
By Jepnox2nd

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By Jepnox2nd

Chapter 461: Entering the Poison Dragon Valley

He exited the Xumi Temple after fully refining the primordial divine white dragon, consolidating his new breakthrough powers and reaching the peak of early-Seventh Order Saint realm.

Before this, though Huang Xiaolong was a peak late-Sixth Order Saint realm expert, the thin line between a Sixth Order and a Seventh Order Saint realm in fact represented a monumental gap of strength. Advancing into the Seventh Order Saint realm meant that one was a high-level Saint realm expert.

The difference in his strength, compared to before, was like the distance between heaven and earth.

It could be said that if Huang Xiaolong were to battle the Cosmos God Cult Young Lord Xie Hui at this point, he could easily roll Xie Hui between his thumb and forefinger like a mudball.

Huang Xiaolong's dantian seemed to have transformed too; the many thunderballs hovering in the upper part of his dantian dissolved and merged with the others, leaving just ten of them now.

The true essence energy contained inside each of these thunderballs was a terrifying hundred times stronger.

In the midst of all these good news, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck sought Huang Xiaolong the moment he exited, reporting, "Liege Lord Beast God, in another month, our beastmen tribes' congregation will take place. This little one received information that in this time's tribes congregation, the Lion Tribe's Andrew has rallied support from the Wolf Tribe, Snake Tribe, and Fox Tribe with the aim of electing a new Beast God during the tribes' congregation!"

"Oh..." A light flitted in Huang Xiaolong's eyes, this was a little unexpected.

"Furthermore, the message also said that Andrew managed to contact the Deities Templar and received their aid, that means that in the coming tribes' congregation, there would a lot of Deities Templar experts present to support Andrew on that day!" Patriarch Chuck added.

Deities Templar! The look in Huang Xiaolong's eyes sharpened at the mentioned of Deities Templar, "Is that so?"

This Deities Templar truly resembled a stubborn lingering spirit that refused to move on, regardless of where he went, he would run into them!

"Will Deities Templar's Li Molin and Liu Yang be there?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

Noticing the sudden change of atmosphere around Huang Xiaolong, Chuck felt strange, but he didn't forget his place, replying respectfully he said, "That is so, Liege Lord Beast God, it was said that this time, the Deities Templar's Li Molin, Liu Yang, and some others will come, but how many experts they will send in total, this little one doesn't know for now."

Li Molin! A cold sneer raised at the corner of Huang Xiaolong's mouth.

That wretched woman was lucky enough to escape the last few times, this time, he would make sure she wouldn't be able to return!

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked Chuck more questions related to the beast tribes congregation.

The annual beast tribes congregation was held at the square in front of the Beast God Shrine.

During the congregation, there would be a sparring competition between the disciples of each tribe. For a long time, the number one place had always been taken by disciples from the Lion Tribe, with the Tiger Tribe taking second place after the Lion Tribe, Wolf Tribe third, the Snake Tribe at fourth place, and at the fifth place the Fox Tribe.

After hearing Chuck's report, Huang Xiaolong excused him.

There was still one month's time until the beastmen tribes congregation, and traveling from the Sacred Tiger City to the Beast God Shrine would take ten days. There were twenty days till them, therefore Huang Xiaolong decided to first make the trip to Poison Dragon Valley.

Since even the Tiger Tribe's Saint realm experts said that there was Dragon God Grass within the Poison Dragon Valley, then he shouldn't return empty-handed. However, he decided to proceed alone instead of bringing Chuck or the others.

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong left the Sacred Tiger City, flying at breakneck speed in the Poison Dragon Valley's direction.

The Poison Dragon Valley was relatively close to the Sacred Tiger City, so after one day of travel, Huang Xiaolong reached his destination.

Like the Demonic Beasts Forest on the Snow Wind Continent, the Poison Dragon Valley was a land that had existed since long ago, a perilous land to the beastmen, yet also a eutopia of poison. Here, one could find almost all of Martial Spirit World's most toxic beings.

Standing in front of the path leading into the valley, he could see intertwining green mists flowing out.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Xiaolong's figure blurred in a flicker, entering the Poison Dragon Valley.

The moment Huang Xiaolong flew inside, his body was shrouded by poisonous green mist, but even though that faint green mist was highly toxic, it bore no danger to Saint realm experts. He didn't even bother to erect a battle qi barrier to protect himself, flying deeper into the valley at increased speed.

The Poison Dragon Valley was relatively smaller in comparison to the Demonic Beast Forest at half its size, and yet it was bigger than any empire's territory on Snow Wind Continent.

Three days later, Huang Xiaolong stopped at a forest area in the Poison Dragon Valley.

The poisonous mist in this area was colored red, purple, golden, black, a combination of several colors akin to a gorgeous rainbow instead of the common green mist he came across before.

Huang Xiaolong knew that the more vivid and colorful the poisonous mist was, the higher its lethality. Observing the sea of colorful poisonous mist in front of him, he actually felt a trace of danger.

This pool of poison mist could affect even Saint realm experts!

Although he had refined four primordial divine dragons and his True Dragon Physique reached the limit of being perverse, he still took precaution by swallowing a Jasper Lotus and ran his Asura qi to create a vigor barrier of Asura qi before flying into the forest area.

The instant he entered the colorful sea of poison mist, he felt its horrifying corrosive power as the mist tangled around him. It actually corroded the surface of his Asura qi vigor barrier.

As the Asura qi vigor barrier continued to thin, he had no other choice but to run his Asura qi to maintain the protective barrier. However, one hour later, Huang Xiaolong noticed that his battle qi was being depleted at a rapid speed, taking more than what he needed to battle an Eighth Order Saint realm expert.

Two hours later, Huang Xiaolong needed to use his martial spirit's Instant Recovery to replenish his exhausted battle qi.

Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to come out from the colorful sea of poison mist, something with strong malicious intent attacked him out of nowhere. Huang Xiaolong's palm struck out in defense. Borrowing the collision force, he leaped far away to the side.

The enormous creature was sent flying by Huang Xiaolong's palm, knocking off rows of trees and bushes as it crashed heavily to the ground.

Checking out his attacker, it turned out to be a colorful striped giant python. This giant python was over twenty zhang in length, thick as a water barrel with a blood crown protruding in its forehead.

"Bloodcrown Poison Python!" With a glance, Huang Xiaolong recognized what beast it was.

Among pythons, only a rare few were poisonous, but the Bloodcrown Poison Python below him was highly toxic. There were rumors that a Saint realm expert bitten by Bloodcrown Poison Python had his entire arm corroded in the blink of an eye.

Huang Xiaolong flew down and walked toward the Bloodcrown Poison Python, his counter-attack just now actually killed it. The Bloodcrown Poison Python in front of him had reached Saint realm, and although it was only First Order Saint realm, the beast core inside its body was good stuff. Carrying the beast core on him would repel many of the surrounding poisons.

He easily slit the python's head, removed the beast core and swiftly left the spot.

As expected, Huang Xiaolong noticed that after carrying the Bloodcrown Poison Python's beast core, the poisonous mist around avoided him, forming a clear ten-meter radius around his body.

Moments later, he was out from the forest area, arriving before an undulating mountainous region.

These mountains before him were colored in shades of dark purple, an indication of the toxicity level that caused even the soil to change color.

Huang Xiaolong flew forward with caution.

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped on a small hilltop detecting a familiar scent somewhere ahead. 'This is... a dragon's smell?!'

After refining four primordial divine dragons, he was extremely sensitive toward the smell that was even mildly related to dragons.

Could it be the Dragon God Grass?! Huang Xiaolong was delighted at the thought.

Chapter 462: Running Into the Lion Tribe

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong sped off in one direction, tracing the dragon scent. A short while later, he reached the bottom of a cliff.

Indeed, there was Dragon God Grass! Huang Xiaolong's eyes lit up.

Looking up on the cliff wall, around a hundred zhang high, there were three little plants protruding out, shaped like majestic primordial divine dragons.

Huang Xiaolong leaped up, his hand reaching out to grasp the three stalks of Dragon God Grass, but exactly at this moment, a figure rushed at him at breakneck speed as wind howled behind him. The figure punched at Huang Xiaolong with undisguised killing intent.

The fist force struck out like surging layers of tsunami, containing the power to destroy everything in its path.

Alarmed at the sudden ambush, Huang Xiaolong had no time to collect the Dragon God Grass at this moment, his body swiftly whirled around and countered the attack with his palm.

A booming blast rendered the air and gravel crumbled down from the cliff wall.

Huang Xiaolong landed gently on the ground from mid air.

"Ei!" The attacker was surprised that Huang Xiaolong was able to take a hit from him head on, then another two figures were seen speeding towards them.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes narrowed, these three people were clearly part of one group. Moreover, judging from their dressing and appearance, all three were members of the Lion Tribe. On top of that, all three were Saint realm experts.

Two of the three were high-level Saint realm experts, while the youngest one was slightly weaker, a Fifth Order Saint realm.

The youngest one walked over, scrutinizing Huang Xiaolong from top to bottom, "Human race?" He pointed toward the three stalks Dragon God Grass on the cliff wall and said to Huang Xiaolong, "I want those three stalks of Dragon God Grass. You can leave, I won't kill you!" the condescending tone was irrefutable.

In that single exchange just now, although Huang Xiaolong was quick, it wasn't enough for that Lion Tribe expert to pay any attention to him.

"And if I don't leave?" Huang Xiaolong retorted.

The young one revealed a malicious smile, "Do you think you can fight the three of us? Let me tell you, I'm the Lion Tribe's Little Patriarch, and these two are Elders of my tribe. Both of them are Eighth Order Saint realm experts."

Huang Xiaolong's expression remained unperturbed.

The truth was, Huang Xiaolong had more or less guessed the young beastman's identity to be the Lion Tribe's Jesse, whereas the two Elders, one of them should be Reid and the other Chris.

A few days ago, before entering the Poison Dragon Valley, Huang Xiaolong had inquired about the Lion Tribe's situation from the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck, including the other ten main beastmen tribes, especially their Saint realm experts. He committed this information to his memory.

The Lion Tribe's Little Patriarch Jesse went on, "If you entered this Poison Dragon Valley for Dragon God Grass, then you can get out now, not only are these three Dragon God Grass stalks mine, but all the Dragon God Grass inside this Poison Dragon Valley is mine!" he declared with arms around his chest.

Huang Xiaolong snickered at his words, "That means you have a lot of Dragon God Grass? Now, take out all the Dragon God Grass and hand it over!"

Evidently this Lion Tribe's Little Patriarch was also aiming for the Dragon God Grass coming to the Poison Dragon Valley. He probably managed to collect quite a few of them.

All three beastmen were stunned and their faces were ugly with anger.

"What did you say just now?!" Jesse's face was grim, killing intent exploded in his eyes.

"I'm taking all the Dragon God Grass inside this Poison Dragon Valley!" Huang Xiaolong continued calmly, "Also, take out all the Dragon God Grass you have on you and scram!"

"Punk, you're seeking death!" Jesse's eyes sparked fire, then he turned to the two Elders behind him, Reid and Chris, "Kill this lowly human scum!"

Reid and Chris nodded. Without a word, both leaped forth, attacking Huang Xiaolong simultaneously.

Huang Xiaolong snorted, aiming a Great Divine Void Fist with his left hand and an Asura Demon Claw with his right hand—attacking with both hands at once.

Loud collision sounds boomed.

Both Reid and Chris's bodies were forced back, and even Huang Xiaolong staggered a few steps back.

"You!" Both Reid and Chris looked at Huang Xiaolong with shock on their faces. With their strength at Eighth Order Saint realm, Huang Xiaolong's Seventh Order Saint realm cultivation could hardly be hidden, but now, a Seventh Order Saint realm actually fended off their attacks.

Lion Tribe Little Patriarch Jesse's eyes also widened in shock.

Watching their faces, a cynical smile flashed across Huang Xiaolong's face as his figure vanished from view. When he appeared again, Reid and Chris were within an arm's length, startling them both. Just when they thought that the human was going to attack, a vertical eye split open at the center of his forehead. A glaring red light flickered and the two felt their mind being hit, feeling dizzy and confused.

The next thing they knew, a sharp momentum struck them squarely on the chest, blasting them backward.

Retrieving his hands, Huang Xiaolong watched the two figures with stoic face.

Although these two Lion Tribe Elders were Eighth Order Saint realm, they were only early Eight Order. At Huang Xiaolong's current strength, defeating these two required almost no effort at all.

After he was done dealing with the two Elders, he turned his attention to the little Little Patriarch, Jesse.

Jesse watched Huang Xiaolong approach warily, recovering his senses as fear crept up his eyes, shouting as he moved back, "You, if you dare to...!"

Huang Xiaolong kicked out, sending Jesse flying back several hundred meters, crashing into the cliff wall. Sliding down the cliff wall, Jesse was bending over and clutching his stomach. A loud groan sounded as blood spurted out from his mouth. That kick from Huang Xiaolong was hard enough to shatter his gallbladder.

Huang Xiaolong slowly walked over to the wall cliff.

"No, don't, I can give all the Dragon God Grass I have to you!" Jesse blurted in fear, hands waving madly as he took out all the Dragon God Grass from his spatial ring.

Five stalks in total!

A suction force came from Huang Xiaolong's palm, wrapping around the Dragon God Grass stalks and putting them away into the Asura Ring.

"I'll scram immediately, I don't want any Dragon God Grass here in Poison Dragon Valley, I don't want any!" Jesse stumbled and fell as he scrambled to his feet to flee. Reid and Chris also struggled to their feet, trailing behind Jesse, disappearing in less than a second.

Huang Xiaolong watched the three sorry figures fleeing, but he didn't pursue.

When the three figures disappeared from view, he leaped up the cliff wall again, collecting the three stalks of Dragon God Grass.

He received five stalks Dragon God Grass from the Lion Tribe's Little Patriarch, Jesse, and adding the three stalks from the wall cliff, he had a total of eight Dragon God Gras stalks. Huang Xiaolong still had some Dragon God Grass from before, so he could refine another primordial divine dragon.

But he was not in a hurry to leave, instead he proceed deeper, continuing the search.


Jesse and the two Elders ran as fast as they could in panic, and when they were sure that the human did not chase after them, the three of them stopped on a random peak. Jesse's fingers dug into his palm as he glared in Huang Xiaolong's direction, his eyes filled with rage and hatred: "Lowest of scum dog! There will come a day when I'll let you die without an intact corpse!"

"Little Patriarch, in just a few more days, the annual tribes' congregation will take place, and at that time the Patriarch will definitely be elected as the new Beast God, ruling over all beastmen tribes!" Reid added, "Even if we have to dig three feet under, we'll dig that punk out!"

"Human race!" Jesse's eyes were tinged scarlet, "When Father rules over the beastmen, the first one I'll destroy will be none other than the human race!"

"Little Patriarch, shall we return to Alpha Lion City for now?" Chris suggested.

Jesse was unwilling to leave just like that, but he knew that the three of them weren't Huang Xiaolong's opponents. In the end, he nodded with reluctance.

"Go!" The three flew away.

Very quickly ten days passed.

In ten days' time, Huang Xiaolong practically flipped the Poison Dragon Valley over, finding more than twenty stalks of Dragon God Grass. Bearing good harvest, Huang Xiaolong left the Poison Dragon Valley.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong killed numerous poisonous Saint realm creatures, which turned into the Poison Corpse Scarabs' nourishment, triggering another transformation. The Sea of Devils and Ghosts Array was more powerful with the addition of these souls.

When Huang Xiaolong made it back to the Sacred Tiger City, here were ten days left to the beastmen tribes congregation.

Chapter 463: Scram For Me Now!

Back in the Sacred Tiger City's Castellan Manor, the Tiger Tribe's Patriarch Chuck and the Elders were already waiting for Huang Xiaolong.

"Liege Lord Beast God!" Seeing Huang Xiaolong return, Chuck and the Elders stepped forward and saluted.

"Rise." Huang Xiaolong said, scanning the group of people.

Chuck and the Elders complied respectfully before getting up to their feet.

"Let's go, to the Beast God Shrine!" Huang Xiaolong did not tarry, commanding everyone to depart.

From the Poison Dragon Valley, he collected a total of thirty-six stalks of Dragon God Grass, enough for him to refine four primordial divine dragons. But now wasn't the right moment for him to go into closed-door practice with the beastmen congregation around the corner and that Lion Tribe's Andrew eyeing the Beast God position.

Not wasting a moment, with Chuck leading the group of Elders, Huang Xiaolong's group departed for the Beast God Shrine.

In the past, every year when it was time to head to the Beast God Shrine, other than the Saint realm experts, some disciples would be selected to follow and participate in the anual sparring competition. But this time, Huang Xiaolong had ordered the contrary, thus only the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts and Huang Xiaolong himself were included in this trip.

Nine days passed by quickly.

Darkness covered the sky as the sun was setting in the dusk horizon.

At a large open space in the forest, Huang Xiaolong and the group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts sat around the bonfire, aromatic meat roasting over the fire.

In order to prevent Li Molin's Deities Templar group from recognizing him, Huang Xiaolong used the true essence energy to change his facial features. At the moment, his jaw line was sharp, eyebrows thick like swords, looking closer to thirty years old, exuding the mature charm of a slightly older man. His physique was more robust and muscular.

Chuck and the rest of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts stared in awe and astonishment as Huang Xiaolong's face changed right before their eyes bit by bit.

Gathered around the bonfire, watching the crackling meat roasting over the flames and smelling the aroma permeating the air, those Tiger Tribe experts swallowed their saliva greedily.

However, they could only look, Huang Xiaolong hadn't moved and they dared not move before he did.

By nature, beastmen liked meat. In the few days of travel, after tasting Huang Xiaolong's roast meat, they realized that all the meat they had eaten before was simply dog shit.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong moved; he sliced off a piece of meat and put it into his mouth, chewing leisurely. More than ten pairs of eyes watched him with drooling saliva.

"Dig in." Watching the expressions of the Tiger Tribe experts, a smile appeared on his face.

"Many thanks, Liege Lord!" Chuck and the experts brightened, said their thanks and started fighting among themselves for meat.

Nonetheless, no matter how they fought among themselves for meat, no one dared to touch the piece of Tyrant Boar meat that Huang Xiaolong cut off.

Chuck and the others wolfed down the meat in moments.

"What beast meat is this? So delicious!"

"Smells nice!" Suddenly, from some distance away, a voice exclaimed, followed by rustling wind flying in their direction. From the sound of it, there was quite a number of people.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty people appeared in front of the Tiger Tribe group. Facing each other, both the new arrivals and the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts were surprised.

"Hehe, it's Patriarch Chuck!" A middle-aged man walked out from the group of new arrivals, smiling at Chuck. It was just that this person's smile gave a sinister feeling. Not to mention the cold eyes tinged with ever-present malice that made other wary.

"So it's Patriarch Danny!" Even though Chuck spoke, he remained seated instead of getting up, and his greeting sounded lukewarm at best.

This middle-aged man, Danny, was the Snake Tribe's Patriarch.

Huang Xiaolong had more or less guessed this group's origin when they arrived. The Snake Tribe emitted a peculiar cloying musky odor that nauseated people. They also had easily identifiable fine stripe marks at the corners of their eyes and forehead that resembled snakeskin.

Despite Chuck's lukewarm greeting, Danny brought his group and approached the bonfire. Only when he was near did he notice that there was a human sitting beside Chuck and was stunned for a second.

Since when did the Tiger Tribe start cooperating with humans? Though doubtful, Danny didn't pay it too much attention.

Coming close to the bonfire, he noticed that all the sitting spots were occupied, with no space to squeeze in. With barely any hesitation in his steps, he walked towards Huang Xiaolong, saying, "Kid, scram aside!" His leg extended out to kick Huang Xiaolong.

Before Danny's leg make contact, all the Tiger Tribe's Saint realm experts jumped to their feet in anger, their wide eyes spitting fire at Danny, including Chuck, as if they'd tear Danny apart and swallow him whole.

The dramatic reaction gave Danny a fright.

For a mere human, the Tiger Tribe's reaction was this exaggerated?!

The Tiger Tribe group's reaction also startled the other Snake Tribe members, so much that every one of them, including Danny, looked at Chuck and the Tiger Tribe's experts with shocked eyes.

"Patriarch Chuck, it's only a mere human." Danny chuckled as if making a joke, "There's no need for such a big reaction, right?" Still, he awkwardly lowered his leg that was about to kick Huang Xiaolong.

"Danny, scram off this instant or don't blame me for being rude!" Chuck snapped in a stern cold voice.

Danny's expression turned ugly in an instant, he was the Snake Tribe's Patriarch, one of top ten strongest experts of the beastmen tribes, yet this Chuck snapped at him in front of the two tribes' experts!

Even using the word scram!

"Chuck, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" A cold light glinted in Danny's eyes, "Come, come, come, let us play a little!" he shouted, feeling anger rising in his heart.

Chuck chuckled at Danny's challenge, leaping up with soaring momentum as his fist aimed a punch at Danny.

Danny didn't expect that Chuck, as the Tiger Tribe's Patriarch, would attack without hesitation. Slightly flustered, his hand clawed out in a counter. Strands of dark green light formed into a giant green snake.

A tiger and a snake collided.

Danny wobbled, staggering more than a dozen steps back before steadying himself, while Chuck landed back on the same spot he was in before he attacked.

When Danny regained his balance, he stared gloomily at Chuck. Although he was one of the beastmen's top ten experts, compared to the second ranked Chuck, he was still slightly weaker.

"Good!" Danny sneered, "Chuck, I hope you can still be this arrogant two days later at the tribe congregation! Our grudge today, I've remembered it!"

"Kiddo, I'll play you to death at that time!" Danny made an abrupt turn, his sinister eyes preying on Huang Xiaolong.

"We're leaving!" Danny waved his arm, signaling his group to leave.

Chuck snorted through his nose, but just when he and the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts wanted to stop Danny from leaving, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, "Forget it."

Hearing this, Chuck and the rest stopped.

"Liege Lord Beast God, this...!" Chuck was reluctant.

"There will be many opportunities later. I'm looking forward to the tribe congregation two days later, to see how this Danny will play me to death." Huang Xiaolong said, a sharp gleam shone in his eyes.

Chuck and the Tiger Tribe's Saint realm experts complied.

"We should continue." Huang Xiaolong sat down again, and the little barbeque party continued.

Several hundred li away from where Huang Xiaolong's group was, Danny and the Snake Tribe's people stopped.

Danny suddenly punched out at a hill in front of him, flattening it to nothing to vent his anger.

The others with him watched with apprehension.

"Patriarch, that Tiger Tribe's Patriarch Chuck actually fought with you because of a lowly human." The Snake Tribe's High Priest David spoke with care, "There's something strange about this."

Danny laughed coldly, "So what if it's strange? I don't give a damn who that human is, two days later, after dealing with the Tiger Tribe in the tribe congregation, I'll let that kid taste the pleasure of being devoured by a thousand snakes!" Imagining the scene, Danny let out a long evil cackle.

"Patriarch, Patriarch Andrew has arrived at the Beast God Shrine." One of the Snake Tribe Elder stepped forward to report.

"Good, let us hurry over to meet up with the Lion Tribe, Wolf Tribe, and Fox Tribe!" Danny flew out, disappearing from the spot with the group of Snake Tribe experts.

Chapter 464: New Beast God?

Two days passed by very quickly.

Morning arrived with the sun rising on the horizon.

The Beast God Shrine radiated a mysterious aura beneath the brilliant sunlight, shrouded in an air of ancient regality.

The square in front of the Beast God Shrine that could accommodate over ten thousand in number was currently filled with disciples from the many beastmen tribes.

Standing in the center of the square were the Lion Tribe, Wolf Tribe, Snake Tribe, Fox Tribe, and all the top ten tribes that had arrived. All but the Tiger Tribe.

A large area was fenced up at the center as the sparring competition venue for the disciples.

At the moment, the enormous square was buzzing with excitement, disciples and Elders of different tribes were either whispering or discussing a similar topic.

"Rumors say that this time a new Beast God will be elected!"

"I wonder who our new Beast God will be! But whoever it is, it has nothing to do with our Insect Tribe."

The noises of discussion on the square grew louder.

The Lion Tribe's Patriarch Andrew was seated on a chair with his eyes closed in meditation posture, as if the discussions around had nothing to do with him.

As the noises in the square reached a peak, they halted abruptly. From every corner of the square, heads turned toward the entrance, watching Chuck and a group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts as they made their way to the square center. What surprised them was the human walking beside Chuck!

Andrew, who seemed to be meditating, opened his eyes, a sharp light glinted as his piercing gaze focused on Chuck.

Sensing something, Chuck looked over. Two rivals' gazes collided in mid air, creating an invisible surging energy that exuded a silent pressure over the square. The slightly weaker Patriarchs and Elders quickly retreated away, failing to withstand the pressure.

A mere second later, Chuck and Andrew retrieved their gazes.

The people in the square immediately breathed out in relief.

Andrew turned to his steward, Andy, signaling with a look. Andy nodded in acknowledgment and walked over to the Tiger Tribe group. Stopping in front of Chuck, Andy raised an arm to block Chuck's path, speaking in a voice that was neither too loud or soft, "Patriarch Chuck, today is our beastmen tribes' congregation but you actually brought a human here, what is the meaning of this? Your action is a desecration of the Beast God!"

"Desecration of the Beast God?" Chuck sneered coldly, and in a split second, his hand clenched into a fist and shot out at Andy. Startled, Andy raised an arm to block the attack, but the force still forced him backward, landing him in quite an awkward appearance.

"You—!" Andy was both frightened and angered.

"Who stipulated that humans cannot join our beastmen tribes' congregation?" Chuck sneered, "Liege Lord Beast God has never made this rule, perhaps you made it up?

Andy's face flushed a deep red, but the words were stuck in his throat, not knowing how to reply.

As Chuck stated, there was no rule that forbid human from joining the beastmen tribes' congregation. It was just that there had never been any humans that participated before this, therefore everyone inevitably formed a misconception that humans were not allowed to be present.

Ignoring Andy, Chuck led Huang Xiaolong and the group of Tiger Tribe experts toward the square center. Arranging for another chair to be added, Chuck, Huang Xiaolong, and all the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts sat down.

Andy retreated back to Andrew's side. Andrew didn't speak, maintaining a stoic face as if nothing happened just now.

Sitting far away, the Snake Tribe's Patriarch's took a quick glance at Huang Xiaolong with cold eyes.

With the Tiger Tribe's arrival, all the tribes had arrived before the Beast God Shrine.

Andrew commanded to Lion Tribe High Priest, Phil, who was beside him, "Begin."

During the tribes' congregation, disciples from each tribe would participate in the sparring competition, and the next year's tribe congregation would be hosted by the winner's tribe. Last year, the first place winner came from the Lion Tribe, therefore this year's congregation was hosted by the Lion Tribe.

The Lion Tribe's High Priest Phil stood up, complying with Andrew's order as he made a respectful bow before walking to the center of the square, then he spoke in a sonorous voice, "Today is our beastmen tribes' congregation, and according to the usual events, the congregation should begin with the disciples' sparring competition. However, this year, the disciple sparring competition will be pushed back."

Pushed back!

A commotion spread throughout the large crowd as if they could already guess what was about to take place.

As expected, the Lion Tribe's High Priest went on, "More than ten thousand years ago, our glorious Liege Lord Beast God led the beastmen tribes in conquering this Ten Directions Continent, all other races surrendered under his rule. But after Liege Lord Beast God disappeared, we fought amongst ourselves, internal conflicts and discord arose, never seeming to cease, resulting in the decline of our beastmen tribes' power. If we continue down this path, us beastmen will be suppressed by the demonic beast clans, or worse, swallowed by them!"

"Therefore, we beastmen tribes must come together and elect a new Beast God, so the new Liege Lord Beast God can lead us to become stronger again, to prosper, conquering the Ten Directions Continent once again, to recover our past glory and might!"

The Lion Tribe's High Priest was righteous in his words, stirring the crowd's emotions.

"A new Beast God?" An ironic snicker sounded from the Tiger Tribe's direction, from Chuck. "Pray tell who this new Beast God is going to be. Let me guess, will it be your Lion Tribe's Patriarch? Your words flowed much better than a song."

In an instant, the crowd quieted.

High Priest Phil coughed lightly to ease the sudden awkward atmosphere, "Suggesting to elect a new Beast God this time, of course, depends on one's capability. Regardless whether it is in the Martial Spirit World or other worlds, strength is the fundamental qualification. Therefore, our new Liege Lord Beast God would be selected based on the strongest one amongst us!"

The strongest one amongst us!

The beastmen's number one strongest expert was none other than the Lion Tribe's Patriarch, Andrew.

It was evident from High Priest Phil's words that no candidate was more befitting than their Lion Tribe's Patriarch Andrew as the new Liege Lord Beast God!

Chuck snickered, he was about to speak again before hearing Huang Xiaolong's voice in his ear, stopping his next action.

"I strongly nominate my Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew as the new Beast God, only our Patriarch is capable of leading us to a stronger force, reproducing our beastmen ancestor's glory!" High Priest Phil lauded.

Some in the crowd were moved by his words.

The Beamon[1. Beak animal? I imagined it to be something like .] Tribe, Cattle Tribe, Violent Horse Tribe, Goat Tribe, and Hundred Bird Tribe's Patriarch each had a tiny frown on their faces.

"I also agree with Patriarch Andrew as our beastmen tribes' new Beast God!" The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny spoke up at this point, "Only a strong person like Andrew is capable of leading us as the beastmen's new Beast God!"

"I also nominate Patriarch Andrew!" The Wolf Tribe's Patriarch, Hayden, also spoke.

Subsequently, the Fox Tribe's Patriarch, Grace, echoed the same tune.

Andrew stood up, greeting Danny, Hayden, and Grace with a cupped fist and then turned to face the crowd. "If there's anyone here that thinks his strength is stronger than me, I gladly accept the challenge; if I am defeated, I shall yield the Beast God position to the winner!"

"Yield the Beast God position?" The Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck rose to his feet, a satirical smile hanging on his lips, "What a joke! Who are you to yield the Beast God position? Andrew, are you implying that you're already the new Beast God now?"

Andrew ignored all Chuck's words, calm as ever, "Chuck, are you issuing a challenge?"

Chuck's eyes lingered over the crowd as he said, "I don't object to electing a new Beast God, however, it should adhere to our long standing rule—whoever has the Beast God Scepter, that person will be our beastmen tribes' new Beast God!"

"Right, all in accordance to our ancestor's rule, whoever has the Beast God Scepter, that person will be our Beast God!" The Beamon Tribe Patriarch Clay agreed.

"That's right! Andrew, if you can take out the Beast God Scepter, we have no objections with you taking over the Beast God position, otherwise, don't fart around here!" The Violent Horse Patriarch Charles snorted, not leaving any face.

With someone spearheading the objection, the smaller tribe Patriarchs echoed their support.

Chapter 465: I Don't Kill A Nameless Face

Andrew's darkened gaze fell on the Beamon Tribe's Patriarch, Clay, and the Violent Horse Tribe's Patriarch, Charles. Repressing the rising killing intent in his heart, Andrew's grim voice rang in the square, "I'm well aware that according to our orthodox beastmen tribes' rule, only the one possessing the Beast God Scepter would be acknowledged as the Beast God, nevertheless, the Beast God Scepter has been missing for thousands of years. Should we continue to decline due to internal discord and conflict as we wait without hope for the Beast God Scepter to appear?!"

Everyone was silent.

Andrew pushed harder, "We're using this way to elect a new Beast God, as it is the fairest method within the limited options we have! Of course, whoever comes forward with the Beast God Scepter in the future, I will yield the Beast God position to him accordingly!"

Beamon Tribe Patriarch couldn't resist issuing a disdainful snort, "Beautiful words, if the Beast God Scepter never appears, does that mean that you, Andrew, will be occupying the Beast God position forever? It must have taken you some time to come up with this wonderful scheme!"

"Correct, the Beast God Scepter has been missing for so long, who knows when and where it will appear!" The Violent Horse Tribe Charles added, "Were you planning to monopolize the Beast God position forever?"

A light flickered in Andrew's eyes, "Then, Patriarch Clay and Patriarch Charles, do you have a better method?"

Neither spoke this time.

Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck looked at Huang Xiaolong from the corner of his eye, Huang Xiaolong shook his head, indicating that there was no hurry.

It was at this time that a series of sharp whistling wind sounds were heard in the sky above. More than a dozen figures arrived, exuding terrifying momentum that spread around the square like great waves.

The beastmen crowd below tensed up in an instant, staring at the group of over sixty intruders that were all Saint realm experts!

Moreover, the majority of them were high-level Saint realm experts!

"Deities Templar!"

"They're people from the Deities Templar!"

Shock swept through the beastmen crowd.

Huang Xiaolong inwardly sneered, he didn't expect that Deities Templar would send over sixty Saint realm experts here, moreover, most of them were high-level Saint realm experts!

It was clear from this alone the importance that Deities Templar had placed upon this new Beast God selection!

And the one leading at the front was Li Molin!

It had been three years since the battle on the Asura Square, and appearance wise, Li Molin didn't seem to have changed at all compared to three years ago. Yet Huang Xiaolong keenly felt that Li Molin's breath seemed more solid.

Beside Li Molin was Liu Yang.

Seeing Li Molin and the Deities Templar's group of experts arrive, the Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew and the Lion Tribe experts stepped forward in greeting, hands cupped accompanied by bright smiles, "Elder Li!"

The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny and the others in the agreed alliance swiftly followed behind in a complaisant manner.

Li Molin nodded slightly. The large group followed Li Molin to the square center and sat down in an obvious assuming manner.

"Initially, our Deities Templar did not plan to interfere in the beastmen tribes' matter, but we don't have the heart to see you lot continue to crumble from the inside, fighting amongst each other." Li Molin drawled, "Our Deities Templar believes that Patriarch Andrew, after being elected as the new Beast God, is capable of leading the beastmen tribes' to the peak of your most glorious historical day, conquering the Ten Directions Continent once more!"

Li Molin's words were plain and direct in support of Andrew as the new Beast God!

Of course, her words were also laced with threats; whoever dared to object, indirectly meant going against the Deities Templar, they would become Deities Templar's enemies!

A heavy silence filled the square, no one dared to utter a sound.

The Beamon Tribe and Violent Horse Tribe Patriarchs that were protesting strongly earlier turned mute. After all, not everyone was willing to offend a behemoth force such as the Deities Templar.

Andrew smiled at Li Molin, "Many thanks to Deities Templar, and many thanks to Elder Li. Please rest assured Elder Li, once I'm elected as the beastmen tribes' Beast God, I shan't disappoint the Deities Templar!"

This sentence was an outright display of loyalty toward Deities Templar!

The underlying meaning rang loud and clear to everyone present.

Anger burned in the Beamon Tribe Patriarch Clay and Violent Horse Tribe Patriarch Charles' eyes.

Li Molin replied to Andrew with a smile on her face, "Patriarch Andrew can also rest assured, our Temple Preceptor has spoken, our Deities Templar will aid the beastmen tribes in conquering the Ten Directions Continent, bringing back the beastmen tribes' eminence of old days!"

"I hope Elder Li can bring back a word to the Temple Preceptor. I, Andrew, am very much grateful and indebted to the Temple Preceptor's support!"

Li Molin nodded, "Good, then begin the Beast God Sacrificial Rite."

After the Beast God Sacrificial Rite was performed, Andrew would be the uncontended new Beast God!

"Prepare the sacrificial altar!" Andrew waved his arm and commanded.

The beastmen watched as the Lion Tribe disciples prepared the sacrificial altar item by item, but no one said anything.

A short while later, the sacrificial altar was ready.

Just as Andrew prepared to place incense joss stick as worship in the Beast God Shrine, a clear voice rang: "Wait!"

It came too sudden that everyone's action paused abruptly.

Turning towards to source of the voice, they found that 'it' was none other than the human that arrived with the Tiger Tribe.

For a second, everyone was stumped.

What is this human planning to do?

Li Molin looked at Huang Xiaolong, a little surprised. She didn't know why this human gave her a familiar feeling, but searching through her memories, she couldn't recall where she had seen him before.

Caught in the center of attention, Huang Xiaolong stood up and walked toward the square center.

Andrew frowned with displeasure, signaling a Lion Tribe Elder close to him. Receiving Andrew's order, that Elder marched toward Huang Xiaolong with hostility, raising an arm to block Huang Xiaolong's path, "Little brat, don't think that just because Chuck brought you here we won't dare to kill you. No matter who it is, daring to interrupt the Beast God Sacrificial Rite, the punishment is death—!" The Elder's surging battle qi was locked on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong flashed a smile, then his fist already struck the Lion Tribe Elder. Before he could react, Huang Xiaolong's fist blasted a hole in his chest, flesh and blood splattered and pieces of internal organs were littered on the ground.

The Elder's blood-curdling scream shook the air and his body was thrown out of the square area.

Sharp intakes of breath could be heard from all around.

Most people recognized that Lion Tribe Elder, a late Sixth Order Saint realm, but his strength rivaled a Seventh Order Saint realm. Yet, this human blasted a hole in the Elder's chest with just one punch!


Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with fear in their eyes, that right hand was comparable to a godly weapon!

A human's physique could actually be invulnerable to this extent! This shocked even Chuck and the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts. Including Li Molin and the experts from Deities Templar.

Andrew regained his composure fairly quickly, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he walked over to Huang Xiaolong.

Li Molin remained sitting where she was with no intention to interfere. Despite this human's sturdy physique, she could see that he was merely a Seventh Order Saint realm. A measly Seventh Order Saint realm was incapable of causing any big waves in her eyes.

Stopping in front of Huang Xiaolong, the aura of a lion king flooded out from Andrew's body, forming dark yellow strands of energy visible to the naked eye that soared to the sky. His robe fluttered without wind.

"I don't kill a nameless face." Andrew stated loftily, "Speak your name!"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head at Andrew, "Not necessary. For someone who's going to die, is there a need to know?" What Huang Xiaolong loathed the most was Deities Templar, and this Andrew actually sought to cooperate with them, he was already a dead man in Huang Xiaolong's eyes.

Andrew laughed in spite of his anger. Then, he suddenly attacked, striking a palm at Huang Xiaolong. The energy contained in that palm formed a shadow of a lion head that seemed to leap at Huang Xiaolong.

Before one could blink, the attack landed on Huang Xiaolong's chest.

Chapter 466: Protect the Liege Lord Beast God

Andrew's palm heavily struck Huang Xiaolong's chest, rising shock in everyone's hearts; it ends so fast? One move kill? But then the crowd quickly realized that something wasn't right, for Andrew's palm actually penetrated the human's chest. It was nothing more than an afterimage!

When Andrew's palm shot through Huang Xiaolong's chest, the afterimage scattered.

Surprise was evident in Andrew's eyes as he retrieved his hand. However, Huang Xiaolong appeared again on the same spot as if he hadn't moved an inch.

This scene shocked the crowd, while Li Molin's eyes narrowed in a dignified manner. In her eyes, it wasn't because that human did not move but his speed was too quick, so fast that it looked like he did not move on the surface.

From the moment he vanished and reappeared, there wasn't a single fluctuation in space, showing that his mastery over space had reached a terrifying level.

Andrew's face warped grimly.

As the number one expert standing above all beastmen, how would he reign over all beastmen tribes if he failed to kill a mere Seventh Order Saint realm little human brat?

Andrew let out an angry roar, a yellow energy rolled out like raging waves from his body, the color growing more intense and vivid with every second, becoming a dark yellow. At the same time, Andrew's physical body changed. Muscles and flesh rippled under his skin, bulging under his robe, a head of golden hair, with his face and mouth protruding out as lion whiskers shot out from the sides of his lips.

The aura of a lion king overcast the heaven.

Beast transformation!

After the beast transformation, Andrew's momentum more than doubled, causing the furrows on Li Molin's brows deepen even more. The transformed Andrew gave her a sense of foreboding danger.

The rest of Deities Templar experts also lost the relaxed expressions on their faces.

"Die—!" Andrew bellowed, attacking Huang Xiaolong with both palms. The dark yellow energy whirled like it could swallow heaven and earth, a larger than life lion head flickered in and out in the surging yellow energy whirlpool. The roar of a lion king shook the air miles away.

Numerous minuscule space cracks spread out.

Some distance away, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck and the Saint realm experts jumped to their feet, wanting to rush to Huang Xiaolong's aid, but an indifferent voice sounded in their ears: "No need!"

Before many astounded faces, a light flashed in Huang Xiaolong's hand and a beast head rod appeared in everyone's sight. The eyes of the beast head were a bright crimson. Imbued with Huang Xiaolong's battle qi, countless beast images flew out from the rod. In an instant, an overwhelming pressure descended on the beastmen in the square, repressing their souls and will.

Every beastman in the square was terrified, trembling where they stood.

The fanatic Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew that was on the verge of hammering the human into meat paste suddenly froze. The fear on his face mirrored the other beastmen as he stared fearfully at the many beast images in the air like he was witnessing the world's most terrifying object.

The sudden turn of situation baffled Li Molin and the Deities Templar's experts; 'What is happening here?!'

Up until this point, they had yet to figure out the meaning of that beast headed rod in that human's hand.

Ignoring everything else, Huang Xiaolong slowly walked towards Andrew, step by step.

From the Deities Templar experts' perspective, Andrew suddenly knelt down before Huang Xiaolong with an expression of absolute terror. Stopping in front of Andrew, Huang Xiaolong channeled more battle qi into the rod and the other end poked hard at Andrew's torso.

A resounding blast rang in the square, followed by Andrew's miserable scream as he flew out without any resistance.

Blood of golden red color splattered on the square from the air, conspicuous under the radiant rays of sunlight.

Andrew struggled to get up, but Huang Xiaolong was in front of him, the rod struck another time, just like how the Tiger Tribe Castellan Manor's steward Ellington was punished before.

Andrew, the beastmen tribes' number one expert, knelt on his knees again and again as he was struck repeatedly by a human. By the third strike, Li Molin finally regained her reason, realizing that there was something very wrong with Andrew's behavior.

She and the many Deities Templar's experts rose to their feet.

"Could it be...?!" Li Molin's focused on the beast headed rod in the brat's hand, a sharp excitement flickered in her eyes.

"Beast, Beast God Scepter!" The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny stammered in a quivering voice. Although his voice wasn't loud, it was loud enough in the silent square, even the Deities Templar experts caught every word.

Beast God Scepter!

Although Li Molin guessed as much, she still shook a little hearing an affirmation to it! Liu Yang and the rest of the Deities Templar experts were also stunned by the revelation.

The Beast God Scepter!

The Beast God Scepter that disappeared for more than ten thousand years had resurfaced once more!


Huang Xiaolong ignored the reactions coming from the Deities Templar's side as he stood in front of Andrew with a stoic expression, staring at him.

"Liege, Liege Lord Beast God, have mercy!" Andrew's intermittent voice sounded, barely breathing and filled with inexplicable terror as he struggled to his knees, pleading Huang Xiaolong, "Andrew has always been loyal and devoted to the beastmen tribes, my innocence can be witnessed by all! I have unknowingly offended Liege Lord earlier, please spare this small one, this small one is willing to lead the Lion Tribe to serve under the Liege Lord Beast God!"

"Loyal and devoted?" Huang Xiaolong sneered, "Conspiring with the Deities Templar, not only has the Lion Tribe surrendered to Deities Templar, you even wanted the entire beastmen tribes to be Deities Templar's servants, you deserve to be beheaded for this!" The Beast God Scepter was lifted up without hesitation, thrusting down.

However, this time it wasn't the torso but between the brows.

The Beast God Scepter shone with a menacing crimson glow, exuding a death aura.

The tip of Beast God Scepter enlarged in Andrew's pupils, despair filled his eyes, yet he dared not show the slightest resistance, unwillingness, or hate.

Watching the Beast God Scepter about to end Andrew's life, Li Molin shot Liu Yang beside her a look. Complying with her wishes, Liu Yang flew out, sneaking an attack on Huang Xiaolong from the back.

However, at the same time Liu Yang leaped out, another person also acted, aiming a palm strike at Liu Yang, dispersing Liu Yang's attack on Huang Xiaolong.

In this split second window, the Beast God Scepter in Huang Xiaolong's hand met its target.

Ka-cha! The sound of shattered bones rang. Andrew's body was seen flying out, a big bloody hole in the middle of his brows, red and white pieces of flesh littered on the square.

Lying in a pool of his own blood, Andrew's body twitched, still alive.

On the other side, Liu Yang was taken aback by the sudden attack and glared at the attacker, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch, Chuck.

"Protect the Liege Lord Beast God!" Chuck commanded.

The large group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts shot out, glowering at the group of Deities Templar experts as they stood behind Huang Xiaolong. Subsequently, experts from the Beamon Tribe, Violent Horse Tribe, Ram Tribe, Hundred Bird Tribe gathered behind Huang Xiaolong after the Tiger Tribe. Moments later, the Wolf Tribe, Snake Tribe, and Fox Tribe also hurried to show their support behind Huang Xiaolong. Witnessing their momentum, the smaller beastmen tribes hastened to secure a place. Including the remaining experts from the Lion Tribe.

More than a thousand beastmen experts locked onto Deities Templar's group with an air of hostility.

The intense pressure made Li Molin, Liu Yang, and all Deities Templar's experts' nerves stretch tautly.

Li Molin never imagined that a mere Beast God Scepter would have such a deterring power over the beastmen tribes, even the Lion Tribe experts viewed them as enemies to be swallowed alive.

She didn't doubt one bit that if the human kid commanded it, those beastmen experts gathered would tear each and every one of them alive.

After momentarily losing her composure, Li Molin flashed a brilliant smile in Huang Xiaolong's direction "I didn't expect this warrior to possess the Beast God Scepter, us Deities Templar congratulate this warrior!"

Huang Xiaolong remained stoic. He wanted to see what this Li Molin was playing at.

"Just now, we were merely curious about the Beast God Scepter in this warrior's hand, we only wanted to have a look and had no other intention." Li Molin continued with a smiling face, "I hope this warrior does not mind it." She was referring to the matter of Liu Yang attacking him from the back.

Chapter 467: Have All of Them Remain Here Forever!

"You lot's curiosity is really morbid." Huang Xiaolong's words were filled with sarcasm.

Li Molin giggled, "Our Deities Templar has always hoped that the beastmen tribes could unite, becoming stronger, and bring back the splendor of their past glory. Now that this warrior found the Beast God Scepter, and you are fated to unite the beastmen tribes, our Deities Templar is happy for the entire beastman race."

Huang Xiaolong sneered inwardly listening to Li Molin's display of 'goodwill.'

Deities Templar hoped that the beastmen tribes could unite, become stronger?

Hoping the beastmen tribes would submit under Deities Templar was the real truth.

"Since this warrior possesses the Beast God Scepter, then we shall take our leave first. We shall return later with congratulatory gifts." Li Molin looked over at Liu Yang, "Let us leave." Finished saying that, she turned to leave with Liu Yang and the experts from Deities Templar.

The Beast God Scepter resurface in the world, the person they betted on, lion king Andrew, was no different than a dead man. Li Molin knew that with all these staggering changes, it was impossible for the Deities Templar to control the beastmen tribes.

Therefore, she acted decisively, first return to report the situation to the Temple Preceptor and await his decision.

"Not so fast!" Just as Li Molin and the large group of Deities Templar experts prepared to leave, Huang Xiaolong spoke: "Make sure none of them leaves this place!"

"Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!"

The beastmen present acknowledged his command, their voices rumbled in the square, shaking the heavens.

In the blink of an eye, several thousand experts lunged forward, attacking with zeal.

All Deities Templar experts' faces tightened.

A volley of blasts sounded, forcing Li Molin and the sixty-plus experts back to their original spot.

"This warrior, what is the meaning of this?!" Li Molin's face distorted with anger, her eyes glared fiercely at Huang Xiaolong. Up to this point, she still hadn't realized that she was facing an old friend, Huang Xiaolong.

"Meaning?" A faint satirical smile flitted past Huang Xiaolong's face, " There's no other meaning; today, I'm succeeding the Beast God's position, in a little while we need to perform the Beast God Sacrificial Rite, thus are in need of some sacrificial offerings. I want to use your heads as my offerings!"

Use the over sixty Deities Templar experts' heads as sacrificial offerings!

This offering was earth-shaking!

"What do you lot say, is it good if we use their heads as offerings?!" Huang Xiaolong scanned the numerous faces of the beastmen experts.

"Good! Great! Liege Lord Beast God is mighty!"

"Liege Lord Beast God mighty!"

Hearing those words, the beastmen experts felt their blood boil with excitement, hollering their agreement, the sound of their voices pierced the sky. Animalistic instinct for blood shone from their eyes. Truth be told, the majority of the beastmen felt antagonistic toward these Deities Templar experts from the moment they appeared. Huang Xiaolong's call instantly stimulated the ferociousness embedded deep within their bloodlines.

Just the mere thought of using over sixty Deities Templar experts as their sacrificial offerings to the Beast God made their hearts race! Only a Beast God of this caliber was qualified to be their beastmen's Liege Lord!

Li Molin, Liu Yang, and all the Deities Templar experts paled slightly looking at the layers of beastmen experts encirclement around them on the square.

Taking some time, Li Molin made an effort to compose herself. Her eyes spit fire glaring at Huang Xiaolong, "I truly admire your courage, but do you really think you can keep all of us here?"

Despite having thousands of beastmen experts surrounding them, Li Molin was confident in her strength. If she wanted to flee, she had a high chance making it out of there.

"Although you might be the new Beast God, do not assume that after uniting the beastmen tribes you can do as you like in the Martial Spirit World. If you dare to kill even one of our Deities Templar people today...!" Li Molin left her threat hang in the air for a second, "At that time, our Deities Templar's experts will come out in full force to annihilate every single beastman tribe!" The taste of threat intensified at the end.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, "Li Molin, you escaped the several times before, do you really think you'll be able to escape this time as well?"

Several times before? Li Molin frowned at those words, confusion in her eyes as she stared intently at Huang Xiaolong.

Did they know each other from before?

"On this day, not only will I use your head as offering for the Beast God Sacrificial Rite, I will also use your head to worship my brother, Lu Kai!" Huang Xiaolong's cold voice reverberated in the square.

"Lu Kai?" An image flashed in Li Molin's mind, that measly insignificant Luo Tong Kingdom Prince Lu Kai?

"You, you're Huang Xiaolong!" Li Molin blurted the name before she could stop herself.

"Huang Xiaolong!" Both the Deities Templar and the beastmen experts' attention focused on Huang Xiaolong.

Before the crowd's intense focus, Huang Xiaolong's facial features and body slowly changed, reverting to his original features.

"That's right, it's me!" Huang Xiaolong's expression was grim and cold facing Li Molin.

Watching Huang Xiaolong's features reverting back to his original face, the Deities Templar experts subconsciously shifted to the back in fear, whereas the beastmen grew more fanatic, feverish, worshipping, and reverent looking at Huang Xiaolong.

So their Beast God was actually the stalwart persona whose name had spread throughout all three continents, hailed as the Young Noble Divine Dragon, Huang Xiaolong!

Present in the square were experts of each beastmen tribes, they were no stranger to Huang Xiaolong's 'Young Noble Divine Dragon' reputation.

"Liege Lord Beast God's might spans through the ages!"

The Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck lauded.

"Liege Lord Beast God's might spans through the ages!"

Following Chuck's lead, all the beastmen experts lauded the same words at the top of their lungs, the terrifying sound waves crashed against Li Molin's heart. She suddenly leaped into the air, obviously seizing the chance to escape alone.

Unfortunately, Huang Xiaolong had locked onto her every moment from the beginning, the second Li Molin moved, his arm made a waving motion releasing a swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs baring their razor sharp teeth at Li Molin.

After that Asura Square battle, his Poison Corpse Scarabs had continued to evolve, their speed reached a horrifying level, being able to catch up to Li Molin in a mere instant.

"Poison Corpse Scarabs!" Li Molin exclaimed.

In the last battle at the Asura's Gate headquarters, Li Molin tasted the terror of the Poison Corpse Scarabs, watching with her own eyes as several Deities Templar Elders were gnawed alive by those critters. That battle left a deep fear that penetrated into her soul toward the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

The Divine Dragon Armor immediately on Li Molin, the same azure longsword tightly gripped in her hands, slashing out with mad ferocity.

The Deities Templar experts below regained their senses, quickly joining in the attack toward the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Huang Xiaolong waved his arm again, and the Devils and Ghosts Flag was laid out instantly. An endless tide of ghost auras submerged Li Molin and the other Deities Templar experts. Evil ghosts and devils came howling baring their fangs as they entangled the living prey inside the array.

The experts made frenzied attacks with their palms, fear deeply etched on their faces.

"Attack!" Huang Xiaolong commanded the beastmen experts.

All the beastmen experts complied with anticipation on their faces, rushing to attack with vigor.

The Devils and Ghosts Flag was no longer the Supreme Ghost Flag it once was, with the additional of twenty Saint realm souls, the evil spirits within now had the strength of a Third Order Saint realm expert.

Powerful as those Deities Templar experts may be, in a short time, they would be hard pressed to break out from that Sea of Ghosts and Devils Array.

On top of being trapped in the array, with the Poison Corpse Scarabs and thousands of beastmen experts attacking, very soon, close to half of the sixty over Deities Templar experts had fallen.

Li Molin and Liu Yang watched helplessly as the experts they brought died, one by one, under the beastmen experts' attacks, then were turned into nourishment for the Poison Corpse Scarabs, their faces lost all color, shackled with fear.

Lo Molin's senses ebbed away, replaced by the aura of impending death that seized her heart.

Two hours later, from the sixty plus high-level experts, only a small dozen remained. Li Molin knew very well, if nothing was done, sooner or later all of them would end up as food for those Poison Corpse Scarabs, including herself!

Thinking of those little black things crawling all over her body, eating her flesh little by little, that sight was enough to make her lose strength, quivering.

"Huang Xiaolong, I'm Li Lu's Master!" Li Molin's shrill shriek cuts the air, "If Li Lu finds out that you killed me, she will definitely kill you to avenge me!"

Huang Xiaolong's brows creased slightly.

Li Molin tried again, "Let me go, I can speak good words for you once I return to Deities Templar, I can even tell you the latest news about Li Lu!"

Then, the Great Dragon Saber appeared in Huang Xiaolong's hand, slashing down...

Chapter 468: Huang Xiaolong Is the Beast God

A strong bloodthirst gushed out from a crimson blood dragon, shooting straight at Li Molin.

Flustered and alarmed, Li Molin waved the longsword in her hand and multiple sword rays flew out, forming a great protective barrier. A thunderous bang rang in the air, ripples of shockwaves warped space as the large blood dragon rammed against the protective barrier.

"Today, you must die!" Huang Xiaolong's frigid voice was bone-chilling.

Even if Li Lu was here today, Huang Xiaolong was resolved to reap Li Molin's life on the spot! Not only Li Molin, he was determined to slaughter all Deities Templar's people!

All of them must die!

Half an hour passed. Inside the Devils and Ghosts Flag, a sole Li Molin remained, shrouded in thick death aura.

"Huang Xiaolong, I'll not spare you even if I turn into a ghost!" knowing that her life would end here, Li Molin screamed, her face distorting with resentment, "Also, our Temple Preceptor has taken a liking to Li Lu a long time ago, Li Lu and our Temple Preceptor find each other congenial, you will never have any chance with Li Lu, not ever!"

"Li Lu will kill you to avenge me! She'll slaughter your entire family!"

"Annihilate all your Asura's Gate disciples!"

"Everything you have!"

Li Molin shouted in a deranged manner, her eyes shining with a manic light.

The Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck landed a palm strike on Li Molin's back at this point. Li Molin stumbled forward, right into the swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs. Excited, the Poison Corpse Scarabs rushed up, some about to start from Li Molin's eyes.

However Huang Xiaolong did not allow the Poison Corpse Scarabs to touch Li Molin, instead, he retrieved them and the Devils and Ghosts Flag. As he approached Li Molin, the Blades of Asura appeared in his hands.

"Huang Xiaolong, you...!" Barely a few words in, the Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong's hands swung down, and Li Molin's head flew to the sky. Her voice abruptly cut off.

Blood rained down where Li Molin was.

Looking at Li Molin's corpse with a cold expression, he transferred the headless body into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda as food for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

"Liege Lord Beast God is mighty!"

The beastmen experts' voices thundered in the square.

Huang Xiaolong collected all the Deities Templar experts' spatial rings into his Asura Ring. Looking at the beastmen experts around, his raised an arm to calm the excited crowd as his powerful voice resonated, "Begin the Beast God Sacrificial Rite!"

Another sonorous reply came from the beastmen experts, complying with Huang Xiaolong's command and collecting Li Molin and other Deities Templar experts' heads. More than sixty human heads were placed on the sacrificial altar.

When Huang Xiaolong ordered the Poison Corpse Scarabs to kill Liu Yang and the Deities Templar experts, he made them leave the heads intact.

When all the heads were lined on the sacrificial altar, Huang Xiaolong proceeded step by step according to the beastmen sacrificial rite, lasting over an hour before the ceremony was done.

"Salute the Liege Lord Beast God!" Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck took lead. The Beast God Sacrificial Rite was completed, therefore Huang Xiaolong was, beyond any doubt, the new beastmen tribes' Beast God.

In a blink, the mass of beastmen experts fell to their knees in worship, each of them showing reverence, worship, and great ardor.

Huang Xiaolong briefly scanned over the mass of prostrating silhouettes before telling them to rise.

"Bring forth Andrew!" Huang Xiaolong ordered.

Although Huang Xiaolong pierced the Beast God Scepter through Andrew's forehead, shattering a large hole in his skull, Andrew was still alive.

Two Lion Tribe Elders half carried half dragged Andrew before Huang Xiaolong.

Everyone watched quietly, waiting for Huang Xiaolong to speak. "Andrew conspired with Deities Templar, luring the beastmen tribes to submit under another, according to the beastmen tribes' law, what is the penalty for this?!"

"Death by a thousand swords piercing the heart!" Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck stepped forward in reply.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, battle qi gathered around his palm, forming into sharp swords. With a flick, the sword energy pierced into Andrew's heart. Andrew let out a hoarse, blood-curdling scream as the sword energy pierced through his chest, coming out from his back.

Just like this, the sword energy repeatedly pierced through Andrew's heart ten thousand times before stopping.

The heart was the body's most essential organ, regardless if one was a Saint realm expert or a God Realm master, the heart was still considered a weakness. Ten thousand times pierced by a sword, one could hardly imagine the torment.

After the punishment was dealt with, Huang Xiaolong took out the Devils and Ghosts Flag, allowing it to swallow Andrew's soul.

The beastmen experts felt a chill in their hearts witnessing the cruel punishment that Andrew subjected to, and in the end, not even his soul was spared, being swallowed into a wicked flag.

Feeling worse than anyone present was the Snake Tribe's Patriarch, Danny.

A few days earlier, he actually said that that he would 'play' Huang Xiaolong to death! Even declaring out in the open that he would let Huang Xiaolong taste the pleasure of being bitten by ten thousand snakes.

"Danny!" Huang Xiaolong's voice boomed like a thunderclap in Danny's brain.

A violent shiver ran down Danny's back as he walked forward a few steps before kneeling on his knees, "Liege Lord Beast God, have mercy ah! This small one wasn't aware of Liege Lord's identity, please spare my life!"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Huang Xiaolong drawled, not showing any emotion on his face, "Upon returning to the Snake Tribe, enter the Thousand Snake Cave. Come out after you've been bitten ten thousand times!"

The words Danny spurted after leaving that night, Huang Xiaolong heard every word clearly with his spiritual sense.

Danny turned deathly pale, yet he dared not raise the slightest objection, kowtowing in gratitude toward Huang Xiaolong for sparing his life.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong held a small discussion on the spot, re-establishing certain rules as well as assigning some tasks to the many beastmen Patriarchs.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong excused all the tribes back to their territories. One of the tasks Huang Xiaolong gave them was to spread the word of what took place in the beastmen tribes congregation to the outside.

Huang Xiaolong would hang Li Molin and all the Deities Templar experts' heads upon the Sacred Tiger City's gates. He was curious to see if the Deities Templar would be sending people to come collect their heads.

If they dared not, then Deities Templar would be reduced to nothing but Martial Spirit World's biggest laughing stock!

If Deities Templar really sent someone over to collect those heads... Huang Xiaolong sneered, he would make sure that the heads of the people that came would decorate the Sacred Tiger City walls together.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the Sacred Tiger City with the group of Tiger Tribe experts, bringing the heads with him. As for the rumored Beast God heritage within the Beast God Shrine, Huang Xiaolong planned to return after refining the primordial divine dragons with the Dragon God Grass he had.

After all, he was now the Beast God that united the beastmen tribes and could enter the Beast God Shrine any time.

While Huang Xiaolong and the Tiger Tribe experts were back in the Sacred Tiger City, hanging the heads along the city walls, the whole Martial Spirit World was driven into a furore!

"What?! The Beast God Scepter has resurfaced! Huang Xiaolong has the Beast God Scepter and became the beastmen tribes' Beast God!"

"Huang Xiaolong is reigning over the beastmen tribes!"

"Deities Templar's Li Molin and more than sixty experts were all killed by Huang Xiaolong! Their heads are hanging on top of the Sacred Tiger City walls at this very moment!"

Akin to an enormous meteor crashing into its soil, the whole Martial Spirit World was shaken, forces big and small found it hard to believe it, they were shocked and dumbfounded by the news!

Trepidation gradually spread among the experts and disciples of Cosmos God Cult, every family and forces that was at odds with Huang Xiaolong fell into a foreboding doom.

When Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the Asura's Gate experts and disciples heard the news, excited cheers sounded in every corner of the Asura's Gate, brimming with anticipation.

On the Snow Wind Continent, within the palace walls of the Blessed Buddha Empire, Shi Fantian's hearty laughter echoed through the corridors hearing the news. "I didn't expect, ah, that Junior Brother got the Beast God Scepter! Uniting the beastmen tribes! The next time I see Junior Brother, it seems I also need to greet him respectfully as Lord Beast God!"

How powerful the united beastmen tribes were, anyone could imagine it even using their toes. Without a doubt, in the Martial Spirit World, they were the strongest force! In front of the united beastmen tribes, the Cosmos God Cult was nothing but a smelly fart!

Shi Xiaofei was cultivating in her yard when her maid Xiaorou ran in flushed with giddy excitement. Baffled why Xiaorou was acting this way, before Shi Xiaofei could ask, Xiaorou blurted out, "Princess, Young Noble Huang, he, he's now the beastmen tribes' Beast God!"

Chapter 469: If You Can Defeat Me

Beast God!

Shi Xiaofei's big eyes widened, the astonished expression on her face remained for a long time.

Somewhere near the Dead Sea Gorge, on the Deities Templar's unique floating island, the Temple Preceptor, Ying Tian, sat enshrouded in a rolling black mist that actually blurred the lines of space, as if his entire being integrated with the surrounding space.

Below the dais, many Deities Templar experts were kneeling, too scared to move an inch, afraid that their breathing was too loud.

A heavy silence submerged the hall, and only the occasional 'di-ta, di-ta' noise of sweat falling to the floor can be heard.

In the dead quiet hall, a low laughter suddenly sounded from within the black mist. Ying Tian's low laughter grew louder, veering toward manic, harsh to the ears. Every note hammered at the hearts of those kneeling Deities Templar experts.

Those familiar with Temple Preceptor Ying Tian knew that at this moment, he was beyond enraged!

More than sixty Saint realm experts! Furthermore, the majority of them were high-level Saint realm experts! All dead! Even for a hegemony force like Deities Templar, a huge loss like this hurt to the bones!

On top of everything, that Li Molin and sixty other heads were still hanging above the Sacred Tiger City's gates, should he or should he not send people to collect them?

The whole Martial Spirit World was looking at Deities Templar like a joke!

The experts in the hall lowered their heads even further, not daring to lift them.

A while later, Ying Tian's laughter stopped as abruptly as it started, looking coldly at the group of people below him.

"Who's going to the Sacred Tiger City?" Ying Tian spoke.

No one made a move, no one said anything.

A malevolent black light burst in Ying Tian's eyes, intense murderous aura turned the hall's atmosphere into a sinking dead swamp.

The trembling figures of the experts kneeling before become even more visible.

Just when those experts felt death inching closer, the suffocating killing intent vanished as if it was never there.

"All of you, leave." Ying Tian spoke, his voice laced with a trace of coldness, helplessness, anger, and venomous hate.

The experts swiftly complied and fled the hall. Once outside, each of them was washed with feelings of survival.

When all the experts had left, a figure walked out from the back of the hall—Li Lu.

"You make a trip to Starcloud Continent." Ying Tian said, a sharp light glinted in his eyes.

"Yes." Li Lu complied respectfully and retreated from the hall.


One month passed by in a blink.

In the end, Deities Templar did not send anyone to retrieve the heads hanging above the city wall, turning Deities Templar into an after-dinner joke. After the Beast God Shrine battle, Deities Templar's prestigious reputation was shattered. Even the forces and families in small kingdoms like the Luo Tong Kingdom that submitted under Deities Templar rebelled one by one.

Submit to Deities Templar meant offending Huang Xiaolong!

Who, at this time, in the whole Martial Spirit World dared to offend Huang Xiaolong?

This one month, Huang Xiaolong waited in the Sacred Tiger City, practicing the Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, Body Metamorphose Scripture, Asura Asura Sword Skill, Absolute Soul Finger, Asura Demon Claw and others, going through all of his battle skills.

That time in the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins, the beastmen tribes managed to snatch two primordial divine dragon corpses, both falling into the hands of the Lion Tribe, which explained why the Lion Tribe's Young Patriarch Jesse was searching for Dragon God Grass in the Poison Dragon Valley.

With him holding the helm, the Lion Tribe obediently offered up both primordial divine dragon corpses with smiling faces.

After refining four primordial divine dragons, Huang Xiaolong had nine left, adding two more brought it up to eleven!

Eleven primordial divine dragons, if he could find enough Dragon God Grass, it could definitely help Huang Xiaolong breakthrough to Tenth Order Saint realm, even reaching peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

Not to mention, the addition of two more primordial divine dragons would elevate his self-created skill to Fifteen Moves of the Dragon God.

Studying the additional primordial divine dragons for one month, enabled Huang Xiaolong to gain new insights, smoothly incorporating them into the Thirteen Moves of the Dragon God.

One month passed, yet Deities Templar did not send anyone to collect Li Molin and the others' heads. Bored, Huang Xiaolong didn't bother to wait anymore. All the heads turned into more nourishment for the Poison Corpse Scarabs. Reminding the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck to keep an eye on Deities Templar's movements, Huang Xiaolong began his closed-door practice.

This time, Huang Xiaolong decided to refine the earth dragon originally wind dragon, wood dragon, the five-clawed golden dragon as well as the Buddha dragon.

Prior to this, Huang Xiaolong had refined the water dragon and fire dragon. Adding the earth dragon, wood dragon, and the five-clawed dragon, his five elements could be considered complete. Comprehending the five elements was essential to enhancing his strength to another level.

Huang Xiaolong's Godly Xumi Art was by origin a Buddhist World battle skill, refining the buddha dragon would bring unimaginable benefits in this aspect.

The first one would be the earth dragon.

The passage of time flowed, and one year went by.

In this one year's time, the entire Martial Spirit World seemed have folded within itself, shy and quiet.

Since the Beast God Shrine battle, Deities Templar became the total opposite of its previous flamboyant self.

Even the Cosmos God Cult on the Starcloud Continent quieted down and behaved, all the way to the Bedlam Lands, where killings were an everyday occurrence, toned down. The entire Martial Spirit World's weather seemed to center around a certain person.

Huang Xiaolong!

In this one year, every force, sect, and family in the thirty-six Oblasts under the Asura's Gate governance declared their willingness to submit under the Asura's Gate, including those that were swaying between other forces such as the Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, Cosmos God Cult, and other twelve super forces.

Finally, this sudden calm and quiet provided Emperor Duanren with much-needed breathing space from the noose that Deities Templar roped around his neck.

Two years swiftly passed.

After refining the earth dragon, Huang Xiaolong continued with the wood dragon, and now he was refining the five-clawed golden dragon. At the moment, looking from the side, Huang Xiaolong looked like he was cocooned inside a golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon was known as the Dragon Clan's royal blood, the highest existence amongst the fifteen primordial divine dragons Huang Xiaolong had.

Two years and eight months passed.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged at the center of the Ten Buddha Formation, the spacious hall lit brightly with a gentle luminescence coming from the various golden Buddha images and shadows of primordial divine dragons hovering behind Huang Xiaolong.

From the outside, Huang Xiaolong looked as if he was coated with a layer of golden paint.

Then, without warning, his body shook violently for a second as a low crisp breaking sound was heard from inside his body, brilliant light shining through.

A terrifying force swept to every corner of the Xumi Temple.

It was a long time before the energy dissipated. The brilliant light dispersed, as did the shadows of Buddha statues and dragons.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, a series of crackings rang in the hall with a little stretch.

Two years and eight months, he finally refined the earth dragon, wood dragon, five-clawed golden dragon, and buddha dragon. All thirty-six stalks Dragon God Grass were used up.

Directing his spiritual sense internally to check his body's condition, the veins running through his body were akin to primordial divine dragons hovering within his flesh. His physique was twenty times sturdier than before, the battle qi in his Qi Sea was a roaring golden color, while the ten thunderballs in his dantian turned into ten gold cores that were twenty times bigger.

Ninth Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong's battle qi actually broke through to the Ninth Order Saint realm!

Despite only being an early Ninth Order, Huang Xiaolong felt as if he was overlooking the world, invincible throughout! This was confidence born from distinct real power! His physical body surpassed any godly weapon!

Huang Xiaolong took out the Great Dragon Saber and cut it against his own skin, but it merely left a white line on his palm!

He inhaled deeply, exiting the Xumi Temple a short while later.

Just as he exited, he summoned Tiger Tribe's Patriarch Chuck over. Seeing Chuck arriving, Huang Xiaolong said, "I will not use the Poison Corpse Scarabs, no battle qi, no battle skills, if you can defeat me, I shall reward you with one hundred pieces of Dragon Blood Crystal!"

"One hundred pieces Dragon Blood Crystal!" Chuck was stunned at first before excitement took over.

Chapter 470: Nine Dragons Temple

"Liege Lord, is what you've said, for real?!" Swaying between joy and disbelief, Chuck asked for affirmation.

If he defeated the Liege Lord he'd get a hundred pieces Dragon Blood Crystals!

He knew very well that before entering closed-door practice more than two years ago, Liege Lord Beast God was only a Seventh Order Saint realm, but regardless how much one could enhance their strength during closed-door practice, Liege Lord Beast God should, at most, be a mid-Seventh Order Saint realm.

"For real." Huang Xiaolong replied with a serious face.

Moments later, both appeared above a peak in a mountain range several hundred li outside of Sacred Tiger City.

Two figures stood on opposite sides in silence.

Huang Xiaolong made the first move, both hands formed into claws as he flew toward Chuck.

In that instant, the five elements power— water, fire, earth, wood, and metal erupted like a volcano, violent tremors shook the mountain range below as if the entire mountain was about to crumble into dust under Huang Xiaolong's hand.

Chuck was genuinely alarmed by Huang Xiaolong's momentum, quickly countering with a Sacred Tiger Fist.

The tempestuous collision was ear-splitting, scary shockwaves blasted outward onto the boulders and cliffs, pulverizing everything into dust.

After the impact, Huang Xiaolong and Chuck retreated back more than a hundred meters from each other. In that one exchange, Chuck felt a numbing sensation on both hands, the expression on his face showed his shock. Amongst the beastmen, other than the previous Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew, he could confidently claim that he had the strongest physique, but now he was forced back by Huang Xiaolong to the point of feeling numb! Moreover, there was a slight tingling pain!

"Haha, come, let's continue!" Huang Xiaolong laughed eagerly, waving his fist this time. The frightening speed caused great friction against space, causing a sharp scratching sound against the wind that traveled several li.

Even before Huang Xiaolong's fist arrived, Chuck already felt a prickling danger, the overwhelming destructive power enveloped him as his face went pale. Lacking the confidence to take the hit head-on, he steered to the side with force. Still, he dodged Huang Xiaolong's powerful fist.

Chuck looked over and was aghast to discover that in the place he stood in just now, space looked as if it sunk in, imprinted with a giant fist.

Space was something intangible to begin with, how could someone's fist be imprinted in space? What mind-blowing concept was this!

Before Chuck could compose himself, another powerful tide of energy rolled toward him, startling him. Huang Xiaolong flickered into a blur, launching another attack, aiming a palm at Chuck. Panicked, Chuck's palm shot out to block the attack.

Blow for blow, the two exchanged more than a dozen moves.

After a dozen exchanges, Chuck's shock deepened, and a foreboding fear sprouted in his heart, for he noted that Huang Xiaolong's physique was sturdier than even his own, probably more terrifying than an ancient mythical beast. Just now, he landed a full force punch on Huang Xiaolong's chest, but he merely staggered several steps back, without even a scratch on him. What depressed Chuck above all was that his own hand actually felt pain down to the bones.

He highly doubted that ancient mythical beasts' flesh was tougher than this!

In total, Huang Xiaolong had refined eight primordial divine dragons, his True Dragon Physique now surpassed the Dragon Clan's five-clawed Golden Dragon Emperor during the ancient times.

Despite being a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert and possessing strong physique due to his origins, Chuck still fell short compared to ancient dragons, not to mention against the five-clawed golden dragon.

One hour later, Chuck had resorted to beast transformation.

After the beast transformation, Chuck's defense rose to another level, adding his advantage as a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm strength with Huang Xiaolong not using any battle skills, he was finally able to slightly suppress Huang Xiaolong.

Every punch and palm strike from Huang Xiaolong jarred his bones so badly that Chuck felt like his bones were falling apart.

Yet Huang Xiaolong's movements became more fluid and natural as time passed, even growing stronger as he battled...?!

"Liege Lord, stop, stop, I'm not fighting anymore, not fighting!" Two hours later, Chuck wailed in dismay, shaking his head and waving his hands. He frightenedly stared at Huang Xiaolong.

He really dared not continue to fight further, otherwise, his set of tiger skeleton would really be disassembled by Huang Xiaolong.

Hearing Chuck's pitiful wails begging for mercy, Huang Xiaolong finally stopped, laughing, "It's gratifying!" It had been quite some time since he last enjoyed a fight this much!

His body sung with joy, feeling comfortable from head to toe.

After refining eight primordial divine dragons, there was some true dragon essence residue that wasn't fully absorbed into his body, pooling inside different parts of his body. This fight helped him absorb that essence residue completely.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong agreeing to stop, Chuck heaved a great sigh of relief. He was exhausted and drained, lying like a dead corpse on the ground, wishing he could just sleep for a few hundred years like this.

Watching Chuck, Huang Xiaolong took out a ten thousand year Purpleblood Human-shaped Ginseng: "Swallow this."

Chuck looked over numbly, spotting the purple colored ginseng in Huang Xiaolong' s hand that emitted a fragrant scent. His senses were instantly stimulated, all his lethargy vanished.

"This is... Purpleblood Human-shaped Ginseng above ten thousand years old?!" Chuck asked, his larynx contracted a few times.

"More accurately, close to forty thousand years." Huang Xiaolong corrected.

Chuck quivered, "Liege Lord, this!"

"It's fine, swallow it." Huang Xiaolong more or less guessed what Chuck was about to say.

"Yes, Liege Lord!" Chuck complied, swallowing the purple ginseng down. Warm energy immediately flowed to every part of his body, warm and comfortable.

"Come on, let's head back." Huang Xiaolong said.

Pulling himself out from the warm comfort, Chuck quickly stood up. It didn't take long for both of them to reach the manor's main hall.

Sitting down, Huang Xiaolong asked Chuck about the situation of the beastmen tribes over the last three years.

Chuck reported everything to Huang Xiaolong, and when his report was done, Chuck asked Huang Xiaolong, "I found that Lion Tribe's Young Patriarch Jesse, he's currently hiding in the demonic beast clans' Nine Dragons Temple. Because the Nine Dragons Temple is not weak, this small one dared not act recklessly."

That year, during the beastmen tribes' congregation, the Young Patriarch Jesse at that time did not participate. Later, he received news of his father's death and that Huang Xiaolong was the same human he ran into in the Poison Dragon Valley. Terrified, he fled, taking countless priceless treasures that the Lion Tribe had collected over thousands of years to the Nine Dragons Temple, requesting for their protection.

Receiving many treasures from Jesse, the Nine Dragons Temple promised to ensure his safety.

"Hiding in the Nine Dragons Temple." Huang Xiaolong nodded, his expression calm that one couldn't read what he was thinking.

However, this Lion Tribe Young Patriarch was a trouble that had to be uprooted.

"Have you fought with the Nine Dragons Temple Master before?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

"I did, Liege Lord. This small one made a trip to the Nine Dragons Temple two years ago, requesting them to hand Jesse over, but the Temple Master said that Jesse is one of their Hall Masters, and even if Liege Lord went, they wouldn't hand Jesse over" Chuck reported.

"Oh, is that so?" Since they said so, then he would personally make a trip to this Nine Dragons Temple.

The demonic beasts clans on the Ten Directions Continent stood at par with the beastmen tribes, and their strongest forces were the three temples.

The Nine Dragons Temple, Violent Lion Temple, and Ape Deity Temple. Amongst the three temples, the Nine Dragons Temple ranked above the other two, it was the leader of millions of demonic beasts, thus the arrogant attitude.

"Any movements from the Deities Templar's side?" Huang Xiaolong asked another question.

"There have been no actions from the Deities Templar side in the recent three years." Chuck added respectfully, "But the Elf Queen suddenly extended an open invitation to all forces' experts to their elf race's holy land."

"Oh, do you know why?" His curiosity was aroused.

Chapter 471: Entering the Dwarven City Again

"Rumors say that it is related to the elf race's sacred tree. A problem occurred with the Tree of Life, that it started to wither, and whoever can heal the Tree of Life, the Elf Queen has promised ten Life Crystals as reward." Chuck elaborated respectfully.

"Ten Life Crystals!" Huang Xiaolong was astounded. He knew very well how valuable Life Crystals were.

On some occasions, something called life dew would form on the surface of the Tree of Life's vibrant leaves, and as time passed, life dew drops pooled together, forming a fountain of life. Every thousand years, the fountain of life would produce one Life Crystals

This Life Crystal contained nature's purest water element life energy. Any average mortal that was fortunate enough to take a Life Crystal could drastically improve their body's vitality, even if the person was a hundred years old and only had one breath remain. Swallowing one Life Crystal could extend his life for a few more years.

Whereas for cultivators, other than improving the vitality in their bodies, it could also enhance one's cultivation. Even in the eyes of a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm experts, it was a rare treasure.

"I'll make a trip to the Elf Forest later." Huang Xiaolong said after contemplating the matter.

"Liege Lord wants to go?" Chuck was surprised with Huang Xiaolong's unexpected decision, saying, "From the message I received, many experts already tried, yet no one has been able to cure the Tree of Life."

"I'm just going to take a look, curing or not is irrelevant."

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong asked about the Cosmos God Cult and the Asura's Gate situation. By the time Chuck was excused, several hours had passed.

After Chuck left, Huang Xiaolong's figure blurred, leaving the Sacred Tiger City like a whistling wind, heading towards the Elf Forest's direction.

Heading to the Elf Forest, Huang Xiaolong did not plan to take any beastmen experts with him, journeying alone.

One day later, Huang Xiaolong reached the Hundred Tiger City. However, he did not stop, speeding past the city and arriving at the Roaming Souls Grove several hours later, deep in the night.

Gusts of freezing wind blew out nonstop from the eerie dark grove. The temperature dropped inhumanely cold, with greenish snow drifting to the ground.

In fact, Huang Xiaolong was curious how this cold yin energy inside the Roaming Souls Grove came to be. When night fell, even a high-level Saint realm expert would think twice about making their way through the grove, nonetheless, Huang Xiaolong's courage was bigger than most. He flew straight into the curtain of falling green snow, entering the Roaming Souls Grove in the deep of the night.

He flew on without reducing his speed.

He quickly noticed that the green snowflakes formed from cold yin energy actually stuck to his skin! Moreover, once stuck, it was quite the trouble to shake them off, and as those green snowflakes gathered more and more, the cold yin energy seeped into his body, accumulating faster as time wore on to corrode even a Saint realm expert's vitality!

Then again, although the green snow may threaten other Saint realm experts, it wasn't an issue for Huang Xiaolong at all. Gathering the true essence energy in his dantian, true essence fire appeared above his skin and the green snowflakes were immediately turned into mist.

On the way, all he wandering malevolent souls he came across were dealt with in one stroke. Three hours later, Huang Xiaolong exited the Roaming Souls Grove.

Passing through the Roaming Souls Grove, Huang Xiaolong reached the Stellar Thunder Canyon.

Unfortunately, history had a habit of repeating itself. The clear night sky turned turbulent a short while after he entered the canyon. Fierce wind started howling and ribbons of lightning illuminated the dark sky as they struck down.

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded staring at the sky.

Was the lightning in this Stellar Thunder Canyon specifically against him?! Last time, the sky was clear for a thousand li, and this time it was the same, yet the weather acted up almost immediately after he entered the canyon.

Out of nowhere, a streak of lightning bolted down directly at him, as if he was targeted. Huang Xiaolong did not dodge, neither did he counter or defend. Instead, he allowed the lightning to fall on him.

"Nice!" Huang Xiaolong exclaimed as a numbing sensation spread over his body.

The last time he passed through Stellar Thunder Canyon, this lightning was capable of injuring him, but this time, being zapped felt more like a comfortable massage.

Since there was a free nature massage, Huang Xiaolong wouldn't decline it. He chose to fly straight up into the dark clouds filled with brewing lightning, shuttling through them, letting the snakes of lightning hit his body, faster, fiercer, and more brutal.

The numbing sensation grew more intense, and he actually felt like laughing out loud while being bombarded by the lightning.

Because sometimes the lightning would hit more sensitive areas, such as his nipples, or his lower part. When the lightning 'brushed' his lower part, the ticklish feeling made him want to laugh.

Of course, if others found out that it merely gave Huang Xiaolong a tickle when such lightning struck his lower part, it would probably frighten them to their deaths. No high-level Saint realm experts dared to expose themselves to the terrifying lightning in Stellar Thunder Canyon. The stalwart prowess of his lower part was beyond imagination.

Huang Xiaolong stayed about an hour in the Stellar Thunder Canyon. Seeing that the clouds and lightning showed no signs of dissipating, having enjoyed enough of nature's massage, he flew out from the canyon.

A short while later, he reached the dwarves' Dwarven City. The hustle and bustle scenes of the city were similar to the last time he was here.

"Brother Huang!" Not long after entering Dwarven City, as he was strolling in the streets, a voice sounded behind him.

Turning around to look, it was the young dwarf he met the last he here, Eric.

Although three years had passed, Eric recognized Huang Xiaolong in a single glance.

"Brother Huang, it's really you!" Eric was delighted seeing Huang Xiaolong, and it showed on his face akin to a reunion of old friends. He reached Huang Xiaolong's side in a few quick steps, patting Huang Xiaolong on the shoulder.

But, with Eric's stature of little more than a meter, even extending his arm, he merely reached Huang Xiaolong's upper arm.

Seeing who it was, Huang Xiaolong flashed a wide smile, "I'm just passing through the Dwarven City, I didn't expect to run into you, Eric." Eric and he were on the same wavelength.

Hearing that Huang Xiaolong still remembered his name, Eric was very happy, "Come, Brother Huang, let me treat you our dwarf race's specialty wine!" As Eric said so, he pulled Huang Xiaolong by the hand without waiting for an answer, to a restaurant located in the city center.

Though Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly, he did not refuse Eric's invitation.

After all, so many experts had tried but couldn't cure the elves' Tree of Life, he was in no hurry to rush over.

Eric led Huang Xiaolong to a big building structure while introducing, "This is the biggest restaurant in our Dwarven City, called Hero Restaurant."

Huang Xiaolong listened with a smile. The biggest restaurant in the Dwarven City, in his eyes, resembled a slightly larger earthen house. Inside the restaurant, the tables and chairs were made out of stone.

They picked a corner table and sat down. Eric took it upon himself and ordered a table full of dishes and two jugs of their best wine.

"Brother Huang, where are you planning to go passing through our Dwarven City this time?" Eric asked as he opened a jug of wine, releasing a fragrant scent in the air while pouring Huang Xiaolong and himself a full bowl.

"To the Elf Forest." Huang Xiaolong answered frankly.

Eric was stunned for a moment before laughing, "I heard there's a problem with the elves' Tree of Life. Is bro planning to cure the Tree of Life? Our Patriarch also went and tried half a month ago, but unfortunately he returned without success."

Huang Xiaolong merely laughed, not answering Eric's inquiry. Lifting up the wine bowl, the two of them clinked and down everything in one gulp.

The dwarf race's wine invoked a peculiar taste; pure like nature, fleeting but at the same time leaving a fragrant spicy trail.

"Eric, so you're here!" All of a sudden, a dozen dwarves rushed into the restaurant, exuding a fiercely hostile air as they stomped toward Eric and Huang Xiaolong's table.

Eric frowned slightly seeing the person.

Chapter 472: You Stay Here

"Franz, what are you trying to do?" Eric snapped.

The several dwarves behind Franz spread out in a semi-circle, blocking all retreat routes as Franz grinned at Eric with humor that didn't quite reach his eyes, "What I want to do? Eric, two months ago your old man borrowed five thousand gold coins from us to buy mining materials, today's the due date. The son bears the father's debt, if you cannot cough up the coins today, don't even think of walking out of this restaurant!"

Eric's face scrunched up in anger.

He did not hear a word of this matter from his father, but judging from the current situation, it was probably true. Even for the likes of Franz, he would not cook up such a blatant lie.

Despite half guessing the genuineness of the claim, five thousand gold coins were no small sum, the wealth he had on him amounted to a little more than two hundred gold coins.

"How much in total?" Huang Xiaolong interjected at this point.

His voice drew everyone's attention to himself.

"Brother Huang, this...!" Just as Eric opened his mouth to object, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, assuring him: "It's fine." For him, coins were mere numbers.

Disregarding other sources, just the gold coins found in over sixty spatial rings from Li Molin and the other Deities Templar experts from three years ago were enough to drown the entire Dwarven City when piled together.

Franz's eyes rolled over Huang Xiaolong from top to bottom, laughing as he said, "Skinny human punk, I almost couldn't tell that you're someone loaded. That time, Eric's old man borrowed five thousand from us, based on one-tenth monthly interest, counting to date, the sum is six thousand gold coins!"

"What did you say?! One-tenth interest monthly!" Eric jumped to his feet in anger, "Franz, why don't you just go rob?!" He had never heard of such ridiculously high interest rate.

Franz flashed an evil smirk, "This was agreed upon when your old man put his name on the paper."

Eric wanted to argue further but was stopped by Huang Xiaolong's extended arm. A finger pointed to an empty space between them and gold coins drifted into a neat pile. Shimmering golden light filled Franz's vision.

The sudden pile of gold coins shocked everyone watching.

Seconds ticked, and a short while later, Franz regained his senses, ordering one of his men to count the gold.

"Boss, it's exactly six thousand gold coins." The man reported to Franz after he was done with counting.

Franz turned to Huang Xiaolong with a beaming smile, "My apologies, I was hasty and run off my mouth, it's not one-tenth interest but one-fifth, a thousand gold monthly interest, so the total is seven thousand gold coins. There's still one thousand more!"

Eric was genuinely enraged this time, taking a step forward.

"Is that so?" Huang Xiaolong looked at the dwarf Franz with indifferent eyes. Clearly, this Franz took his generosity for granted, his little-crooked mind spun quickly, hiking the price up another thousand on the spot. For him to be able to give out illegal loans inside the Dwarven City, this Franz probably had quite the backing, otherwise he wouldn't have the guts to do this.

Franz laughed, "Yes, of course, if you do not have the remaining one thousand, you can pledge it against that ring on your finger," pointing at the Asura Ring on Huang Xiaolong's left hand ring finger. Although he had no idea what kind of ring it was, his experienced eyes still determined that it was very valuable, definitely worth more than one thousand gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong found it ironic that a street thug actually dared to covet his Asura Ring.

"Are you sure you want this ring?" Huang Xiaolong smiled.

Franz nodded confidently: "Sure."

Huang Xiaolong raised his arm, his finger lightly tapping on the ten centimeters thick stone table surface. In everyone's eyes, a clear finger-sized hole appeared through the hard stone table.

Franz and his lackeys stared stupidly at that small finger-sized hole, unconsciously drawing in a cold breath. When their gazes focused on Huang Xiaolong again, the shred of arrogance had vanished, replaced with fear.

"How about this, if you can pierce a hole like I did on this table, I'll give you this ring." Huang Xiaolong offered.

"Misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding, I made a mistake, the interest is only one-tenth!" Franz frantically waved his hands with an awkward smile on his face. Not waiting for a reply, he signaled the men to collect the money on the floor. He couldn't wait to flee the scene.

"Not so fast!" Huang Xiaolong drawled.

Franz and his lackeys stiffened on the spot.

"Brother, your intention...?" Franz asked cautiously.

"Loan slip." Huang Xiaolong reminded.

Only then did Franz remember. With swift movements, he took out the loan slip and placed it on the table courteously before turning around and fleeing the restaurant.

Picking up the piece of paper, he passed it to Eric.

Eric looked at Huang Xiaolong, filled with gratitude, "Brother Huang, I..!"

"Don't worry about it, save the words." Huang Xiaolong smiled, "Several thousand gold coins is nothing much for me."

Eric put away the slip, saying, "Brother Huang, are you a high-level Xiantian realm expert?" In Eric's eyes, only high-level Xiantian realm experts had the power to pierce a hole through the thick stone table.

The tables in this Hero Restaurant were custom-made using the dwarf race's highest quality mineral rock, they were so hard that average weapons couldn't even leave scratch marks on their surface.

Huang Xiaolong merely smiled instead of answering.

Eric, who has been observing Huang Xiaolong's reaction, thought that it was acquiescence in silence. He sighed, "With Brother's strength, amongst the human, race you must have quite a high status, right?"

On the Ten Directions Continent, a high-level Xiantian realm expert was sufficient to hold an Elder position in the bigger human race clans.

Not knowing how to answer, Huang Xiaolong continued to keep silent.

"Cheers." Huang Xiaolong raised his wine bowl.

Two bowls made a soft clink sound, wine flowed and words were exchanged. Huang Xiaolong found out that Eric was obsessed with weapon forging and had a great talent for it. In fact, there were similarities between weapon forging and refining medicinal pellets. Certain techniques used in refining medicine were applicable to weapon forging as well. In the past few years, Huang Xiaolong had been practicing the Gold Dragon Pill Refinement Tactic and know it well like the back of his hand.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong's opinion on weapon forging greatly benefitted Eric.

When both walked out of the restaurant, it was three hours later.

Eric insisted to send Huang Xiaolong off till the city gates, and when they parted, Huang Xiaolong gifted Eric with ten thousand gold coins. During their talk, Huang Xiaolong knew that Eric had a dream to open his own weapon forging shop. This sum of ten thousand gold coins was enough to open a big weapon forging shop.

Eric refused to take it at first, but in the end, he kept it, promising Huang Xiaolong that he would return this ten thousand gold coins and the previous six thousand once his business took off.

Huang Xiaolong smiled, not minding it.

With Eric watching from the city gates, Huang Xiaolong left the Dwarven City, heading off in the Elf Forest's direction.

It didn't take Huang Xiaolong long to leave the dwarf territory, arriving at the edge of the Elf Forest. Just as he entered the forest, his path was blocked by two exquisite female elves.

"State your purpose!" Two pretty female elves sounded lofty and terse when questioning.

Huang Xiaolong then told them his purpose.

The two pretty female elves gave Huang Xiaolong a look over with slight contempt, one of them spoke, "Nowadays, all kinds of wild cats and stray dogs can use healing our Tree of Life as an excuse to enter the Elf Forest while harboring ill-intent in their hearts!"

"Forget it, the Queen has ordered, anyone who comes to heal the Tree of Life must be treated with courtesy." The other one said, turning to Huang Xiaolong, "Follow us, don't get lost."

The elf race had always carried a hostile attitude toward humans. Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was of the human race, neither of them bothered to show basic courtesy.

The truth was, there had been many who claimed to came to heal the Tree of Life, yet upon entering their holy land, countless attempts were made to steal the life water from the fountain of life.

Although life water couldn't compare to Life Crystals, it was still a priceless treasure nevertheless.

A tiny frown etched on Huang Xiaolong's brows at both female elves' attitude, however, he did not say anything.

Half an hour later, the two female elves led Huang Xiaolong to a cluster of bamboo huts. One of them pointed to one of the small bamboo huts saying, "You stay there. Tomorrow, someone will come guide you into the holy land. I hope you don't run around when healing the Tree of Life. If anything unfortunate happened, don't blame us!"

Finishing their words, both elves turned their backs and left, no longer bothering themselves with the human.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the cluster of temporarily erected bamboo huts, the small bamboo hut assigned to him was about five to six square meters. This obvious biased treatment was proof that they took him as someone who came to Elf Forest to 'play' or someone harboring other intentions.

If the person was someone of status and identity, their treatment would be different. At the very least, they wouldn't be living here!

Chapter 473: Elf Grand Elder's Welcome

"This Brother, what's your name?" Just as the two female elves left, a voice sounded behind Huang Xiaolong.

Turning around, Huang Xiaolong was surprised, for the person greeting him was a young man. He didn't expect to meet another human here.

"My surname is Huang." Huang Xiaolong casually replied, then walked into his little bamboo hut.

That young man followed Huang Xiaolong into his bamboo hut, a grin on his face, "This one is Zhu Yu, from the Vermillion City, a disciple of the Zhu family."

On Ten Directions Continent, there were about a dozen human governed cities. And this Vermillion City was one of them, under the Zhu Family's control. A human force that was capable of governing a city, it was proof of their strength.

"Oh, do you have matters with me?" Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent after Zhu Yu's introduction.

Instead, it was Zhu Yu who was taken aback, not expecting the other side to show indifference upon hearing of his background.

"Hehe, nothing special, I merely wanted to befriend this brother. If you are free this evening, we could go take a look around outside together." Zhu Yu added with a smile, "Apart from me, there's the Sun Family's Sun Hong and the Qiu Family's Qiu Xinshi."

The Sun and Qiu Families were considered forces of equivalent status as Zhu Family.

"Not interested," came Huang Xiaolong's blunt reply. He understood the underlying meaning of the other side's 'look around.'

His place was the Elf Forest, taking a look around was proof of hidden intentions. Not to mention, they were strangers, an 'open invitation' on a first meeting to join them should be treated warily. In such situations, these people most likely were just looking for a scapegoat, to carry the blackpot for them if anything happened.

Zhu Yu's face didn't look that good at Huang Xiaolong's blunt refusal, "Since it's like that, I shall not bother this brother. If brother visits Vermillion City in the future I definitely will show brother a host's hospitality." Throwing an ill-disguised threat, Zhu Yu flicked his sleeves and stormed out of the bamboo hut.

"Wait!" Huang Xiaolong suddenly said.

Zhu Yu made an agile turn, a bright smile on his face, "Did brother have a change of mind? This is the right attitude, the wise know how the current flows."

Huang Xiaolong ignored Zhu Yu, lifting his arm with a finger pointed at Zhu Yu's shoulder, piercing a hole right through it. Zhu Yu screamed as his body made a beautiful arch in the air.

"I won't kill you this time, now scram!" Huang Xiaolong warned coldly. Though he would rather not get entangled with these small characters, he wasn't someone any small characters could threaten as they wished.

Zhu Yu scrambled to his feet from the ground, eyes filled with fear. He didn't expect this person who just arrived today to be so strong, he himself was a Xiantian Second Order expert.

Up on his feet, Zhu Yu didn't utter a word, hurrying back to his own hut. When Huang Xiaolong couldn't see him anymore, viciousness flashed in his eyes, vowing inwardly, "Punk, pray you don't ever show up in my Vermillion City!"

Huang Xiaolong threw the incident out of his mind, sitting cross-legged in the hut and entering meditation.

Night gradually descended.

The Elf Forest under the blanket of darkness exuded a mysterious aura of natural beauty. The mottled silvery moonlight reflected by the night canopy resembled the rippling water on a calm lake, blurring the lines between reality and illusion.

Gazing at the soft moon hanging high in the night sky, Huang Xiaolong thought of his family. It had been several years since he arrived on the Ten Directions Continent, the long absence made him long for them. When the things here were done, he planned to first make a trip back to the Asura's Gate headquarters to reunite with his family.

The Life Crystals from the fountain of life were, in fact, useless to Huang Xiaolong. But that was not the case for his parents and siblings, it would bring abundant benefits to them. They were the main reason why he made this detour to the Elf Forest this time.

If he could heal the Tree of Life, the ten pieces of Life Crystal would help extend his parents' lifespans since they had yet to breakthrough to Xiantian realm. His main concern was to find ways that would extend his parent's lives until he broke through to peak late-Tenth Order God Realm, forming the Godhead. Hopefully, at that time, he would have a way to help his parents breakthrough to Xiantian realm.

Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual sense, everything within ten thousand li radius was reflected clearly in his mind.

After refining eight primordial divine dragons, his spiritual sense was enhanced by leaps and bounds as he broke through Ninth Order Saint realm. Now, his Soul Mandate and Ancient Puppetry Art had reached the eighth level.

The night passed in peace; moonlight slowly faded with the rising sun.

Brilliant morning sunlight shone down on the Elf Forest, exuding a vivid aura of vitality. The refreshing fresh air made one feel alive.

Shortly after the sun rose, a group of elves arrived at the cluster of bamboo huts to lead Huang Xiaolong and the others to the holy Land of Life.

"It's you!" An astonished voice exclaimed just as Huang Xiaolong walked out from his bamboo hut.

Looking over at the source, the leader of the group was none other than the female elf he met three years ago, named Lina. Although Huang Xiaolong didn't know what status this Lina had within the ranks of the elves, he guessed that it wasn't low, at least high enough for her to lead a thousand elves to encircle him last time.

"Miss Lina, what's the problem?" A male elf approached Lina's side inquiring while shooting Huang Xiaolong a suspicious glance with traces of hostility in his eyes.

"It's nothing." Female elf Lina recovered from her shock, quickly covering her gaffe: "Let's go."

Three years ago, even their Elder Julio wasn't this young man's opponent, forget the elves behind her right now.

And the male elf beside her was one of Elder Julio's disciples.

Led by Lina, the twenty over people in the bamboo huts were escorted into the elf race's holy land, waiting at the periphery area.

"Everyone, kindly wait here while I inform our Elders," Lina spoke politely while looking at Huang Xiaolong before she turned and left.

A trace of doubt flickered in that Elder Julio's disciple's eyes noticing Lina's strange action. He shot a sideways glance at Huang Xiaolong, wondering why their captain was so polite to this group of people. Was the reason related to this young human?

Zhu Yu hung at the back of the group, staring at Huang Xiaolong like a venomous snake locked on a prey. Beside Zhu Yu were two young men, probably Sun Hong and Qiu Xinshi that he spoke of yesterday. Both were also staring at Huang Xiaolong's back with similar hostility.

On the other side, Lina entered a tall tree tower inside the holy land, informing Elder Julio that she had brought the group of people over. After a slight hesitation, she added, "Elder, that young human from three years ago is also here."

"Young human from three years ago?" For a moment, Elder Julio was confused, wondering who Lina was referring to.

Then, all of a sudden his face tensed, "You, you're talking about that black-haired young man?!"

Huang Xiaolong naturally left a deep impression on Elder Julio. Three years ago, he was repelled by Huang Xiaolong. 'Sent flying' would be more accurate.

"Yes," Lina confirmed.

Something flickered in Elder Julio's eyes before he calmed down, "I'm going to notify the Grand Elder." He left the room in swift steps.

When Elder Julio went to report the matter to Grand Elder Celine, the Elf Queen Kelly was present as well. Both of them were surprised, for Huang Xiaolong also left a deep impression on them.

"Celine, you go greet him." Elf Queen Kelly said in a serious tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Grand Elder Celine complied, leaving with Elder Julio to receive Huang Xiaolong together with Lina.

Coming out with another group of elves in tow, the Grand Elder spotted Huang Xiaolong amongst the waiting group and walked straight toward him.

The surrounding elves were stunned seeing their Grand Elder present, each quickly kneeling down in salute.

Zhu Yu and the others waiting were also shocked. Even if their families' Patriarchs were here in person, the elves' Grand Elder Celine wouldn't come to welcome them unless it was the human kings, Thunder Human King and Ice Human King.

Before everyone's eyes, Grand Elder Celine stopped in front of Huang Xiaolong, smiling as she said, "I didn't imagine that Young Noble would visit the Elf Forest again, we were lacking in our hospitality, we hope that Young Noble won't put it to heart."

The two female elves that led Huang Xiaolong to the bamboo huts watched with mouths agape.

Zhu Yu and the rest bore similar expressions.

Chapter 474: 'Little Worm'

Zhu Yu's face was ash gray from the shock. Although he wasn't clear of Huang Xiaolong's identity, being greeted by the elves' Grand Elder Celine was sufficient to tell Zhu Yu that Huang Xiaolong was not someone he could afford to offend!

Putting himself aside, not even his Zhu Family's Patriarch could afford to offend him!

Among the group of shocked faces, Huang Xiaolong's expression remained calm and unaffected.

Several tens of thousands of years ago, the beastmen reigned over the Ten Directions Continent. All other races, from demonic beasts, elves, dwarves, Golden Giants to the skeleton tribes were vassals, submitted under the Beast God.

The Beast God was Ten Direction Continent's God!

Whether it was the beast king or the elf queen, both were subjects of the Beast God, his servants. And Huang Xiaolong was now the new Beast God, it wouldn't be deemed too much even if Elf Queen Kelly were to greet him in person.

But then again, the Elf Queen Kelly and Grand Elder Celine didn't know that he was the new Beast God.

"Young Noble, this way please!" Another wave of shock coursed through everyone present, Grand Elder Celine's courteous attitude far surpassed their imagination, to the point she even used the word 'please.'

Huang Xiaolong's face remained stolid as he nodded.

Before everyone's shocked expressions, Huang Xiaolong followed behind Grand Elder Celine, disappearing from their view.

The elves' Grand Elder Celine carefully led Huang Xiaolong to the center of their holy land.

Huang Xiaolong's keen senses felt the fluctuations of vitality in the air grow stronger as they moved closer to the center of the holy land. The strong life energy in the area seemed to originate from that one massive tree.

The Tree of Life!

Huang Xiaolong studied the towering massive tree in the distance. Spiritual life energy was pouring out in abundance, yet he had an indistinctive feeling from the trunk of the tree, its spiritual life energy was rapidly seeping away.

At this rate, according to Huang Xiaolong's estimation, in no more than ten years, the Tree of Life would wither completely.

No wonder the Elf Queen was willing to use ten pieces of Life Crystal to attract so many experts over as a reward for healing the Tree of Life.

Not far from the Tree of Life, there was a hall. At this time, six people were sitting on the stage in the hall. Judging from the looks of it, all six were the elves' honored guests.

All six exuded the strong aura of Saint realm experts.

Huang Xiaolong's swept across these six people's faces, two of them belonged to the demonic beasts clan, one from the Golden Giant race, someone from the Green Demon tribe, and the remaining two were experts from the sea tribe with an air of nobility around them.

On Ten Directions Continent, other than the beastmen tribes and demonic beasts clan, the other strong force was the sea tribe.

When they saw Grand Elder Celine lead Huang Xiaolong toward the hall, all six of them couldn't help looking at Huang Xiaolong, each showing a different expression.

Grand Elder Celine escorted Huang Xiaolong to a seat on the left side. However, just as Huang Xiaolong was about to sit, a voice sounded, "Kiddo, who are you, what's your identity and background? Do you think you're qualified to sit with us here?"

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the person who spoke, it was one of the middle-aged men from the demonic beasts clan, clad in a deep purple brocade robe embroidered with a sea dragon.

Grand Elder Celine's face tightened at the baseless provocation, afraid that Huang Xiaolong might be angered, giving rise to an awkward situation, she hurried an introduction to Huang Xiaolong, "Young Noble, this one is Nine Dragons Temple's Sixth Hall Master."

'Oh, so it's the Nine Dragons Temple. Sixth Hall Master, Ao Shen?'

A cold sneer sounded in Huang Xiaolong's heart, taking a second look at the other five people. Although these five people did not say anything, the look in their eyes spoke volumes of disdain and scorn. Clearly, these five people held a similar opinion as Ao Shen that a young man of the human race was not qualified to be seated with them.

"So, it's a little worm from the Nine Dragons Temple." Huang Xiaolong retorted, sneering at Ao Shen.

The Nine Dragons Temple's nine hall masters were originally sea dragons. Despite being looked upon as one of the Dragon Clan's descendants, their bloodline wasn't pure enough, especially when compared to someone like Huang Xiaolong who had refined eight primordial divine dragons and fused with the Dragon Pearl. Therefore, they could only be considered worms crawling on the ground.

This Nine Dragons Temple knew very well that the ex-Lion Tribe Young Patriarch Jesse was wanted by the beastmen tribes, but the Nine Dragons Temple openly declared that Jesse was under their protection. This was tantamount to slapping the beastmen tribes' face, not putting the new Beast God Huang Xiaolong in their eyes!

He had planned to make a trip to the Nine Dragons Temple a few days later, after the things here were settled, but he didn't expect to run into someone from the Nine Dragons Temple here.

Worm?! It was like someone cast a spell over the hall, one could hear the drop of a needle.

Everyone who heard Huang Xiaolong's words watched with intrigue while the five other people started to gloat. From their perspective, a young'un from the human race only had one predictable end provoking the Nine Dragons Temple's Sixth Hall Master, Ao Shen.

Grand Elder Celine was dumbstruck looking at Huang Xiaolong. Didn't she just tell him that this middle-aged man was the Nine Dragons Temple's Sixth Hall Master? But this young human actually treated her words as passing wind?

Even their Elf Queen treated the Nine Dragons Temple with courtesy.

Ao Shen was stunned, despite quickly regaining his senses, he still wore an obvious expression of disbelief from what he heard. The other side... what did he just say? Little worm?!

Ao Shen jumped to his feet, killing intent soared sky high, laced with surging beastly aura.

"Death seeking punk!" Ao Shen's eyes narrowed, about to attack.

"Sixth Hall Master, cease your anger!" Grand Elder Celine cried out anxiously. "This Young Noble is an honored guest invited by our Queen, please give our Queen face and don't take offense."

She was aware that this Nine Dragons Temple Sixth Hall Master had always admired their Queen, which was why she used the Queen's name. Just like she expected, hearing that he was invited by the Elf Queen, the monstrous killing intent was gradually repressed.

Ao Shen pointed at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes like a violent undercurrent beneath a calm surface, "Fine, I shall give face to the Elf Queen. If this kid crawls around the hall like a worm, and kneels until this whole thing ends, I will spare his life!"

Since Huang Xiaolong wasn't qualified to sit with them, he should just kneel.

Celine turned to Huang Xiaolong with a troubled expression, "Young Noble, this, you...?"

Yes, the strength Huang Xiaolong displayed three years ago indeed surprised her, but nonetheless, in Celine's eyes, this young man was not Ao Shen's opponent. For a peak late-Ninth Order Saint realm Ao Shen, killing Huang Xiaolong would be an easy matter.

However, Huang Xiaolong shook his head smilingly at Ao Shen, "Giving face to the Elf Queen, if you crawl out from the hall like the little worm that you are, I shall consent to spare your life."

Shock could not describe the look on everyone's faces staring at Huang Xiaolong.

"You! Even if the Elf Queen pleads on your behalf, you must die!!" Snapping back to his senses, Ao Shen let out an angry roar, his body disappearing in a blur. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong, slamming out a hard fist.

Grand Elder Celine face became ashen, it was already too late for her stop Ao Shen, she could only watch from the side as Ao Shen's fist came in contact with Huang Xiaolong's chest.

A muffled blast rang.

Celine closed her eyes, unwilling to watch Huang Xiaolong's lifeless limp body crash to the ground.

However, she was baffled the next moment. It grew quiet after the initial muffled collision, no miserable screams, no heavy thump of a body thrown to the ground.

Moreover, the hall was filled with an eerie silence that could be felt even with her eyes closed.

'What happened?' Bafflement and curiosity rolled into one, and she opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped in astonishment and incredulity at the scene in front of her eyes.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the agape expressions around. His head was lowered, looking at Ao Shen's fist on his chest with a stoic face, "This is your strength, worm? Are you trying to scratch an itch for me?"

Chapter 475: Let Me Try

Scratch an itch?!

A strange expression emerged on everyone's faces at that phrase, whereas Ao Shen had an ugly grimace of anger.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong raised an arm and landed a punch on Ao Shen's chest. A low muffled sound was heard, followed by a series of crackling noises.

Ao Shen let out a miserable wail, his body flew out from the impact, crashing into a large stone pillar in the hall. The stone pillar cracked, crumbling down on Ao Shen's body as it rolled to a corner, covering him in layers of rubble and dust.

The hall once again fell into heavy silence looking at the pile of stone rubble. Everyone secretly drew in cold breaths.

One punch! Ao Shen was sent crashing into a stone pillar with one punch?!

The Nine Dragons Temple's Sixth Hall Master Ao Shen! A peak late-Ninth Order Saint realm order Ao Shen who had the sturdy physique of a sea dragon was actually sent flying in a single punch!

Grand Elder Celine felt her heart palpitate watching the scene. Her body trembled, but only she knew whether it was from excitement or fear. Her legs weakened slightly, pressing together.

Not even their Elf Queen could do this! Although their Queen was a Tenth Order Saint realm, Ao Shen's battle prowess could rival their Queen's strength due to his sea dragon physique.

While the rest were stunned, Huang Xiaolong walked toward Ao Shen. When he was in close proximity to Ao Shen, Huang Xiaolong stamped his foot on the ground, lifting the layers of rubble and dust to reveal Ao Shen's sorry figure beneath. Piece by piece, the rubble flew back, and seconds later, the rubble disappeared and the shattered stone pillar stood in its original place as if it was never destroyed.

This unbelievable scene sent another great wave in Grand Elder Celine and others' heart, so much that they could almost feel their glutes quivering.

For to their knowledge, not even an earth element magus could do this. Restoring rubble to its prior state.

Ao Shen, who was sprawled on the ground, bounced up together with the rubble when Huang Xiaolong stamped his foot. The rubble was restored into a stone pillar, but Ao Shen's body plummeted heavily to the ground.

Ao Shen let out another pitiful scream.

"Are you dead? If you aren't dead yet, then roll over here!" Huang Xiaolong glared at the lump on the floor, his cold voice commanded.

Ao Shen struggled up from the ground as fast as he could. Indescribable fear filled his eyes as he faced Huang Xiaolong. There was actually a human that possessed such perverse physique in this world!

He had always been proud of his sea dragon body's defense, but today he found out that the physique he had always been proud of was nothing more than a paper tiger in front of this person.

"Do you want to crawl out of this hall like the worm that you are, or would you rather die now?" Huang Xiaolong generously provided options to Ao Shen.

An ugly expression took over Ao Shen's face.

Crawl out of the hall like a worm?! He, the Sixth Hall Master of the Nine Dragons Temple was reduced to crawling out of this hall in such a humiliating manner! He stared at Huang Xiaolong, and a cold shiver snaked across his heart meeting Huang Xiaolong's sharp gaze. From the young man's eyes, Ao Shen was absolutely sure that he will do as he said, if he refused to crawl out of the hall, the young man would not hesitate at all to kill him!

In front of the elf race's Grand Elder, and the other experts, Ao Shen's knees buckled, lowering his body as he imitated a worm's movement and crawled out of the hall.

The others merely watched in silence as Ao Shen of Nine Dragons Temple slowly made his way out of the hall like a worm. There was no surprise in their eyes. Only fear was present, fear of Huang Xiaolong.

Ao Shen crossed the length inch by inch, foot by foot, feeling a thousand times worse than having swords and blades slashing his body. When he made it out of the hall, he got to his feet. Enduring the humiliation, he faced Huang Xiaolong: "I want to know, who are you?"

Knowing very well the anger, hate, and the killing intent that must be surging in Ao Shen's heart, Huang Xiaolong was unperturbed, "Who I am, you'll know very soon when I pay a visit to your Nine Dragons Temple in a couple of days."

Ao Shen was stunned, he clearly did not expect this answer.

"Good, us nine brothers will await this brother's arrival in the Nine Dragons Temple." Suppressing the killing intent in his heart, Ao Shen turned around and left, disappearing from view in seconds.

It took some time for the rest to adjust their mood watching Ao Shen's sorry figure leaving.

Huang Xiaolong turned to the seat assigned by Celine earlier, and pointed to it, asking, "Am I qualified to sit here now?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" The remaining five people hastened to 'reassure' Huang Xiaolong, bobbing their heads up and down.

Huang Xiaolong sat down without a word, but when the five people lowered their butts hesitantly, Huang Xiaolong spoke, "Do you think you're qualified to sit with me?"

Huang Xiaolong's question rendered the hall into a deathly silence. The five people that were about to sit paused, their butts hovering a few inches from the chairs.

The expressions on their faces weren't very good. After all, the five of them were highly respected high-level Saint realm experts, Patriarchs of their families, renowned existences on the Ten Directions Continent, but now, a young human was questioning their qualifications to sit down with him? They were not qualified to sit next to a human brat?

Despite the grimace on their faces, none dared to lower their butts on the seats, and definitely no one wanted to be the first one to raise an objection.

"Hehe, what Senior said is right, we don't have the right to sit with you." One of the sea tribe men spoke. But the smile on his face looked worse than crying, extremely forced.

He straightened his body. The female sea tribe member beside him followed his lead and stood up.

Seeing this, the remaining three hurried out of their awkward positions.

"Senior, just now I..." Grand Elder Celine was ill at ease recalling her attitude earlier, wanting to explain.

"It's nothing." Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, waving the matter away.

"The Queen arrives~!" At this time, a loud cry announced the arrival of Elf Queen Kelly. Detecting the ruckus on this side, Elf Queen Kelly had rushed over.

Huang Xiaolong was too shy to remain sitting when the Elf Queen arrived, thus stood up. After all, the current beastmen tribes did not rule over the Ten Directions Continent as they did in the past, and the elves were not the Beast God's subjects.

Elf Queen Kelly already knew what took place in the hall before she arrived. She walked straight to Huang Xiaolong, greeting him as 'Senior' with utmost respect.

This was Huang Xiaolong's first time meeting the Elf Queen. Even he couldn't resist praising the Elf Queen's beauty inwardly, natural, noble, with a faint mother nature's smile hanging on her lips at all times. Unique, even comparable to Shi Xiaofei.

The atmosphere eased and everyone took a seat.

With the Elf Queen's presence as the host, Huang Xiaolong wasn't so thick-skinned to continue making things difficult for the other five people.

The Elf Queen greeted everyone with some perfunctory polite words before bringing up the matter of healing the Tree of Life, anxiety shadowing her brows.

The five people shook their heads, they had seen the Tree of Life's condition but none of them had a method to save the tree.

Elf Queen Kelly was crestfallen with the disappointing conclusion.

"Let me have a try." Huang Xiaolong interjected.

His words immediately drew everyone's attention. Without elaborating further, Huang Xiaolong stood up and walked over to the Tree of Life.

Elf Queen Kelly, Grand Elder Celine, and the five people hurried behind Huang Xiaolong, exiting the hall.

Standing in front of the Tree of Life, he slapped his palm onto the tree trunk. A boundless water element energy gathered in the air from all directions, whirling faster and faster.

At one point, a pearl of ice blue liquid formed in the high sky.

"This is pure concentration of water element, water essence?!" Elf Queen Kelly was overjoyed.

Astonished faces stared at the small ice blue water pearl.

The pure concentration of water element, water essence. In ancient times, only God Realm water element magi could grasp this power.

Chapter 476: Entering the Beast God Shrine

Before the group of stunned Saint realm experts, including the Elf Queen Kelly, numerous drops of water essence fell from high altitude. It was like a soft and light drizzle which roared into a monsoon rain a short moment later.

Under the water essence's cleansing, the Tree of Life was provided with rejuvenating moisture. A soft halo shrouded the massive tree as its foliage, branches, and trunk reflected light like a crystal.

The Elf Queen Kelly and the other experts were drenched in the water essence rain too as they stood close to the Tree of Life. To their joy, they noticed that under the water essence rain, the old scars on their skin actually started healing with a speed visible to the naked eye. Scabs grew and fell, revealing smooth youthful skin, supple and tender, aglow with a jade-like luster.

Internally, their own life energy was nourished, brimming vitality filled every part of their bodies.

The rain went on for an hour before Huang Xiaolong finally stopped, a little short of breath. Popping a medicinal pellet into his mouth, he quietly initiated Instant Recovery to replenish his depleted battle qi.

To Elf Queen Kelly's pleasant surprise, she immediately detected that the life force had stopped seeping out of the Tree of Life. Their race's sacred tree was overflowing with life energy once more. Moreover, its life energy was even more vibrant and faster than ever before.

"On behalf of our elf race, I offer our deepest gratitude to Young Noble for his grace." Elf Queen Kelly said to Huang Xiaolong, a happy and sincere smile on her face, showing her heartfelt joy and gratitude.

Huang Xiaolong reciprocated her smile, "Just a helping hand, moreover, I did it for the ten Life Crystals!"

Laughter rang out near the Tree of Life.

The Elf Queen invited everyone back to the hall and they all took their previous seats. After everyone was seated, the Elf Queen sent someone to bring the promised ten pieces of Life Crystal, handing them over to Huang Xiaolong herself with both hands.

Looking at the ten Life Crystals in the Elf Queen's hands, twinkling like stars and emitting a captivating abundant life energy, Huang Xiaolong suppressed the delight in his heart and received the Life Crystals.

The Tree of Life was cured and the Elf Queen immediately ordered a celebratory banquet. Huang Xiaolong agreed out of politeness, while the five experts also stayed to join in.

The banquet lasted several hours, until dusk. The evening sun disappearing on the horizon just as Huang Xiaolong decided to take his leave, but Elf Queen Kelly was one step ahead of him, "It's late, I've made lodging arrangements for the night. We have troubled Young Noble today, curing the Tree of Life must have exhausted Young Noble's battle qi, please rest here tonight!"

The guests were stunned at the Elf Queen's insistence.

Grand Elder Celine was shocked the most as she looked at their noble Queen with wide eyes. Their Queen had never, ever, invited any young man to stay overnight!

Five people shot envious looks in Huang Xiaolong's direction.

How many experts on the Ten Directions Continent admired the Elf Queen, but all failed to win the beauty's heart. One example was Nine Dragons Temple's Ao Shen.

But now, the Elf Queen herself had spoken of her wishes for Huang Xiaolong to stay for the night! Anyone with a little bit brain could see that the Elf Queen held a favorable impression toward Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong had a stunned expression on his face as he looked at Elf Queen Kelly. Two pairs of eyes met in midair, causing her heart to throb.

"Pardon me, I still have matters to attend to, and shall take my leave." Huang Xiaolong contemplated the invitation for a moment and refused decisively in the end.

The hall floor was nearly carpeted with fallen eyeballs due to shock. Grand Elder Celine especially never imagined that Huang Xiaolong would decline their Queen's invitation.

Quickly concealing the disappointment in her eyes, Elf Queen Kelly braved a faint smile, "Since it is so, I will send Young Noble out. The elf race will always welcome Young Noble to the Elf Forest."

The Elf Queen could represent the entire elf race, her open doors to Huang Xiaolong meant that the entire elf race's doors were open to him. The meaning of her words so clear that it triggered another bout of envious looks that bordered jealousy.

At the end of the banquet, the other five guests bid their farewells and dispersed.

Huang Xiaolong also bid his farewell and the Elf Queen insisted to send him out. On the way out, neither of them spoke, which made the atmosphere weird and ambiguous.

When both of them were out of the Elf Forest, Elf Queen Kelly finally spoke, "Young Noble, are you really going to the Nine Dragons Temple?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

"Nine Dragons Temple's Great Hall Master Ao Kun is very strong, recognized as the strongest person on the Ten Directions Continent. He's said to practice an ancient Dragon Clan battle skill, the Dragon Killing Art. Be extra careful when you're facing him." Elf Queen Kelly advised.

"I know." Huang Xiaolong said. He vanished from view moments later under the blanket of darkness.

Elf Queen Kelly stayed in the same spot for a long time before retrieving her gaze, returning to the Elf Forest behind.

After leaving the Elf Forest, Huang Xiaolong made his way back to the Sacred Tiger City. In the Castellan Manor, he refined one piece of Life Crystal.

What disappointed Huang Xiaolong was the fact that his cultivation practically did not budge an inch after refining the Life Crystal. Although Life Crystals were rare treasures, to someone like Huang Xiaolong who had refined eight primordial divine dragons, possessing a perverse physique like the True Dragon Physique, the effects were negligible.

'Looks like it won't be possible to break through to Tenth Order Saint realm in a short time.' Huang Xiaolong thought to himself. After stepping into high-level Saint realm at Seventh Order, every small order breakthrough required several times more energy; to break through to Tenth Order Saint realm from Ninth Order where he was now, he'd probably need to refine three primordial divine dragons.

Inexplicably, Huang Xiaolong thought of the Beast God Shrine.

Huang Xiaolong decided to first stop by the Beast God Shrine before heading to Nine Dragons Temple to see if he could inherit the Beast God's heritage, absorbing the Beast God's power would greatly increase his strength. He had confidence in his current strength, but he didn't have a full grasp of victory against Nine Dragons Temple's Great Hall Master Ao Kun. After all, Ao Kun was hailed as Ten Directions Continent's strongest person.

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong left Sacred Tiger City, making his second visit to the Beast God Shrine.

Four days later, Huang Xiaolong stood at the square in front of the Beast God Shrine, taking in the sight of the Shrine. Shrouded in a halo of mystery beneath the dazzling sunlight, it gave off an everlasting, ancient, and powerful aura. The Beast God Shrine stood proud and brilliant, creating a breathtaking scene.

Compared to the previous rowdiness during the beastmen tribes congregation, the surroundings were quiet, and under the quietness was a whelming silent pressure.

Huang Xiaolong walked toward the shrine, one step at a time.

The Beast God Shrine was a towering structure that encompassed several li of land. Above its massive entrance was the symbol of a mythical beast that was exactly the same as the mythical beast head on the Beast God Scepter.

A thought struck Huang Xiaolong and he took out the Beast God Scepter, holding it in his hand, yet the grand entrance remained closed without the slightest reaction.

Pondering the issue, Huang Xiaolong channeled his battle qi into the Beast God Scepter, fully activating the seal inside the scepter and projecting all the mythical beast bloodlines contained within. In that split second, all the mythical beasts symbols above the massive shrine entrance burst out in dazzling light.

At that moment, the tightly closed entrance slowly opened by itself. After a while, the dazzling light dimmed and dissipated.

Holding the Beast God Scepter in his hand, Huang Xiaolong stepped through the entrance, which closed itself behind him after he walked deeper into the shrine. Looking at the interior of the Shrine, its space was filled with large statues of different mythical beasts.

Those mythical beast statues looked like they were placed according to a certain array, and with a quick scan around, he calculated an even number of three hundred statues. Not one more, not one less.

While looking at the statues, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the center of the hall.

At the center of the hall was a diagram of an array, bearing some similarities to the Ten Buddha Formation at the center of the Xumi Temple. The only difference was that Buddhism seals were used in the Ten Buddha Formation, whereas the symbols on this array were most likely ancient beastmen runes.

Huang Xiaolong stood at the center of the array as he channeled his battle qi into the Beast God Scepter to stimulate the bloodline power contained within. When he did so, a powerful energy burst up from beneath the array.

Chapter 477: Beast God Heritage

Huang Xiaolong was genuinely alarmed. The energy gushing up from below the array formation was far more powerful and turbulent than the energy coursing through his body when refining the primordial divine dragons!

Was this... the Beast God's power?!

Huang Xiaolong discovered that this overwhelming energy actually integrated perfectly with the bloodline power of the Beast God Scepter. At this point, the Beast God Scepter flew out of his hand, hovering high up in the shrine center, emitting a faint ruby luster that shrouded Huang Xiaolong entirely.

In the next second, the many mythical beast statues placed in the hall also burst out in a dazzling light, spewing out whorls of energy from their mouths that looked like spheres, a total of three hundred of them.

These energy spheres then landed on Huang Xiaolong's body. Their scorching heat burned him as if they wanted to melt his body to nothing! While this was happening, the powerful Beast God power gushing out from the array drilled madly into his body as well.

Throwing hesitation out of his mind, he quickly sat down cross-legged, running the Asura Tactics faster than ever before, cycle after cycle, refining and absorbing the Beast God energy gushing from the array and the energy spheres from three hundred mythical beast statues.

Even so, both of those energies were too ferocious. Despite his freakish True Dragon Physique, he felt his body expanding, stretching out. Pain shot through his nerves. If it wasn't for his True Dragon Physique and experience from refining eight primordial divine dragons, the very instant both energies touched his body, he would have exploded and died!

Time trickled by, a day passed.

Finally, the tearing pain gradually subsided. As he ran the Asura Tactics at a manic speed, the Beast God power and the mythical beast's energy spheres continued to fuse with every part of Huang Xiaolong's body. He then noticed the change in his Qi Sea; his battle qi began to transform, influenced by the Beast God's power, and his True Dragon Physique was being tempered, becoming tougher. The same was happening to the true essence in his dantian.

Two days passed

Huang Xiaolong felt like he was bathing under the warm sunshine, enveloped in the eternal brightness.

Half a month passed.

A faint ruby red glow enshrouded Huang Xiaolong, the same faint ruby red glow emitted by the Beast God Scepter. Behind Huang Xiaolong emerged, one after another, shadows of mythical beasts.

In the beginning, it was only a dozen or so, but the shadows increased as time passed, reaching an even three hundred. Together with these shadows, some images and memories appeared in Huang Xiaolong's mind.

By the time one month had passed, the mythical beast shadows behind Huang Xiaolong had grown more vivid and real, the Beast God aura exuding from his body was more powerful, spreading out in every direction.

On this day, the dazzling light from the array dissipated all of a sudden, followed by the three hundred energy spheres from the mythical beast statues' mouths. The faint ruby red light from the Beast God Scepter high above the hall also dimmed, retreating back into the scepter as it slowly descended.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and stretched out his right arm to catch the Beast God Scepter. Only at this moment did he feel a true bloodline connection with the Beast God Scepter, truly becoming a part of him, of one body.

He put the Beast God Scepter away, allowing it to submerge under his skin. With a thought, a ruby red light exploded from his body as shadows of mythical beasts flew out from within him, proof that Huang Xiaolong and the Beast God Scepter had merged together, that he had received the previous generation Beast God's heritage from refining the Beast God power, becoming a bona fide beastmen tribes' Beast God!

It could be said that for the current Huang Xiaolong, merely relying upon the Beast God power residing in him, even without the Beast God Scepter itself, it was sufficient to deter all beastmen tribes' experts. Moreover, the pressure from the Beast God power in his body was much stronger than the Beast God Scepter.

He slowly checked his internal condition.

Receiving the Beast God heritage and refining the Beast God power actually propelled his cultivation to rise all the way to late-Ninth Order Saint realm! Between shock then delight, he focused on the latter.

Initially, he didn't have full confidence in being able to defeat the Nine Dragons Temple's Ao Kun, now however, his confidence was overflowing! As long as that Ao Kun had yet to breakthrough to God Realm, Huang Xiaolong had absolute certainty that he could defeat him relying on his own strength!

His purpose in going to the Nine Dragons Temple wasn't as simple as 'requesting' them to hand over the Lion Tribe's Jesse. Huang Xiaolong wanted to subjugate the Nine Dragons Temple!

With the Nine Dragons Temple under his control, taking over the remaining two temples would be more or less effortless. Subduing the demonic beast clans' three main forces inevitably meant that he had the whole lot of them under his command. Adding the beastmen tribes' forces, he was one step closer to conquering the entire Ten Directions Continent.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Huang Xiaolong then exited the Beast God Shrine.

Catching a last look at the ever mysterious and ancient Beast God Shrine, Huang Xiaolong's silhouette flickered into a blur, disappearing from sight.

'It's been more than a month, the Nine Dragons Temple is probably annoyed from all the waiting.' Huang Xiaolong smirked inwardly as his figure whistled through at breakneck speed toward the demonic beast clans' territory.

However, the human race territory stood between the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans. Therefore, to reach Nine Dragons Temple, Huang Xiaolong had to pass through the human race lands.

Two days later, he arrived at the first human territory on the Ten Directions Continent.

The sunlight was slightly hazy as Huang Xiaolong stood before the city gates of a human governed city, staring at the city name written in ancient characters: Vermillion City.

"Vermillion City." Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded and speechless for a second. Recalling the young man Zhu Yu he met more than a month ago in the Elf Forest, he was none other than the Zhu Family's disciple. The same Zhu Family that ruled this Vermillion City.

He laughed self-mockingly wondering if he'd run into that Zhu Family's disciple, Zhu Yu? Throwing the random thoughts at the back of his mind, Huang Xiaolong walked toward the city gates following the crowd.

The Vermillion City, although slightly subpar in comparison to certain imperial cities on Snow Wind Continent, was still grander than royal cities on a kingdom level. The streets were packed with people hurrying about, from humans, dwarves, to those from the demonic beasts clans, sea tribes, and even beastmen could be spotted.

This was Huang Xiaolong's first visit to a human governed city on the Ten Directions Continent, there was novelty in everything he saw in the Vermillion City.

But he also noticed an obvious attitude amongst the humans. When a human came across a beastmen or demonic beast clan member, they would hasten to give way just like how commoners would give way to the nobles deemed more superior than themselves.

This made Huang Xiaolong's heart feel uncomfortable.

Although he had taken the position as the new Beast God, at his core, Huang Xiaolong was of the human race.

While he was minding his own business walking along the street, a commotion happened not far in front of him. Other pedestrians exclaimed in fright, quickly running to the sides, giving way.

Huang Xiaolong looked over, watching several demonic beast young men in peculiar robes riding on a Flaming Beast and dashing through the street in his direction, raising a trail of dust behind them. In the blink of an eye, they were thirty meters away from Huang Xiaolong.

At this point, all other pedestrians, especially of the human race, had fled to the sides of the street, leaving one sole figure at the center of the street.

The leading demonic beast young man had no idea if the human standing still on the street was dazed due to shock or fear, but a sinister grin emerged on his face. Exerting more pressure on the mount beneath him, the Flaming Beast let out a roar and charged at Huang Xiaolong even faster.

The Flaming Beast ridden by the several young men was gigantic, four meters in height on thick-muscled legs. Moreover, the Flaming Beast mount had reached the Xiantian realm. An average Xiantian realm expert would either die or be crippled if they managed to survive a collision with this meat tank.

Huang Xiaolong sneered watching everything. When the mount was ten meters away from him, a fierce tempest rose, blowing the several young men and the Flaming Beast off the street, whirling them to the air before plummeting to the ground from a ten-meter height.

Strong trembles shook the street from the crash and zig-zagged crack lines appeared on the street's surface.

A short while later, the several demonic beast young men crawled out from underneath the Flaming Beast's corpse. All of them covered in dust from head to toe, caught between anger and fear looking at Huang Xiaolong.

Chapter 478: I Will Make You Regret This

Vermillion City's Castellan Manor.

The main hall inside the Castellan Manor was filled with festive cheers. On the main host's seat sat a suave looking young man, and this young man's every action spoke of the upper-class nobility.

One could detect lightning fluctuations around this young man, thin threads of lightning flashed at random. He was the Thunder Human King's son, Lei Hua.

In the seat a little further down from Lei Hua was the Vermillion City's Castellan, Zhu Family's Patriarch, Zhu Mingcan. Other than Zhu Mingcan, the Zhu Family's Elders were all present without exception.

Raising the cup of tea in front of him, Lei Hua slowly took a sip before speaking, "Young Noble Zhou doesn't have many hobbies, but he likes women a lot... especially human race women. How's the preparation for the one hundred beautiful women that I requested?"

The 'Young Noble Zhou' that Lei Hua spoke of was the Ape Deity Temple Master's son, also a descendant of the Sacred Ape Clan, Zhou Yuchu.

A few days earlier, he finally got the chance to make a connection with this Young Noble Zhou, accompanying him or sightseeing in the human territories. They were passing by Vermillion City yesterday.

Zhu Mingcan showed a respectful demeanor, smiling as he said, "Rest assured, Young Noble Lei, I have already picked out those one hundred beauties and arranged for people to send them to the place where Young Noble Zhou is staying. Each of them was strictly reminded to serve Young Noble Zhou well at night."

Lei Hua was pleased with Zhu Mingcan's performance, nodding his head. At this time, a Zhu Family female disciple clad in billowy purple dress came over to change the tea. Her features weren't bad, so Lei Hua pointed at her, saying, "Later, send her over too."

The female disciple became ashen hearing that, immediately falling to her knees begging: "Young Noble Lei, please don't ah!"

One of the Zhu Family Elders present also pulled his face, for that female disciple was his youngest daughter.

"Insolent! Young Noble Lei selected you to serve Young Noble Zhou, what happens tonight is your honor and blessing!" Watching her actions, Zhu Mingcan jumped to his feet and scolded. He then ordered, "Come, drag her out and arrange for her to be sent to Young Noble Zhou's manor later!"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Immediately two Zhu Family guards marched forward, dragging the female disciple out. Her father, that Zhu Family Elder remained in his seat, too afraid to speak up.

Lei Hua was very pleased with the Zhu Family's Patriarch sensible action, nodding slightly.

Flustered footsteps running into the hall broke the atmosphere as one of Zhu Family's Elders, Zhu Ping, appeared in panic.

"Zhu Ping, what is it? All disheveled and flustered!" Zhu Mingcan snapped.

Elder Zhu Ping knelt on his knees, blurting out in a hurry, "Young Noble Lei, Patriarch, it's bad! Young Noble Zhou's both arms were twisted broken by someone in the street!"

"What?!" Everyone in the hall looked ashen.

Lei Hua was already on his feet, hollering at the top of his lungs: "What happened?!"

After much effort, he finally found a chance hard to come by to build a connection with the Ape Deity Temple Master's son, Zhou Yuchu, but now Zhou Yuchu was actually wounded in the human territories, both of his arms twisted broken!

The Ape Deity Temple's Master, Zhu A, was an existence that even his father, the Thunder Human King needed to relent to! If the Ape Deity Temple Master rained his wrath on them, not even his father could protect him at that time! More likely than not, the whole human race on the Ten Directions Continent would pay a heavy price due to this!

The Zhu Family Elder, Zhu Ping, quickly recounted what happened frightfully.

Hearing that a young human blocked Zhou Yuchu's path in the street, moreover killing Zhou Yuchu's Flaming Beast mount and subsequently breaking Zhou Yuchu's arms, Lei Hua's heart plummeted to the bottomless abyss.

At first, he had fervently hoped that the person who injured Zhou Yuchu was not of the human race. In that was a slim chance that his father could cover for him a little.

"Go find out! Investigate which family that young man belongs to! Go find out and annihilate every member of that family, immediately, right now, this instant!!" Blood vessels turned Lei Hua's eyes red. He roared at Zhu Mingcan, "Cut down all their heads, bring them before Zhou Yuchu as an apology!"

"Understood, Young Noble Lei!" Zhu Mingcan's heart flipped over like a bellied-up fish.

"Wait!" Lei Hua fixed a deadly glare at Zhu Mingcan, "This matter, if you fail to complete it well, I will annihilate your Zhu Family, do you understand?!"

Zhu Mingcan and the Zhu Family's Elders felt cold sweat pouring down their backs, complying in panic as the dread of death descended down the entire Castellan Manor.

"Pass the order down, close down all the city exits. Go gather all the Xiantian realm family disciples and follow me over there, capture that young man!" Lei Hua barked out orders in frigid voice, a sky-piercing killing intent exploded in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Hua, Zhu Mingcan, and a mass of Zhu Family's experts rushed out from the manor, stomping toward the street pointed out by Elder Zhu Ping.

Zhu Yu was part of the Zhu Family's main branch descendants. He was a Second Order Xiantian realm, and thus he was part of the group of experts following behind Lei Hua and Zhu Mingcan.

"When we capture that young man, do not kill him, leave his dog life for Young Noble Zhou and the Ape Deity Temple to handle the matter themselves!" On the way, Lei Hua reminded Zhu Mingcan and the rest. Hopefully with this, he could appease Young Noble Zhou and the Ape Deity Temple's anger.

"Rest assured, Young Noble Lei." Zhu Mingcan continued, "At that time, I will surely make that kid understand the meaning of hell!"


At the same time, in another part of the city, Huang Xiaolong twisted both Zhou Yuchu's arms past the breaking point and then sent him flying up into the air with a kick. That kick accurately shattered his beast core.

A miserable scream escaped Zhou Yuchu's mouth, lying on the street and spurting mouthfuls of blood. As he tried to get up, the look in his eyes was vicious and resentful, locked on Huang Xiaolong, "You will regret this! In a while, I will make you regret this, regret that you came into this world!"

"Is that so?" There were no changes to Huang Xiaolong's expression except for that tiny smirk tilting the corners of his mouth as he moved closer to Zhou Yuchu.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong approaching, all the false bravado left Zhou Yuchu, his legs sliding backward in retreat.

"Kill him, I want you all to kill him—!" He bellowed.

Zhou Yuchu's personal bodyguards once again pounced on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong casually waved his hand and the several demonic beast bodyguards exploded, blood and flesh splattered all over the street.

"You, do you know who I am? I am the demonic beast clan's Ape Deity Temple Master's son, you lowly human scum actually dared to cripple my arms and shatter my beast core!" Zhou Yuchu roared at Huang Xiaolong, "Let me tell you, not even your human race's Thunder Human King dares to fart in front of me! You're dead, you're absolutely dead! I'll annihilate your entire family, I will rape all the women in your family!"

Zhou Yuchu snarled in madness.

He was the Ape Deity Temple Master's most doted son, of noble status. Everywhere he went he was layered with flattery and praise, but today, a lowly human had the guts to break his arms and shatter his Qi Sea!

"Is that so?" Huang Xiaolong's expression turned cold, sending Zhou Yuchu to the air with another kick, and another kick knocked him into a series of walls, destroying several buildings.

With a deadpan face, Huang Xiaolong walked toward Zhou Yuchu. It was at this time that numerous noises of whistling wind rang in the sky. Huang Xiaolong stopped and looked over.

The arrivals were none other than Lei Hua, Zhu Mingcan, and the Zhu Family experts.

"Young Noble Zhou!" When Lei Hua arrived, he immediately found Zhou Yuchu buried underneath a pile of rubble. Turning deadly pale, the first thing Lei Hua did was to fly to Zhou Yuchu's side, trying to dig him out from the pile of rubble in a clumsy manner.

Zhu Mincan and the Zhu Family experts were also ashen at Zhou Yuchu's sorry state.

However, amongst the group of Zhu Family disciples, one of them, Zhu Yu, felt his knees buckle when he caught sight of that figure standing tall at the center of the street, nearly fainting into oblivion.

Chapter 479: Don't Accidentally Kill Him

Just moments ago on the way here, Zhu Yu was thinking of how to show a good performance in front of the Patriarch and Young Noble Lei when he caught the offender.

But the moment he spotted Huang Xiaolong's figure standing in the middle of the street, he felt that the area was a super minefield, his feet heavy as if they've turned to lead. No matter how he tried, they refused to move an inch forward.

"Zhu Yu, are you alright?" His cousin brother beside him, Zhu Guangliang, asked with concern noticing Zhu Yu's strange demeanor.

"I, I, am fine." Zhu Yu tried his best to maintain a calm facade, but a tsunami was crashing in his heart. Despite having no idea what that black-haired young man's identity was up until this very moment, in the trip he made to the Elf Forest some time ago, the scene where the elves' Grand Elder Celine personally came out to greet this young man replayed in Zhu Yu's mind.

On that day, after this young man was escorted into the elves' holy land, Zhu Yu saw the Nine Dragons Temple's Sixth Hall Master Ao Shen leaving in a disheveled state, the reason unknown.

Despite the reason being unknown for the Nine Dragons Temple's Sixth Hall Master's sudden departure, Zhu Yu had a feeling that it was related to that black-haired young man.

Zhu Guangliang observed his cousin a little. Although he felt that something was strange with Zhu Yu, he didn't dwell on it.

By this time, Lei Hua managed to rescue Zhou Yuchu out from the pile of rubble. Feeling that there was still a breath left in Zhou Yuchu, Lei Hua felt like a great burden was lifted off his chest. 'Thank goodness, he's still alive!' If Zhou Yuchu died, even if he had one hundred heads, he would not be able to pacify the Ape Deity Temple Master's anger.

Under Lei Hua and Zhu Mingcan's frantic rescue efforts, Zhou Yuchu finally regained consciousness. Opening his eyes, he looked around him and tried to stand up. At last, Zhou Yuchu's cutting gaze fell on Lei Hua.

No words were spoken, Zhou Yuchu lifted his leg and sent a merciless kick at Lei Hua. Unprepared, Lei Hua tumbled and rolled a dozen meters, screaming all the way.

The Zhu Family experts watched with dazed eyes, flabbergasted. Who was Lei Hua? Their Thunder Human King's son!

Zhou Yuchu crossed the dozen meters between them, standing in front of Lei Hua with scarlet eyes. His legs struck out at Lei Hua in a flurry of frenzy kicking, stomping, and bashing, while Lei Hua's screams echoed in the street. None of the surrounding Zhu Family experts dared to persuade Young Noble Zhou Yuchu otherwise.

"Your mother, do you know this daddy's arms are crippled, beast core shattered! It's you, it's all your fault, you son of a b*tch!" Zhou Yuchu's angry bellow thundered in the air, venting all the frustration and anger he had toward Huang Xiaolong on Lei Hua's body.

If it wasn't for Lei Hua inviting him to sightsee in the human territory, his arms and beast core would not be in this situation now⸺crippled!

Lei Hua endured the torrent of attacks, trying his best to protect his head and his face, but never once did he try to counter or dodge.

Huang Xiaolong watched everything with a stoic expression.

A while later, Zhou Yuchu was tired from all the kicking and finally stopped. "Get the f*ck up!" As the last spurt, Zhou Yuchu sent a kick right at Lei Hua's crotch.

The last kick was unexpected, Lei Hua's hands clutched his crotch in pain, mouth agape soundlessly. One could see his face turning a slight purple due to the pain, however, he gritted his teeth and slowly climbed to his feet.

"It's that punk!" Zhou Yuchu 'pointed' at Huang Xiaolong, barking at Lei Hua: "You know what to do, remember, I want him alive."

Forcing an ugly smile on his face, Lei Hua acknowledged respectfully, "Rest assured, Young Noble Zhou, I've already ordered people to investigate this punk's background, as long as he's one of Vermillion City's family disciple, I will make sure that tonight all the women in his family are sent to Young Noble!"

Only then did Zhou Yuchu look slightly better.

Seeing this, Lei Hua turned around. Deep viciousness glinted in Lei Hua's eyes, staring at Huang Xiaolong. If it weren't because of this damn punk, today he wouldn't be kicked by Zhou Yuchu in public. That last kick from Zhou Yuchu contained great anger, one could imagine how heavy that kick was.

Even now, the sides of his upper thighs were twitching with pain.

Lei Hua slowly walked over to Huang Xiaolong, strong killing intent stirred fierce winds, sand and dust flying in the air.

"Do you know who I am?" Lei Hua coldly glowered at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's calm voice sounded: "I know."

Lei Hua was stunned but quickly recovered. He was the Thunder Human King's son. As a member of the human race, it was granted that the other side knew who his identity.

"You're a dog." Huang Xiaolong added.


Monstrous killing intent exploded in Lei Hua's heart, his palm struck at Huang Xiaolong's chest: "Die, die, die!" Countless streaks of lightning accompanied his palm strike, transforming into lightning snakes.

"Rapid Lightning Hand!"

Rapid Lightning Hand was his father's ultimate skill. Amongst so many sons, the Thunder Human King only taught this battle skill to Lei Hua.

The lightning snakes' movements locked all escape routes, bringing with them the lightning's power of destruction.

The momentum terrified the surrounding Zhu Family experts, every one of them retreated in a hurry. They never imagined that Lei Hua would take care of the black-haired young man himself, it was obvious that he was beyond enraged.

In an instant, Huang Xiaolong's figure was drowned in numerous lightning snakes, drilling into his body.

"Don't accidentally kill him!" Zhou Yuchu cautioned, anxious that Lei Hua would go overboard, killing that punk in anger.

A thunderous blast sounded when Lei Hua's palm struck Huang Xiaolong's chest. The lightning snakes drilled even more frantically into Huang Xiaolong's body.

"Great, Young Noble Lei is mighty!" Zhou Mingcan was the first to cry out.

On cue, the Zhu Family experts began to offer their praises, as if trying to outdo one another.

"Half-Saint? Rapid Lightning Hand? The Thunder Human King's son is this kind of wastrel." Huang Xiaolong stood there, immovable like Mt. Tai, smirking at the other side with contempt.

Lei Hua was wide-eyed with shock staring at Huang Xiaolong.

Before Lei Hua could react, overwhelming power fluctuations flooded out from Huang Xiaolong like angry tidal waves. Lei Hua felt as if a great ancient mountain slammed into him, his body flew out like a withered leaf, landing hard like a dead dog on the street.

A deathly silence descended over the street.

All the Zhu Family experts that were cheering and praising Lei Hua shut up abruptly, their words stuck in their throats, rooted where they stood. Everyone was staring dumbly at Lei Hua's body, not knowing if he was alive or dead.

Huang Xiaolong walked over to Zhou Yuchu.

The Ape Deity Temple Master's son lost all the color on his face. Finally, there was a thread of fear in his eyes facing Huang Xiaolong.

"You, you dare!" Zhou Yuchu staggered.

Huang Xiaolong lifted a finger up and pointed lightly, the Absolute Soul Finger pierced through Zhou Yuchu's forehead with no suspense.

The disbelieving look on Zhou Yuchu was his dying expression; a lowly human race dared to kill him?! His throat moved, but before any sound came, his body tumbled down.

A thunderclap rumbled in Zhu Mingcan and the Zhu Family Elders' minds watching Zhou Yuchu's body fall, like an apocalypse. Zhou Yuchu was dead!

The Ape Deity Temple Master's son—was dead!

On the other end of the street, Lei Hua struggled to his feet, just in time to catch a glimpse of Zhou Yuchu's corpse tumbling down. Lei Hua directly fainted.

Huang Xiaolong took the time to scan the people around and spotted Zhu Yu hiding at the back of the Zhu Family's disciples, "Zhu Yu, right? We meet again."

All the focused suddenly turned to Zhu Yu.

The intense stares made Zhu Yu unable to catch his breath.

"You're the Zhu Family's Patriarch?" Huang Xiaolong looked away from Zhu Yu to Zhu Mingcan.

Zhou Mingcan stiffened, nodding woodenly.

"When the Ape Deity Temple's people come, tell them that I will pay a visit to their temple in ten days' time. If Zhou Yunpeng wants to avenge his son, wait for me at the Ape Deity Temple." Huang Xiaolong had disappeared in a flash before his last word fell.

Zhou Yunpeng, Ape Deity Temple's Master.

After he took over the Nine Dragons Temple, naturally, he would need to make a trip to the Ape Deity Temple, and Violent Lion Temple. These two were forces that he needed to take in as well.

Leaving Vermillion City, Huang Xiaolong flew, speeding toward the Nine Dragons Temple.

It didn't take long for the news of Ape Deity Temple Master's son, Zhou Yuchu, being killed to spread everywhere, shocking all forces of the Ten Directions Continent.

"The Ape Deity Temple Master's son was killed. In order to appease the Temple Master's fury, the Thunder Human King ordered the Zhu Family's annihilation! The Zhu Family's heads, from top to bottom, were sent to the Ape Deity Temple!"

Five days later, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the edge of the Nine Dragons Temple territory.

Chapter 480: Submit

Reaching the edge of the Nine Dragons Temple territory, Huang Xiaolong flew straight toward the Nine Dragons Temple without stopping.

The Nine Dragons Temple was acknowledged as the demonic beast clans' top force, with their influence spanning an expansive land area equivalent to six-tenths of the beastmen's. Even so, with Huang Xiaolong's current speed, he reached the Nine Dragons City in a day's travel.

The city nestled itself in nature, undulating mountains surrounding it in all four directions. The city was practically weaved into the mountains, and the Nine Dragons Temple was located right at the center of the city.

Towering structures monopolized the buildings inside the Nine Dragons City, its city walls were double the height of the Sacred Tiger City's and wider than normal city gates entrance, enough to allow a hundred people standing side by side to pass at the same time.

With just the first step inside the Nine Dragons City, Huang Xiaolong was nearly overwhelmed by the strong demonic qi unique to the demonic beasts. Looking up at the sky above the Nine Dragons City, the demonic qi actually formed thick clouds above it!

In fact, the Nine Dragons City existed since ancient times and many demonic beast experts stayed in the city, therefore it wasn't strange that thick demonic qi clouds hovered above the city from the long accumulation period of several tens of thousands of years. They neither reduced nor easily dissipated.

The demonic beast clans on the Ten Directions Continent originated from humans copulating with demonic beasts that had taken human form in the ancient era and they grew through generations of reproduction.

Therefore, the demonic beast clans possessed the outer appearance of a human but the terrifying defense of a demonic beast, exuding strong demonic qi.

These demonic beast clans cultivated beast cores inside their bodies, unlike humans that formed a Qi Sea. Moreover, they had a unique beast taming art that enabled demonic beast expert with a powerful spiritual sense to control two to three demonic beasts at the same level as them. This was what made others wary of the demonic beast clans.

Entering the Nine Dragons City, Huang Xiaolong leisurely strolled on the streets. He noticed that the pedestrians around were mostly demonic beast experts, with an occasional beastmen or sea tribe member passing by.

Even rarer were humans, and those people only came to the city with business.


At this time, inside the Nine Dragons Temple.

Nine people were sitting in the great hall, one of them was none other than Ao Kun, who fled away in a sorry state after being defeated by Huang Xiaolong in the Elf Forest. Sitting in the main seat was a stalwart young man with an imposing aura, clad in a deep mulberry-purple brocade robe. Even with him simply sitting there, he gave others a feeling that he was overlooking the world.

This young man was one other than the Nine Dragons Temple Master, Ao Kun, the demonic beast clans' strongest expert and also the Ten Directions Continent's number one persona!

No one knew exactly how strong Ao Kun was. What the public knew was that five hundred years ago, the beastmen's Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew, Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck, and Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny lost three against one, easily defeated by Ao Kun!

Since then, no one had seen Ao Kun battle again in the last five hundred years.

"More than a month has passed, that brat still hasn't shown up!" Ao Shen grumbled, his temper flaring.

"Sixth brother, you think that brat will really dare to come?" Sitting in the seat closer to the center, ranked fifth amongst the nine brothers, Ao Feng, taunted. "Only those with big muscles with no brains like you believe that he'll show up!"

"What did you say?!" Ao Shen leaped to his feet in anger.

"Enough." Ao Kun sitting at the top spoke with an air of nonchalance, "Stop bickering."

Only then did Ao Shen let out a snort and returned to his seat.

"Attack few days ago, the Ape Deity Temple Master's son was killed, how do you all see this matter?" Ao Kun asked.

"Big brother, you're saying that the person who killed the Ape Deity Temple Master's son and the person who defeated Sixth brother are one and the same?" Second Bro Ao Sen tested inquired.

Ao Kun nodded, "It's a possibility."

"But, I cannot figure it out, when did such a freaky younger generation appear in our Martial Spirit World?" Third bro Ao Bi exclaimed: "He defeated Sixth bro in ten moves!"

That day, being forced to leave the Elf Forest and run back to Nine Dragons Temple was the most humiliating matter for Ao Shen. To the others, he claimed that Huang Xiaolong defeated him with ten strokes, but Ao Kun and the rest weren't aware that Ao Shen was actually defeated in a single move!

Even so, Ao Kun and the rest were still shocked, because they knew that Ao Shen was a peak late-Ninth Order Saint realm expert.

Defeating Ao Shen in ten moves! Only Ao Kun had this kind of strength! If their Second Brother Ao Sen used his full force from the beginning, he could barely manage to do so.

"Perhaps he's not someone from our Martial Spirit World." Ao Kun stated his thoughts after pondering the matter in his head.

"Not from our Martial Spirit World!" The eight others were stunned at this possibility.

Ao Kun explained, "Our Martial Spirit World is just one tiny, tiny dot in the vast galaxy. Peace Emperor World, Glory World, Everlasting World, any one of these worlds is stronger, a hundred times more powerful than us. There, experts are as common as the clouds. Zhao Yi, the Castellan of the strongest city within the Bedlam Lands, Sin City, is someone from the Peace Emperor World."

"Sin City's Castellan, Zhao Yi, originates from the Peace Emperor World?!" Waves of shock swept through the brothers.

Ao Kun went on, "To list the people who I'm wary of in the Martial Spirit World, they would be Deities Templar's Temple Preceptor, the Cosmos God Cult Leader, and lastly, Sin City's Castellan."

"Big brother, if the person who killed the Ape Deity Temple Master's son is the same young man who defeated Sixth brother...Vermillion City is not that far from our Nine Dragons Temple, that young man's next destination is most likely our Nine Dragons Temple." Seventh brother Ao Yi said.

Ao Kun nodded in agreement, "Based on that person's speed, without hindrance, he'd reach our Nine Dragons City tomorrow."

Second brother Ao Sen spoke, "Regardless which world's expert he is, if he dares to show up, the Nine Dragons Temple will be his burial place!"

Ao Kun waved his hand, "Don't shout 'kill' and 'death' every time you open your mouth to speak, if he's willing to submit under Nine Dragons Temple, we can consider giving him the position of Supreme Enforcer Elder."

Third Brother laughed, "It's still Big brother with the better mind, our Nine Dragons Temple would be adding on another expert, we'll absolutely be able to suppress the Violent Lion Temple and Ape Deity Temple till they can't breathe!"

Ninth brother Ao Kuang interjected, "But he killed the Ape Deity Temple Master's son, if he submits under our Nine Dragons Temple, the Ape Deity Temple Master would surely come over to ask for him!"

Ao Kun was unperturbed, "A mere Ape Deity Temple, I dare Zhou Yunpeng to come make a ruckus in our Nine Dragons Temple."

"That's right, we don't even put the beastmen tribes in our eyes, forget about mere Ape Deity Temple." Eighth brother Ao Dong exclaimed proudly.

Ao Kun then asked, "How's that Lion Tribe Young Patriarch Jesse doing?"

"Now, only our Nine Dragons Temple dares to protect him, he has nowhere else he can turn to, of course he's more than loyal and devoted to our Nine Dragons Temple. His hatred toward the beastmen tribes grows every day to the point of killing every beastman he comes across. All in all, the number of beastmen that died in his hand has reached eight hundred if not a thousand!" Second brother Ao Sen replied.

Sixth brother Ao Shen sat there quietly without uttering a word. There were several times where he wanted to speak, to confess that he was actually defeated in one move, yet the words would not come.


At this point, Huang Xiaolong had reached the Nine Dragons Temple.

In front of Nine Dragons Temple was a large square, and above the square were sculptures of nine large sea dragons, emitting a faint formless pressure.

Observing the nine sea dragon sculptures, Huang Xiaolong could see that each of them was created from each hall master's own demonic qi, which explained the invisible pressure coming from them. Average Saint realm experts would not be able to get too close to the nine dragon sculptures. Huang Xiaolong slowly walked toward the Nine Dragons Temple entrance.

"Stop right there!" Just as the demonic beast experts guarding the main entrance yelled at Huang Xiaolong, trying to stop him, Huang Xiaolong blew a breath at them. Those guards instantly exploded, wind scattered their blood and flesh over the square.

At his current strength, a breath of air converted from his dantian's true essence was more terrifying than any destructive lightning's power. Not even mid-level Saint realm experts could defend against it, not to mention these guards, who were only high-level Xiantian.

Ao Kun and his brothers were still discussing matters related to Huang Xiaolong when they heard the tragic wails coming from the entrance. Stunned, all discussions halted abruptly.

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