B.O.P. Breach of the Peace

By ElizabethMasenCullen

250K 7.9K 1.1K

Book one Grace Cullen is the friendly, elusive, and alluring twin sister of Carlisle Cullen. Changed togethe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Nine

10.3K 318 20
By ElizabethMasenCullen

Chapter Nine
Thin Ice
Grace Cullen

"See you later Mom!" Emmett called out as I started walking to the office to sign in.

"Don't be late." I warned him playfully as I headed up the stairs.

My phone began to ring, and I walked a short distance away from prying ears as I saw Charlie's number flash across the screen

I have never been happier in my existence. Charlie is everything I could've asked for and more. He's patient and kind but passionate and exuberant in contrast. Above all else, he loves me and is devoted to making our relationship the best it can possibly be.

We settled into an easy rhythm almost immediately. He picks me up from school, or I meet him on a backroad by the station, and we go on some form of a date. Most times, we drive around and talk until we have to pull over...because talking nearly always leads to more with us. Some times he drives us over to a nearby town to escape any prying eyes. If Bella isn't home, we go to his house and spend time together there completely free.

I almost always stay at his house when night comes. I get into his room through an open window and leave the same way to keep Bella from seeing me. It's playful, our secret romance, and we both get a thrill of some sorts out of it. It's a burden to keep such a love secret, and we both hate lying to our families, but we keep it up none the less.

I shook myself out of my quick day dreaming and answered the phone.

"Grace." Charlie greeted me. "Did Bella make it to school okay? The ice last night worried me so I put chains on her tires this morning. She doesn't know how to drive in ice." He worried, and my heart melted at such a sweet gesture.

"She's here." I told him, easily finding her truck across the parking lot from the Cullens cars. "She's getting out of her truck as we speak."

"Oh, good." He sighed. "Thanks."

"Of course, I get it." I giggled, watching the Cullen kids play and bicker at their cars.

Suddenly, the loud screeching of rubber tires hitting ice rang out across the parking lot and my body tensed in warning. I nearly screamed when I realized a large van was sliding across the ice wildly...headed straight for Bella.

Almost as fast as it began, it was over, and the van was wrapped oddly around Bella's truck.

"Grace, what's wrong? What's going on?" Charlie cried out as I started running across the parking lot.

"It's Bella." I gasped as I reached the truck. "Get an ambulance to the school." I ordered him as I shoved through the crowd of students. "Bella? Are you alright?!" I cried out, not smelling any blood.

"I'm fine, I just can't get out." She replied and I sighed in relief.

"She's fine." I calmed a panicking Charlie down. "Send help anyway, she's pinned in." I explained and Alice grabbed my arm tightly.

"Edward shoved the van away." She whispered in my other ear quickly before darting away.

"I'll be there soon." Charlie told me before hanging up.

I sent some of the students away to get the gym coach and some weightlifters. By the time they got to the truck, the EMT services arrived and helped them push the van away from Bella's truck. They were just getting Bella on a gurney when Charlie's cruiser came squealing into the parking lot. He pulled to a stop right beside the ambulance, got out without shutting his door, and came charging right towards the gurney.

"Bella!" He yelled out and I quickly walked towards him.

"I'm fine dad." Bella tried to calm him down, but it was hopeless when she looked so hurt.

"What happened?" He asked me as I neared them.

"The van hit the ice and skidded before hitting Bella's truck." I explained, wanting to reach out and comfort him but refraining.

"What?" He looked towards the truck. "How was she not crushed?" He panicked, looking pale and dizzy.

"Here, lets get in your cruiser. I'll explain on the way to the hospital." I cooed quietly, trying to keep the Cullens from noticing me get in his car.

It didn't work. Five pairs of golden eyes stared at me as I buckled my seat belt. Charlie climbed into the car with his phone pressed to his ear. I sighed as Charlie turned on his siren and began to escort the ambulance to the hospital, taking care to not hit the ice

"Renee, it's Charlie." He introduced himself, and I cringed at the sound of her name. "There was an accident at the school. Bella was nearly crushed by a van, but she's fine."

"Crushed by a van!" Renee screeched on the other end, I could've easily heard her if I was human. "She's been there a month and you almost get her killed?! Are you kidding me?"

"She's fine. Ice is slick here. You should remember that, Renee. Considering you slid off into a snowbank eight months pregnant." He chided her. "Listen, I'll have Bella call you when she gets out of the hospital." He grumbled.

"Hospital?! Charlie?!" Renee screamed and he hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry about that." He sighed. "I just thought calling her was the right thing to do." He shook his head, looking very disturbed.

"It was." I offered him a smile. "She was pretty hard on you." I muttered.

"Usually is." He nodded.

"What does she have against you?" I asked him. "To talk to you like that after she's the one who up and left you." I grumbled.

"She was young and wild and resents me a little bit for marrying me and having a kid so young. She decided she didn't want to settle down in a small town after all." He sighed.

"Do you still love her?" I asked him softly, needing to know.

"She's the mother of my only child." He stated. "Yes, I'll always love the person she was and I'll always love what she gave me, but that's in the past." He explained. "You're the present and the future. Nothing could ever compare to you." He promised me, kissing my palm sweetly.

"What a romantic." I teased him.

"Did any of the Cullens see you? I wasn't even thinking about that." Charlie worried suddenly.

"Well, I'll have some explaining to do later." I sighed. "They all saw me."

"You're clever, I'm sure you'll think of something." He responded, eyes shifting between the road and the ambulance. "She's okay?"

"She's okay." I assured him, my heart hurting for him. "No blood, no broken bones, she's fine."

"Good." He nodded, trying not to cry. "I don't understand how she wasn't crushed. By those skid marks and such black ice, that van had to be going at her at least thirty miles an hour."

"Edward got to her in time." I confessed. "He shoved the van back and managed to slip away before the students could react."

"Did anyone see him?" He asked me.

"I didn't even see him." I laughed. "I think Alice must've had a vision and Edward reacted before it happened. It's the only way he could've gotten there in time without me noticing. I was looking right at her." I shook my head, trying not to think about how badly this situation could've ended.

"Why would Edward do that?" Charlie asked me. "Not that I'm not grateful, believe me I am, but he doesn't know her. And he doesn't know about you and I, does he?"

"No." I shook my head. "I'm sure he did it to prevent any kind of accident. If she had gotten hit and her blood spilled, I'm sure we would've been exposed as vampires. Jasper doesn't have enough control for that and with the way Bella calls to Edward I'm not sure he could've resisted either."

"That makes more sense." He nodded his head. "I know we're a secret, but would you mind not leaving me alone when we get inside? I'm kinda freaking out." Charlie confessed as we pulled into a spot.

"I won't leave your side." I swore to him as we climbed out and I took his hand in mine before following him into the ER bay.

"Grace." Carlisle approached us as soon as we entered, glancing down at our entwined hands. "What happened? I heard Bella was injured in a crash. Are the kids okay?" He worried and I couldn't help but notice the similarities between his and Charlie's worry.

"She's fine. A van hit the ice wrong and went straight for Bella's truck." I explained, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. "Edward got to her in time to keep the van from crushing her."

"Edward?" Carlisle questioned in surprise. "Did anyone see him?"

"No, I didn't even see him." I shook my head.

"Good." He nodded. "Here, let me get her scans and I'll show you to her." He offered, pulling a chart from the stack and holding the scans up to the light. "She's fine." Carlisle nodded in agreement with me and Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.

We followed Carlisle to Bella's bed and Charlie rushed to her side immediately, forgetting my hand and support in his relief. I waited with Carlisle for Charlie to get his concern and worry out, and laughed a little when Charlie threatened to revoke Tyler Crowley's license for nearly killing Bella. Poor boy had shallow cuts all over his face from his window popping and now he had an angry chief of police after him.

"Bella, you have no internal damage, but you may have a concussion. Here, follow the light." Carlisle directed softly and smiled when he completed the exam. "A slight concussion. Nothing some pain medication and good nights rest can't fix." He smiled at me and Charlie.

"I'm lucky Edward was there." Bella stated soundly, looking up at me with Charlie's same big brown eyes, and my stomach clenched in concern.

"Edward?" I questioned her. "I didn't see him near you. Was he hurt?" I asked her, feigning parental concern.

"No, he pushed me out of the way somehow." She shook her head.

"It sounds like you're very lucky indeed." Carlisle nodded, signing off on her paperwork. "Chief Swan, if you'll follow me, I have some paperwork for you to sign and then I can discharge Bella."

"Of course." Charlie nodded. "You'll be okay?" He asked Bella, who nodded. "I'll be right back." He promised her.

"I'll follow you." I told the boys and caught Charlie's hand in mine as we walked away.

Carlisle motioned us into an empty exam room just outside of the ER trauma bay before shutting the door behind us.

"What about exposer? It's still a little soon isn't it?" He asked us.

"His daughter was just very nearly killed, Carlisle." I snapped at him and then quickly lowered my voice. "I'm sorry, but he needed some comfort. You would too. Look at how concerned you were about the kids."

"True." He nodded. "It's fine if this is the right time, but don't force anything due to an accident."

"This can all be easily explained." Charlie offered. "She held my hand while I was panicking. Plenty of people do that for others in times of need. She offered to come with me to the hospital and make sure Carlisle saw Bella. It's simple enough really."

"He's brilliant. I swear." I laughed, shaking my head.

"It's a good explanation." He nodded. "So then we'll go with that as a cover story. If anyone asks, or anyway you can insert it into conversation, that's the explanation."

"Easy enough." I nodded. "Can Charlie Take Bella home now?" I asked, knowing he was about to come unglued.

"Of course." Carlisle nodded, signing some papers quickly before handing a form to Charlie to sign. "Give her some pain pills and let her sleep it off. She should be fine to go back to school the day after tomorrow. Keep her home to rest tomorrow and let the students get the excitement of the accident out of their system."

"Thank you." Charlie nodded. "Are you coming with me?" He asked me.

"No, I don't think that will look good to Bella." I laughed. "I'll just call-"

"Carlisle!" Rosalie screamed as she opened the door. "Oh, sorry, Chief Swan." She apologized. "Dad, Aunt Grace, I really need to talk to you two." She huffed and Charlie quickly left the room. "Edward has lost his damn mind." She snapped.

"Rosalie, he saved Bella Swans life and reduced our exposer. I hardly call that a bad deed." I sighed.

"What if someone saw him? He's going to completely uproot us over some insignificant human girl!" She bickered.

"No life is insignificant." Carlisle stated firmly. "When you forget that then you forget why we abstain from human blood. Besides, Grace didn't see Edward run across the lot so I doubt any human would've. In the chaos of the accident, I'm sure no one is questioning Edwards involvement." He calmed her down.

"Fine." She huffed. "But I'm still not happy with him." She grumbled before leaving the room, Carlisle and I following her.

At the end of the hall, I noticed Charlie standing with his back up against the wall waiting for someone. Rosalie breezed right past him as she stomped into the packed waiting area.

"What's going on?" I asked Charlie as we neared him.

"Half the school showed up to see about Bella." He laughed. "She'll be mortified by the attention."

"Okay, I understand that, but why are you waiting here? Where's Bella?" I asked.

"She spotted Edward down the hall and asked to go talk to him." He spoke quietly as he nodded his head in the direction of the hall across from us, where Bella stood whispering madly to a calm-looking Edward.

"Interesting." I noted.

"Very." He agreed, right as Bella came marching towards us.

"Still feeling alright?" Carlisle asked her.

"Fine." She nodded, looking a little disturbed. "Thank you."

"Are you ready to go?" Charlie asked her. "You should probably call your mom."

"You told Renee?" Bella paled. "Oh, great, she's-she's probably freaking out." She stressed, and she suddenly looked even more like Charlie to me.

"Let's go." He chuckled, ushering her ahead of him. "See you." He mouthed to me before following after Bella.

"Mother, would you like a ride home?" Edward asked me, approaching only after making sure Bella was gone.

"Yes please, thank you." I smiled at him and took his arm when he offered it.

"I'll see you at home tonight." I said goodbye to Carlisle, who stopped me and kissed my check before letting me walk off with Edward.

"So, do you want to tell me what's going on with you and Chief Swan?" Edward asked me as we got settled in his car.

"I don't know what you could be talking about." I laughed as he pulled on to the main road towards the house.

"You went with him to the hospital." He pointed out.

"Do you realize how terrifying that was for him?" I asked him. "Bella could've been killed today, that is every parents worse nightmare, and so I offered to go with him to get Carlisle to see her."

"Okay, but why were you trailing after him holding his hand?" He asked me.

"People like to be comforted." I explained. "He needed a hand to hold and I was there. A single dad with no family like him, I'm sure he was horror stricken." I sighed.

"Alright." Edward nodded, looking like he wasn't buying my story. I was careful to keep any revealing thoughts from him.

We pulled up to the house and I sighed in relief, I would be able to lose Edwards suspicions in the madhouse waiting for us.

I was right. There was a madhouse waiting. Everyone pounced on Edward at once. I tried to step in and defend him, and then they turned the heat on me about leaving with Charlie. I was able to persuade them much easier than Edward however, and after a brief conversation they were back on Edwards case.

After Carlisle came home and managed to calm everyone down, I was finally able to slip out of the house and head to Charlie's.

"Charlie, are you alright?" I asked him softly as I entered the window.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands, his body shaking in silent sobs.

"Fine." He croaked and I quickly went to his side.

"You're not fine." I cooed, wrapping him in my arms tightly. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"I was so goddamned scared today." He cried. "She could've died. I could've been planning a funeral tonight."

"You can't think like that." I hushed him. "She's fine. She's alive and asleep across the hall. Quite soundly from what I can hear." I assured him. "If you focus on that, you'll drive yourself crazy."

"She's all I have." He shook his head. "I've been alone for so long, I can't let her go when I've just gotten her, but I have to send her home."

"Home?" I questioned him. "What? To Renee? Why on earth would you do that?"

"I'm only putting her in danger." He sighed, his tears finally stopping. "I thought I could handle having to protect her from the vampire secret, but now I have to protect her from crazy accidents? That's too much." He shook his head.

"I am not going to let you send Bella away because of me." I told him sternly. "She will be okay. I'll make sure of it. If I have to have the kids constantly patrolling and watching out for her then I will. I swear I will."

"But they don't know about us." He dismissed me.

"I'll tell them." I swore to him. "If it makes you feel better, and keeps you and Bella together, then I will out us to my family and get her some bodyguards. Please don't ruin your happiness because of me." I begged him.

"I can't send her away." He shook his head. "She's so much like me, so stubborn that you can't order her to do anything. If I took her to the airport and put her out she wouldn't go because it wasn't her idea. Plus, I think she likes being the kid and not the parent for once."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"She's always had to take care of her mom. The girls a great cook, but only because she was forced to learn how young because her mom couldn't manage cooking eggs. She took over making sure the bills were payed at twelve. Twelve, Grace. She acts like it doesn't bother her, but it has to." He sighed. "I'm not trying to call Renee a bad mom, and I know I wouldn't have been much better in terms of cooking, but I could've offered Bella a little more stability if Renee would've let me."

"Of course you would've." I nodded. "But you can't think of that. You just have to focus on doing the best you can now. It sounds like by you being so stable, you're giving her a big peace of mind." I tried my best to soothe him. "Just trust yourself."

"That's so hard." He sighed deeply.

"Parenting is hard." I agreed. "So hard." I couldn't help but laugh. "Look at me, I've been parenting the same teenager since 1918. That's eighty-eighty years of Edwards stubbornness and self-loathing. If I can do it, I have such faith in you Charlie." I cooed.

"Thank you." He smiled softly at me. "I probably would've been crying all night if you hadn't have come by."

"I hate to think about that." I shook my head. "Do you want to lie down? You've got work in the morning and it's already one a.m."

"Okay." He nodded, slipping under the covers.

"Do you want to be alone?" I asked him, standing at the foot of the bed.

"You're kidding, right?" He chuckled. "A beautiful woman, humoring me by being my girlfriend, wants into my bed and you think I'm gonna tell her no?" He teased me, effortlessly becoming my familiar Charlie again.

"What a romantic." I shook my head as I kicked off my shoes and climbed into his bed.

"I love you, Grace." He spoke softly, the weight of his words settling into my heart.

"I love you, Charlie." I responded, meaning it with every fiber of my being.

And I knew I would mean it forever.

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