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By 1MinYoongi

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"Look at me and tell me who you belong to." He angrily clutched my face tightly forcing me to look at him. ... More

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194 5 0
By 1MinYoongi


I woke up in the morning feeling sore between my legs, and eyes feeling heavy from the cry last night. I looked to my left and noticed a sleeping Jimin next to me bare and soft. His features looked sweeter and softer when he's asleep. I got up from the bed taking the entire blanket with me, leaving a naked Jimin on the bed alone. I didn't want to look but the red stain on the bed made me cringe and my tummy turn feeling sick from that thought of it. I went into the bathroom and washed up clearing my mind. After showering I began to dress before I even got out of the bathroom I heard a knock on the door, not the bathroom door, the door to my room. I finished dressing and just stood by the door as I heard someone walk in. "Jiminie ~ ah" that voice, it's Jennie's. I heard Jimin mumble and then he started to moan. My endows furrowed together and widen as I realize Jimin is naked. I hesitantly got out of the bathroom trying to avoid them but with the bed right across from the door, I saw Jennie hovered over him as his shaft was deeply buried into her mouth. She looked at me as she shamelessly continued to blow him. His eyes slowly opened as he felt the pleasure rise. "Jennie ? Why are you here ?" He asked as his eyes wondered to me and noticed Jennie blowing him. "Wae Oppa ? it's my present to you. Don't you like if ?"

I rolled my eyes and left the scene. He's probably enjoying his time with her as usual. Marrying to Jimin didn't change my position as his personal maid. Being his personal maid didn't mean I had to always be with him, it just meant I'm the first one he ask for things. Sex was never an agreement. I followed the other maids out to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the king and queen. As I entered the maids in the kitchen started to whisper and glance at me. Jennie's personal maid walked up to me. "Finally getting the same pleasurable nights as my master did when you were watching them huh ?" She mocked me as I stirred the soup. "You can never be as valuable as my master. Everybody knows she's the prettiest princess of the whole nation."

"Pretty cannot be defined by looks but by character." I said nonchalantly scooping the hot soup into the bowls. All the other maids just watched as she huffed in anger. "I will tell my master that you insulted her. She will beat you to death." I walked right passed her with the big tray of soup. "Yah. You dare to ignore me ?" She flipped over the soups making them spill on me as the white porcelain bowls broke on the cemented floor. "Yah !" I shouted in pain. The other maids gasp and gathered around to watch as the hot soup burnt my skin. I took off my apron and tried to wipe it off. "What's going on here ?" A voice interrupted bursting the circle of audience exposing me and the shattered porcelain bowls. The second prince stood tall with his hands behind his back watching the situation. "Thalina got mad and attempted to throw the soup bowls at me but I held it back and it fell on her instead." Jennie's maid got down to her knees and apologize to the second prince. "Enough. Everybody get back to work. Jalean clean up this mess and bring out the soups, as for You.." he looked at me. "Come with me." He grabbed my wrists and pulled me away. Jennie's maid smirked as she thought the second prince was going to scold me.

Jungkook sat me down in a different room as he brought me ice for my burns. "This should help cool it." I shook my head. "It's fine it's already going away."

"You're a bad liar you know that. Look your arm, it is still red." He pulled me hand closer to him and applied some cooling medicine on it before placing the ice over it. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." I shook my head. "I'm used to it."

"It has only gotten worse within time." He said making me look at him. "I mean .. look at you.. you're hurt." I just sighed. "Peopled don't care if you're hurt. They only care if they feel good and better about their self." I gently brush away his hand but that didn't do anything. "You can let go now. I need to get back to work or I'll seriously be scolded."

"I think you should rest for a bit. You must be tired from your big day yesterday." He lightly smile with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"No. I'm still capable to work." Jungkook looked at me worryingly. Unlike his brother Jimin, Jungkook was more caring and open towards me. He was nicer in many ways other than that rude Jimin. It isn't the first time he saved me from a mess. "Did he .." jungkook hesitatingly paused. "Did he hurt you ?" I looked away knowing exactly what he was talking about. I didn't want to answer him, it was embarrassing. "When doesn't he ever hurt anyone ?" I said as I let go out of his hold. He stood up and quickly pulled me into a hug. I didn't hug him back. "The closer you are with him the more worried I am about you, you know that ?"

"I'm ...okay aren't I ?" I gently smiled wrapping my arms around him and patting his back. Suddenly he was ripped away from me and punched to the ground. "You dare touch her ?!" Jimin yelled out of anger. "Yah! Stop it !" I pushed Jimin away from punching Jungkook again. "You really care about you're brother in law than your own husband huh ?" He dragged me to a wall close to him. "Don't you remember what we did last night ?"

"That doesn't mean anything to me ! You may have my body Jimin, but I will never submit to you, you will continue to live craving for it your whole life." Jimin's eye darkened as his angry took over him slipping me, leaving a burn on my cheek. My eyes widen at his action, as I felt my lips bleed. Jungkook quickly stood up pulling Jimin away from me returning him his own punch. "How dare you hit her !" He cried out as he punched Jimin a few more times. "How dare you hurt your own wife. ! Are you insane !"

"Jungkook STOP !" Jungkook looked at me and stopped. Both of them stood up looking at me with worry in their eyes. "Let's go." I pulled Jungkook away to an empt corridor. "Are you okay ?" He asked as I let go of his hand. I nodded while looking down preventing him to see me cry. "Look at me.." I shook my head. "Look at me. I want to see you." He gently lift my face and my watery eyes met his. "You're still beautiful in my eyes." He whipped the red stain from my lip. I hugged him tightly crying onto his chest as he patted my back. It's the first time I've ever cried in front of him loosing all my composition. I pulled away from him wiping my last tear. "Does it hurt ?" I shook my head making him chuckle. "You don't ever say yes do you ?" He ruffled my hair like a little kid. "I'm old enough to help my own self." I gently smiled and bowed. "Thank you. I should be heading back to work now."

"Will you call me oppa for once ?" He called out as I walked away. I turned around and smiled at him. "Nae Oppa."

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