Beyond the Mask - A Bakugan f...

Od real_rlm

4.4K 95 32

She just wanted to play with the higher ranked Brawlers. Never in a million years would she have thought she'... Viac

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

193 5 3
Od real_rlm

"What the hell was that Amari?" Kumiko stood in front of her, hands balled into fists on her hips.

The battle ended shortly after Kevon's Scorpio fell victim to the black portal that appeared mid-battle. The boys didn't put up much of a fight, instead choosing to forfeit not long after the battle began.

The two stood beside the fountain, now fully alive and flowing with its giant gusts of water. They hadn't moved far from he spot where the battle had begun.

Amari shifted her weight.

"Nothing, I just used a different card this time around."

Kumiko wasn't buying into it.

"What card was it?" she demanded.

The card had mysteriously returned to Amari's hand after teh battle conceded and they returned to the park. She quickly tried hiding the card behind her back, but Kumiko caught her wrist. She plucked the card out of Amari's hand and took a look at it.

"What kind of card even is this?" She flipped to the back and stared wide-eyed at Amari, wild disbelief in her eyes.

"It's just some Field Card-"

"Just some-" Kumiko huffed and rolled her eyes. She shoved the cow skull card into Amari's face, making sure she could get a good look at it. "This isn't just some everyday Field Card you'd find at the market. And you know that."

She threw the card at Amari who just barely managed to catch it.

"What does it matter to you?" Amari snapped back. Kumiko glared and flared her nostrils with her next exhale.

"It matters because you sent one of Kevon's Bakugan off to who knows where and he ended the battle early!"

"You were the one who wanted to join the battle in the first place!" Amari countered. "I didn't ask you to."

"I joined," Kumiko began, "Because I thought it'd be fun. We haven't had a tag team battle like that since I first got into the game."

Amari bit back her next response. She hated to admit it, but Kumiko was right. They'd played a few odd matches against one another here and there, but it was right at the beginning when the two would always battle together. Amari had gotten into the game first, almost immediately after its conception and newfound popularity online. She then took it to school with her, where she met Kumiko. As the new girl, only in her first week there, she was desperate to make friends and Kumiko happened to be the only one really willing to talk to her and be friends with her. Even then, she seemed a little conceited and entitled, but Amari didn't mind. It was nice to have someone to sit with during lunch. The two would talk all things school related and the latest videos they'd seen on the internet. When Amari showed her some new Bakguan she'd picked up, nothing seemed as interesting. It was so early on into their relationship with one another, it quite literally the foundation of it, though they didn't often play with one another anymore.

Kumiko sighed. Amari thought to apologize, but Kumiko cut her off.

"Do you even know where that Scorpio went?"

Amari shook her head. She had to give Kumiko that. She hadn't put much thought to it until now, since Kumi brought it up.

Other kids online had all lost at least one if not more of their Bakugan, but they had never said where they were sent off to, only that they were gone. And Masquerade hadn't said anything about it to her either, not even a hint that it would make a Bakugan disappear from battle, only that she needed to use it to get on his side. But was that even worth the cost of a Bakugan's life?

"I needed to - to try it out-"

"Ohmygod, Amari, this isn't like trying on some new pair of shoes and walking around the store. This is someone's Bakugan we're talking about. You of all people should be able to understand."

Her voice sounded like a scolding, like she was disappointed. Amari didn't like it, but a part of her knew that Kumiko was right.

"Yea, you're right," Amari conceded. She looked down at the card and met with a pair of red eyes. What had possessed her to-

"You know, ever since you 'found' that new Bakugan, you've been nothing but a terrible player, Amari," Kumiko said. "You only think you're good because you have that new Bakugan and that stupid card. If it weren't for them, you'd be just like the rest of us trying to climb the ranks with these useless park matches. But here you are, still trying to prove something when you're not that special."


"Forget it, Amari. If you have to rely on such cheap tactics to become a good player, then what kind of player are you?"

The words hurt, stung more than what she'd just said before. In all the time she'd played the game, she had never once cheated, not even now with the card in her hand. If she lost, she took it as well as she could, and she never rubbed one of her wins in any of her opponents' faces. Even if she hadn't used Masquerade's card, Leonidas would have absolutely annihilated that Scorpio anyway; and Amari was sure that she and Leonidas would have held their own in that battle against those boys without Kumiko anyway. Her so-called "friend" had no right to say what she just did. Amari was furious, completely done with acting like a pitiful loser getting their hand slapped by some moral dilemma that her friend shoved in her face.

"Well, if you have a problem with my playing, then you don't have to join in on battles with me anymore. In fact, we don't even have to be friends anymore."

The words felt good to say, for a moment, but they didn't ease the pain that she felt in her chest.

"Fine," Kumiko replied, reaching down to haul her basket back into her arms. "I had to get going, anyway."

Amari didn't say anything as Kumiko shoved passed her, the elated feeling Amari had felt just moments ago drastically disappearing with each step Kumiko took. The pain in her chest became all encompassing; it was the only thing she could feel. It soon traveled to her head and squeezed at her throat until she could hardly breathe. What was wrong with her?

Amari looked down as she felt a push at her hand. Leonidas broke through the gaps in her fingers and flew up to Amari's eye-level.

"What happened? Why did the battle stop?"

She stared openly at the Bakugan but didn't say anything.

"Why are you - what is coming out of your eye?"

Her vision had gone blurry. She swiped her hand by her eye, and – she was crying.

"Nothing, sorry." She coughed, hoping to clear her throat but to no avail. She could still feel the tightness at her neck. She turned away from him as she wiped the rest of them away before they could spill over. "Kevon's Bakugan was taken by that black portal thing and he decided to end the battle early."

"A black portal? Where did that come from?"

"I don't know, I-" Amari hiccupped. A sob stuck to the back of her throat like paint to a wall; she coughed again, hoping to cover it up. Her Bakugan followed her as she took a seat at the fountain, landing just on her knee. Amari took a moment to breathe, to compose herself once again, before speaking. "I think it was the card that Masquerade gave me that caused it to appear."

Leonidas didn't respond at first, taking in everything that she said. She laid the card down next to her on the fountain. It's cow skull depiction still looked evil and haunting, even in the growing morning light.

"I don't think we should use it again," she said, breaking the silence between them.

"And why not?"


The Bakugan jumped down from her leg and wobbled onto the card.

"Kevon lost his Bakugan in that battle. His Scorpio is gone."

"This card helped us to win that battle, Amari." He turned up to her and she stared down at him.

"How so?"

"You didn't feel it?" He asked.

"Feel what?"

The entrance to the battle had felt like any other she'd gone into before, the same blinding light, the same compression of her chest; but now that she thought about it, things had felt a little – off – since she played that card. She had felt it more on edge, more irritated; she became obsessed with winning that she hadn't really noticed that slight change. Even after the game now, she still felt on edge. When Leonidas had entered the field, he brought with him an incomparable amount of energy that sent Amari off to a whole other playing field.

She had felt it. She felt that something Leonidas had been talking about. But was that feeling really from the card? Could it really have down that to them?

"I don't know,"

The Bakugan moved in such a way that Amari thought he'd be giving her a disappointed look.

"This is the way to get Masquerade, isn't it?"


"Isn't he the one who will also bring us to the Bakugan Battle Brawlers?"


"Weren't you the one who promised we'd battle against that Dan Kuso?"

Amari sighed, rubbing at her forehead.

"You're right, but I just-" Amari took a deep breath and let it out in a slow exhalation. "I don't know if I can see another Bakugan get sucked into one of those portals again. What if it happens to you?" she asked, almost beginning to sound hysterical, even to her own ears. "Masquerade never said that it wouldn't happen."


The sound of her name in his deep voice calmed her fraying nerves. She met his eyes.

"It won't happen to me," he promised. "We're partners. I know you'll look out for me just as I look out for you."

Amari's heart warmed at his sentiment. Of course they were partners. Even though her and Kumiko had cut ties, she still had Leonidas by her side, reminding her of what they needed to do.

"You're right," she said, scooping him up into her hands. "We're partners. Nothing's going to change that."

Looking down at the card now, the cow skull didn't seem so terrible, it's red eyes more so fueled by fire than an evil intent. Maybe she could still use the card. She didn't plan on adding it to her usual assortment of cards she often used for battling; she only needed to use the card enough to earn Masquerade's trust. Then she'd be able to face up against the Bakugan Battle Brawlers! Just like she's always wanted to. After that, she could ditch the card and forget that any of this ever happened.

"Ok," Amari determined, standing up from her spot with a new sense of invigoration. "Let's go find another player to battle against."


Masquerade entered the dimly lit elevator and punched in the number to take him to the bottom floor. He hadn't been entirely sure of this base when they first shelled it out. Everything seemed so dark and damp at first, but now it all seemed so fitting.

The elevator chimed a distant tone as it reached the bottom floor. The sliding door opened to a grand room of shadow, illuminated only by the monitor that covered one of the walls, floor to ceiling. It glowed a soft blue, a silhouette of a figure stood before it, a file pulled up in front of him on the screen.

"Checking on your special recruit again, huh, Marduk?" Masquerade teased as he entered the ill-lit quarters. The other masked boy didn't turn at the words, too absorbed by what was in front of him.

"She's battled for a week straight and hasn't lost a single battle. And you should see-" he tapped the screen. From behind, Masquerade could see another window had come into view, covered in lines of data too small for him to read from his vantage point. "She's sent twenty Bakugan to the Doom Dimension just this afternoon!"

Astonished, Masquerade pushed past Marduk to see the numbers.

"Incredible," he breathed, scrolling through the battle data.

"She has quite the interesting Bakugan, and battle tactics, doesn't she?"

"She does," Masquerade mused. "I can see why you chose her as a prospect."

There wasn't anything entirely worthwhile about her battle strategy; she definitely didn't take advantage of certain Type Based Strategies as more prestigious players of her caliber often drifted towards, her being a self-proclaimed Darkus user and all. However, there was something about her Gate Card placement and which Ability Card she chose to play always caught her opponents' off-guard, and they always seemed to fit perfectly in tie with her Bakugan too. The attention to detail with her moves and the timing – she really was a talented player. Just the sight of her battles made Masquerade want to take her on himself, but there was something else that Masquerade couldn't get off his mind.

How had Marduk been able to find her out of every other Bakugan player, and what about her made Marduk choose her to give a Doom Card to?

Masquerade wanted to ask, and he would have, but he didn't need Marduk knowing of his own keen interest in her.

"I was actually thinking," Marduk began, turning to his companion, just when the elevator door slid open behind them. From all the shuffling clothes and noise, neither of the boys had to put too much thought into guessing who it was.

"Yo, Masquerade! There you are! Haven't seen you around here in ages dude!" Komba shouted in the small space. The Ventus player came bounding over to the two masked boys from the elevator.

"Komba, please, he has his own dastardly schedule to keep up with, of course he doesn't have time to hang out with us lackies," the condescending tone came from none other than Klaus von Hertzon. The top rated Bakugan player sauntered in the middle of the room, the blue light giving him an annoyingly ethereal appearance. He posed with his hand on his hip and a smug expression on his face.

Masquerade would've given anything to wipe that slimy look off his face. Klaus might've been a good player, one amongst the top ten, but Masquerade hadn't spent the last few weeks climbing the ranks in his own way to have to deal with such an impetuous underling. He deserved to have his Bakugan sent to the Doom Dimension; such a fine Bakugan as Sirenoid would serve well to boost Hydranoid's power. If only Marduk would allow him to pile drive the arrogant boy into the ground, then all would be right with Masquerade. He supposed he could tolerate Klaus until he was of no further use. Masquerade just hoped that day would come sooner rather than later.

"Speak for yourself," Chin Lee's whiney, high pitched voice ran through the bunker. She came up behind Klaus and stood next to him with her arms crossed. "I've had more assignments than you can even count. I even had a battle against Dan Kuso."

She wasn't above bragging, through Masquerade didn't mind, oddly enough, at least not so much as Klaus. Chin Lee at least had some power to back up her fire.

"What! How come you get all the cool assignments?" Komba grumbled, turning his attention to Chan before whipping back around to Masquerade. "Why don't you send me on any cool mission, huh Masquerade? Don't you know how badly I wanna beat the Battle Brawlers too?"

Klaus answered for him with a chuckle.

"Why would Masquerade assign such an important mission to a petulant brat like you?"

Komba practically growled as he turned towards Klaus.

"You take that back!" he demanded.

"You know it's true," Klaus went on to add. "You and your temperamental Bakugan couldn't even take on a subpar Bakugan, let alone one of the Battle Brawlers."

Komba all but lunged at the taller boy, shoving his finger directly into Klaus's unflinching face.

"Oh yea? Well I don't see you taking on any assignments either! What's the deal with that?"

Klaus shoved Komba's hand away with a look of disgust.

"Because I'm not some petulant brat who needs their missions broadcasted in front of others for an ego boost. I do have class, you know."

Masquerade rolled his eyes behind his mask. If only Komba knew that Klaus had practically skipped with merriment all around the bunker when he heard about the mission Marduk had assigned to him. Class was one thing, and Masquerade would give him that, but professionalism was another, of which Klaus surely lacked.

"I'm assuming that means you took care of the little assignment we gave you?" Marduk interjected on the boys' quarrel.

Komba snapped to attention at the sound of Marduk's voice.

"Of course," Klaus said, calm and casual. "Marucho didn't even get to play a card before I took his precious Preyas away."

Komba gasped and turned back towards the other boy. He jumped closer to Klaus, sticking his face up into Klaus's space.

"What! Are you serious? You got to battle Marucho? Why didn't you tell us anything? Why didn't you bring me along? I could've helped you!"

The taller boy grimaced and shoved Komba away again. He adjusted his jacket, as if Komba left disheveled, and wiped his sleeves clean of Komba's invisible touch.

"I'm telling you now, aren't I? Besides, I clearly don't need the help of some brat who would only get in my way. I don't need you whining at me when you can't play your favorite Ability Card or something ridiculous like that."

Klaus's speech only seemed to rile Komba up more, despite the constant shoving he received. Chan rolled her eyes.

"You boys are so stupid," she said, under her breath, but Komba didn't hear. He turned his attention back to Masquerade.

"What's the deal, Masquerade? You know that I can take on any Bakugan who comes my way! Why haven't you sent me to take one of them out yet, huh? Do you think I'm not good enough or something?" Komba all but shouted, his words reverberating on the bare walls of the bunker.

"If he didn't think you were good enough, then you wouldn't even be here," Chan spoke up, her voice edging on the side of annoyance.

"Oh yea? Then why haven't I gotten any cool assignments like the rest of you?" he continued shouting, the screeching sound of his voice grating more and more on Masquerade's nerves.

Masquerade glared at the shorter boy, though he knew Komba couldn't see the look behind his mask.

"You-" he began, but Marduk swiftly intercepted his retort.

"I have something just in mind for you, Komba," Marduk said, his voice sounding even, not effected by the commotion.

"Yes!" Komba shouted, pumping his fists in the air.

"But not yet," the other masked boy said, completely killing Komba's celebrations. Marduk continued, ignoring Komba's twisting expressions. "I actually have a mission for Masquerade to carry first, before I assign yours."

All eyes turned to Masquerade, who straightened and stood to his full height. He stared back at Marduk's beady red eyes, beaming through his black and white trimmed mask.

Masquerade hadn't heard anything of this mission before; him and Marduk always handled everything together in private. It wasn't that Masquerade was nervous or anything, but to have his business, to have Marduk give /him/ something to do, and in front of the others who battled for them - Masquerade felt exposed.

"Oh, this should be interesting," Klaus said, loud enough for Masquerade to hear. Marduk smirked, but didn't take his eyes off of Masquerade, a look that would have shook Masquerade to his core had he not the strength and confidence within himself. However, sometimes, he felt as though Marduk could see right through his mask.

"What is it?" Masquerade prompted.

"How about you take our newest prodigy out to meet the Brawlers?"

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