Love Or Fame? Lauren/You

By Venomous_V

20.1K 396 143

G!P You Y/N never imagined the Simon Cowell would give her and her band a chance. Now she is in a group with... More

6: Numb
7: Paralyzed
Story Rewrite


2.9K 56 45
By Venomous_V

Your POV

"Y/N! Wake yo dumb ass up!"

I groan and jump out of my bed when my best friend Kaitlyn threw ice fucking cold water on my ass. "Fuck you hoe!" I snap playfully rushing to get out of my clothes.

As my compression shorts start to show my v-line she blocks her eyes and says, "Nigga what the fuck? I don't wanna see your hairy ass balls!" I laugh before taking them off completely and throw them at her.

She squeals and flicks it to the ground before running her crazy ass out of my room. Wait hold on a motha fuckin second how did she get in? I groan again and make my way to my bathroom. I rub my face trying to get the tiredness out of my eyes eventually giving up and hoping in a steamy shower.

Fifteen minutes later I hear my phone go off so I hop out still butt ass naked and rush to my phone. When I picked it up I saw that it was our manager Robert from Sony Music. "Yessir!" I quip suddely feeling a rush of excitement.

"Y/N are you with the girls?"

"Uh no. Actually I just hopped out the shower. What's up?"

"Well I need all the girls there can you get them up?"

"Alright-" I pause and take the phone away from my ear as I holler, "Girls! Get your asses up here its Rob!"

I put my phone on speaker as I run into my closet to change into some clothes, and do my hair, finally.


When I'm done I suddenly hear giggles so I turn around to see Nicole, Emily, Jade, and Kaitlyn recording me. "Oh fuck you guys! Go talk to Rob! I'm hungry so I'm makin food!" As I walk out the closet I shake my short but still wet hair in their faces making them scream and run to my bed.

As I made my way down stairs I heard my mother scream my name. "Yeah!" No response. Hm. "I'm making food! Want anything?" I holler back. She responds almost instantly.

"Well duh get yo Y/S/C ass in that kitchen and make yo momma somethin!"

"I feel the love ma." I mumble.

"What did you say?"


Oh shit. Scary. I get to the kitchen and start making some pancakes with some cinnamon in the mix. Then I made eggs for the side before getting some Maple sausage from the freezer.

After some time I call everyone down for breakfast and Jade is the first one down and eating. "Jade how the hell do you eat like a damn pig but still manage to look like a twig?" Kaitlyn asks grabbing a plate and sitting next to her.

"Insensitive as-"

"Y/N! You still live under my roof no cussing. I know for a damn fact that I didn't fucking teach you that!" Mom cuts me off.

"Mom you just- nevermind."

"I'm grown. I can do whatever the hell I want."

"Mooommmm!" I drag out seeing my friends and mother eat. They all giggle to themselves but Jade looks up and winks at me. I roll my eyes before I chow down on the food I MADE.


"Who you callin a loser bitch?" Kaitlyn questions before we both get slapped upside the head.

"Ow! What did I do?" I grip my head and look into my mothers glaring eyes.

" Nothing just felt like it but you Miss. Morris I just told Y/N no cussing."

"I'm sorry ma."

"Anyway guys we gotta head to the studio now. Thanks for letting us in mom." Jade hollers before disappearing from the front door. I turn to my mom who just shrugged her shoulders and kept eating.


"Bye mom!" I holler slamming the apartment door to which I hear, "You don't pay no bills so stop slamming my goddamn door!" I run away knowing if I stood there she would beat me with her belt, hanger, shoe etc. Damn Y/S/C moms.

"Your gonna get it when you get home missy!" I hear faintly before screaming at Emily, "Drive bitch drive!"


Arriving to the studio that I own me and the girls race to the door but seeing that I only have the key I won. I let the girls in but I'm surprised to see our manager already there with four other girls of Fifth Harmony. "Hey Rob." The girls and I groan in unison.

"Girls I would like for you to meet-" Rob's cut off by the other girls.

"Fifth Harmony!" Kaitlyn hollers coming into view of the others. The girls chuckle but contine to introduce themselves.

"I'm Normani!"

"I'm Ally Brooke!"

"I'm Dinah Jane!"

"And I'm Lauren Jauregui!"

Jade looks over at me with a knowing grin. I stick my tongue out at her before introducing the other girls. "Howdy hey! I'm Y/N Jones and this is Kaitlyn Morris,"


"Jade Fields,"

"Hey hey."

"Emily Carson,"


"And Nicole Williams." I finish giggling at Emily's shyness. Jade finishes off for me, "We're Groove Five!" The Fifth Harmony girls laugh at the name but Lauren suddenly looks at me.

"So what's up?" I question nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Um yeah I know that you don't like being told what to do but right now you don't have a choice. The label wants you to collab with Fifth Harmony." Rob says crossing his arms.

"Hold on bitch what!" Kaitlyn hollers.

"No! Not happening! The label can suck Y/N's dick!" Jade points at my package.

"Hey leave me out of this shit! I honestly don't fucking mind." I hit Jade before I shrug my shoulders and the everyone in the room turns to look at me.

"What it's good publicty." I deadpan. The girls sigh in defeat.

"When do we start?" Emily squeaks out. I pull her into my left side and throw my arm over her. I lean down and whisper in her ear, "It's okay to be shy but after this I'll buy you food. Deal?" At this she smiles and replies, "Deal."

"Actually you have to start tomorrow." Rob says looking at the rolex on his wrist. Weird flex but aight.

"Ex-sqeeze me! Why?" Kaitlyn questions putting a hand on her hip.

"The songs that the are preforming are 'Angel', 'He like that' and 'Down'. They just need back ground dancers." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Um dude Mr. Manager guy did you forget that we are preformers to? And Emily is shy so how would that work?" Kaitlyn counters with a scoff amd a shake of her head.

"Well damn Kat gotta put everyones business out there." I scoff playfully rubbing Emily's shoulder.

"Oh shut your quiznak Y/N!" Kat pinches my arm.

"Ow bitch! Okay yep no more Voltron for you!" I rub my arm and Emily giggles as I pout.

"Girls I want all of you to stay here and have a little bonding time. I'll be back in a hour or three." With that Rob was out the door leaving us all with shocked faces.

I sit down in a empty chair and made Emily sit down on my lap. She giggled but hid her face at the crook of my neck. The girls of Fifth Harmony conversed with the other members of Groove Five. Suddenly a tap on my leg from Jade got my attention. "What do you want you ass?" I ask playfully causing her to laugh.

"Lauren here wanted to now if you are the one that writes the songs."

"Yeah I do but I aint selfish I need you guys too. Sometimes." I add seeing them smile. I look at Lauren before continuing, "I write about whatever inspires me. Or if I'm bored." I shrug and went back to being silent with Emily sitting on my lap.

Out of no where the girls burst out laughing at what Normani said. I roll my eyes before moving Emily off me and heading into the recording studio. As I'm getting ready I hear the intercom go off and I put my head phones on. I signal Emily to start the beat for Angel Vs. Demon.

"Lately I've been distant from the world in a quiet place
Feels like I might be wired differently I can't embrace
From all the hurt and all the pain can you feel my rage?
Growing up was bullied they considered me a basket case!" I start off after it was done speaking.

"But things have changed/ the past is done and over with
Why I keep on dwelling on it? Why my thoughts so cancerous?
Why my best friend have to die? God can you please answer this?!
Why am I still agonizing on my last relationship?!" Jade's recorded part finished before all of our voices, except for mine since it was being recorded now, harmonized.

"Maybe Ima crumble/ take a shot I'm seeing double
You can hear my stomach rumble/ reason I can never settle
I have come up from the struggle/ I can promise staying humble
I am sorry for the trouble/ dark inside my fucking tunnel!"

I stop letting Emily's soothing voice come in, "If my thoughts could really kill best believe I would be dead
I am out here saving lives and sometimes I forget
Cause my demons came to play I'm barely hanging by a thread
Maybe I should pull this trigger and just lay my mind to rest/ yeah."

Before I could continue the music cuts off and my eyes shoot open. Emily is a giggling mess as Jade started messing with random buttons. "Babe! What the hell?" I shout.

"Y/NN you know that we can't record when there are people other than management here." Jade remarks with a smirk

"Fuck management!" I spat playfully into the mic. I huff and cross my arms.

"Ew it's not my turn to clean the mic's." Emily squeals and Jade nods her head in agreement.

"It ain't mine it's Nicole's turn!" Kaitlyn hollers from the other room.

"Bitch!" Is all I hear before a faint smack and groan followed after. I sigh deeply but make my way out the room. Emily is at my side again but not close enough to were we are touching but to were I can feel her body heat. "You guys dating or something?" Dinah asks with a low giggle.

Emily blushes while shaking her head no. "Nah we used to when we were in high school tho." I pipe up throwing my arm over Em's shoulder.

Ally looks over at me with a smirk and I wink at her. Wait dafaq going on? What's up with this confidence? "So Y/N you got some skills. Whats up with that song?" Normani asks suddenly and I tense.

"O-oh nothing. J-just got bored." I stutter out. Jade stands up abruptly and claps her hands together.

"I have an idea!" Jade exclaims overly excited.

"Oh no." I mumble rolling my eyes.

"Shut up Y/N!" Kaitlyn says slapping me upside my head.

"Ow! What the fuck asshole?" I laugh out.

"Anyway. Let's play Never Have I Ever!" Jade exclaims giving me and Kaitlyn a side eyed glare.

"Sure!" Normani agrees excitedly.

"If Ally plays I'm down!" Dinah claps her hands.

"Y'all crazy! But I'm in." Ally says with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I really don't have a choice do I?" Lauren questions with a sigh.

"Nope." The other girls reply in unison causing Lauren to laugh.


"Fuck it! I'm in!" I mumble. Nicole looks over at me with a evil grin. "Nicole don't you fucking dare." I warn playfully throwing a judging finger at her.

"Try me bitch!"

"Fuck off! I'm going first!" I state loudly putting up five fingers. I look directly at Jade when I say, "Never Have I Ever got caught Skinny Dipping?"

Jade flips me off as she, Emily, Normani, and Nicole put a finger down. Emily goes next. "Never have I ever given or received a lap dance?"

I sigh in defeat as I put my finger down. When I look up I see that Lauren put her finger down as well. "Emily you know better than to be outing yourself." I say giving her a wink as she blushes.

"Never Have I Ever played strip poker?" Nicole looks at my hand as another finger went down.

"I hate you."

"Awe I love you too babe!" Nicole blows a kiss

"Ew I thought you were my mother! Ya nasty!"

I exclaim and suddenly the game of Never Have I Ever was forgotten about as Nicole attacked me and started tickling my belly and side.

"Please have Mercy on me! Take it easy on my heart!" I holler/sing out as the other girls laugh at Nicole as she blows a raspberry on my reveled stomach. I push her off me as it turns into a full on wrestling match.

"Ow bitch damn you pulled my fucking hair!" She exclaims kicking me, in some damn heels, right were the sun don't shine.

I grunt and groan as I held my pelvis and rolled around on the ground. They all laugh but Ally and Nicole help me off the ground and into an empty seat. As Nicole let's her guard down I punch her left tit. This causes her to hiss in pain and give me a glare.

"Ally help she's gonna kill me!" I yell playfully. Ally laughs but shakes her head. "Allysus please!" I cry out when Nicole slaps me on my chest. By now everyone was a laughing mess as Ally threatened to throw a bible at both of us.

"She started it!" We yell in unison. The girls laugh before Ally really does throw bibles at us.

I groan when it hits my stomach and Emily catches me when I fall down overdramaticly. "Oof! I've been hit! Man down man down! Lord don't let me die today!" I gasp out clutching my stomach.

Kaitlyn yells over all the laughter, "Dramatic ass!"

After sometime of laughter it gets quiet we just sit there until Lauren gets a call, "Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight
Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me
Just like nicotine, rushin' me, touching me
Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need
All I need, yeah, you're all I need,"

Dinah, Ally, and Normani perk up before Lauren got up saying, "I gotta take this real quick." My girls and I nod our heads letting her leave. Once it get's silent again Kaitlyn's dumbass asked, "Who was that?"

I slap my hand on my forehead frowning at her.

Jade read my mind and slapped her upside the head getting a yelp in return. "Sorry about dumb ass over here. You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I say but getting oh so rudely interrupted by Kaitlyn.

"Bitch yes the fuck you do. A girl is curious."

"I'm just curious is it serious!" I sing pissing Kat off.

"Y/N I swear to god if you quote Hayley Kiyoko again. I will hurt you." She tried to sound menicing but her squeaky voice made me laugh.

"Morris." Ally through a playful glare at her. Oh shit. I look between the two as the have a glare down amongst the two.

"Brooke." Kaitlyn challenges.

"It's actually Hernandez-Castillo. Just saying." I mumble looking down at my phone holding Ally's information on Wiki.

"And how do you know this Jones?" Kaitlyn looks over at me as I shrug my shoulders.

"I got bored and searched them up." I lied.

"Oh yeah? So what's my full name?" Normani questions leaning back against the couch.

"Uh Normani Kordei Hamilton." I reply looking down at my phone pretending as if I didn't know anything about the whole group.

"When's my birthday?" Dinah pipes up fixing her snapback.

"Let's see here-um-oh June 22, 1997(her birthday is in 2 days bitch yasss. Lauren almost right after omg i feel old)." I say "scrolling to find" her birthday.

"Fine last question. What's Lauren's full name?" Ally asks still having a glare war with Kaitlyn.

"That I can't answer until she comes back in." As if on cue Lauren walks in with a slight smile on her face. We all turn to look at her when she asks, "So what did I miss?"

"Jones here was about to tell us your full name." Thanks Dinah. I sigh in defeat before looking over at Lauren who was staring at me with expectant look on her face.

"Lauren Mitchell Jauregui Morgado." Again I act like I'm looking for the information on my phone.

"All right. Wait why was she doing this again?"

"Me and Dinah Jr. (Kaitlyn) over here were having a glare down with each other and she called me Brooke but Y/N corrected her."

"Don't listen to lil ol Allysus over there Y/N is just a Harmonizer!" Kat states.

"Nah I'm really not." I say in a defensive tone. Jade, Nicole, and Kaitlyn all laugh when I say this.

"Y/N you a damn lie! Oh and Lauren you're her favorite!" Jade exclaims and I groan in return before rolling my eyes.

"Jade you and I both know that you are the ones that's lyin on me!" I defended myself once more, slapping her on her stomach. Emily giggles as I cross my arms with a pout. She leans over and kisses me on the cheek and I laugh before playfully pushing her away.

I take out my phone and start to text a little Bellabooty call.

When I'm through I look up to see them watching the He Like That dance rehearsal video. I raise an eyebrow in confusion before asking, "Um what are you guys doing?"

Ally looks over at me and silently tells me to come here. I follow her orders and sit down near the rest of them. "Still didn't answer my question guys." I speak a little louder causing Dinah to shush me. I roll my eyes but continued to watch the video but as soon as it it to Ally's part me and Kaitlyn looked at Ally and said, "Allysin!"

This causes Ally to blush and all of us to laugh. We all go back to watch the video and I start to over think this whole tour thing. Who would dance with Dinah, Normani, Ally and Lauren?

There is five of us and Normani needs two dancers so who would that be?

Who's gonna be Laurens dance partner?

Worst of all I'm gonna need me more compression shorts. Like ASAP!


Yo my peeps I got bored with my other story and so I'm going to be working on this one I swear!

Now quick question:

Who should dance with Lauren on her part?



Emily (well shes shy so idk)



Hope you liked the first chapter if you didn't well IDFC

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