The Fringe Wars

Von RachelAukes

201K 23.1K 872

War looms on the horizon... After the colonization of Mars and Europa, it took us fewer than five generation... Mehr

Note from the Author


1K 157 1
Von RachelAukes

Frayed Standoff

Sol Base, Darios

"Marshal, the Unity and its complement has just emerged from jump and is less than three hours out. Laciam has two frigates and three destroyers more than us, plus a lot more trained dromadiers," Shauna reported from the Littorio.

In the Sol Base command room, Reyne shot a glance at Sixx and Sammy before turning back to the screen. "Be ready to jump if they start shooting. The same goes for the Houston. If they attack, they're going to take Sol Base, but at least we can prevent them from getting their warship and destroyer back."

She nodded. "We'll be ready."

"Until he shows aggression, give him no reason to believe that the Littorio and the Houston aren't dead in the black. The last thing we want is a fight. Our goal is to negotiate an armistice."

She lifted a brow. "You haven't met Corps General Laciam yet, have you?"

Reyne scowled. "No. I heard he has an over-abundance of confidence."

She laughed. "You just described every citizen I've ever met."

"He may be hotheaded, but he's got to be smart to be the position he's in. I'm counting on him knowing what's best for the Collective and not come in shooting."

"Good luck with that," she said.

Reyne disconnected the comm.

"You really think they'll jump if Sol Base is fired upon?" Sixx asked.

"I have no idea," Reyne replied. "They have a bone to pick with the CUF, just like we do. Whether they stay and fight or run to fight another day... I just don't know what they'll do."

Hatha entered the room with Tully at her side. "I heard the Unity has reached our sector."

"It has, along with a full complement of frigates and destroyers," Reyne said. "We have three hours tops before they get here. That's assuming they're coming in close to talk and not just fire on us as soon as they reach firing range."

She frowned. "I'd like to think they wouldn't bomb their own food supply. Speaking of which, because of the CUF blockade, I've grounded all Alluvian and Myr transports in the docks."

"There's no blockade yet," Reyne said.

"I may have been a couple hours premature on my message; however, we both know there will be a blockade as soon as the Unity arrives."

"I bet the transport drivers are none too happy sitting in the middle of the war's hotbed," Sixx chimed in.

"They'll like it less if the food starts to rot in their cargo holds," Hatha said before turning back to Reyne. "I've already notified my brokers on both Alluvia and Myr that their current shipments are delayed due to the CUF's blockade, and they won't see another shipment until the transports can depart without being shot or seized."

Reyne spoke. "Having empty shelves in the grocery stores will certainly inspire citizens to call their senators and demand them to negotiate. Since you've never been linked to the torrents, you'll have a better chance at talking with Laciam. Are you good with that?"

"Of course."

"Stationmaster, Marshal, there's a ship that emerged from jump just outside our airspace."

"Is it CUF?" Reyne asked.

"No. It's broadcasting media codes." He ran his hands over the screen. "The captain says they're transporting Willas James of DZ-Five News, and he's requesting clearance to land under the Fair News and Reporting Act."

"Excellent. Let him land," Hatha said.

"Hold on," Reyne said. "Could it be a trap? Why would the press want to be on the ground rather than on board the Unity where it's much safer?"

"I don't know, and I don't care," Hatha said. "Having the Collective's news channel down here, on the ground, means that if the Unity fires upon us, everyone in the system will see."

"That's assuming he's not coming down here to put the Collective spin on what's happening here. Him emerging from jump right after the Unity can't be a coincidence. Don't trust reporters—not until you know who puts the credits in their pockets."

Hatha watched Reyne for a brief moment before turning back to Sammy. "Let him land." She then turned to her guard. "Tully, have him brought to the control room. Have extra security on hand in case he tries something."

Sometime later, Willas James arrived with a cadre of camera handlers and Darion security forces.

Hatha moved to greet him first. "Willas James, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. I'm Hatha Satine, serving as interim stationmaster of Sol Base." She motioned to Reyne. "And, this is Marshal Aramis Reyne of the Fringe Liberation Campaign."

Willas shook both their hands. "I'm familiar with both of you. Thank you for allowing me to land."

"Why did you land?" Reyne asked bluntly. "Sol Base is about to become the most dangerous place to be in the Collective."

Willas grinned. "Which means it's the best place for a reporter to win a Halston Prize."

"True, though the CUF might not look too friendly on a reporter on the ground with torrents rather than up in the air on the Unity," Reyne said.

Willas looked offended. "I travel under the Fair News and Reporting Act. I report the news, and I go where the news is." He paused. "And I'm down here because Corps General Laciam wouldn't return my comm request."

Reyne smiled when the reporter said something that made the most sense about why he was in Sol Base.

Willas motioned to his camera handlers. "We're here to check things out firsthand. Is it true you have control of Sol Base?"

"It's true," Reyne said.

"The Darion people have reclaimed their colony," Hatha said.

"And what did you do with the CUF dromadiers who were here, as well as the crews of the ships above us?" Willas continued.

"They are being held as prisoners of war," Reyne said.

"I will give you a tour, so you can see all prisoners are being treated with respect."

"I would like that," Willas said. "Does that mean you took control of Sol Base without the loss of any lives?"

"Unfortunately, lives were lost on both sides," Hatha said. "Four dromadiers and fifty-eight colonists were killed on the ground, and we estimate three hundred and twenty-six dromadiers and thirteen colonists were killed in the air when Commandant Corll refused to stand down and negotiate. But those numbers will pale compared to the number of deaths if the Unity fires upon Sol Base, where there are over fifteen thousand innocents working at rebuilding the colony and shipping food to the Collective."

"Speaking of food," Willas continued, "will you cut off food to Alluvia and Myr, now that you're in control of Sol Base?"

"Absolutely not," Hatha said. "However, that's not up to me. I have transports sitting in Sol Base's docks right now, loaded with food, and they can't launch without risk of being shot down. I'm not going to risk the lives of colonists to have them try to sneak around a CUF blockade. Perhaps citizens will risk their lives to attempt circumventing the blockade."

"Stationmaster," Sammy announced. "The Unity has reached our airspace and has sent a comm request."

"I want to report this live," Willas said. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"No. I want the Collective to see what we've been facing," Hatha said.

Reyne said nothing, though his jaw was clenched tight. He didn't like reporters. They played with words and used video snippets to tell the story they were getting paid to tell. Reporters had made the torrents out to be the aggressors in the Uprising, and they'd done the same in the Campaign. He believed Willas James would be no different.

Willas tapped his wrist comm. "Hey, Sydney, I'm going to be sending you a live feed. Have Hanna start with the live feed and be ready to cut to me... Where am I? I'm at Sol Base, which has been taken by colonists, and Corps General Laciam has just arrived on the Unity... Yes, I'm serious. Drop everything else and slate me in for at least the next hour... Trust me, this will be a big story." Willas lowered his wrist comm and looked back to Hatha and Reyne.

Sammy opened the comm request, and Corps General Laciam's face appeared on the comm screen. Reyne made certain to stand out of the camera's field, and Hatha stepped closer to the screen.

"I am Corps General Laciam with the CUF Unity. You have seized unauthorized control of Sol Base and are hereby ordered to surrender immediately."

"Hello, Corps General. I am Hatha Satine, and I have been serving as interim stationmaster since the station was opened following the blight. I did not seize Sol Base. The Darion people held peaceful protests across the colony, and they were fired upon. My security forces arrested those responsible for killing unarmed people. The incident would've been over except that your Commandant Corll attempted to bypass legal standards and attacked the colony. We defended ourselves and acquired control of the Littorio and the Houston as a result."

"Those ships are the property of the Collective Unified Forces and must be returned immediately."

"Corps General, it's my job to do what I have to do to ensure the space docks are operational. I did what I believed needed to be done to protect the docks and innocent lives."

Laciam guffawed. "No. You participated in a wartime event, leading an attack on my ships and people, which makes you a torrent. I know Aramis Reyne is there. Put him onscreen."

Hatha sighed and took a dramatic step back.

Reyne stepped forward. "Corps General."

Laciam scowled. "Aramis Reyne, you are a war criminal, and you have willfully attacked the lawful protectors of the Collective. Your actions have led to the deaths of citizens and colonists alike. You will be judged for your crimes."

Reyne cocked his head. "You said it yourself: we're at war. I know who I fight for. I fight for the colonies, trying to protect them from getting blown up or from getting hit by the blight again—both of which were delivered by the ship you're now commanding. I fight to keep colonists from being shot during peaceful protests. Tell me, who do you fight for?"

"I fight for the Collective, of course, while you fight for secession from the Collective. You are a criminal whose actions have cost the Collective trillions. And now, you attempt to close off Sol Base—which means all of Darios—from the Collective. Sol Base is a territory of the Collective, and I will do whatever is needed to protect all the parts from its enemies."

Reyne held up a hand. "We're currently managing Sol Base with nonviolent force. That will change if you start shooting at us. Every shot you fire, you also risk shooting citizens currently in custody. Your own dromadiers are stationed on the Littorioand they, too, are here to protect Sol Base."

Laciam squinted then he chortled. "Conscripts." He practically spat out the word. "You have ten minutes to surrender yourself and peacefully turn Sol Base over to the rightful authorities, or you will be fired upon."

"Sol Base is already with its rightful authorities. It's with the Darions, not torrents, not dromadiers, Darions."

"You now have nine minutes."

The screen went blank.

Immediately, Reyne heard Willas speaking behind him. He turned to see the reporter with his back to Reyne and facing cameras. Reyne stepped out of the camera fields, but he suspected at least one camera had been on him the entire time and likely still was.

"Well, so much for negotiating," Reyne said as Hatha stepped closer to him.

"He didn't say if he'd fire on the ships or on us," Hatha said.

"I'd lay bets he's trying to zero in on where I'm located," Reyne said. He turned to Sammy. "Did you make sure the Littorio and the Houston got all that?"

"Every second you two were on with Laciam, they saw, too," Sammy replied.

"Marshal Reyne, a question," Willas called out.

Reyne waved him off, walked over to Sixx, and took a seat. "That could've gone better," Sixx said.

"Stationmaster Satine," Willas said. "How are you going to respond to the Corps General's ultimatum: surrender or be fired upon?"

"I certainly hope he doesn't fire upon Sol Base," Hatha said. "It's not only the bread and butter of the Collective, it's also my home. If he destroys the docks, everyone starves. There's no way around that."

As Willas and Hatha continued their discussion, Reyne spoke quietly to Sixx. "He's not bluffing. I hate to say this, but I'm thinking we raise the white flag."

"You do that, and the crews of Crazy's Coral and Blue Jay and all the other colonists who gave up their lives won't mean a thing." Sixx leaned forward. "Listen, we both knew it was a gamble going for Sol Base, but I think we've got to hold on to it. Let them bomb the docks. Then the citizens starve. We've still got New Sol."

"It's not big enough to feed half the colonies, let alone Myr and Alluvia," Reyne countered.

"Like I said, let the citizens starve. We'll figure out something for the colonies. We always do."

Reyne leaned back and rubbed his temples. He'd been counting on the fact that the CUF would negotiate, at least for the return of their crews and ships. Sol Base was crucial to the Collective. When it'd been hit by the blight and shipments were halted for nearly a month, the Collective had been thrown into a recession. Another month was all they needed before citizens would force Parliament to step in. Reyne hadn't been able to buy a full week.

He pushed back to his feet, feeling every day of his sixty-seven years.

"Three minutes," Sammy called out.

Reyne approached Hatha and Willas.

"Marshal Reyne," Willas began. "Stationmaster Satine says she won't surrender Darios to the Collective Unified Forces, or to what she's called 'bullies.' What do you say?"

Reyne looked at her, a bit surprised at her response. He turned to Willas. "She's right. The Collective has become a schoolyard, and colonists are tired of getting beat up and having all their stuff stolen. I'll defend Sol Base until my dying breath."

The comm screen chimed.

"Put him on," Reyne said, and he approached the screen. Meanwhile, he could hear Willas continuing his broadcast behind him.

"Your time is up. This is your last chance to surrender," Laciam said.

"Sol Base belongs to the Darions. I can't surrender their colony. There are lives at stake, both citizens and colonists. If you fire—"

The screen went blank.

Reyne spun around. "Where'd he go?"

"He disconnected," Sammy said.

"Tell the ships to put their shields up."

"The Unity has fired their phase cannons at Sol Base," Sammy announced.

Willas began speaking louder into the cameras, but Reyne ignored him.

"Where's it going to hit?" he asked.

Sammy started to answer, but he was cut off by a deafening sound. The ground quaked, and Reyne found himself knocked to the floor, covered by Sixx. When the vibrations stopped, Sixx helped Reyne to his feet. Dust flitted in the air, and two of the comm screens were cracked.

"That was close," Sixx muttered. "You okay, boss?"


"I can't believe it. The Unity fired upon us! This is Willas James of DZ-Five News. I'm standing here with my crew in the Sol Base station. As you can see, the blast just missed us. There are broken screens around me and chairs knocked to the floor..."

Reyne was impressed to see the reporter and his camera handlers on their feet and reporting so quickly after an attack. "Sammy, where'd they hit?"

"One hit the station, obviously. At least two hit Main Street, and, oh crap, one hit the docks. It looks like an entire concourse has been taken out."

"No," Hatha said, as Tully held her in place. "He can't bomb the docks."

"He can and he did," Reyne said.

The cracked comm screen chimed.

Reyne's lips thinned. "Put him on screen."

The crack down the middle of the screen set apart the two halves of Laciam's face, making him resemble Frankenstein's monster. The Myrad seemed pleased with himself. "As an act of mercy, I give you one more chance. Surrender, or you will be killed."

Reyne glanced at Hatha, who gave him a hard look. He turned to Laciam. "Never. Sol Base belongs to the Darions."

"So be it," Laciam said, and the screen went blank once again.

Reyne turned to face the others in the room. Willas, who was still speaking rapidly into the camera, was the only one who didn't look at him with dread.

"I wish we were at New Sol right about now," Sixx said drily.

Wrist comms chimed, and Reyne noticed Willas and his entire cadre all glancing down at theirs at the same time.

After a quick pause, Willas continued speaking, evidently still on live feed. "I've just been informed that we're now cutting over to Senator Etzel at an emergency Parliament session. He will be broadcasting live, across all channels. If you don't hear from me again, that means Sol Base has been destroyed. Take care, and stay safe, everyone."

As soon as the camera cut, Willas waved his hand in a circle. "Hurry and pull up the feed."

"I have it up," a handler said. She turned around her camera and tapped a couple buttons, and then the feed displayed on the comm screen. Senator Etzel, perhaps the oldest of all the senators, stood at a podium in a building Reyne did not recognize. His speech was already underway.

"... the Collective is greater than the sum of its parts. The loss of any single territory can cause irreparable damage to our way of life. If the war continues, we will lose Sol Base, if we haven't already, and the remaining fringe stations will soon follow the same tragic path. Therefore, Parliament has called for an immediate armistice so that we may discuss options with Seda Faulk and representatives of the colonies. We have informed Corps General Laciam of our intentions, and I, along with several representatives of Parliament, will be leaving immediately to travel to Darios. It is our hope that we can end this war and bring peace to the Collective."

Etzel stepped down from the podium, and a press secretary stepped up to take questions. Reyne looked around him, taking in the silence. "You hear that?"

"You mean the sound of us not getting blown up?" Sixx said.

After a moment, Hatha giggled and cupped her hands to her lips. She then turned to the reporter. "Willas James, I think you just saved all our lives."

Willas smiled proudly. "I just report the news."

"You'll also likely get a Halston," one of his handlers joked.

"Still dislike reporters?" Sixx asked Reyne quietly.

"They're growing on me." 


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