Being The Only Girl

By DreamySha

51.2K 1.5K 151

Taylor grew up without knowing her mother ever since her mother died after giving birth to her. Taylor had to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

796 32 3
By DreamySha

Taylor POV

It's been a week since Jared and I talks. He barely hang out around our place anymore. He would give excuses, everytime Sam ask if he want to hang.

Couldn't blame him though. Who would be able to hang out at the place with someone he love, when she basically being told off. I admit, I felt very guilty for doing that. But a little stupid to think that he would protest and go against my words, just to have me. But again like he said before,

'How can I fight someone who isn't even there'

So it's mostly, my fault. I'm the one to blame anyway. I groan as I took a sip from my chocolate milkshake. I went to the nearest cafe after school, to clear my thoughts. But of course I've been doing well with that. Note the sarcasm there. My eyes are fix on the table as I was lost in my own thoughts. Again.

Someone sat across from me, and I was met with the familiar stormy grey eyes. He had a huge grin plastered on his face. A smile made its way to my lips, "Xander! I didn't know I will meet you again." I exclaimed.

He quirk his eyebrows, amused. "Why? Miss me already?" He teased.

I snorted, "You wish." I scoff but the smile is still on my lips.

He chuckle, just as a drink was place in front of him. The girl fluttered her eyes a few times, as she bit her bottom lip trying to look sexy. "Anything else?" She purr, my eyebrows shot up. He grin, "No I'm good." He said as he ignore her and turn his attention on me.

The girl blink and turn to me, her eyes hardened as she glare at me. I raise my eyebrow, silently challenging her to say something. She just huff and stalk off. Xander look at me, clearly amused. "So how was school?" He ask.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm taking my final paper actually." I told him.

His eyebrows shot up, "Oh you graduating? What college you're getting into?" He ask, curiously. I smile, "Harvard university." I answered. He grinned, "That's where I'll be going for my first semester." He told me.

"What course?" I ask casually.

"Law actually. Don't know why, it just came over me. But I'll be taking over my dad's company anyway. So I just take whatever it is on the list." He answered, shrugging his shoulder. My jaw dropped, "Law? Seriously?" I laugh.

He rolled his eyes, "Yes law. Why? Problem with that?" He challenged.

I shook my head and laugh, "No just can't imagine you wearing suit and all." I teased. He rolled his eyes, "What about you?" He ask, averting the spotlights back at me.

I huff, "Medics and some other shit. Though I get a full scholarship for basketball." I stated proudly.

He quirk his eyebrows, "You play basketball?" He ask cleary surprised.

"No, the basketball play me." I retorted.

He look at me wide eyes before he burst out laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what is so funny. Until the words I said, register in my head. I groaned and cover my face with my hands. "Ugh that sounded wrong on so many levels." I grumbled.

Xander sober up but when he look at me, he burst out laughing all over again. I rolled my eyes and huff, "Ya ha ha. Laugh it off. Very funny." I grumbled.

He let out another few laugh before he sober up, "Alright. I'm sorry. Come on, I want to take a walk." He stated as he got up from his chair.

"Then go ahead, no one stopping you." I said as I was about to mind my own business but Xander haul me up and out of my sit and tug me to the front door. I groaned, "But Xan, I don't want to go." I whined as I fighting him to get out of his hold.

He chuckle, "Oh no. You have a lot of story to tell me Taylor Marty." He said.

I froze, "How did you know my last name?" I ask shock and curious.

He grin and wiggle his eyebrows, "I would tell you but I have to kill you." He joked. I rolled my eyes, "Fine don't tell me then." I huffed.


We were sitting on the bench, at the park. I told Xander everything. And by everything, I mean everything. About Iggy and Gillian, Kayla, Jared, mum and everything I've been through this past months. There's something about Xander that made me trust him instantly. I should be afraid of him, but I didn't. I was comfortable around him.

He listen while I talked. He would nod in certain sentence but he listen and didn't say anything til I finish.

"You should give him a chance." Xander said once I done telling him about the last Jared and I confrontation at my house. I sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, "I don't know."

He chuckled, "I don't think he kiss Kayla though." He stated.

I look at him and quirk my eyebrow, "Are you telling me that I didn't see properly?" I accused. He rolled his eyes, "No. I'm just saying that he didn't kiss Kayla. I mean it doesn't make sense why would he let Kayla take control of the kiss if he did kiss her." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrow, genuinely confuse right now. He sigh, "If Jared wanted to cheated on you, he wouldn't even be at your locker. I mean why would he cheat on you when clearly that's your locker. And guys don't like being dominated by a girl. No matter how sexy she will be, they will always want to be in control. And plus it's Kayla who got her tongue down on his throat now is she? If they had an intention in hurting you, Jared wouldn't bother saying sorry and begging you to believe him." He said, shrugging.

I was dumbfounded.

Really I was.

What Xander just said, totally make sense. I mean Jared did wait for me at my locker. And if they plan a scheme on me, they would laugh at my face but Jared didn't. While Kayla look smug, Jared literally begging me to listen to his explanation.

"Ugh now I feel like a jerk." I exclaimed as I rubbed my face.

Xander chuckle, "I don't know if I completely right Taylor. But all I'm saying is, you should give him a chance to explain. You have every right to act the way you did, but he also have every right to explain." He told me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"But how am I suppose to talk to him now Xan? He probably hate me already." I stated. He snorted, "Then make things right while you got the chance. Try to have a nice talk, sit down and talk. If he talk, you listen and he'll listen when you talk. Alright?" He said.

I look him, clearly curious. "You've been through like this before haven't you?" I said quietly. Its more of like a statement than a question.

A faint smile stretch to his lips, "Yeah. Its the same thing for Jared. She didn't believe me, she never let me explain." He answered. I smile, "So that's why you want me to let him explain? You don't want him to go through what you did." I said, more to myself but he heard me anyway.

"Come on, let's get you home." He announced and stood up.

He walk me back home, I did ask where he live and he said he live just around the street with his grandma. "So how come you're not in school?" I ask. He chuckled, "I graduated last two years actually. Serve a year in prison. And now I'm back for college. Its really annoying." He grunted.

I quirk my eyebrows, "At least you'll have me." I said as I wiggle my eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes, "Is that suppose to make me feel better? Cause let's be honest, it's worse." He exclaimed with playful glint in his eyes. I snorted, "Yeah keep telling yourself that." I retorted.

Soon enough, we're back at my house. I sigh and turn to Xander, "So here we are." I declared as I stood awkwardly in front of him. He look up and stare at the appearance of the two storey house, "Well it sure do look welcome and cozy." He commented with a smile when he look down on me.

I blink and a smile made its way to my lips. Something about Xander always warm my heart. Not the kind where I fall for him.

No, Its more like a friendly warm. Where I love hanging around with him. Cut off the cuddle, holding hand and kissing. Just hang out.

"I certainly would like to hang out with you again sometime." I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He look at me and wiggle his eyebrows playfully, "You're not falling for me are you?"

I snorted, "Psh no. Its just nice having you around me." I told him genuinely.

He smile, a big huge smile that show off his pearly white teeth. "I'd like to hang out with you too." He admitted as a tinge of pink covered his cheeks. I laugh and give him a quick hug, "Text me when you got home?" I said.

He quirk his eyebrows, "You totally falling for me already." He teased.

I scowl and smack his arm. He didn't even flinch which annoyed me even more. I grunted, "I just care alright. Now be a dear and make your way back home now." I grumbled and turn around.

Xander laugh echoed through the empty streets, "Yeah I love you too sweetheart!" He shouted, I flipped him the finger which cause him to laugh harder. I got to the door and turn, to see him still standing there and smile at me. I waved and open the door. He waved at me just as I close the door behind me.

I walk in the living room and was surprised to see everyone there. Including dad.

I cross my arm, feeling awkward that everyone turn their head to look at me. "Am I missing something here?" I asked nervously. I still am never good handling lot of attention. Dad smile, "Yes. Your whip brother here finally set a date for his wedding with Vanessa." He told me.

My face break into a huge smile.

I skip my way over to Chad and throw myself at him. Chad body move lean back slightly from the impact of my body on him. He grumbled and curse which I just return with a sweet smile. "I'm sooooo sooooo happy for you Chandler Marty!" I exclaimed.

He grimace from the full name. I just grinned. He and Sam has always hate their fullname and I still haven't figure out why.

"So where's my little angel?" I ask as I look around.

That's where Sam grin at me, "Its actually a boys night. The girls spend the time at Vanessa's actually. Including Jamie. Her first night sleepover." He told me.

I scowl, "Oh great! I stuck with boys. Might as well change my gender and take a surgery to get my vagina out and get myself a dick." I grumbled.

Their expression cause me to a full-blown laugh. Even dad. "Jeez guys I'm kidding. God, you need to stop taking what I said seriously sometimes." I said as I got up from Chad lap and make a beeline to the staircase.

"Oh and Taylor?" Dad called out. I turn around, "Please go and sort things out with Jared okay honey? You and him shared something real. And I want you to end things the right way, at least." He told me. I give him a tight smile, "I'll try daddy okay?" I mutter quietly and turn around, to make a mad dash up the staircase to the safety of my room.

First Xander. And now dad.

What is it with everyone asking me to make things right with Jared? Isn't most relationship didn't work end up like this? I mean, I'm fine with letting things go. I just scared of starting over a new with him, just to have it ended with a huge broken heart for me. I don't want that to happened. 

A beep on my phone startled me. I reach for my phone and open the message which is from Xander.

'Love can be scary sometimes. It took a huge toll on us, but if you work hard for it. If you work hard to make it work, then it will happen. Like everyone always said, the starting can be scary and the ending can be sad. But it's in the between where it means everything. It doesn't have to be perfect. All it need for the two people to have genuine feelings for each other to make it work. Believe me Taylor, love is a very beautiful thing when things are perfect. Make things right when you had a chance too. Stop stalling and go to him. Trust me when I said this, you and Jared are meant to be together. Have a goodnight,
Xan :P xxxx'

A faint smile appeared on my lips, how he suddenly text me at the right time when I doubt about us. I quickly type a reply, 'Thank you Xan. Really need it. You're a really great friend. And believe me, you're going to find yourself a perfect girl and have babies together so I can be the aunt. Have a goodnight too,
With love Taylor :) xx'

I quickly hit send and put my phone on my nightstand after plugging it to its charger. I lay back on my bed and stare up the ceiling, with determination.

I'm gonna make things right with Jared. I have to. Even if things work out or not, I'm gonna try my best to win him back. Its time for me to stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it. Jared mean everything to me and I have to get him back.

I have to. I need him like I needed air to breathe. He's my everything. I can't lose him. Not anymore.


Honestly, I had a hard time writing this chapter cause I don't know how it should goes. But along the way, I think its time for me to put Jared and Taylor back together or put it to an end, don't you think so?


Love you xx

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