By Jdemaine

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I had become what was always planned. I could never deny what I was. For years I was never in the right fra... More

In The Last Few Days.
Back. But Not.
Get Things Moving!
Brothers of the Dark. Sisters of the Night.
My Parents Are Aware!
In The Test.
Worlds In A Blur.
To The Roof!
It Will Be Done.
Over The Edge, And Down!
Chicken Tape.
What We Know.
Parents In The House.
The Worst Move Ever.
Worse Before Good.
Holy Terror.
Another's Plan.
Well Gone.
He's Coming!
He's Out.
The Mission
He Wants To Be In Charge!
Heading Back.
Strangers In Parks.
An Answer To A Problem.
We Return.
Clark Has A Tale.
The One.
A Problem, I Didn't See Coming!
A Truth.
Divine Leader In The House.
A Match Was Lit.
Before The Storm.
Enter The House.
What To Give Up?
Best Laid Plan....
Coming Together.
Coming Undone.
Lose Ends.
I Have Won!
A Mark.
Much To Do.
Returning Back.
No Time For Stupidity.
The "Talk" Starts.
He Dosen't Like This!
The Writer


15 1 0
By Jdemaine

Rex climbed into the pick-up, started up the engine...."Olive.   We're going for a drive.   I hadn't planned on this move in events.  But.   I was prepared either way.   Good to have plans, that's what I always say!    Better ready.   Lay something out.."       Rex chuckled to himself.       Olive straightened herself up in the passenger side, looked straight ahead....She quietly listened to her husband.   She too had to admit, she wasn't prepared for this next step either.

She honestly thought, she'd find what she already knew to be true.   Her son had died doing an important service for his country.   She could have lived with that.

But, now....She had to deal with another truth.

They both had no idea how "real" the information from the private investigator was really going to be.   Her ex-husband, Jack kept saying every bit of information needs to be looked into (Even if it just turns out to be nothing more, but a tall-tale!) Rex had agreed with him. Which was funny, cause Rex and Jack didn't agree on much.

Rex looked into the rear-view mirror, shook his head.    Ethan was dead, but he breathed in a fashion of sorts.   But, he was dead.    The dead aren't alive.    The dead have some rights - A blessing, a good christian burial (Or cremation) A body should be respected by all accounts. Rex felt Ethan had broken some unspoken rule. Rule-breakers are punished. Ethan moved, maybe spoke....He defied all good christian rules.

(And....He was scaring his mother half to death)

Rex glanced to his wife, back to the rear-view mirror....Ethan wasn't human.   He was a walking corpse. That made him? Rex pondered that thought a second (Ethan was no more, but.....A thing) Things are objects, they are owned. They are useful. One way or the other. Rex nodded to himself, Ethan was now a "thing" to be made into something of use.

Olive would be told what she needed to know, he'd get her to pray for her lost son's soul. Jack and Hilary would be told something "interesting". Hilary would never ask for too many details, she might want a couple....Talk Rex into seeing the men in Black Suits again. But, that could be dealt with all in good time.

Ethan stared out the moving car window, a tear rolled down his check (FUUUCCCK. WHY AM I NOT FIGHTING?! THAT OLD SHIT IS GOING TO CUT ME UP LIKE CHOPPED LIVER!! F-ING AAAAAAHHHHH!!) Ethan looked at the back of the passenger's seat, his mom had no idea about the people Rex knew. Or did she?! Ethan's thoughts suddenly turned to me (OOOO! Heck. Shit-a-brick! Trinity!) He could already hear my internal blood curdling scream.

And....Clark. Ethan already knew what Clark would do too.

EB wouldn't be able to make me stop and think.  She was a little fearful of Clark.

If Clark never got him back. Ethan didn't want to even imagine what would happen there.

Ethan did a small shake, Benton and Clark had been hard on him....Treated him in strange way (But....He was "strange". No denying that) He suddenly missed them more than he cared to admit. He looked at the two front seats of the pick-up (He felt nothing for the two people in front)        It wasn't hard to feel absolutely zip for Rex (Rex was just Rex, only in his life by marriage)

His mother was a harder one to admit to. It was like one day.....She'd slipped away.

Rex slowed the vehicle down...."We are here! "Here", you may ask is a good question.." Rex pulled into a parking space, in front of a large sliding door. He turned the ignition off, sat a minute - Looked over to Olive..."This is the place, I told you all about it. It does have it's christian values, there are some church connections. But, I believe it's main practices - Are correction. So, there is a formalness to the place..."

Rex kept his focus to his wife. She was the only one that needed to know anything (Or what Rex wanted her to know) Ethan could listen, but he was not going to have anything explained to him - And, if anything was said to him, it would be exactly what he needed to just do!

(Ethan was just a thing now)

Soon to be a very obedient thing.

Olive was assisted from the pickup, by a man that had suddenly appeared from the sliding doors. With him, were two more men (They went straight to the back of the pickup, and pulled Ethan out of his seat) Rex went and stood with Olive and his good friend, Mac. His real name was Linus Knox, but no one called him that. Being called Mac just worked out better.

Mac and Rex showed Olive to a lovely well-lit office, filled with beautiful green fern plants (Olive spotted some magnificent water lilies growing in large vases) She was most impressed with what she was seeing. She felt God would approve too!

Ethan was drag-walked to a well-lit room too. He was placed on a metal table (Restrained)...And given an injection. At first Ethan just wanted to rip everyone's head off, then he felt calm.   Then, he felt very "separate". His body was not connected to his brain, his arms felt like they belong to someone else, he couldn't feel his legs.    Ethan had a sick feeling.     Losing all sensation of one's body is not a goal by any description.

"We leave him here.   The doctors will be in at some stage.."        Two pairs of eyes looked at Ethan, Ethan tried to stare back (But, his eyes were rolling around in his head)

"He really is something to look at.   This place has been buzzing since the call came in!.."       That voice sounded too excited. Now, was definitely not the time to be "excited!" about a single thing.


"Where's Trinity?!     Where did she go?!..."       Stella stared out all faces in the room.     EB looked too, then she slowly looked at Stella (Placed a small hand on her arm)..."Sorry Stella.   Trust me..."           She too was out of the room, down the drive-way.....Out on the street.      No one had a chance to grab her, to hold her back.      She was following the screaming voice in my head.

I was out on the street, I wanted blood.  I wanted cracked bones.     I was not myself, I hadn't completely lost it...But, god help anyone who stood in my way.      No one, but no one takes Ethan (With the intentions they had) I found myself moving by thought, I only needed a quick thought - Vague image in my head (And, I was there)

This was a skill, I had never had before.

I was stunned a bit, but then that thought quickly passed. I stay standing on a street corner, my parents are at the house (And, I am not) I gave my head a shake (Focus! I need to think, move - Find!) A body was standing in front of me..."Trinity. Not alone. Don't do this alone. I'm here, we do this together.."

Small thin fingers touched my arm, EB hissed at a woman passing by - She gave EB a horrified look, kept walking (Bumped into a ticket-machine) EB turned to me, lead me down the street, we ended up in a small - Very smoke-filled bar. She pulled out stools, pushed me on to one.

Glanced at the bar attendant, gave him a look that told him to keep right on doing whatever it was he was doing. She put her focus back to me.

"....I really have no idea where to begin! Where do I seriously start looking?! EB! I have a hole in my chest, and it burning!..." I slammed a fist on the bar counter (EB eyed the bar attendant, shot her eyes back to me)..We haven't been crazy passionate! Sex from dusk till dawn, you know! Our every waking moment in time spent sucking the life out of each other, bodies banging each other every five seconds - Oooorrr we'd just die!.."

EB nodded. Folded her arms (Hissed at eyes peeping at her body)

"Stella and I haven't been....Crazy? (I nodded) Crazy mad sex either. But....Trinity. It's about trust. His eyes watch you, he listens. He would look for you. He would make you laugh. His reaching fingers were for you, only you.." She went silent a moment..."Stella listens to me. She always took the time to explain things, she cares about me in a way only I know. She wasn't afraid of this (EB gestured to herself, her small hand was making a sweeping motion to her body)

EB sat a minute.

"You and Stella saw the worse. And, you two still wanted more. So....Don't be angry. I know that part is hard. I really do..." She gave me a look, her eyes pushing into my head. We both had a shandy, it took the edge off my temper, calmed my nerves. I told EB I wasn't going back to the mansion till, I knew where Ethan was. And had him back with me! She nodded back.

"That will upset a few people. But, I will help you.."

Her small hands reached for mine, she gave me a comforting look. She understood the fire within me, that was driving me in ways that were truly who I was. A part of me, that had been buried....Was waking up.

We agreed a upon a light meal next, we took ourselves to the other end of the bar. Pub pies were ordered (EB was refused entry to the dinning area) Ultimately, she really didn't care either way where we sat. Briar was like that - She often ate by the fireplace (With the flames licking at her toes)

We found a small eating area outside, EB sat on the grass (Grinned to herself, licked at the pie a couple of times....Then nibbled at it. She saved the pastry crust till last) Watching her eat, took my mind off my mood. I've been "angry" before, but it goes away. But, this angry was eating me....It had a mind of it's own. I felt I could only calm it by breaking something (Or someone)

"My first thought is keep going. Just keep moving till my legs give out (EB was looking at me, shaking her head) I know! I'd never find him that way. I'll get us a room. But. First thing tomorrow....We look till I can't look any more (Or, I've torn this town to the ground).."

EB grinned at me, stood....Licked her fingers, then spotted two men (Who were having a smoke) and leering at her. I quickly grabbed her arm, we made our way back indoors. I paid cash for a room (One night)....And, dragged EB up the stairs.

Once safe in the room...."We need to keep you in clothes. EB, are we losing you? To who you really are?.." I took a step back from her, looked her right in the eye.

"Trinity, no more than you..." She placed her small hands on her hips. Sooo Exie!


Stella paced the floor, paused....Then would pace again. She suddenly stopped, stared at all in the room...."Trinity's not in a good place. And, EB! I can't have her out there!.." Stella looked at my mother..."Mrs Shadow. I just can't. She's not ready..." Stella frowned, then looked like she was going to burst into tears..."I lost her once. She keeps taking her clothes off. She's...just...Not ready.." Stella looked drained.

One minute she was ready to fight, now she looked wiped out. A thought of the past had hit her in the chest.

Mother took a seat, snapped her fingers. A servant appeared, then another.

"Tea. We drink tea. Trinity is out of control, but she knows to never misbehave in public. We will not chase after her. We will wait. For now..."       A servant held a streaming hot pot of tea on a tray, another was arranging cups and saucers on a table.     Mother gestured all to sit.

She snapped her fingers again, a large needle on a board appeared. She needed my coven to be ready, they would be sent to help find me. She would get Stella to lead.    Her and my father would stay at the mansion, sort Clark out/talk with Benton.

"Witches.   Warlocks.    Put the your palms on the point of the needle. Press right down till you can bare the pain no more.."       Mother flicked an eye around the room.     There were murmurs, then Jefferson stepped forward, cleared his throat (Swallowed) he placed his hand on the needle point - Pushed fast and hard.

Stella just stared at my mother (So did a few others)     But, then she sat....A cup of tea was poured for her.    Mother was a multi-tasker.

She would "finish" the testing, wait....Talk to Stella.


Give Madeline a look of utter disgust!

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