✓ lollie ミ lucas friar

By oxangejuice

402K 9.5K 3.3K

winter "lollie" parker thought she knew the world but in reality it's gonna hit her like a truck [ lucas fria... More



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By oxangejuice

Lollie Parker

Lollie and Noah sat at the table as the two of them watch a stupid movie about four kids who were running away from monsters along with their companion, a small cat.

The two siblings had a blanket over their heads so it was dark.

The blanket was ripped off of them and the two paused the movie and shut their eyes.

"Oh, God it's bright." Noah said.

"Go upstairs brush your teeth, take a shower and get ready for school." Bailey said.

Lollie rubbed her eyes and faced her mother, "We did that already."

Bailey looked down at the two and they were indeed ready for school.

"You two have been watching the same movie for three days now. How'd could you possibly get ready for school and we didn't hear you."

"Actually," Noah started, "There's six TV movies, twenty-seven short films, forty-three movies, and fourteen animated shows, even though we aren't going to watch the shows."

"We have eighteen more movies to watch and then we can start a new movie franchise." Lollie smiled.

"Go to school."

The two sighed and headed towards the door grabbing their bookbags.

"And don't forget to go to Topanga's after school."

The two sighed and walked out the door.

Lollie rubbed her eyes as she listened to Maya and Riley speak.

Noah stood there too, leaning against the locker. Maya wrapped under him.

"Lemme 'splain our relationship as I understand it. We do anything for each other that we ask each other to do." Maya said.

"We are going up against Topanga." Riley said.

Lollie widened her eyes and sighed, "I wouldn't even do that. She's not even my mother."

"Maya! Lollie! This isn't about Red Planet Diaries or the bakery."

"Riley, do what your mom wants." Maya said.

"This is about reaching the age where we determine what's important." Riley said, "I am not afraid of my own mother. Why does she have this effect on people?"

"Our mom has that effect on us." Noah said, "Dad is way easier to get away with. If she didn't come downstairs this morning we would still be watching, Fooby-Foo."

Riley brushed past Lollie and walked into the classroom. The three others followed behind her.

"Very bad, very bad, very bad, very bad, very... You!" Mr. Matthews said, "What did you do?"

"She called you?"

"She didn't have to! I sensed it as soon as the sky turned black! And you! How did you let this happen? You're supposed to be her best friend!"

"People think we're friends? Ha! People! Where do I sit? I sit here now." Maya said.

She pushed Sarah out of her, Sarah smiled.

"Fine. I'm the Maya now. The way it always shoulda been."

Mr. Matthews faced the two siblings, "What about you two?"

"We weren't there." Noah said.

"This cannot be our fault." Lollie said, "But I one hundred percent agree with Maya, that we don't know who she is and why she goes against Topanga Matthews like that."

"You see. These are smart kids."

"I mean come on. Have you've met our mother?" Noah asked.

"Having her and Topanga in the same room is dangerous."

Noah and Lollie took their seats.

"Riley, apologize to your mother and do whatever she asks." Lucas said.

"Yeah. The finale's probably not even gonna be any good." Zay said.

"You guys aren't even watching it?"

"Are you crazy?" Farkle asked.

"Red Planet sleepover at my house!" Farkle said.

Lucas smiled, "I'm bringin' s'mores!"

Farkle faced Lollie, "Sorry, Lollie it's a boys' night, but Noah you can come."

"You cannot watch those movies without me tonight while I'm at Farkle's."

"I won't."

"Riley, let it go. You can't win this." Mr. Matthews said.

"What is the matter with everybody? This is normal, healthy teenage rebellion. This is supposed to happen. I'm right on schedule. How could this go wrong?"

"Educate her, Hambone." Farkle said.

"Chapter One: Crushing defeats. Godzilla... versus Japan."

"Japan loses, Riley." Farkle said.

"Really loses."

"Tell her how bad they lose."

"They lose so bad their voices come out of their mouths three seconds later."

"How does that compare to what's going on here?" Riley asked.

"Because what's going on here is Godzilla versus Riley." Lollie said, "You're Riley."

"I'm a teenager. I'm in high school, I have rights, and it's time that I said so."

Mr. Matthews pulled out a walnut.

"Why do you have one walnut in a bag?" Maya asked.

"Packing lightly. I'm Riley. I'm a walnut. I'm in high school. I have rights, and it's time that I said so. And now there's this."

He pulled a hammer out of his desk and smashed the walnut.

"Mommy is not a hammer."

"I know what I married."

"So you just happened to have a hammer in your desk." Zay said

"Oh, yeah. That's a new thing that's gonna happen now. Whatever I need is gonna be right here in this desk."

"This isn't just Godzilla versus Riley. This is Godzilla versus Riley and her faithful sidekick Maya and Lollie. Ring power!"

"I don't do that." Sarah said.

"Neither do I." Lollie added.

Noah and Lollie walked into Topanga's.

Bailey looked over at the door, seeing the two engrossed in conversation.

She walked over to the two and hugged them.

Topanga looked over three and walked over towards them.

Auggie following behind her.

"You came."

She hugged the two kids harder than they thought. She let go of them, her smiling dropping.

"We couldn't convince her to come." Lollie said.

"But we brought help." Noah said.

Lucas, Zay, Farkle walked in and smiled.

"They're gonna Red Planet-"

Lucas put his hand over Lollie's mouth and pulled her into him.

She grabbed his hand softly and moved it from her mouth.

"They're gonna watch sports so they're gonna leave early, but I'll stay as long as you need."

Topanga smiled at them, "Thank you."

"No problem."

After a couple of hours, Lollie stood in front of Auggie who sat on the counter.

The two playing some sort of hand game.

"I think I get it now."

"Okay," Lollie said, "Are you ready?"

Auggie nodded.

The two began to slap each other's hands.

The game when on for a while, she looked over Auggie's shoulder and saw her mom and Noah approaching her.

She messed up on purpose and Auggie smiled.

"You win."

"Yes!" He cheered.

"I think someone is ready to order."

Lollie picked Auggie off the counter and he raced to get the person's order.

Bailey smiled at her two kids, "I know you two are tired but I'm glad you came."

"It's no problem, mom." Noah

"I know Topanga really appreciate it. She knew today was going too busy and you guys came and helped her."

Auggie came rushing back to Lollie and handed her the order.

"Hurry, so we can play the game again."

Lollie nodded, "I got it. You two have been on your feet since you got here." Bailey said.

Lollie shook her head, "It's okay. I'm pretty sure I can grab and cookie and coffee by myself."

Bailey kissed both their cheeks.

Auggie looked up at them and smiled.

Bailey picked Auggie up and gave him a big kiss on his cheek.

"Am I a ladies' man now?"

The three of them smiled, "You sure are, Auggie."

Bailey, Auggie, Lollie, and Topanga all entered the Matthews apartment.

Noah left with the boys watching Red Planet Diaries.

The door flew open and Auggie ran upstairs.

Lollie pulled on her mom's arm, "Are you sure we should be here?"

"Yes and no."

"Why?" Lollie asked.

"I've never seen her get in major trouble before." Bailey said, "Oh, wow. I'm such a child."

Maya walked out and saw Lollie and Bailey talking.

"Hi, Mrs. Parker."

"Hi, Maya."

"Where were you at?" Maya asked Lollie.

"We all went to the bakery."


"I mean, if my mom didn't tell me to go beforehand, I probably still would've gone and helped her out."

Maya nodded, "I'm gonna head up to the bay window. Wanna come?"

"And find out if I get in trouble with Topanga Matthews?" Lollie asked, "No."

Bailey and Lollie made their way home. Bailey going upstairs to take a shower and Lollie turning on the tv.

She didn't watch Red Planet Diaries religiously, but she did watch every single episode and was ready to watch the finale.

The theme song began to play and before Lollie could even singalong, she was out like a light.

Lollie walked to school at a snail's pace as she watched Red Planet Diaries on her phone.

She had finished as soon as she walked into Mr. Matthews's class.

The class looked back and saw her and she looked up.

"That was some finale." She said.

She dragged herself in some of the conversation going on and looked back to see Riley and Maya walk in with their ears covered.

"Even I didn't guess that Blarg was the human and everybody else was the Martian!" Farkle said.

Maya and Riley started rolling on the floor.

"You didn't see it?" Lucas asked.

"How could you have not seen it?" Zay asked.

"You watched every episode to prepare." Noah said.

"I was grounded."

"You? But you're Riley."

"Godzilla took my laptop."

"What about your phone?" Zay asked.

"She took that, too, Godzilla's crafty."

"She took my phone, too." Maya said.

"How could she take your phone?" Farkle asked.

"Godzilla knows no boundaries. She's Godzilla." Maya said.

"Okay... that's my wife we're talkin' about."

"So?" Farkle asked.

"So she might hear!"

"How could Blarg be a human if he had two heads?" Riley asked.

"And if his name was Blarg?"

"And if he was green?"

"He wasn't. Everybody else was." Lollie said, "It was the audience who was mind-wiped! Brilliant!" Farkle explained.

"We missed it. We missed the greatest moment of our lives."

"All right, she needs us, time's up, back where you belong." Maya said.

She moved Sarah out of her seat.

"Sometimes the battle just isn't worth fighting. A diplomatic solution might be preferable to the horrible cost of war."

Lollie and Noah sat on her bed with the lights off but still stayed under the covers.

They managed to finished two more movies and began the next one.

Someone knocked on the door and they groaned.

Lollie stood up and cut the lights on. She braced herself to open the door.

Once she opened it she sighed.

"What are you two doing here?"

Riley walked into the room, Maya following behind.

"Hi, honey, I'm home." Riley said.

"What happened?" Lollie asked.

"We're roommates!" Riley smiled, "Like I've always wanted, yay! This is the happiest day of my life." Riley hugged Lollie.


Maya looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, "She was my roommate but she wanted to have you as well."

Lollie shut her eyes and let go of Riley.

"Okay, if you're gonna stay here, we've got rules, but I'm gonna let you do want you want to do before I tell you want the rules are." Lollie said, "What's the first thing you wanna do?"

"Go home and be loved, but my parents don't love me anymore."

Riley sighed and sat on Lollie's bed.

She looked up and saw Noah and looked at the laptop.

"Hey." She smiled.

Noah waved.

"I feel like this is a girl thing so I'm gonna go and wait in my room."

Noah stood up and headed to his room.

"They love you forever." Maya said.

"They took everything. I have nothing. All I have is my bunny nightlight, Horatio P. Hare."

"What's the "P" stand for?" Lollie asked.


Lollie bit her lip and sat beside Riley.

"Call me poor little Riley."

"Okay, poor little Riley. Want to tell me more about this?" Lollie asked.

"I need to prepare myself for my new life. I need to read Oliver Twist, get gloves with no fingers, and see Annie."

"Yeah, Oliver Twist was good, and seeing Annie was, eh." Lollie said.

"You have school tomorrow." Maya said. "What were you planning to wear for that and the rest of your life."

Riley stood up and opened Lollie's closet.

"Well... I was hopeful that Lollie would lend one of her outfits just until I got myself on my feet, and... began my job search. Just give me any old thing that you're not using anymore."

Maya pushed Lollie and she rolled her eyes.

Lollie walked into her closet and gave Riley an outfit.

It was the one she wore in middle school, when the play Romeo and Juliet was happening. The one Maya said looked like "pajamas".

Riley stepped out of the closet and smiled.

"How do I look?"

"Desperate." Lollie said.

"Okay, so what job are you gonna interview for first?" Maya asked.

"Editor of Vogue?"

"That's your first job out of school?" Lollie asked.

"I believe I'm qualified."

"What's on your resume?"

"Editor of Vogue?"

"Then welcome to Vogue!" Maya said shaking her hand.

"Oh, really, I got it?" She asked.

"Of course, but what are you gonna do first?" Lollie asked.

"Call my mom and tell her, because I want her to be so proud of me."

Riley sat back on the bed and Maya and Lollie followed.

Riley rested her head on Maya and her legs on Lollie.

Maya sighed, "Oh, honey. Let it out."

"I want to go home, I hurt my mom. But I can't go home."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want her to win."

"Riley, your mother is the strongest, smartest woman I know besides my own. This isn't gonna break her. Nothing can break her." Lollie said.

"Okay, I just need to stop thinking about this. I'm just gonna go to sleep. Where do I sleep, please?" She asked.

"Oh, we can sleep in my bunk beds." Lollie sarcastically smiled.

"Ooh, you have bunk beds? Where?"

"You get the lower!"

Lollie pointed toward the ground.

Baloo, the dog that everyone seemed to forget about wiggled his way from under the bed.

"The lower is taken."

Riley sighed, "Go home, Riley." Lollie said.

Riley nodded. Lollie looked back and saw Maya asleep on her bed.

She sighed and moved her laptop.

She grabbed a book from off the shelf, surprising herself. The book was Oliver Twist.

Before she could sit down, Topanga busted through the door.

"I surrender. You are a good person, and you're the best daughter anyone could have." Topanga said.

"Thanks, not my mom." Lollie smiled.

"Not you. Where's Riley?"

"She went to apologize to you. She's been crying all night. She felt horrible." Lollie said, "I would've called but my phone is downstairs."

Topanga pulled Maya's phone out of her pocket and sat on the bed.

"Do you think she's okay?" Topanga asked.

"She will be. Once you tell her that it is."

Riley was still grounded. The group sat outside her bay window.

The group sang the theme song to Red Planet Diaries, they saw the door creak open and ducked.

Even if Riley was grounded, they knew that she couldn't do it alone.

Word Count: 2533

Episode: Girl Meets Her Monster

Pages: 42

im gonna give you the heads up now, I'm for sure am not doing World Meets Girl, that's the episode where you go behind the scene and stuff and it's irrelevant to this story.

two, I'm gonna go back and put episode before Girl Meets Goodbye, because that episode is gonna be sad af and i want to end with that.

three, be proud of me for updating back to back ✊

four, bye.

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