Fallen | Esme Cullen

By Temptress15

13.9K 409 46

Book 1 in the soulmate series. Esme Cullen, Adopted sister to Carlisle Cullen, Mother to the Cullen children... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

1.2K 48 14
By Temptress15

God watched as his daughter, Cassiel, walked around the woods. He sighed at his stubborn daughter. She just doesn't know when to give up and accept things.

"Abanddon." He summoned with his head high.

A black winged angel appeared and kneeled before God.

"Yes, father?" He asked, still on his knees looking down.

God turned to him and moved his hand signalling him to rise. Abaddon rose and looked upon his father.

"I want you to pay a visit to, Cassiel. Give her a message from me. Tell her to stop fleeing from the vampire, Esme. This is my commmand, now go." He spoke with dominance, his hand signalling for the Angel of death to deliver his message.

Abaddon nodded, bowed, then flew away.

After Abanddon disappeared,God looked upon the mirror that showed his daughter.

"Receive my message well, my child, for this will be the last one you receive."


I walked around the only innocent place in this world; nature.
My thoughts went to the vampire. Why is she entranced by me? She knows nothing of my angel status.

A small lion Cub appeared before me. I couldn't help the smile that graced my face.

"Hello small animal. Where is your mother?" I asked. She whimpered and laid down upon my feet.

'Wolves ate her'

She pathetically whimpered at my feet. I scoffed at the small animal.
"You need no mother to thrive in this pathetic world." I spoke harshly.

Her head rose to peer at me.

'But I don't know how. She fed me food and made sure no one hurt me'

I glared at her and walked away. Stupid animal. I've learned to never count on anyone for in time the will betray you heartlessly.

I felt the light patter of her feet follow me making me stop and turn around, only for her to stop as well.

"What do you want, Lion?" I snapped as I squeezed my hands, my nails digging into my human form.

'Will you help me?'

Before I could tell her no I felt the presence of another angel, though this aura felt....darker.

"Run along." I pointed to the tree. She looked at me before following my order.

"Abaddon, I'm assuming." I breathed out with my eyes closed. I heard a chuck from behind me. I looked behind me to see my sister leaning against a tree.

"I never could sneak up on you as fledglings." She chuckled, walking to me with stride.

"What do you want." I demanded crossing my arms with my usual straight face.

She chuckled stopping a few feet away from me.

"I have a message from father..." She started, her tone dripping in seriousness. I stiffened at that. What does he need to tell me? I'm no longer his daughter but a mere fallen angel.

"He said to stop fleeing from the vampire, Esme. He's commanding this."

My jaw clenched at her words. He has no right to tell me what to do anymore. I'm no longer serve him.

Abaddon sighed at the face I made.
"I know you despise father for his act of banishing you from heaven but think for a minute. You still have your wings. Maybe you aren't banished, maybe you're being tested." She spoke softly. I looked up at her with a new light in my eyes.

Maybe this is a test. I've been curious of why I have my wings still.

I stood straight. "I understand.....and thank you, sister." I smiled. She smiled back before flying in a different direction. I suppose she is needed elsewhere.

'Is it safe to come out'

I groaned at the small voice that entered my head.

"Come out now." I demanded in a more... Kinder demeanor.

Her small form came out and came up to me. She sat on down right in front of me, looking up at me expectantly.

"To your earlier question, I will see in time. For now I suppose I can allow you to attend me on my endless journey." I said, having kneeled down before her.

She jumped in the air in happiness.

'Thank you so much!'

I stood back up with the stone cold face which is my usual wear.
"Now, I must do something important so come along, youngling." I motioned her to follow me.

If this is a test, I will not fail. I shall beg on my knees for doubting father...

~Time Skip~

I stopped at a creek and nodded. This is perfect. I slowly walked in the water, my eyes glowing a brilliant gold.

Come to me, Esme.

Come to me, Esme

Come to me, Esme

I chanted over and over in my head.
We need to have a discussion.. 


I stopped reading to look around. What's that noise?

Come to me, Esme

I put my book down, standing up on my feet. I know I have sharp hearing but this is ridiculous.

I sped outside to see if someone was out here but to no avail. I began following the voice. I'm glad the kids are at school.

Going deeper in the woods is where I headed. It seems as if the voice has no owner. Soon enough the voice got louder as I walked in a certain direction.

Soon I was greeted by Cassiel. A bright smile graced itself on my face. Though I wonder, why is she calling to me? How did she know I would answer? How is she calling to me? All these questions and no answers.

Her eyes opened, greeting me with her wonderfully blue eyes.
"I see you found your way, Esme..." She said, coming over to me. I straightened my posture as she observed me.

"I called you here to....have a discussion.." she spoke gently, her eyes finding mine, but hers didn't have the disgust and hatred as It did before. Somehow this gave me hope.

She led me over to a stump and sat me down. She stood in front of me, making me crane my neck up just to see her. She then tilted her head before sitting on the ground. A blush would have appeared of my face at the action. She let me sit on the stump instead of taking it for herself.

"I would like to discuss.....your....feelings.." she uncomfortably said shifting a bit but nonetheless looking in my eyes.

We sat there in silence just looking at each other. I cleaned my throat before speaking.

"I know you know what I am, but I don't hurt people like most of my kind does." I began. "My kind has...soulmates. The person we're supposed to be with for our eternal lives." I explained. She sat quietly looking at me. No emotion on her face.

"You are my soulmate. I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you." I finished taking a deep breath, ready for her rejection. Please don't reject me, please.

"I understand..." She said then sat in silence.

"Well, this is clearly a test from my father so I will get to know you. I refuse to disappoint him more than I already have." She said through clenched teeth. I tilted my head in confusion. What is she talking about? A test?

I checked my phone for the time and sighed. My family can't know I met up with her, at least not yet.

"Can we start tomorrow? I need to get home.." I hopefully asked. She nodded in approval.

"Of course. Good day, Esme." She waved. I waved back with a smile on my face then does back home. The kids will be home from school soon.

Other than that...did this really happen! She actually wants to get to know me. Instead of speeding home I walked with a pip in my step.

I can't wait wait until tomorrow.

Cassiel POV

When Esme left the cub came up to me and got on his back, showing his stomach.

'I'm hungry'

I sighed and looked at the creek and smirked. I hope she likes fish.
I put my hand in the water and grabbed a few fishes then threw them in front of the cub.

"Eat up."

Not a second later she dug her claws into the fish and began eating like a starved person. I wonder when she ate last.

As the cub ate I decided I can't live in the woods. I'll create myself a house, right in front of this Creek.

I closed my eyes and imagined a house to live in. I could hear the brick move around. The creatures around ran at the noise. I chuckled at that.

A few minutes later I opened my eyes seeing a house. "This is our house, little cub." I said. She purred in excitement. I picked her up and walked into our new home.

Should I keep the cub in the story or not? Comment.

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