Kitchen Fork - SpideyPool

By SugarSkullSnowflake

260K 11.5K 4.1K

Deadpool, aka Wade Wilson, has taken many different types of jobs in his day. However, he's starting to rethi... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 34
Ch. 35

Ch. 8

9.2K 403 143
By SugarSkullSnowflake

(This cafe was a great idea! What a wonderful first date!)

[It's not a date. We're working.]

(It's kinda like a date.)

[Not really.]

Getting the latte was probably the best thing about coming to this place, at least, in Wade's opinion. The place was crowded, dimly lit, he was overheating in his disguise, and he hated the music they were playing.


[At least we can see outside.]

(Yeah, but outside is all Peter is looking at!)

[And where else would he be looking? Us?]



('Cuz we're on a date!)

[It's not a date.]

Wade turned his attention to the teen in question. Peter was sipping on his mug of black coffee as his eyes were laser focused on the passing foot traffic. Wade thought it was funny how the kid already had a strong caffeine addiction. He didn't notice at first, but looking closer at his beautiful face, Wade could see the bags under Peter's eyes.

'Tony shouldn't have asked this kid to be on this mission. He looks exhausted... When do you think he slept last?'

[Ehh... I'd say it's been at least two days.]

(My money is that's he doesn't sleep a lot to begin with, even before this mission.)

'Thinking Tony pulls this type a shit often?'

(Maybe? He looks like he's used to this kinda thing.)

Peter seemed to hear Wade's thoughts, as he decided to speak up. "You know, Mr. Stark said you know a lot about these guys. I thought it was interesting since I haven't heard of Weapon-X before."

Wade felt himself stiffen.

(WHAT DO WE DO??!?!)



"Uhhh... yeah... They were a, ehm, not great group. You read the file I'm sure?" Wade directed the question to Peter, not really answering his own. He was praying that Peter would fall for it. 

Peter gave a face, which Wade though was hilarious. "Yeah I read it. But it just kinda gives basic info, then cuts off, saying it was eradicated five years ago!" He huffed out in a tired tone. "I dug as deep as I could, but somebody went out of their way to destroy anything involving them!"

(Yo! That was us!!)

[Made sure it all burned.]

(Killed every last one of them.)

'Scorched the earth of them.'

"Y-Yeah... it's been a mystery! That's why I'm here! Last known person to ever come in contact with them!" Wade hoped he sounded confident enough to convince the kid.

"It's just infuriating! How can we know what Hydra knows if there was nothing left to know!!!" Peter exclaimed, earning some weird looks from the other customers. Honestly, Wade though it was adorable how wound up the kid was.

('Lil bean!! He's so invested into it all! Look at how his eyes light up! Ugh!!! He's going to kill me!)

[Good. Maybe I'll have some me time.]

(Awww~ You love me!)

[Eat shit and die.]

(Ah. A poet!)

'Shut up! Something's got the kiddo's attention!'

Peter's eyes had locked onto something outside. Panic and fear was swimming in them. Rapidly standing, he began to bolt for the door.

"They're here!" Peter's voice cracked.

A loud noise was the last thing Wade heard before the world went black.

The cold.

The familiar.

The temporary.


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