Af sansasrose

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Margaery Tyrell didn't dream of love like other girls her age did. She wanted one thing and that was to be qu... Mere



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Af sansasrose

Highgarden | 295 a.c.

MARGAERY HAD ALWAYS thought she was brilliant. She knew how to hide her desires for the greater good of her overarching goal which was becoming queen. Which was why she felt like a complete idiot for kissing Elinor. She gave in to her desires and allowed herself to indulge in Elinor in a way she shouldn't have. No matter how quick the kiss, or how bad it was, it was still a kiss and it plagued Margaery's every thought.

What had surprised Margaery was the fact that Elinor had kissed her back. Why had Elinor kissed her back? That was another thing that plagued Margaery's thoughts. She also felt an abundant amount of overwhelming guilt. She had kissed Elinor to set her mind at ease, but she also kissed her because she wanted to. If Margaery wanted anyone to be her first, she didn't want some unskilled boy that wanted to see what was under her dress, she wanted Elinor.

"Good morning sister," Loras said as he entered the Dining Hall, "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"

"I suppose," Margaery answered, her eyes narrowing at Loras, "Why are you so happy?"

"Let's just say I had a marvelous night," Loras said grabbing a grape from one of the bowls on the table and tossing it into his mouth, "And I believe you enjoyed your night as well."

Margaery raised an eyebrow, "Pardon?"

Loras lets out a laugh, "You and Elinor in the gardens."

Margaery kept her face leveled, unsure if Loras was baiting her, "What were you doing in the gardens?"

"The better question is what were you doing in the gardens? Oh wait, I know, you were kissing our brother's betrothed," Loras deadpanned. Margaery glanced around the room, despite knowing that it was empty.

"Keep your voice down," Margaery said through gritted teeth.

"She is marrying Willas in three days," Loras said.

"I'm aware," Margaery said, her voice low, "The kiss didn't mean anything okay? Elinor was worried about kissing Willas, so I kissed her."

"You never do anything without having an ulterior motive," Loras pointed out as he grabbed another grape, "Renly and I were trying to figure out what that motive was and we narrowed it down to two thing-"

"You told Renly?" Margaery asked Loras, growing angry.

"No, Renly saw it with his own two eyes," Loras said before going back to his previous point, "So, Renly and I think that you either are infatuated with Elinor or you're trying to sabotage her. Which is it?"

"Neither," Margaery answered, "I was trying to set a friend at ease."

"That was almost believable, but you forget that I know you Margaery," Loras says, his tone softening.

Margaery stands from her seat abruptly, "I'm not discussing this any further with you."

"Fine," Loras says, "But in three days, Elinor will become our sister by law. She will be the mother of Willas's children, your niece and nephews."

Margaery's gaze hardens as she looks at her brother, but then she realizes that acting hostile gives her away. It shows that she cares, and Margaery cannot allow him to know that she cares.

"And I will love my nieces and nephews beyond belief," Margaery replies, though the thought bothers her, Margaery doesn't let it show. Loras watches her carefully before nodding.

"Elinor's family is arriving today," Loras says, grabbing another grape, "I'm excited to see if the rest of her family is as tame as she is."

Elinor isn't tame, Margaery thinks. The Dornish girl could be wild and adventurous, but with everyone gathering in Highgarden Elinor had been on her best behavior, acting as a perfect lady, even her stutter seemed minimal.

"We know the Martell's aren't tame," Margaery says, "Especially her father, Oberyn."

"Yes," Loras says, a hint of excitement in his eyes, "The Red Viper."

Margaery's face morphs to one of hidden disgust, "Stop thinking whatever you're thinking. That is Elinor's father. He is also the man that hurt Willas."

"Let's let bygones be bygones," Loras tells her and Margaery smiles at him.

"I completely agree. What you saw last night was a bygone," Margaery told him before briskly leaving the Dining Hall. To Margaery's misfortune, she ran directly into Willas, who she had been actively avoiding.

"Margaery," Willas said with a wide smile, "Where are you running off to?"

"Anywhere Loras isn't," Margaery mutters, earning a laugh from Willas.

"At least Renly isn't with him," Willas says, always looking at the bright side.

"Either way," Margaery trails off ready to change the topic, "Are you nervous about meeting Elinor's family?"

Redirecting to a topic that reminded her of the guilt nagging at her was not the smartest move she's ever made.

"A little," Willas replied, "Her sisters have been asking her questions about our relationship and I just don't know what to expect."

Margaery took one of Willas's hands and smiled at him, "Relax. Everything will be fine."

Willas nodded at his younger sister's words, "You're right."

Margaery released Willas's hand and glanced over his shoulder to see Elinor walking by briskly. Willas turned as well only to see as Elinor slipped down another corridor. Margaery wanted to follow after her, but she knew that it wasn't her place.

"I think Elinor needs you," Margaery muttered, "She's probably nervous about seeing her family as well."

"You're right," Willas says with a nod. He turns to follow after Elinor and Margaery just watches him leave. A feeling of envy sits in the pit of her stomach.

Loras comes up beside her and she rolls her eyes, prepared to take off in the opposite direction of Elinor and Willas, but Loras's words stop her where she stands.

"Infatuation it is then."


The Martells were gorgeous. It was evident where Elinor got her gracious looks from. Oberyn Martell was a handsome man and in each of his children, there was a hint of him. All of Elinor's older sisters along with her younger brother were present. Also with them was her cousin Arianne, the heiress to Sunspear.

"He brought his bastard children," her mother said beside her, sounding a bit disgusted. It angered Margaery.

"They are her sisters," Margaery replied, "They should be present for their sister's wedding."

Margaery and her mother shared a glance. Alerie seemed surprised her daughter would disagree with her. Normally Margaery wouldn't. She always sought after her mother's approval, but in this moment, she felt her mother was being rude.

"Welcome, Prince Oberyn. Thank you for allowing the pleasure to host you and your family in Highgarden," Margaery heard her father say. Mace's words were laced with venom. Margaery had forgotten about the animosity shared between the two families. She had been so captured by Elinor that she had forgotten what her father had done to Willas and how Mace Tyrell hated him for what he did to his firstborn.

"Thank you, Lord Mace," Oberyn said in a strong Dornish accent, "It is a pleasure to be here."

Once the pleasantries had been passed, Elinor left Willas's side and went to embrace her father. The Prince of Dorne smiled widely as he picked up his daughter and twirled her in the air.

Elinor then moved onto her sisters and shared in a big group hug. From there she moved to her cousin Arianne who wrapped her in a tight embrace. And lastly, she greeted her little brother. Arthur Martell stood a head shorter than his sister, but he stood proudly. The two didn't hug immediately, instead, Elinor and Arthur shared a knowing smile.

"I see you have a dagger now," Margaery's gaze dropped to the boy's waist and noticed the dagger, it was much similar to the one that Elinor had, "How are you with it?"

"Better than you," Arthur replied.

Elinor let out a laugh, "Good. Soon you can join me in Highgarden."

Arthur beamed at that and wrapped his arms tightly around his sister's waist. During this moment, Willas then made his way over to Elinor's side. Once the embrace between the two siblings ended, Elinor took Willas's free hand and smiled at her family.

"Willas, these are my sisters, Obara," she was the tallest of them. Unlike her sisters, Obara's features were hard and she appeared angry.

"Nymeria," the woman in mention politely bowed her head, a smile on her lips. Nymeria looked the most like Elinor, aside from her brother. Black hair cascaded down her shoulders in the same manner as Elinor's. She even smiled like Elinor.

"And Tyene," Elinor introduced her final sister who looked less Dornish and more like she was a Lannister of Casterly Rock. Her skin was pale, paler than Margaery's. Her eyes were bright blue, and she beamed as Elinor introduced her.

"This is my cousin, Arianne," Elinor introduced.

Arianne smiled, "It's an honor to meet you. I hope this is the beginning of a prosperous relationship between Dorne and the Reach."

"I share in your hope," Willas replied.

"And this is my younger brother Arthur. He hopes to join us one day in Highgarden when he is an accomplished fighter," Elinor said with a teasing smile.

"I believe you will guard us well," Willas told Arthur which brought a bright smile to the boy's face.

Everything was going well in Margaery's opinion, but they had several days for things to go awry.

"Let us go to the Dining Hall and celebrate the happy couple!" Loras exclaimed. Margaery shot her brother a look, but Loras simply smirked in her direction.

"Excuse my grandson. He lacks subtlety which I fear he gets from me," Olenna said, "But he does make a point. I'd like to sit down, and all conversation would be better with a glass of wine."

"I agree," Oberyn answered. He extended his arm to Olenna Tyrell which she gladly took. The party began to make its way within the walls of Highgarden. Margaery trailed behind and watched as Elinor interacted with her sisters. She had seen the girl come out of her shell on multiple occasions, but this was so different. Elinor was so comfortable.

"That went well," Willas said as he snuck up beside her.

"See?" Margaery said, "You were worried about nothing."

"There's still time," Willas said voicing Margaery's earlier thought.

"She's so happy," Margaery voiced as her eyes fell on Elinor.

"She loves her family," Willas says, "Reminds you of us, doesn't it?"

Margaery thought if Nymeria or Tyene would kiss Willas. Then they'd be exactly like them.

"Yes," Margaery answered, shoving her guilt deep in the back of her mind.

When they reached the Dining Hall, the festivities truly began. Wine began flowing along with other intoxicating beverages. Margaery sat beside Garlan who had been focusing much of his attention on Leonette.

"This is going to be us soon," Garlan whispers to Leonette. She smiles at him and scoots her chair closer so that she can lean against him.

Across from her, Willas and Elinor are happily talking to Renly and Loras as well as her sisters and cousin. Even the silent and brooding Daemon Sand seemed to be having a great time. Margaery looked at her mother, who was seated to her left and was on her fourth glass of wine, not taking part, just as Margaery wasn't.

She had to leave.

"Can I be excused?" Margaery asked her mother. Alerie waved a dismissing hand, indicating to Margaery that she was drunk.

Margaery got up from her seat and left the Dining Hall and went outside. There she found little Arthur Martell with his dagger in hand, swinging it in a manner that only fighters in Dorne would. He moved gracefully, very talented for a boy his age.

"You're quite good," Margaery said. Arthur stopped his movement and looked over at her, smiling shyly.

"Thank you," he said, then his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why aren't you inside?"

"Why aren't you inside?" Margaery asked him, walking closer to him so that they could have a proper conversation.

"I have to practice," Arthur said, glancing at the dagger in his hand, "Once I master this, father says I can move onto a weapon of my choice."

Arthur tosses the dagger in his hand and catches the hilt. He then throws it at a nearby tree, hitting it in the center. Margaery stares impressed. Elinor had done the same trick, but Arthur was much younger.

"What weapon will you choose?" Margaery asked curiously.

"I haven't decided. Obara uses a spear, as does father, but I want to be like Ser Arthur Dayne, my namesake. He wielded a sword called Dawn."

"So, I've heard," Margaery said.

"Does he love her?" Arthur asked, moving to take the dagger out of the tree.

"Yes," Margaery answered with a nod, "I believe he does."

Arthur nodded, "That's good."

"Do you want to come live in Highgarden?" Margaery asked suddenly. Everyone spoke of Arthur coming to Highgarden, but the younger boy didn't talk about it.

"I don't mind it," Arthur said, "Father says I'm supposed to protect Elinor. I think he and Uncle Doran are upset about what happened to Aunt Elia, so they don't want the same thing to happen. If I could go anywhere in the world, I'd go to the North. I want to see snow."

Margaery let out a laugh, "Snow?"

Arthur nodded, a smile growing on his face, "I hear that you can make snow people and fight with it!"

Margaery laughed again, "I've never seen snow."

Arthur's eyes lit up, "We could go North together and build a snow village!"

"I'd like that very much," Margaery says with a smile.

"Are you getting married soon?" he asked, taking a seat in the grass. Enjoying the conversation, Margaery takes a seat beside him.

"No," Margaery answers, "Why? Are you offering?"

"Maybe in the future. I'm too young to marry," Arthur says, "But you're very pretty. Elinor thinks so too. She says so in her letters."

"Does she?" Margaery asked, a smile growing on her face.

"She writes about you a lot," Arthur says, "She says that you are her closest friend."

"She's my closest friend as well," Margaery confessed.

"That means you can look after her. At least until I can come to Highgarden," Arthur told her with a smile.

"Margaery? Arthur?" Elinor rounded the corner, "What are you two doing out here?"

"Margaery and I are going North," Arthur told her with a wide grin, "We're going to make snow people and snow villages."

Elinor smiled, "Is that so? Can I come with you two?"

"Only if Margaery allows it," Arthur said looking up at the youngest Tyrell.

"You may be able to come with us," Margaery says, "Arthur and I have to discuss the topic more."

"I await your final decision," Elinor says with a laugh before giving her brother her full attention, "Father is looking for you."

Arthur springs up from his seat on the ground and looks at Margaery, "It was very nice meeting you Lady Margaery."

"And you, Ser Arthur," Margaery says, earning an even bigger smile from Elinor's younger brother. He runs past Elinor and back into the Dining Hall. With a laugh, Elinor takes a step toward her.

"My brother likes you," Elinor states ad Margaery laughs.

"I think we may be married someday," Margaery teases.

"That'd be interesting," Elinor says, she glances around, "Why are you out here?"

Margaery sighs, "I felt as though I was suffocating."

Elinor steps toward her, gently placing a hand on her arm, "What do you mean?"

"Garlan and Leonette are to be married after you and Willas. Loras and Renly can never marry, but at least they're happy, and then you and Willas-" Margaery sighs, "I am suffocating and I am alone."

"Margaery," Elinor says softly, her hand slides down her arm and takes Margaery's hand into her own, "You aren't suffocating, and you aren't alone."

"You don't understand Elinor!" Margaery tried to find her words, "I want to be happy."

"What would make you happy?" Elinor asks.


"The throne," Margaery says, "I want to be queen."

"Then I will get you there," Elinor says, "No matter what it takes."

Margaery smiles sadly at Elinor. She knew Elinor meant every word, but it meant nothing. The throne meant nothing. She would always be suffocating because she could never have what she truly wanted.

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