Falling For The Blind Billion...

By YourPsychodreams

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The Caruso Series Book 1: Falling for The Blind Billionaire Book 2: The Billionaire Ex-Lover's Revenge - She... More

Chapter 1: The Betray
Chapter 2: The Setup
Chapter 3: The Conclusion
Chapter 4: The deal
Chapter 5: The Vow/ Wedding
Chapter 6: The reception
Chapter 7: The Opinions
Chapter 8: The paranoia
Chapter 9: The ignorance
Chapter 11: The breakdown
Chapter 12: The Recreation
Chapter 13: The Untold
Chapter 14: The Possibilities
Chapter 15: The Unexpected
Chapter 16: The flinch
Chapter 17: The Strange Appointment
Chapter 18: The help
Chapter 19: The Karmic
Chapter 20: The crack-feels
Chapter 21: The double-truth
Chapter 22: The Great- News
Chapter 23: The Indiscretion
Chapter 24: The Reproof
Chapter 25: The Behaviour
Chapter 26: The Unacceptable
Chapter 27: The Rage
Chapter 28: The Uncoil
Chapter 29: The Misconception
Chapter 30: The Inhuman
Chapter 31: The Kindness
Chapter 32: The Perfect husband
Chapter 33: The Flamboyant
Chapter 34: The Bravery
Chapter 35: The Regret
Chapter 36: The Dinner
Chapter 37: The Backfired
Chapter 38: The Contractions
Chapter 39: The Delivery
Chapter 40: The Smart Caruso's
Chapter 41: The Warning
The Billionaire Ex-Lover's Revenge(Book 2)
Chapter 42: The Wrong Coincidence
Epilogue: The Threat!
Dominant & Submissive
Reason: Must read
Book Two: Out Now
Announcement 2 ( must read)

Chapter 10: The first task

5.2K 216 41
By YourPsychodreams


Don't let others put thoughts into your mind that takes away your self-confidence. -Katori Hall-


"Sorry, Gisella," Pietro said with a face of concern mixed with embarrassment, and then, he nodded to Alessandro and Zeta, and with one last glance at me, he turned and walked away. My heartfelt like it would explode. I hold the chair tightly to comfort myself.

Pietro... I miss you.

I turned around and felt bad looking at Signore Nicolo, who was busy eating with the help of Zeta. With a quick bow. "I'm sorry just now, Maltida..." I pause my verdict as Signore Nicolo whines.

"I've told you before that in my mind and heart, they are nothing ." he voiced out.

Instantly, I remembered when he said it, and he said that in his darkness, they are nothing, in his thoughts, they are worthless, that It is only his wife, which is me. I felt speechless looking at him.

I fake a smile with my hand reaching to my backhead. "I'm... I'm so hungry... let's eat now!"

It was dark and late already. Alessandro pulled the car with a stop in the front of Signore Nicolo Mansion, and he gestured to Gisella with a hand to go in. Zeta carried Signore's cloak as Alessandro locked the door and helped Signore Nicolo inside.

"Signorino, Do you need me to handle today's matter?" Alessandro questions him with worries glued to his voice.

"No need." he frowns.


Nicolo was reading the business contract his father sent from the company. He was at home trying to reconstruct the contract. He was only 16 years of age, but he already knew the rules and policy. Also, taking responsibility for the smaller companies with the help of Lorenzo and Diego anytime his father travels. He goes to Interviews and talk shows at a very young age. He used to be a proud person.

Alessandro has always been with him since he was 14 years old till date. Suppose it weren't for the fire accident. After Signora Alessia rescued her son, she and Nicolo were carried to the hospital. Since then, news spread out that he traveled out to France, but he grew up without the media or the company, but he works indoor on projects and tenders. he has been around and indoors until the press and the world gradually forgot him. -END OF FLASHBACK-

"Signore, I'm sorry about what happened sixteen years ago..." Alessandro's voice was filled with sadness.

"Enough, I know what I'm doing, just do what's the need to be done!" he gave in a sly smile.

Alessandro smile. "Yes, Signorino." and he nods as he helps him sit on his bed.


I was busy typing on my laptop when the door opened, and I turned around with a smile. "Signore Nicolo?"

With a sniff. "No, Mia Signora, It's me, Alessandro," he said nervously. "Um, next time maybe..." he added as he snaked his neck away from the door and was about to close it.

I Smiled at him. "Next time, we won't eat out anymore, don't worry."

he smiles. "Grazie, Mia Signora." then I closed the door to my room.


"Hello!" I frown as a reminder hits me.

"Hello, Gisella Molinero. Let's talk about what happened today!" Viola speaks from the phone with the evidence of seriousness in it.

"Do we still have anything to talk about? and point of correction, it's Gisella Caruso" I raised my voice angrily.

she cleared her throat. "Today, Maltida was too anxious, and she didn't know Signore Nicolo's Identity," she says. "Viola, please help me beg her." Maltida voice springs out from the phone, and they are together. She didn't even take the correction I gave her lightly.

I felt like killing them both, I swear. "So you mean if Signore Nicolo Caruso is a nobody, she can just rain down insult on him in that way?" I spat. I heard her hum with no reply coming from her.

she sighed and finally spoke up. "Gisella, can you just let this incident slip like it never happened, for my sake," she said mockingly.

"Eh...? For your sake? Who do you think you're?" I yelled madly through the phone.

she groans. "Gisella Molinero!" She yells back angrily.

"The name is Gisella Caruso, and you've to get used to it that I'm a married lady now, and still, you don't have to be afraid of what my husband will do to the both of you, because in his eyes, you all are nothing, you all don't exist in the world to him." The word came out the way I wanted it to.

With a shout. "What?" Immediately I end the call.


With a toot, she hangs up. Who does she think she Is? Pietro and I was the one who put her where she is now, and she is proud already with a blind man?

"What did she say?" Maltida voiced out with her voice shivering.

I looked out at her in outraged eyes. "What did she say? Oh, you are so fucking annoying. She said Signorino Nicolo Caruso was sitting in front of you, yet you didn't even recognize him only by hearing his name." I spat, slapping my forehead with my hand.



"Hello, I'm Jolanda Giacinta. I will be your publisher for Team -Two. Signore Russo Durante recommended you two to join my team. So everyone in this team introduces yourselves, please." she smiled with her tall slim figure and tanned skin. She sits down.

With a smile. "I'm Gisella Molinero," I say. They clapped for me.

A chubby lady was next. "Hello everyone, standing before you is Tiziana Duilio, but you can call me Tiz or Ziana." she sat down. She looks lovely.

Now is the smiling immature queen. "Hello beautiful, I'm Leonora Ferruccio, but you can call me Nora." with a wave, she sat down and winked at me. I smiled at her and Tiz.

"Now, since we all know our self, we need to start on her first mission given to us by Signore Russo Durante. We are allowed to write and publish a magazine for the star model. He's very popular, and our Magazine wants to interview him." She turned her laptop facing us to show a hot, muscular, and handsome man.

"This is Brizo, the new star model." Tiz voiced out in excitement.

with a sly smile, Our team leader Signorina Jolanda said. "I will let just two of you handle this interview today, and as for you, Tiz, You're going to go out with me. I hope you all will do a good job?" she questions with hope lingering in her voice.

Leonora grinned at me. "OK, team leader, we'll do our best," Nora said with sparkles spreading in her eyes as Signorina Jolanda turned away. Tiz waved at us with her smile reaching to her ears and followed her.

I managed to get up and stretched my arm. "Don't be too excited about him being handsome. I heard that Brizo is very rude and too confident about his looks," Nora warns as she transfers the interview questions into a notepad.

"He looks handsome and nice," I repeat.

She sighed in frustration, looking at me as if I was stupid. "You're so naive! you think that the people in Modeling, Movie star, and other entertainment industry are all that they look like..." she stands up. "Let's go. It's time," she says as she packs her bags recorder. I carried the question notepad and a pen.


We arrived at the coffee bar that Brizo selected, and it was quiet. No customer was in except the waiters and bartenders. I sat down, and so did Nora, then she ordered shakerato coffee, and I placed the same order. Immediately I sip on the coffee, and there is nothing as tasty as a shakerato. Well, technically, the most refreshing Italian beverage on a hot day is a spritz Aperol, but the shakerato is perfectly acceptable to drink before 11 am. Its chilled espresso poured over ice and shaken to a froth. Nora told me about her family, how rude her stepsisters are and how her elder brother died. It was so sad that I found myself crying.

"Oh my goodness." she gasps.

I was shocked by the way she gasped. "What is it?" I question her hastily.

she flicks her eyes countless times, and I wonder how she could keep on flick flicking for so long. "We have spent more than two hours here waiting for Brizo," she says. I looked at my wristwatch to see that he was hell late.

Nora yawns as she supports her face with her hand to rest her head. "I told you that is not a nice person, and he makes us wait for so long." Nora kept on complaining. Immediately the bell rang, we turned to see Brizo walking towards our table. He is not handsome, as seen on the internet and in magazines. He was dressed in disguise.

Nora and I stand up to greet him. "I only have few minutes," he says as he removes his glasses. "You should start now because I've no extra time to waste with publishers." he spats.

I smiled sheepishly with my hand reaching to my backhead, kind of a habit of mine when I become nervous or trying to control my hate or anger. "Then let's begin!" I say.

He drops his glasses on the table. "Why don't you order me tea? I am very tasty now, where's my drink? I need something sweet." He said in an Unconcern attitude. Leonora was right about him.

"Excuse me..." Leonora ordered tea for Brizo. He giggled like a fool and started sipping on the cold tea.

He put down the glass after drinking it to its limit. "Ok, times up. I still have other appointments to attend to now." He stood up and picked up his glasses, but I grabbed his arm. "Wait, Signore Brizo, it won't be that good if your behavior spreads out to your fans, isn't it?" I flick my eyes as my boldness gets to my female goddess that was already boiling.

With an unexpected swing of his big arm, I landed ass-flat on the floor. "Who do you guys think you're?do you think anyone will believe what you say?" He yells in annoyance. He is full of anger.

Immediately, Leonora helped me up and faced him angrily. "Why did you push her down, Gisella? Are you ok?" she questions with her voice filled with concern.

He winks at me and puts on his glasses back on. "I advise you not to write bad things about me. I'm dangerous, or else you want to die, you low-life middle-class people, you're still far from this Gisella, You hurt my girlfriend." He proudly says.

I don't get it, and Now I'm flaming up. "What...what does this have to do with your girlfriend..." I maintained my anger.

He removes his glasses again before replying. "Because my girlfriend is Maltida." He smirks. "You guys should wait and receive a letter from my manager, and you have already disturbed my appointment schedules. You two better think about how to compensate me." He smirks and walks out of the coffee bar.

Leonora was stunned. "Gisella, do you know each other? And who the hell is Maltida?"

I frown, my hackle is scratched, and a slit was bleeding by my left leg. "I don't know that Maltida is dating a Model, Nora. I have some encounters with Maltida, and it turns out that she's his girlfriend." I spat.

Nora frown. "We didn't succeed in interviewing him, and we need to make compensation to Brizo." She sounds worried.

"Don't worry, and it will be ok, I assure you." I give her a slight smile.

she returned the smiling gesture. "Ok," she nods.


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