Pocket Sized |mini bts x read...

chimmtea tarafından

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bts fantasy au | y/n decides to visit the park near her apartment, then she suddenly finds some very cute poc... Daha Fazla

1 ~ First Meeting
2 ~ Tiny
3 ~ Cute
4 ~ The Plan
5 ~ Long Day
6 ~ Surprise
7 ~ Sadness
8 ~ School
9 ~ Finally Together
10 ~ Adventure
11 ~ Cry
12 ~ Love
13 ~ Leave
15 ~ You're Our Home
Thank You ~ A/N
Book Two ~ A/N

14 ~ Home

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chimmtea tarafından

You felt your heart shatter at yoongi's words, he was right, they were done now they could go home. You hadn't realized that with finding this flower that meant that they would be leaving you.

You felt happy for them. They could save the tree and their home, but your heart was also hurting since you knew what that meant. That they would leave. A part of you, a small part of you wanted you to ask them to stay, but you knew that would be selfish of you. You knew you couldn't ask them to do that. So, when you heard jimin and taehyung crying you simply gently patted both of their heads with your finger.

"don't cry you two" you said in a soft voice but it seemed like your words weren't going to work as they continued crying.

You noticed the others had tears in their eyes as well and you felt your heart hurt again but you smiled though the pain you felt in your chest. You had to be strong, you didn't want them to worry about you.

"come on guys cheer up, now you can help everyone back home right" you smiled and they all looked up at you.

"y-yeah" hoseok sated while he vigorously wiped away his tears.

"well how exactly do you guys get home" you asked trying to stop the tears from forming in your own eyes.

"we need to go back to the pond that was our entry point, it is probably near the park where you found us" jin stated

You took out your phone while you began searching up the flower park where you first met the boys. You zoomed into the map looking for anything in particular that could have been what jin was referring to but so far you only saw different flower beds and the small hiking trail.

But as you looked at the map and you moved towards the middle of the park you noticed something "well in the middle of the park there is this fountain type pond, do you think that could be it"

"we will know when we get there, if I try to open the portal and it works then it's the one" yoongi stated.

You felt your eyes water, they were really going to leave.

"well how about we say goodbye to everyone"

Then you watched the tears form in their eyes but they all nodded.


You knocked on yugyeoms door while the boys were all held in your sweater pocket. yugyeom opened his door and he smiled "oh hey I didn't hear you when you got home, what's up"

yugyeom noticed the tears in your eyes and looked at you concerned but a voice quickly spoke

"we found the flower, we were looking for so we will be heading back now. We just wanted to say thank you for all of your help" yoongi stated

yugyeom was in shock and he was going to ask if you were okay but you simply shook your head. You didn't want to make a big deal and you definitely didn't want any of the boys to worry about you.

Yugyeom seemed to understood the expression on your face and instead and he simply smiled "It was my pleasure, I hope you guys get back safe"

Namjoon lightly smiled at him and they all waved while you turned to leave. They all still had others they wanted to thank.


It was getting dark and you traveled down the street. You turned the corner and you saw a familiar apartment building. You walked into the small building and you pressed the elevator waiting. You heard a small ding and you walked inside making sure to press the right floor and you waited again.

Finally the doors opened and you walked out going to a familiar door. You knocked and you heard someone scream from the other side of the door "coming"

Then you heard loud footsteps and the door opened revealing a smiling jaehyun.

"hey y/n, so why did you need to come over. oh and I got taeyong to come like you asked" jaehyun said while he lead you inside.

You entered his kitchen and you noticed taeyong sitting at jaehyuns table as he sighed looking slightly irritated that you called him this late at night.

"why did you call me out here it's late" he grumbled as jaehyun sat down beside him.

"I-I found the flower" you stuttered out with a small smile. Jaehyuns eyes widened as he realized what that meant but taeyong groaned out

"did you drag me out here for that, well what was it anyways"

You chuckled while you answered "the dandelion"

Taeyongs eyes widened while jaehyung looked shocked as well "it was literally a dandelion, like a common weed found everywhere and that's what you were looking for" taeyong said in disbelief.

Then a small voice spoke "yeah y/n told me you found it, thank you. Also we came here to thank you as well jaehyun" jimin yelled popping up from your sweater pocket.

Taeyong screamed in surprise and fell off his chair.

Taehyong looked at your sweater pocket in disbelief "fill him in would you" you chuckled while looking at jaehyun and he nodded while you began leaving the apartment.

"t-tiny w-what" you heard taeyong stutter right before you left.


Before you could start heading to the park you heard a small voice

"c-can we look at the moon and the beach one more time" taehyung pleaded and you smiled while you felt your heart hurt a little, one more time. You knew this would be the last time you could do this with them.

They had grown found of the beach but they especially liked the moon considering they didn't have anything like it back home.

You smiled and sighed "yeah, I think that would be a good idea"

You arrived at the beach and sat down taking the boys out of your sweater pocket and placing them beside you, you looked at the water and you felt a rush of emotions. For once the calming waves brought you a feeling of sadness as well when you realized this was the end.

You would have to say goodbye soon.

You were sitting and wondered when the boys would want to leave but as if he read your mind yoongi spoke

"we can leave early tomorrow morning so people won't be at the park, I just want to enjoy looking at this view one more time"

"sounds good" you gently laid down and you stared at the stars as you tired to push away the sadness you felt. Again, the selfish part of you wanted them to stay but you knew it was wrong of you to think like that. Even if you grew attached to them you knew this was their chance, they could finally go home...they were going to go home. 

Okumaya devam et

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