Mega Man Oneshots (requests...

By JustTheRandomReader

5.7K 76 87

I'm kinda bad with updates but I'll try!!! More

Favorite Ship (X x reader)
Requests are open again!!
Your World (X x Modern!Reader) [Fluff]
An apology to my readers
Long time no see

I'll protect you. (X x Reader)

2.5K 23 18
By JustTheRandomReader

Recently, the Maverick Hunter HQ assigned (Y/n) to a job deep in the outer woods of Abel City. There have been recent cases of both humans and reploids disappearing there, so she has been assigned to get to the bottom of it.
Only 2 humans have been found, but not a lot of information was received from them. They were both shaken up and suffered from extreme anxiety and PTSD from their mysterious incident.
   X and Zero weren't happy about (Y/n) being chosen.  She was a fantastic fighter,  even with her cheery, positive, and almost innocent demeanor.
But even with these facts, X and Zero can't help but worry for her. Both for her safety and well-being. And X couldn't bear to let her get hurt.
    Zero knew how much (Y/n) meant to X. And he was happy he had someone else to bring some joy into his life, with all the stuff he has to put up with. And although Zero doesn't have the same feelings for (Y/n) as X does, he still cares for her as he would for X.
      "Are you sure you'll be alright?", X asked (Y/n) concerned. She just completed her warm up session before her mission and was about to leave the training room.
          "I'm positive, X!", she chirped. "There isn't any evidence that the missing people are hurt, so there still is hope!" She exclaimed with a small fist bump. "Don't be so naive, (Y/n).", a deeper voice announced.
     X and (Y/n) both turned on their heels to be met by Zero, who was in the doorway. His stance gave off a calm and stoic vibe. He stood with one foot propped up, arms crossed, and both of his eyes closed.
   "Don't get your hopes up only for them to be crushed. The culprit could have disposed of any evidence himself.", he cautioned. This discouraged (Y/n) a bit. "Oh, okay then.
        "But (Y/n) you are right.", Zero added with a smirk. He opened an eye to make eye contact.
"There is hope." He stated.
        (Y/n) smiled. Zero could be a buzzkill sometimes, but deep down he truly is a nice guy.
              Zero stood up straight and walked over to where X and (Y/n) were standing, towering over the both of them. "But if you would like, X and I could help. We're both free today.", he offered. X nodded in agreement.
         "What?! Today is your Out Day!! I can't take that away from the both of you!", (Y/n) exclaimed with a twinge of guilt, gesturing to the males in front of her.
           Suddenly, X had an idea. "The day's only begun! Zero and I can move our Out Day to next week to match yours!", he said placing a fist on his chest as if he was making a promise.
          Zero smiled at his friend's idea. "Then we could all loll around and do whatever all together.", he added. (Y/n) pondered for a moment. "A-are you sure about that?", she asked fiddling with her fingers as avoiding eye contact.
          "Positive!", X practically sung. "We just want to help!".
"O..okay then!", (Y/n) nervously replied. X smiled at her flustered state. 'Cute.'


           X, Zero, and (Y/n) have just made it to the outer woods. However, there were 3 paths to be taken.
          "We should split up and contact each other if anything goes wrong.", Zero recommenced.
Both X and (Y/n) nodded in agreement. "What if something happens to your communicator again, Zero?", X asked.
          Zero smirked. "Commander had it upgraded. If it goes offline it will send a signal, if I'm in trouble I'll send an S.O.S.", Zero told his friends.
           (Y/n) sighed in relief. "See you guys later?", she unintentionally asked. "You sure will.", Zero said with a slight hint of cockiness.
           "I'll take the middle one.", X declared. "I've got the left one.", said Zero. (Y/n) smiled slightly. "Then I'll take the one on the right!".
            All three of the reploids nodded to each other and jogged down their path of choice.
    But someone else was watching them and making a decision. "The girl, yes definitely. But which way did she go?".

           As Zero quickened his pace a little, he noticed that the woods had been disturbed. There were marks in the ground as if people have been dragged around. There were broken twigs and fallen vines down the direction he was headed. He buzzed in on his communicator. "X, (Y/n), do you read me?", he asked.
       "Loud and clear!", they replied in unison.
"There's a great possibility the victims were dragged over here, I'll buzz in when-" Zero was cut off by a dull 'thump', as if someone was banging on metal.
'thump' 'thump' 'thump' 'thump'
           The beat of the thumps got louder and louder till the source could be seen, covered in both blood and torn out circuit.


       "Oh goodness me! I thought you were someone else! Forgive me please!", The strange reploid apologized.
"B-blood?! So he must be-"
       Zero prepared his Z-Saber. "Who are you?! And who are you looking for?!", he demanded.
      "My my~ a ferocious one are we? No matter. I'll answer your questions anyway."
       "My name is AT-A3, ADfor short. I'm just looking for a girl that caught my interest. She actually happened to arrive with you and that other Astro Boy. Could you point me in that direction, please?".
      Zero gritted his teeth, he knew exactly who he was talking about. "No."
      "My a stubborn one are we? I'd just thought I'd play some tag with her. And when I catch her I'll-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there you damned bastard. Don't lay a finger on her or that 'other Astro Boy', as you called him.", Zero threatened.
"Now then...", AD spat. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut you off from them.", He hissed. And like the Wolverine, 3 steel blades that were covered in blood emerged from his knuckles.
But luckily, Zero was not taking any BS today! Zero contacted X on his communicator.
      "Zero? What is it?!", X asked.
"X! Get to (Y/n) now! She's in danger! The Maverick is after her and- AGH!!!"
    "Zero? Zero?! Are you alright?! ZERO!"

'I'm afraid this communicator has gone offline."

          X stood dumbfounded for a moment. "But no S.O.S.?", he asked himself.
          No S.O.S. meant Zero wasn't in danger, so he must have some extra energy. "Please be okay Zero."
       X contacted (Y/n) immediately and asked her to stay put and hidden. If this thing can defeat Zero that easily then both him and (Y/n) hardly stood a chance alone.
      Once he got her coordinates he began to sprint over to where she was. It would take at least 15 minutes at that rate, they were too far apart.

TO (Y/n)

     (Y/n) sat under a willow tree hidden like X had requested. It was still and quiet, except for (Y/n)'s racing circuitry. All she could hear was her inner components palpitating within her.
    But unfortunately, her stalker was much faster than X. Much faster.
    She sat curled into a small ball, and could hear the rhythm of someone walking. 'thump' 'thump' 'thump' 'thump'
    As the thumps grew louder (Y/n) could make out a song in the tune of, 'Pop goes the Weasel'.

"Although you hide and are being petty~.
I'll find you my pretty~.
So come on out when you are ready. Come play with AD!!".

The thumps and song grew louder and louder until they were on the other side of the willow tree.
"You know, this is always the spot people try to hide in.", he purred.
(Y/n) prepared her weapons. In under a second, she lunged at the shadow on the other side of the tree and attacked. But to her dismay, AD had dodged her attack, and slammed her into a nearby tree.
(Y/n) stood up using the tree for support, but this 'AD' trapped her by pressing his body against her.
He held her wrist down in one hand and her chin up with the other, leaving her defenseless just like that!
'You know, you really are pretty. Maybe I can have some fun with you instead of just adding you to my collection.", he grinned devilishly.
Then forcing her down to the ground, he took out his claws, that were stained in red.
"No, no! NO! STOP!", (Y/n) begged. She hated being a damsel in distress. And now she can't warn X.
AD stuck his claws in her as deep as he could and slowly dragged his Wolverine claws across the left side of her torso and leg. Making her immobile.
She let out a weak and shrill scream, that was thought by her to not have been heard by anyone. But fortunately, she was mistaken.

To X

X rushed towards the source of (Y/n)'s scream. He found he was behind the maverick harming her, so he could get the jump on him. X charged his buster to the maximum, and before AD had a chance to turn around he fired. Knocking him far away.
X rushed to (Y/n)'s limp body. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?! Are you okay?! Please be alive!", he pleaded scooping her up as he sat on his knees.
She was barely conscious and only coughed to reply. X stood up and held her back in one hand and legs in the other. He began to run as fast as he could, away from that monster.
"X are you there?! Zero's communicator is down again!", Alia chimed in.
"Alia (Y/n) is hurt and can't walk! That maverick is after her!", X cried out. "OK! We're sending backup!", Alia replied.
(Y/n) shifted and whimpered. She knew she was helpless and she hated it. But now she couldn't do anything about it.
As X ran with (Y/n) in his arms, he ran straight into a cul-de-sac in the forest path. He tried to turn around but AD managed to chase them down and corner them there.
"Found you~" he sang. "Hand her over, now.", he demanded. X set her down carefully behind him and prepared his X buster. "N o".
"THEN YOU WILL DIE!", AD screamed lunging at him. But his attack never came. In front of him stood Zero, who just dropped a Sub Tank at his own feet.
     "Not on my watch!", he yelled slashing at X's attacker. Zero managed to land a hit on his right shoulder. AD held his injury and screamed out in pain. "X! Grab (Y/n) and get out of here! We have back up coming in a Bee Blader, so go! Run! Get out of here!", Zero ordered.
     X nodded and scooped (Y/n) up in a bridal position again. He sprinted into into the woods in an unknown direction until he grew exhausted.
      He slowed to a walk and found another willow tree much larger than the one he saw earlier. X figured he ran far enough. So he carried the hurt
(Y/n) and sat underneath it, laying her onto his lap to examine her wounds. "Your cuts are extremely deep, hopefully you can recover.", he said grazing his fingers ever so lightly over her injuries.
She whimpered.
       "Sorry..", X apologized. He didn't mean to hurt her, but at least she was somewhat conscious. He began to pet her hair to comfort her.
       'Hm...soft..", he thought.  She stirred, and opened her eyes. She groaned held her head. She attempted to sit up, but feel back down immediately holding her side.  "X?...X is that you?", she asked.
        "Yeah it's me don't worry we're safe. Help is on the way.", he assured her while continuing to pet her hair.
          "X?", she asked as if she had something to say.
"Yes? What is it?".
             "I'm sorry.", she apologized in a dismal tone.
"What?! What for? You didn't do anything!".
               "I got hurt and I put everyone in danger. And I worried you. It's my fault that."
      X pulled her into a gentle hug and buried his head into the crook of her neck. "Please, don't blame yourself for something you can't control. It messes you up, and I know that.", he choked.
    (Y/n) slowly and gently hugged back. "Please don't cry X, if you cry I'll cry.".
      X didn't listen. Silent tears began to fall down his face as he choked once again. "I c-care for you so m-much. P-please don't leave me. D-don't go...please. Stay here with us, I'll p-protect you. I-I promise.".
     (Y/n) began to cry as well. She always saw X as a close friend. But now she sees him as something more.
Finally, X's feelings are mutual.

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