What was that for?” Wendy cried out. “That hurt.”

“Well that was your own fault.” Damon replied nonchalantly, wiping away the dirt on the front of his shirt.

“But I want you, baby.” She gave him the puppy eyes. “Is it bad that I want my big and bad Alpha to take me right here right now?” she lifted her legs to show her wet panties under her mini skirt. The scent of arousal was in the air and Damon could not help but look at her like she was going crazy. What does it take to get a girl to simply understand no!? He desperately wanted to get away from her, but there was no other way, except one ugly move.

“Stop, Wendy.” Damon said as he stood where he was while Wendy roamed his body with her hands and kissed his neck, leaving marks where they don't belong.

“And what if I don't?” she replied seductively.

“You know what, we're done.” He said, shoving her away from him.

“What? No! We can't be!” Wendy cried out, clinging onto him. “I'm sorry. I'll stop. Don't leave me, baby!”

Angry, Damon glared at her and used his Alpha tone on her to shush her up, but Wendy wouldn't give as she cried out in madness as to why they were over. Truthfully, Damon replies,

“I'm going back to Jace.”

The air was chilling, but it felt great on Jace's skin as the salty air hit his nose. The moon rose high in the sky over his head in the dark blue sky while high tides hit towards shore. The cliff by the beach was one of Jace's favorite places to be and it was calming as everything that had happened a few days ago passed through his mind and out into the open air like it was a dream. Jace hugged his chilled arms around his legs and breathed in the salty air.

I love this place so much. Jace said to himself. If only Damon wanted to be together, I could show him this place. He smiled to himself as he imagined Damon there with him.

I'm not a fag like you!” “I'm not gay!”

Tears blinded his eyes as he remembered the pain of Damon wanting to sever their bond of mates. Rejection hurt, but severing the bond was like killing yourself. I wonder if it hurts severing the bond myself. Jace blinked in surprise as he would actually think that, even his wolf inside disagreed. Both of them knew they really loved their mate.

A tear slid past his eyes and down his chin. “Maybe a fag like me doesn't deserve to live.”

“Then just die already!” A voice shouted from behind.

Jace jumped up to his feet and came to face Zack and his gang again. Zack chuckled as he looked at the surroundings.

“Beautiful scene you have here. No wonder we couldn't find you. You've hid here at the beach for a few days and stayed well hidden. Why's that? Hurt that Damon wasn't returning any of your feelings?”

His minions laughed as they sneered at Jace.

“I don't have any business with you. Leave.” Jace said in an intimidating tone, knowing he could beat them again. James and Alan hesitated, but Zack laughed it off. Courageously, he walked up to Jace and grinned evilly.

“We don't have business with you, but she does.” Zack pointed behind him and standing there was a beautiful girl with blonde hair. Jace immediately detected something was wrong.

“What business does she hav-”

“I actually have a name and it's Wendy.”

Jace frowned and turned back to her. Clearly, he had already known who she was. “Don't you already have Damon? Why are you here?” He knew something was off as he was cautious of all their presence. She was just as evil as they were. Then she smirked and held up a gun towards him and replied,

“I want you dead.”


The tides washed to shore and carried many things to the sand to be hidden, and a body would take a lot of time to be buried, but water and sand continuously ran over it until was far enough for water to only reach up to touch his caramel blonde hair. Blood spilled from his wound as he laid there, unconscious. Morning was slowly arriving, but he still did not get up. His skin dried up, shriveled up like a prune, and his heart still beat slowly.

Blood splurted out of his mouth as he coughed, grasping at the hole in his chest. He laid there in the cold wet sand, slowly taking in his surroundings. There was no one or anyone around. The night breeze that he loved was now a cold wind that blew over the sea. It smelled of salt and water. His clothes, hair, and skin smelled of salt and water.

My arms are hard to move. Jace thought to himself as his limbs were numb from the cold water. What happened?

“Help.” Jace tried saying, but more blood filled his mouth that made him cough harshly. His breathing came in harsh as he gasped for air. Why is my chest hurting so much?Why is so hard to breathe? Am I dying?

Fear gripped his already bleeding heart as he had one wish that he had not fulfilled.

“Oh god...” were Jace's last words as his heavy eyes closed for the last time.


Is someone calling me?

Oh god, Jace.

Who's calling me?

Come on! Open your eyes!

Who are you?

Jessica! Help! Oh god, Jace, I'm so sorry.

Damon? Is that you? Where are you?

Jace, I'm right here. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please, please don't leave me!

Am I dead?


I'm sorry, Damon. I think its too late.

Jace? JACE!

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