Escapism (Sean x reader)

By Meloncoly

13.7K 299 62

In which a girl and boy are running from the law whist caring for a boy with some unusual abilities. ... More



1.1K 20 5
By Meloncoly

   After walking for a few days, I've started to get used to it, well as used to it as one can become. it would be no exaggeration to say I miss a warm bath, listening to music and of course, food. I mean, I love camping but now I can't say I see it in the same light as I did beforehand.

   The boys and I had just came from a nature preserve, which meant I had gotten no sleep as I was just wondering when a bear would come out and kill us all. this only caused Sean to reassure us both that, in fact, no bears are coming out for a midnight snack.

   Now we are back to the highway. Which now feels strangely normal to say.

  I look back to the trees that are suffocating the highway, my stomach growls.

   "I know we talked about this yesterday, but that shake that Sean had was so good, my stomach is calling to me for another."I get lightly shoved as Sean goes to walk beside me, a laugh escaping his lips.

"It was good, but don't talk about food until we eat, I am also very hungry."

Daniel runs up ahead of us and shouts.
"Guys!! A gas station!!"

With Daniel's newfound enthusiasm we make it to the station in no time.
Now, arrived Sean grabs my shoulder.
"Could you, uh keep my brother company while I look around for supplies?"
I roll my eyes.

"Uh yeah, come on we're besties! You don't have even ask."

"Okay but you are still doing a lot for me though, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here, I feel like being polite is the least I could do." He points his eyes down and rubs his neck with his hands. I sigh and put both of my hands on his shoulders.

"You know we're going to be okay, so you don't need
to worry so much. If you can't handle it, fall back on me and I'll hold you up."
He smiles and says a quiet 'thank you' before scouring the isles for cheap goods.

Walking up to Daniel, I ruffle his hair resulting in him sticking his tongue out at me. I giggle and suddenly his eyes start twinkling and he bolts around me.

"PUPPY?! OH HE'S sO CUTE!" He says before gushing at the small dog in front of him. I crouch beside him, not before getting a strange look from the lady behind the counter.  Daniel holds the puppy up to his face, which causes him to lick his nose. Making us both giggle.

"Y/N, can we pleeeease take him with us? He's free." He gives me the biggest puppy dog eyes known to man.

"I'm sorry, but we can't take proper care of them right now, as much I think he's cute too." Sighing, I scratch behind the puppy's ears before standing again.  Daniel grumbles a disappointed 'Okay.' Before wandering around the store.  Recognizing he needs his space I decide to see what Sean has picked out.
I walk to the register where Sean is paying only to see he bought soda and... white bread? I shrug, food is food.
Me and Daniel sit down at the bench by the gas station and pound the table while chanting "Sean" repeatedly.  We all laugh as we eat slices of bread and sip from the soda. Sean pulls out a map and we all huddle to see where we are going next. After a few seconds someone interrupts us.

"Hey kids, are you going camping?" A tall pale man with silver hair and dark bags under his eyes walks up to us. Sean responds.

"Uh,yeah. We're just looking over trails...And stuff."

"Seems dangerous go out alone, but maybe your the ones that need to be watched." Sean and I both get a confused look on our face.
"Wha-" we both start to say.

"You payed for all this right?" Sean looks shocked and stands while putting his hands up defensively.

"Sir, we payed for everything and the map was free." He stammers out.

"Let's go inside and check." This causes Sean to back  up. I step up.

"I'm sorry we have to get going." I instinctively reach out to Sean.

"Please, we don't want any trouble, my dad is waiting for us!" Sean shouts

"We have a phone inside, let's go call him." The man grabs his arm.
"Don't touch me!" Sean yells, pulling his arm away.
"Don't make this harder than it has to be boy!" He starts to pull him.

"Sean!" Daniel worriedly cries and runs to his brother only to get punched in the gut by the store owner.

"You Asshole!" I rush to Daniel, only to look back and see Sean get knocked out. I quickly grab Daniel's hand and break for it to the trees.


(A/N: Sorry for the break! I forgot this story existed and came back to see your lovely comments asking me to continue. Also, I won't spoil it but the newest episode is so good!)

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