𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐬 || 𝐁𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝

By reinhartscole

17.7K 478 254

[ COMPLETED ] Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- it... More

«Chapter 1»
«Chapter 2»
«Chapter 3»
«Chapter 4»
«Chapter 6»
«Chapter 7»
«Chapter 8»
«Chapter 9»
«Chapter 10»
«last fucking chapter»

«Chapter 5»

1.3K 40 13
By reinhartscole

Changing. To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc of something or someone different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.


|| Alice ||
Sunday morning. I always hated Sundays, because they just kept reminding me, that Monday is the day after, so most of the time, I was in a bad mood. But this Sunday, something was different, I actually enjoyed waking up and I actually was happy. I didn't even care that tomorrow would be Monday. I layed in bed and then remembered the happenings of the past day. I went to an orphanage. I adopted Betty. Betty. I already loved her, even though I just knew her for like a day. And then I remembered Betty and Jug and the bet I made with Fp. I still thought that it was stupid, but they wouldn't get together anyway, so I just could get $150 from Fp. Once I finished replaying the events of yesterday, I stood up and went into the bathroom. I got into the shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed in some sweatpants and Fp's shirt that I stole years ago. Happily I went downstairs into the kitchen, only to be met by the delicious smell of eggs and bacon and by my best friend, staring at me as I walked down the stairs. „So someone stole my shirt again", he teased. „I literally stole that ages ago", I laughed. I always loved it when Fp teased me, it reminded me on our youth. The time we were teenagers. I loved it. We were just two teenagers, not having any responsibilities beside school and we also didn't knew how hard life would get once we were adults. „Yeah but last time I checked, it was hanging in my closet", Fp teared me out of my daydream, emphasizing the „my". „Well that's strange because it's my shirt", I retorted laughing, emphasizing the „my" in the same tone he did as I went into the kitchen to get some eggs.

|| Third Person ||
At the same time, the two best friends sat in the living room laughing and giggling, there was another pair of best friends lying in bed and cuddling. „Good mornin Juggie", the little girl said to her new best friend. „Mornin baby", he replied. And with that the blonde beauty started giggling at her new nickname that her new best friend gave her. She already loved living here. And she especially loved him. And he lover her. „Why you calling me baby Juggie?", she asked giggling at the raven haired boy she was cuddled up with. „Babies are cute, just like you", he told her. She looked into his eyes and started giggling even more. Soon they both broke out in laughter, both still giggling. They were so lost in each other's laughter, they didn't even realize that the bedroom door opened and their parents started watching them. It seemed like as long as they were together, they were in their own little world full of rainbows, candy and books. Of course books! Books were one of their connections that would shove them together even more. Probably more than any of their other thousand connections. „What are you guys giggling at?", a familiar voice teared them out of their world. They looked around only to be met by the two adults, who they called parents. „He called me baby", the blonde girl announced happily, still giggling. Little did she know, that this giggle of hers made the raven haired boy next to her go crazy. He loved her giggle. He even would die for it. „He what?", the two adults started laughing. „He said that babies are cute, just like me", the little girl explained, still giggling, making the raven haired boy go even crazier. The parents just laughed and the raven haired man hit his best friend playfully, reminding her on the bet they made the evening before. Just when the blonde woman was about to speak up, the green eyed girl did instead. „Why are you hitting mommy, are you mad at her?", she asked concerned but still smiling. Mommy. Those were the words, that melted both of the adults hearts, especially the blonde woman's. It felt like a dream came true. The dream of having a daughter. The dream of being a mom. „No honey, I'm not mad, it was just for fun. Once y'all get older, you'll understand. Don't do it though", Fp tried to explain it to the blonde girl and chuckled. „Okay", she replied and snuggled herself into her best friend's chest, who fell asleep again. The two adults looked at their children in awe and left the room to go back downstairs.

|| FP ||
Alice and I were sat on the couch, watching our all time favorite show ‚friends' as we heard little footsteps. It obviously were either Betty's or Jug's or both. We turned around only to see the two beanie wearing kids coming down the stairs, with their hands intertwined. „Hey guys, you wanna eat?", I asked both of them. They both nodded and made their way to the dinning table and sat onto the chairs. I stood up and went into the kitchen, to get two plates of eggs and bacon. When I went back to give them their food, they were talking and laughing, probably about something Jug said or did. I haven't seen him that happy in years and I really liked the sight. It was like this little girl, managed do to something we tried for like years, within two days. I didn't know how she did it and I also didn't know what she did, but I was glad she did whatever she did, because Jug was happier than he was ever before. I put the plates in front of them and made my way back to the couch. „What y'all wanna do today?", I heard my best friend ask the kids. The two of them exchanged quick glances and then my raven haired boy spoke up. „Can we go to the playground?", he pleaded. That was new. He never wanted to go to the playground, although we always told him to. But I didn't mind, no, I liked the new Jughead. „Of course, but only as far as we can watch you through the window", I stated. We always let him go out alone, as long as we could watch him through the window, to make sure that nothing would of happen to him. „Okay", both of them said in unison, got up, put their coats and shoes on and went outside. „She's changing him", Alice exclaimed as we heard the door close. „She sure does, but I like it. I haven't seen him that happy in years", I replied smiling.

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