Memory of the Past Future (Ol...

Da Omniknight11

30.5K 715 723

Sabre and Rainbow had defeated Memory though not before he told Rainbow that his memories could only come bac... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Side Chapter 1
Side Chapter 2
Side Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Side Chapter 4
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Side Chapter 5
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Side Chapter 6
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thank You/Q&A

Chapter 19

872 20 33
Da Omniknight11

Thanks to certain people comments in Chapter 17, this chapter has changed from my original idea making it 2x longer. Longest chapter ever.



Everyone in that room, aside from Rift recognize that voice from anywhere even if one has not heard it in years. Tears filled everyone's eyes seeing the one who they lost that meant so much standing and breathing right in front of them. All the anger left Reverse along with his massive attack as he stared in disbelief at the one person who could save him.

Standing not too far from everyone was Light who's calming aura spread around the room as his kind silver eyes glance at his family and friends. Behind him were Sabre, Lucas, Shadow and Silver. Sabre was supporting Shadow since he could not stand properly due to his ankle being dislocated, Sabre's powers could do so much. Lucas was next to them and if you look hard enough you can see a small Steve just a few shades darker than Light hiding behind him.

No one made a move, not even Rift but he was buried under some rubble and unconscious so he couldn't if he wanted to. No one knew what to do, until Rainbow ran over to his brother moments later and tackle him in a hug, almost knocking them to the ground.

"I-Is that really you? Is it really you Light?" Dark ask shaking. His feet were wobbling that he almost fell down as he walked over to Light.

Light smiled and held out a hand telling Dark that the white Steve in front of him was indeed his younger brother that he missed dearly. Dark found his ground as he broke into a run and engulfed the two in a tight hug, especially Light as if he would disappear if he didn't. As for Reverse, he was hesitant about joining them as much as he wanted to, he still believes that Rainbow and Dark don't like him and now he thinks that Light no longer love him because Reverse was his killer.

"Reverse" Light said getting the Steve's attention.

Light held out one of his hands to show Reverse he could come to them while their other two brothers had a smile on each of their faces. Reverse look at Light in disbelief.


"You were never at fault Rev, now come and give us a hug little brother"

Hearing his old nickname made something click in Reverse's mind. It did not take long before Reverse came running to his brothers' arms letting out of his emotions in tears. Rainbow, Dark and Reverse were all crying as Light said comforting words to them all. They were happy to have their Light back after so many years. Meanwhile Nightmare could not help, but to cry seeing all four of his boys together once again; not much could make him cry, not after how much he had seen during his lifetime. Plague on the other hand let it all out seeing such a beautiful sight and hugged Nightmare who just rubbed his back knowing that the green/blue Steve gets very emotional.

For the first time in Shadow's life, he got to see his dad truly smile aside from the day he was born which did not count since he did not remember. Sabre and Lucas shared a smile among themselves, they were happy for them especially for Reverse after Light told them the truth about what happened that day. As for Silver, he was very confused being that he only known Lucas, Sabre, his pa - Light - and his dad his entire life, but if his pa was happy, he was too.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything Light" Reverse cried.

Dark shook his head, "No it was my fault, I'm the oldest and I let all of this happen"

"And I'm at fault too, I'm your twin and should have been there for you" Rainbow admitted.

"Hush all of you. It's all in the past so everyone is forgiven now" Light smiled. He was so happy to have all his brothers back and not fighting.

Positive silently squealed at the sight. Negative knew that his brother wanted to hug someone and jump for joy, but he was holding Cliff so he couldn't. So being the good brother he is, Negative took Cliff from Positive to let him get all his giddiness out. As for Cliff, he was the only one who wasn't paying the brothers any attention instead he was watching Rift who was twitching indicating that he was close to waking up. Cliff got Negative's attention who got Positive's.

It was such a beautiful moment, unfortunately it did not last. When Rift became conscious and saw that Light was back, frustration filled him. Light being was the one thing that kept his plan in motion, Reverse was so close to kill Rainbow, Nightmare and Plague and he would have too if that Steve hadn't come in the picture. Rift suddenly realized that therefore Nightmare told Shadow to get Sabre and Lucas to the basement, that was Nightmare's plan: bring Light back so Reverse would stop and go back to the Steve's side.

Rift's anger boiled over and he screamed gaining everyone's attention.

"This shouldn't be happening!" Rift glared at the four brothers and Nightmare, especially Nightmare who foiled his whole entire plan, "You, all of you ruined everything!"

Rift then retrieve his diamond sword from the ground and was ready to spill blood from anyone that gets in his way.

Cliff, who Rift has yet to notice, was very worried about his friend and what he'll do. Telling Negative to put him down, Cliff hobble over to Rift with Positive and Negative not too far behind him. Both were worried about the human's health as it slowly deuterates.

"Rift just stop, it's over" Cliff breathed. His lungs were on fire and he found it harder and harder to breathe every time he took a breath.

Rift's angry turn one into worry when he saw Cliff here in the Nightmare Dimension.

"Y-You're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be back at the cave, in that room!" Rift yelled causing Cliff to flinch since he never yelled at him before.

"Don't yell at him! How dare you lock your best friend in a room when he is this sick!" Positive glared at the human. The only thing keeping him from going all out on him is his brother holding him back.

"I kept him there, so he'll be safe until I got my hands on Sabre, now because of you he's even more sick! That room delayed the spread of his illness!"

Now Positive, Negative, and Dark felt a little guilty.

Rift averted his eyes onto Sabre and Lucas who cowered backwards at his stare, "I was going to do this the nice way for those two sake so they don't have to see their friends dying, but because of you Steves, they'll have to watch"

It was true, Rift was going to avoid any kill anyone, but because of the Steves, they'll pay the price and Sabre and Lucas will have to bear witness to all of this. He couldn't wait to have his sunshine in his arms again and when Cliff gets Sabre, he'll be good as new. Nothing will stop him from getting what the Steves took from them.

Positive and Negative went to attack Rift to prevent him from getting anywhere near Sabre, but what they did not count for shadow arms appear from the human's back. Rift raised the hand not holding the sword and shot out shadowy substance. The two Steves tried to dodge it, but they were too late and were caught. The substance sent them flying until they hit a wall, sticking to it and knocking them out.

"Pos! Neg!" Cliff yelled as he ran to his friends, but two arms grabbed him and stuck him to the wall with the same substance use on the brother Steves.

"Let me go Rift" Cliff struggled.

When Rift look directly in Cliff's eyes, Cliff froze seeing how dead they were and that the red that fully consumed them.

"This isn't your fight; you shouldn't even be here" Rift said in a deeper voice before he turns his attention to the others.

Nightmare and Plague were ready to attack when they were hit by the shadowy substance and stuck on the same wall as the brothers.

"Dad!" The four brothers yelled out.

"Grandpa!" Shadow yelled

"Please Rift don't *cough* do it" Cliff breathed.

"I can't take any more chances" Rift said there was some hurt in his voice. A shadow arm shot out aiming for Sabre who didn't have any time to more. Before it grabbed Sabre, Shadow pushed him out of the way saving the human but was grabbed himself.

"Shadow!" Everyone but Silver yelled.

"Dad help me!" Shadow cried out as he was lifted in the air.

"I'm coming son" Dark took out his iron sword to cut down the arms that were in his way to get to his son. However, he soon became overcome by the arms and was captured himself.

"Dark!" Rainbow ran to help with Reverse right behind him.

"Stop both of you!" Light tried to warn the two colorful Steves, but it was too late.

Again, the hands went after Sabre and again they were block only this time by a light shield.

Since Light had not used his powers in years, they took a lot out of him making it harder for him to hold the arms back.

Without looking at them, Light told Sabre, Lucas and Silver to run.

"We're not leaving you!" Lucas yelled worried about Light and the other Steves.

"You have to go now!" Light gritted his teeth. His shield was weakening, and it took only matters of seconds before it broke.

The arms grabbed Light and pulled him away from the others.

"Pa!" Silver yelled reaching for Light. Lucas tried to hold him back, but both him and Sabre were grabbed.

"Uncle Sabre! Uncle Lucas!" Silver cried out reaching for them, but without power Silver couldn't do anything to help. Rift knew this, that's why Silver wasn't grabbed since he posed no threat.

The arm that had Sabre brought him over to Rift who just smirk, he knew he won against the Steves now he captured all of them.

"Let us go Rift" Sabre growled.

"You know if Positive and Negative hadn't brought Cliff here then they wouldn't be hurting as bad"

"Then just let me heal him and let everyone else go. You don't have to do this" Sabre pleaded.

Rift hummed, "Alright then" Sabre was tossed near Cliff who looked at him an apologetic look, "Heal him now"

The arm that held Lucas brought him closer to Rift who smiled at the blonde softly.

"I'm glad that I have you my sunshine"

"Let us go!" Lucas growled, glancing back and forth between Rift and Sabre.

Rift then did something unexpectedly, he brought Lucas into a hug and held on him, "I lost you once, I'm not losing you again"

"I'm so sorry Lu Lu"


"I'm sorry" Cliff cried, "I-I"

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize" Sabre tried to soothe him as he tried to heal Cliff, but for some reason he couldn't fully heal him.

When Sabre first healed him and Lucas, he discovered that he could see where the pain was, but for some reason he couldn't heal Cliff. Sabre saw were the illness had only dissipate just a bit

"Why isn't this working?" Sabre said to himself.

Cliff grabbed both of Sabre's wrists stopping him from healing, "This was the deal"


"As long as I'm near you, I won't get sick. As long as I'm near you, the less the illness will spread until it disappears. I took this deal and I don't regret" Cliff smiled and pushed Sabre away.

Rift gritted his teeth; why is Cliff pushing Sabre away? This is what he wanted was it not? Rift pulled Lucas away from him and glared at Cliff.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Rift growled, "This isn't part of the plan!"

Cliff knows what Rift meant, "The plan doesn't matter because this isn't right! We should have talked, not jump to conclusions!" Cliff shouted. "Don't you get it?! He's using us! He's using us to do his dirty work! Can't you see Rift?!"

Rift growled at Cliff, "So you're turning against the one person who gave us a second chance at getting back what's ours"

"Their not ours Rift! Get that through your head! You were given a second chance! Not me!"

Rift looked away from Cliff over to Sabre, "I guess our agreement is broken"

"No!" Sabre yelled, but his voice was drowned by the screams of his family and friends.

The arms tighten around them, squeezing and making it harder for them to breath. Sabre was too focused on them that he didn't notice an arm wrapping around him and squeezed as well. Cliff went to help, but an arm wrapped around him preventing him from doing anything.

"This is what you get from disobeying our master" Rift laughed

All of them will pay, along with Cliff, they were the reason why he couldn't have what's his. They're the reason he couldn't have his sunshine. He won't kill them; no, he's going to torture them since their torturing him by not giving what he wants. It was easy to see that Rift was no longer sane, something dark had wrapped around his head and not letting him think straight anymore..

"Let them go" Rift look down to see Silver standing in front of him with an angry look.

"Why should I?" Rift glared at the Steve.

Rift's grip on everyone loosened letting them breath.

"Because you're hurting them"

"Silver get away from him!" Light yelled worried about his son's safety.

"Be quiet" Rift growled, tightening his grip on Light getting a groan from him before he turned his attention back to the small Steve, "Why would you think I care if I'm hurting them?"

"Because you're not a monster" Silver said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And how do you know that?"

"You did everything to save someone. A monster wouldn't do that. My dad was called a monster, but he saved my pa"

"I can't be saved, it's too late" Rift said in sorrow.

The thing about the shadowy arms is that they tighten and loosen based on his emotions.

"Anyone can be saved, that's only if that person allows others to do so," Silver said. He did not understand when this person wants to hurt his family and friends.

Rift was at a loss of words thinking about what Silver told him, it made sense for some odd reason. The feeling of darkness in his mind fading slowly before it came back full force, taking over him. Rift let out a pain filled scream before he fell silent. The arms disappeared allowing everyone to fall to the ground: Light manage to catch Lucas, Dark got Sabre and like a cat Shadow landed on his feet which was a bad idea with his ankle.

The substance on Nightmare, Plague, Positive and Negative dissolved making them fall to the floor. Out of the four only Plague and Negative were awake, but there was something on those things that temporarily paralyzed them. The only thing they could do was to watch everything happen.

A very dark aura surrounded Rift to the point even Sabre and Lucas can feel it. Rift then let out a bone chilling chuckle.

"I had forgotten that Rift has a soft spot for young ones no matter the species. It reminds him too much of the past" 'Rift' chuckled. He summoned a dark sword and slowly approach Silver who back away with fear in his eyes.

"Leave my son alone!" Light cried out. He wanted to help his son so bad, but the shield he made drained him to the point it was hard for him to move. Dark was preoccupied with helping Shadow worried that he messed up his ankle even more. Sabre and Lucas couldn't do anything because it would be too late.

"Pa! Help me!" Silver cried. Since he was walking backwards, Silver did not see a piece of rubble that he fell over onto the floor.

"Pa" Silver whimpered.

"Don't hurt him!" Light yelled.

"Run Silver!"

"Get away from him!"

"Touch him and I will kill you!"

Everyone yelled trying to get 'Rift' away from Silver.

"Time for you to go to sleep little one" 'Rift' raised his sword, "Forever!"

"Daddy! Help me!"

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my son!"


Who do you think it is? Bet you no one will get it, if you do then you get cake.

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