
By Bruno247day

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(Story under Heavy editing) ************* April Anderson just wanted one thing, to get through high school w... More

Chapter 1-New School
Chapter 2-new school
Chapter 3-New Friends New Enemies
Chapter 4- New Friends New Enemies
Chapter 5- Humiliated
Chapter 6-Big mistake
Chapter 7- The Devil himself
Chapter 8: hit him where it hurts
Chapter 9: Ambushed
Chapter 10: Karma
Author's Note
Chapter 11- Karma
Chapter 13: Not complete Monsters.
Chapter 14: Scarred for life
Chapter 15:Strange Encounter
Chapter 16: Family Bonding
Chapter 17: Stuck
Chapter 18- Arrangements
Chapter 19-Projects, Cafes and Water.
Chapter 20- This is it
chapter 21-Incoming...

Chapter 12: Not complete monsters

56 5 0
By Bruno247day

April's pov-


I woke up to the sound of a dog barking and lots of yelling.
It was probably our neighbour, Mr Sam's dog barking at the paper boy again.
But something was wrong. The paper boy doesn't come around till 8:30 in the morning.

   So that means... Crap!  I forgot to set my alarm and over slept.
And mom was out for her early morning shift at the hospital which was from 4am to 11am.

  Dad must have left early to work and Jake already took the school bus to school which always picked him up at 7:30am on Mondays.

  So no one even bothered to wake me up? They were too wrapped up in their own stuff that they completely forgot about me.

I've got Some family. I rolled m6 eyes at that sarcastic thought.

I jumped off the bed and sprinted into the bathroom for a quick shower.
I hurriedly dried my hair with a towel, brushed it and put it into a high pony tail.

I put on my bra and panties and retreated to my wardrobe for some clothes.

  I settled for an ordinary T-shirt with blue jeans and toped it off with a gray turtle-neck sweater.

I didn't have the time to browse through my shoes, so I grabbed the first thing I laid my eyes on, which was a pair of pink converse.

I hurriedly applied minimum concealer, not bothering about the foundation then a but of mascara and a thin layer of lip gloss.

  After I was done, I carried my books and stuffed them into my bag. I grabbed my perfume and applied.

  I headed out of the room and Locked the door, I proceeded to go downstairs to get something to eat.

  I got a box of cereal and a carton of milk and put in a bowl, I ate the cereal in under four minutes.
I knew I would miss the first period which was Math, but anything not to be in the same room as Jackson.

I grabbed the lunch money Dad left for me on the counter and went out the house and lock the door and hid the keys in one the fake tulips that was made from plastic which mom planted close to the real ones.
When I got to school it was during the 2nd period and even still I was 10 minutes late for the class and it was super awkward trying to explain to our geography teacher why i was late and he didn't even bother to hear my fake excuse he just ignored me and instructed me to go take a seat.

   But the problem was the only available seat was the one close to one of Jacksons friends,
Michael was it?

  Eh, who cares? I only hoped that he wouldn't make this class uncomfortable for me, but who was kidding anyway, he still would.
   I made my way over to the desk and sat down on the seat next to him. I quietly took out my pens, notes and my textbook.

  As the teacher blabbed on and on about who knows what, I resisted the urge to look at him but instead the teacher. I even tried to take down notes but I just couldn't concentrate. It was as if what the teacher was saying  would go through one ear then go out through the other. The lesson that I didn't seem to understand, went on for about ten minutes.

  "Hi." I heard Michael say to me. It was surprising that he would talk to me or better yet say hi to me when he was supposed to insult me or something.

  "Oh, who? Me? Uhh hi." I said nervously.

"I'm Michael." He said bringing his hand out for me to shake.

  "April." I say while shaking his hand

"I know, I just wanted to formally introduce myself." He said while smiling at me.
  "Wait a minute! why are you so nice to me? Aren't you like, supposed to hate me or something?" I blurted out. But It was pretty weird because why would one of Jack's friends even want to waste their time having a conversation with me, unless it was to insult me.

  "I don't really have a reason to hate you April and I'm not really sure why my friends don't like you, I just thought that maybe we could be friends." He said in an 'as a matter of factly' tone.
  "But I understand why you would be suspicious."

  "I'm sorry. Its just that I thought that this friendly gesture was all part of some of Jacksons sick plan or something." I said lowering my voice a bit because some girls by our left, seemed to take interest in our conversation.

  "Its okay I totally get it." He said nicely.
  "So, uh friends?

"Of course." I said smiling.
Well at least one of Jacksons friends didn't hate me.

To be continued



They were different...

He was a Major celebrity whereas she was Just a simple Event planner.

They came from two completely different worlds, so people like her don't mix with people like him and there was no way that they ever be together because it just goes against social standards.

But what happens when a simple event planner cross paths with A major Celebrity?

  Follow the story of Sam and Stephan in ‘WHEN TWO WORLDS COLLIDE’.
   Join them in their Journey in facing the trials of life and Overcoming their differences in the strive to finding true love and happiness.

PS. When the First chapter is up, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

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