The Devil Hero

By Mock_Antipas

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My honored brethren, we come together. To unite as one, against those that are damned. We show no mercy, for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

1K 28 4
By Mock_Antipas

(Y/N)'s POV

Watching everyone was surprising to say the least. It was impressive to see how each person used there quirks in different ways. Wouldn't expect a guy to use his laser to fly backwards and finish, even if he did mess up during it. Unfortunately, most couldn't exactly use there quirks in this, like Kyoka or that Midoriya kid.

"(Y/N) (L/N) and Denki Kaminari, you two are up next." Aizawa spoke. Finally, about time.

My competitor, Kaminari was already at our marks when I got there. "I see someone's itching to race." I said.

He chuckled as he looked back at me. "I guess you could say that. This test is having pull out all the stops."

"Well may the best man win." I said holding my hand out to him. With a smile he shook it before we got into out positions.

Kaminari's POV

"Runners, on your mark!" The machine said ahead of us.

"All right Denki, you got this." I thought to myself. "This guy's nothing but pure strength, you should easily out pace him." It may have been a test but I want to at least have a little fun. Looking over at him I noticed his demon arm kinda glowing a lightish blue. Guess he's trying to intimidate me with a light show. I felt a bit of my electricity go around me, sparking and crackling to intimidate back at him.

"Ready... POP!"

Just as I pushed myself forward, (L/N) was already halfway down the track. "What the hell?!" Apparently that light show wasn't for nothing.

"3.96 seconds." I barely heard the machine say as I got closer and then my response as I passed. "7.99 seconds."

Panting slightly I looked over at (L/N) who barely even looked out of breath.

"Damn, almost got to full speed." He said. "That wasn't even his fastest time!" I thought as I walked over to him.

"So you're not only insanely strong, but you're also fast?" I asked him, causing him to laugh.

"Pretty much, the quirk of mine can definitely come in handy." He said with a grin.

"So what, your arm just does anything for you?"

"It's complicated really. I honestly don't know everything I can do. Only one person really could but...he's not exactly around..." he explained on a somber note.

"Oh, uh...sorry, didn't mean to bring up anything." I apologized.

"It's fine, trust me. Nothing to worry about." He said putting on a smile. "Kaminari right, it was a good race and hope to hang out a bit more." He then held out his demon hand to me. I took and shook it, giving him a small smile.

"You bet (L/N)." I said as I let go, causing him to walk off. I really hope I didn't bring up anything bad from his life.

(Y/N)'s POV

Never thought I'd think about dad again. Guess it was bound to return anyways. Not ever knowing who he was, I never had anyone to teach me how to use my quirk. It was basically just blind training all these years, figuring out what I could do and seeing how bad I messed up when I couldn't do something. Granted, who even knows if this is my dad's quirk, he could've just been quirkless and I just randomly got this. Even so, knowing that I had to do this alone, kinda hurts when your "One Night Stand" father is somewhere out there doing his own thing. I looked down at my arm and held it with my normal one, debating as to whether I should search for him again. Last time I did though...I got Kyoka hurt...I don't want that to happen again.


"Huh?" I looked up to see Sparky charging at that Midoriya kid who had an absolute look of terror on his face. Whoa...guess I was so focused on my old man, I completely blacked out on all the other tests. How did I even do?

At that point Aizawa caught Sparky with his scarf, trapping him from moving. "Stand down, it'd be wise to avoid making me use my quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye."

Timeskip: After tests

After finishing the sit ups, seated toe-touch and long-distance running tests, it was finally time to see our scores.

"All right, time to give you your results." Aizawa said as we all stood in front of him. "I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list, it's not worth going over each individual score."

Time to see how I did, even though I don't remember half of what even went down during it. I just hope I didn't do too badly. He then pulled out a holographic lost list of everyone's name from 1 to 21

1:Momo Yaoyorozu
2:Shoto Todoroki
3:Katsuki Bakugo
4:Tenya Iida
5:Fumikage Tokoyami
6:Mezo Shoji
7:Mashirao Ojiro
8:Eijiro Kirishima
9:Mina Ashido
10:Ochaco Uraraka
11:(Y/N) (L/N)
12:Koji Koda
13:Rikido Sato
14:Tsuyu Asui
15:Yuga Aoyama
16:Hanta Sero
17:Denki Kaminari
18:Kyoka Jiro
19:Toru Hagakure
20:Minoru Mineta
21:Izuku Midoriya


"HOW THE HELL DID I GET 11TH?!! THE HELL WAS I DOING WHEN I BLACKED OUT!!!" That was all I could think as I looked at the list. badly did I do...

Jiro's POV

(Y/N)...what were you doing...first you used your regular arm in the strength grip test, barely getting anything, and instead of using your phantom arm to pull yourself across in the long jump, you half assed it across the sandbox. What was going on inside your head? Before I could go over and ask him, the professor pulled down the list and spoke.

"And I was lying, no one's going home." The entire class fell silent. "That was just a rational deception to make sure you have it your all in the tests."

"WHAT?!!!" Practically everyone shouted, except for one person.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out." The girl, Yaoyorozu I think, said. "Sorry guess I should've said something."

" should have..." I thought before looking back at where (Y/N) was, only to find him gone. "Where could he have gone?"

"That's it, we're done for the day." Aizawa said as he began to leave. "Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning." Once he said that I immediately pulled out my phone and tried calling  (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV: U.A.'s Rooftop

7 missed calls

Kyoka's gonna be pissed when she sees me next time. After the list was revealed I left early to change and went to the rooftop of the school. Makes you wonder how many kids have gone up here with how easy it was to get here.

I sighed as I looked away from my phone and to the horizon. I feel so stupid for focusing on my own thoughts than the tests. Dammit...why do I have to be like this...

"You know students are meant to go home after school, not go to the roof." A voice said behind me. I turned to see our professor himself, Aizawa.

"Oh, uh yeah I know...I just...thought I'd enjoy the view." I said with a fake smile.

"If it wasn't for your friend asking if I had seen you after class I would have believed that lie." He bluntly said, making me drop my smile.

"I guess so."

"I'm guessing this is about your placement on the tests?" He asked.

"Something like that...I honestly don't remember much after the 50 meter dash...what did I do..."

He looked as if he was thinking over what he wanted to say before looking at me. "It was obvious you were distracted by something. At first I thought it was about the expulsion, but you regained yourself before the final three tests. And even those it felt as if you weren't giving it your all." I looked away, feeling even more stupid for how I did. "Whatever the case is, this isn't the place you need to worry about it. You want to be a hero right?" I nodded. "Look at me and speak clearly when I'm talking to you." Sighing, I looked at Aizawa, but what baffled me was that he looked almost concerned.

"Y-Yes sir." I said.

"And why do you want to be a hero?" He asked.

I gulped as I began to think back to the attack Kyoka and I were apart of and began thinking of my father again. Looking at my professor, I said with a clenched fist, "To protect the ones that need help and to be there for the ones that feel alone in this world."

He then smirked at me. "Then keep that in mind instead. It's better to know why you want to be here than worry about whatever you have going on inside your head." He began walking back to the door of the school. "After classes tomorrow, meet me back at the field. I want to know what you can really do when you're not distracted."

"You got it professor." I said with a chuckle and a smirk. He then walked inside, leaving me to myself. "I won't let this get to me."


"Oh right...Kyoka..." I said as my phone began going off again.

Bit longer than what I normally do, but so far so good in my opinion. And definitely better on getting another chapter out than before. Honestly I'm surprised I got to it. But either way, hope you guys enjoy it and send some feedback.

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