Warzone - A Tom Parker Fanfic...


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Delilah just wanted to visit her brother in England; take a break from college. It's all fun and games at fir... Еще

Chapter 1 - College Free
Chapter 2 - Tom
Chapter 3 - Teenagers.
Chapter 4 - Tattoos and Piercings
Chapter 5 - High and Low Mornings
Chapter 6 - Shopping and Pizza
Chapter 7 - Family
Chapter 8 - I'll be Your Strength
Chapter 9 - Scars
Chapter 10 - Tickle Monster
Chapter 11 - Tea and Beans
Chapter 12 - Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 13 - Hugs and Kisses
Chapter 14 - Sexytime
Chapter 16 - Do What Makes You Happy
Chapter 17 - I love you
Chapter 18 - Don't Say Goodbye
Chapter 19 - Manhattan
Chapter 20 - Inspire Me
Chapter 21 - Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 22 - Jeans!
Chapter 23 - Ain't No Other Man
Chapter 24 - The Shake Shack
Chapter 25 - The Fit and The Muffin Tops
Chapter 26 - Graduation
Chapter 27 - The Other Side
Chapter 28 - Homesick
Chapter 29 - Movies and Junk
Chapter 30 - Dairy Queen
Chapter 31 - L.A
Chapter 32 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 33 - Made
Chapter 34 - Sleepless in Los Angeles
Chapter 35 - Tantrums
Chapter 36 - Panic
Chapter 37 - Silk Sheets
Chapter 38 - Five Pounds?
Chapter 39 - I Think I Wanna Marry You
Chapter 40 - Your Majesty
Chapter 41 - Mrs. Parker
Chapter 42 - You're The One
Chapter 43 - Heart Vacancy
Chapter 44 - London Eye
Chapter 45 - Hot Pants & Bustiers
Chapter 46 - Glad You Came
Chapter 47 - Should've, Would've, Could've
Chapter 48 - Wait
Chapter 49 - Dress Shopping
Author's Note

Chapter 15 - Tom's Girl

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*** 4 weeks later ***

Tom's POV:

"You think she'll be okay today?" I asked Siva.

"I know she will. She won't let Danny have the satisfaction of seeing her afraid in court. She'll fake it if she has too." He said.

"Are we all ready to go?" Max asked.

"Just waiting on Nathan and Delilah." Jay said.

"Actually just Delilah." Nathan said walking downstairs.

"We're going to be late if she doesn't hurry." Siva said.

"Don't worry, You know I hate being late going anywhere," Delilah said walking downstairs.

She looked beautiful as always. Blue high waisted pencil skirt and a belt with a bow in the middle, black lace shirt, and black sparkly heels; Her curled hair fell down her back flawlessly.

"Let's go then" Max said and we headed out.

Delilah's POV:

"All rise, court is now in session." The judge said walking in. She looked rather young. Light skinned brunette; but she looked sweet.

I wasn't paying attention like I should have. I felt light headed and my hands were shaking. Lawyers were asking Danny questions, but I refused to look at him. Siva was holding my right hand and the rest of the boys sat in the back.

"Delilah Kaneswaran to the stand please."

I looked at Siva. He smiled at me reassuringly. I smiled back and walked to the stand. The only noise were my heels clacking on the floor and I blushed.

They asked me about my relationship with Danny, why we broke up, where I went to college, why I came to London, how he found me, and what happened 4 weeks ago. My head was spinning by the time I went and sat back down.

"There will be a 5 minute recess for the jury to make their decision." The judge said and we were dismissed.

 Siva took my hand standing to the right of me, keeping me as far from Danny as possible.

"Did I do everything right?" I asked worried.

"You did fine Dels." Max said giving me a hug.

I smiled.

"Don't worry," Nathan said hugging me, "Everything will turn out fine."

"Where's Tom?" I asked.

"Right here." he said from behind me.

I turned around and hugged him tight. "Tom, I'm scared." I whispered in his ear as he rubbed my back.

"I know love, but don't be. Everything will be okay. We're all here for you. I'm here for you." he whispered.

He kissed my cheek and we were called back into the courtroom.

"In the case of Danny Ortiz, Assault in the first and second degree, what do you find the defendant?" The judge asked the jury.

"We find the defendant guilty on all accounts."

"In the case of Danny Ortiz, Rape in the second degree, how do you find the defendant?"

"We find the defendant guilty."

"Danny Ortiz, you are sentenced to 40 years in prison. Case dismissed."

I hugged Siva, both of us in tears. The boys walked up to us.

"I told you it would be okay." Max said hugging me with a smile on his face.

I smiled and hugged them all. "What do you say we go eat?" I asked.

"Sounds good!" Tom said putting his arm around my waist.

We all walked out, relieved. Finally stress free. 

"So what are the plans for the rest of the day?" I asked taking another bite of whatever Max ordered for me.

"Did you forget about our interview this afternoon?" Siva asked finishing his food.

I groaned. 

"I think that's a yes." Jay said laughing.

"Can I go with this time?" I said giving them my best pouty face and puppy dog eyes.

"No." Nathan said.

"Yes." Tom said glaring at him.

"Yes, You're going to interviewed too." Max said.

I choked on my food. "I'm what!?"

"Well you're Siva's sister and Tom's girlfriend. You get interviewed now too!" Max said.

I took a drink of tea. "Do I have to be on TV? Can't I just like, do it over the phone?"

"Oh come on Dels, It will be fun." Jay said.

"No it won't. I'm not going."

Tom grabbed my hand and looked at me pouting. "Please love?"

"Fine. But you owe me Mr. Parker." I said taking another bite of my food.

"Works every time." Tom said and kissed my cheek.

Tom's POV:

I walked into my room to see clothes everywhere and Delilah in her underwear.

"Love, what are you doing?"

"I don't have anything to wear!" she said falling onto a pile of clothes on the bed.

I chuckled. "Just be yourself."

"I guess you're right. But what do I usually wear?"

"Those flat shoe things, skinny jeans, and either a sweater or random shirt."

She laughed. "You mean Toms?"

"You named your shoes after me?" I said winking at her.

She rolled her eyes and got up. She stared at the bed concentrating hard. She always put too much thought into it.

"I know!" She said grinning. "Now out Thomas!" She said pushing me out the door.

"Did you get kicked out again?" Siva asked coming out of his room.

"Why won't she just let me stay in there? There's nothing I haven't seen!" I said frustrated.

Siva laughed. "She's been like that as long as I can remember. Just let her have her space."

We walked downstairs.

"Did she ever yell at you while she was doing her hair?" I asked Siva.

"All the time. Has she at you?"

I nodded. "The other day she almost burned my face with her curler!"

He smiled. "One time, I was talking to her while she was doing her make up and she put lipstick all over my face."

I laughed.

"I suggest, you just leave her be when she's doing her hair, make up, or getting dressed."

I shrugged. "I'll take my chances."

"Take your chances with what?" Delilah said coming into the living room holding a cup of tea.

She was in red skinnies with studded pockets, a sleeveless cheetah print button up shirt, and sparkly "Toms." It looked like she re-curled her hair and she was wearing red lipstick that she wasn't in court this morning.

"Bugging you while you get ready" Siva said.

She sat down next to me. "Thomas, I love you. But don't."

"And why not?" I said crossing my arms.

"I don't want to burn off part of your eyebrow, or ruin my lipstick from smearing it on your face, or shove a mascara brush up your nose."

"Um, when did the mascara happen?" Siva asked.

"When I was in New York. Poor Jacob was sneezing mascara out of his nose for a week!" she said laughing.

"You shove a mascara brush up his nose, and he STILL likes you.." Max said shaking his head.

"What?!" I said.

"Oh come on Tom, you can't say you didn't notice!" Nathan said.

"I could tell by the way he looked at her." Jay said. "His face lit up."

I frowned. 

"Aw, is Tom jealous?" Siva said.

Delilah smacked his arm. "Sack it! It's not as if I like him."

We all looked at her.

"I don't! I cleared that up with him before I came to London. I don't think he's even here still anyway." she said.

"He is." Siva said.

"How do you know?" Delilah asked.

"Well you left your phone in here one day and you were showering so I answered it and it was Jacob. He wanted to talk to you about hanging out and I said you were busy." He said guiltily.

I smiled.

"You're lucky I love you." she said glaring at both of us.

"We better get going to the interview." Max said getting up.

"Bye guys!" Delilah said waving goodbye.

We all glared at her now.

She sighed standing up. "Let's gooo.." she moaned walking to the door.

Delilah's POV:

Outside the TV station was chaos. Fans screaming, camera flashes. The boys stopped for a few autographs and I stood watching. I felt awkward.

"Delilah! Over here!" I heard someone say.

I turned in that direction. There was a girl, maybe 16, waving and smiling at me. I walked over to her.

"Hi sweetie! What's your name?" I asked.

"Sarah." She said grinning. "Could I get a picture?"

"Of course!" I said.

"Thanks so much!" 

I gave her a hug. "No problem!"

"Stay classy!" She said.

I laughed. I always ended my videos with that. I waved and walked inside with the boys.

"Who was that?" Tom asked holding my hand.

"A fan." I said smiling.

I stood backstage shaking. I was so nervous, worse than this morning. I knew I would be called on soon.

"So Tom, you have a girlfriend now correct?" I heard from the TV.

He smiled. "For the past 2 months I've been dating Siva's sister."

"You've had the honor to." Siva said jokingly.

They all laughed. 

"And how's that going?" The blond lady asked.

"Crazy! But amazing. I'm glad she came." he said laughing.

"Well let's bring her out!"

There was screaming again and clapping from the live audience. I walked out smiling and sat in the open seat next to Siva.

"Oh come on mate, let Tom sit with his girl!" Max said winking at me.

Siva switched spots with Tom, both laughing. Tom held my hand and kissed my cheek before sitting down.

There was a big "Awww." and I started blushing.

"Thanks for joining us."

"No problem, thanks for having me." I said smiling.

"What's it like being related to a member of The Wanted?"

"Crazy, exciting, overwhelming. But I wouldn't change it for the world."

"And on top of that, You're quite famous on Youtube aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm quite surprised myself. Plus, if you don't mind I'd like to make an announcement."

She nodded.

"I'm going to be modeling for British designer Anna Sui." I said.

"Well congratulations! Singer, Musician, and now Model? You certainly are taking after Siva!"

I laughed. "Thank you. I guess it runs in the family."

"Why didn't you tell us you were modeling?!" Siva said after the interview.

"I wanted to surprise you all." I said.

"Well congrats!" Max said hugging me.

"What about college!? Your music career?" Siva said.

"I'll be graduating this year." I said. "I'm not going to forget about music. I'm too passionate about it. And who knows... Maybe I'll end up giving up modeling and join and all girl band." I said winking at him.

He hugged me and we walked outside to the loud fans.

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