It wasn't me- Mandrew fanfic

By KayBearLikesFood

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Just a Mandrew fanfic. Lmao. I'm gonna have a plot twist that blows yalls minds. More



277 4 0
By KayBearLikesFood

When we went home the first few minutes of the car ride was silent. We all had a lot to take In from the night. Garrett broke the silence.

Garrett- i- I just wanna talk about how  they almost kis-
Shane- Garrett, no. Now is not the time.

Shane spoke with gentleness in his voice yet he said it with firmness too. It was softly spoken but it loudly echoed through all of our heads.

We got home. We all gathered around the kitchen getting snacks. After we got snacks we all went our separate ways. I went up to my room. I closed the door. I reached into my pocket and got the cool stick I found when I was with Morgan. I gently tossed it onto my bed. I wanted to paint the stick so it said "I love you Morgan" and I was gonna give it to her. I walked downstairs and was walking out when Morgan noticed me.

Morgan- where ya going?
Andrew- just Starbucks.

I technically wasn't lying because I was gonna go to Starbucks but I wasn't gonna explain to her why I was getting paint from the craft store. I finally got to the store and headed to the paint aisle. It dawned on me that I didn't know Morgans favorite color. I texted Ryland, I figured he should know. He said it was peach orange-pink or a blue. I grabbed some peach paint and blue paint. I headed to Starbucks. I texted Morgan asking what she wanted. cold brew. I got the same. I headed home and snuck the paints up to my room. I got some newspapers and spread them on my floor so I wouldn't get paint on anything. I put the stick and paints away. The background was blue but the peach color was the lettering for "I love you Morgan". I didn't know how I was gonna give it to her or what to say. I concluded that I should wait until I was ready to ask her to be my girlfriend. I waited for the stick to dry, luckily it was quick drying paint, and then I hid it in my drawer. I washed my hands and made sure you couldn't tell I was painting. I headed downstairs

Morgan- hahahaha
Andrew- what's so funny?

Morgan kept laughing and smiling so wide which made me laugh a little but I was so confused. She walked up to me and put her hand by my face. She booped my nose.

Morgan- *touches Andrews nose* boop
Andrew- *touches Morgans nose* booop
Morgan- Andrew there's orange paint on your nose. It's a pretty shade of orange. Kinda like peach. It's my favorite color actually.
Andrew- oh shoot let me go wash it off
Morgan- no keep it. It's cute- sorry i-
Andrew- haha you think I'm cute
Morgan- I'm sorry Andrew i ju-
Andrew- shhh it's fine. If I can say you're beautiful, you can say I'm cute.
Morgan- when do you call me beautiful?
Andrew- you're beautiful.
Andrew- so just now I called you beautiful. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Because you really are and you need to realize that.
Morgan- Andrew if you're not the most perfect person on this earth than I don't know who is

So I took this as my opportunity to kiss her since I didn't get to last night. I like kinda put my hand on her cheek. But there was still some paint I didn't get off my hands so now there was blue paint on her cheek. She took some of the paint from her cheek and smeared it on my face. So I took some of it from my nose And put it on her face too. We were laughing so hard by now. Oh my god how she was so perfect I don't know. Now we were both covered in paint. And then her hands were around my waist(a/n:and I oop-) we were still laughing loudly. I heard Shane go "Awwe" very faintly but I still heard it so I turned around. And there was shane holding his phone up to what I'm assuming he was recording us and Ryland and Gar behind him. They were all at the top of the stairs. Morgan stood beside me now.

Andrew- how- how long were you guys watching us
Garrett- well we could watch back the recording and see.
Shane- Garrett! No.
Garrett- Shane! I wasn't even the one recording.
Shane- that's supposed to be a secret. Remember we're gonna capture as many of their moments as we can and show it to them to prove a point.
Garrett- and what exactly is that point
Shane- that they Love Each Other
Garett- ohh yea.
Ryland- we literally went over this five minutes ago Garrett
Garrett- sorry! I have bad memory.

They were whispering so I couldn't understand most of what they said but from what I heard they were recording us that entire time. I didn't know what to think. Whenever we're having fun by ourselves something always stops us. It's quite annoying. I decided I could take Morgan someone secluded where we can talk about whatever we wanted with no one interrupting us. It then came to me. Where we could go. I just had to make sure with Tana that is was okay

Andrew- hey Tana so this is kinda long and maybe asking a lot of you but, as you probably know me and Morgan have a, honestly I don't know what it is exactly anyways,But I never get to be with her for so long before someone, usually Shane Garrett and Ryland, bother us and it's been kinda annoying it's quite hard to have a stable relationship when you have three guys always intruding your personal space.that night, your party. We left the group and we went up some stairs in your big ass yard/jungle and we found a cool area with lights and benches and a fire place. It was so special and we loved it. It was peaceful. I was wondering if you would mind if I took her there again for a little bit?

Tana- omg that would be so sweet she would love that. I'm fine with having y'all come over. I barely leave my house anyways and I was only up there once since the time I got this house  so that doesn't bother me in anyway lmao. Come over whenever you want okay? You're both welcome there.
Andrew- thank you so much I'll be there at 6
Tana- okay!

I was sitting on the couch with Morgan next to me. No one else was there but if I tried to do anything sooner or later Shane Gar Or Ryland would appear and pester us. She fell asleep on me but that's normal for her. I was editing a video when I noticed the time. 4:30. In 1 hour and 30 minutes I had to be at Tanas house. I didn't want to make this all fancy so I decided we should leave by 5:30 in an hour. We had time. But I thought we should go around town a little bit first. So I gently woke Morgan up and told her I was bored and wanted to go somewhere. Our first stop was the park. Just for fun. We went down slides and swung on swings and climbed the monkey bars. The children were giving us weird looks but we didn't care it was fun. It was then 5:20 I figured we should stop at starbies then head to Tanas but I wasn't telling Morgan about Tanas. We got our Starbucks it was 5:40 by now.
Andrew- I know where we should go
Morgan- where?
Andrew- it's a surprise don't worry
Morgan- a surprise? Hmm okay.
Andrew- you'll love it trust me
Morgan- I'm gonna trust you on this one siwicki.
Andrew- Siwicki? No one ever calls me by my last name hahaha
Morgan- Honestly I don't know why I called you that sorry
Andrew- no it's fine, I'm just not used to it. 
Morgan- yea. Anyways how close are we to this 'surprise'?
Andrew- uhhhh abouuut 2 minutes. Almost there.
Morgan- this is a neighborhood? Andrew are we going to your house?
Are you kidnaping me?
Andrew- shit how'd you figure it out
*they both laugh hehe*

And then I turned my head around and looked at her. We were leaning closer to each other. And then it happened.

No I didn't kiss her. What happened, I almost crashed into another car because I was kinda sorta almost kissing my girlfr- Morgan, and not paying attention to the road. oops. We had stopped driving. The other car just drove off though.
Morgan- Andrew holy shit
Andrew- oh my god are you okay
Morgan- yea I'm okay. Thank god you're okay I just-

And  then the world stopped for a second and finally it happened. Yea we kissed. While the car was in the middle of the fucking road. And then we pulled away because well, the car was in the middle of the F u c k i n g  R o a d.
*said while pulling away from each other*
Morgan- oh shit Andrew
Andrew- shit shit shit

There were cars behind us. Horns were honked a few un kind words were said. We sped out of the way of the cars and I drove to Tanas. We pulled up to the driveway.

Morgan- Tanas?
Andrew- shhh just follow me.

I grabbed her hand and we walked up the steps to that little peaceful area. I sat down where I sat that night and Morgan sat right next to me
Morgan- *said while smiling* oh so you brought me back to this place
Andrew- *kinda red* haha yea
Morgan- you're red again. Kinda like when we first started uh?-
Andrew- talking?
Morgan- yea talking. You'd always be red. *said while lightly laughing*
Andrew- hey! I would not be re- okay yea you're right I would get pretty red. But only because you're you.
Morgan- You're really an angel
Andrew- I don't know about that exactly but, Morgan I was wondering,
Andrew- well, ever since we started talking I loved being around you and I loved everything about you. At first I didn't realize that I liked you like that. I guess I just didn't want to admit it. But one day It just hit me like shit i really really like you Morgan. And I couldn't hide that anymore. It was too obvious that I liked you and I would really love to be with you. So *andrew pulls out the painted stick and hands it to her with one hand and holds her other hand with his other hand* do you wanna be mine?

I was kinda tearing up. Shit. I didn't know why but I realized Morgan was too. And then I realized it was okay and then we kissed for what felt like a while. Then we finally separated.

Andrew- sooo is that a yes...?
Morgan- pft silly of course it is. Couldn't you tell that i like you a lot? I thought it was obvious. I thought everyone knew i liked you. I just didn't know you liked me. Guys like you Andrew, they don't usually fall for me and I usually end up getting hurt.
Andrew- Morgan I would never hurt you. And any guy who ever hurt you is just some imbecile dumbass who doesn't deserve such a wonderful girl as you Morgan.
Andrew and Morgan- *both crying*
Morgan-Also that stick. That's so thoughtful and sweet. And ohhh that was why you had paint all over you the other day
Andrew- haha yea. And that's why I took so long at "starbucks" I was also at the craft store.
Morgan- you're so cute Andrew. And not just in your looks. In pretty much everything you do
Andrew- ah but your cuter Morgan.
Morgan- does Tana even like, know we're here?
Andrew- yea I texted her. We should probably go thank her.

I knocked on the door holding onto Morgans hand.

Tana- oh my god h- oh my gOD did it go wrong? *said very worriedly*
Andrew- no! No, these are good tears we just got emotional but good news, we're dating now. Thank you so much Tana
Morgan-  I love you so much girly thanks Tana
Tana- oh good thank god I saw tears and got worried. Also you're so welcome. You guys can come over whenever you want we have  plenty of room. Hell, you could even live here if y'all wanted. Ashly, Isabella, Mario, Imari and everyone else wouldn't mind.

Authors note: okay fuc I needa end this now it's over 2,000 words I really liked this chapter cuz it wasn't just "I heLd hEr hAnd aS we wAlkEd alOng tHe pathWaY" "oH my gOd sHe is sO peRfeCt I wiSh sHe wAs miNe" like the other chapters have been okay bye thank y'all so much for reading this half assed fan fic💛💕💛💕💛💕

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