Bruised (Irondad)

By iguessimsmolbean

280K 6.9K 1.8K

When Tony Stark found out that one of his many one night stands was pregnant, he paid her off. During his pla... More



6.7K 195 69
By iguessimsmolbean

Natasha led her down to the gym. 

It crossed the child's mind a couple of times that she has no real reason to trust the assassin, except maybe for the fact that she hasn't killed her yet, but she followed her anyway.

Neither spoke a word once in the gym. Gia's unsure as to what she could say, after all, Natasha was the one who brought her down here and she's had a tiring day. 

Nat crosses the room, opening a box and for a moment Gianna lets her guard down. She's tired, and she can't note a particular reason why she should stay as tense as she is. If Natasha was going to kill her, she probably would have done it by now, and there's no one in the tower that she's particularly afraid of. 

Her hand moves of it's own accord, before she's even realised Natasha has lobbed something heavy and potentially dangerous in her direction, she's caught it and her brain stalls for a moment in order to catch up. 

When it does, she observes the object in her hand, a five kilogram weight plate.

She blinks from the offending metal to the assassin and wonders for a moment if she's genuinely going to murder her and dispose of the body.

The word tumbles out of her mouth before she can stop it, "What".

Nat smiles, and Gianna is even more confused than before. It's not a cruel smile, it's not smug or sadistic, she doesn't look like she's mocking or teasing. She just looks.. friendly?

"I just wanted to test your reflexes".

And maybe it's because she's spent her whole life surrounded by people who tiptoe, people who so deeply believe that they have to walk on egg shells around 'special cases' like Gianna that they visibly quiver around her when in an uncomfortable scenario. Maybe it's because she hasn't known family before, other than her twin brother and the one she borrowed from Peter. May and Ben are amazing but they aren't hers. Maybe it's just because Nat thinks the same, and she can tell, but Gia is filled with a unique kind of warmth that she hasn't felt in so long, one that makes her eyes light up and her mouth stretch into a grin that Natasha mirrors.

"You've been getting antsy, right?".

She nods.

"Then train".

For Gianna, there's nothing more therapeutic than hitting the shit out of a punching bag, especially after so long of keeping her abilities under wraps. The adrenaline rushing through her veins is enough to chase away any traces of sleep that sat dormant in her body and as her fists meet the bag again and again, she wonders how she's managed so long without this outlet. 

Natasha is expressing her emotions in the same way, attacking a punching bag across the room.

"I come from a similar background".

The assassin keeps her attention trained on the bag in front of her, lifting her eyes for a moment when Gianna stops punching, but focusing back on the task at hand almost immediately. Unsure as to where the conversation's going, though sure it's going to be serious, the girl also continues to train.

"I was recruited at a young age, into a not-so-great organisation, like you. I didn't have a twin or anything, and they didn't experiment on me, but I get the whole indoctrination and containment thing. It was Clint who got me out in the end, he was sent to kill me, but he gave me a chance", she pauses, dropping her fists from the punching bag and turning to look at the five year old, "It sounds like James gave you a chance".

The child also drops her fists, "Yeah, he did".

They stand in silence for a comfortable moment, letting the information sink in, before Natasha steps forwards and places a hand on Gia's back, "Come on, you need food and water because Tony will blow a fuse if you faint again".

* * *

Clint and Sam are in the kitchen, seemingly talking about something meaningful because for once they aren't throwing something around or harassing somebody.

Gianna trails behind Natasha, resisting the urge to grip onto her arm as they cross the room and the two other avengers look up at the duo.  

"Is it not past the squirt's bedtime?", Sam raises an eyebrow, and Gia suddenly feels much smaller than before. This time, she doesn't stop herself from ducking under Natasha's arm and pressing closer to her side. 

She freezes for a moment, looking down at the practical infant that has tucked herself into her side. It's not often that somebody makes themselves completely vulnerable to Natasha Romanoff, especially children. Sure, Clint's kids have wormed their way into her heart, but they've never hidden from other people behind her. Gia is nervous and fragile, and she's choosing Natasha to protect her. 

She allows herself to melt a little, dropping her left arm to hold Gianna protectively. "We're having ice cream and watching a movie, you're coming, Gia's picking".

Sam looks slightly shell-shocked as Nat opens the freezer and slides a pint of ice cream across the counter towards him, but Clint shrugs as he receives his tub and spoon and makes his way towards the living room. 

When both men have left the room, Natasha turns back to the child who is still snuggled into her side, "What's your favourite flavor? We have them all".

"Strawberry", she smiles shyly as the assassin grabs two tubs of strawberry ice cream with her free hand, passing one to the child and shutting the freezer. 

"You like Disney?".

Gia nods.

"Want to watch Mulan?".

So three avengers and a small child gathered in the living room to watch a Disney film and eat ice cream. 

Sam is sat at the end of the couch, next to Clint. Gianna is momentarily surprised at how content they both appear to be with watching Mulan, but wonders from her spot in between the archer and Natasha whether they're only watching because Nat practically ordered them too or if they feel bad for the ginger five year old with strange powers.

This theory is instantly disproved when she catches them mouthing the lyrics to "Honour to us all".

She actually finds herself enjoying the company of the three adults who she would have no doubt shrunk away from a few weeks ago. They watch the movie, there's no probing or interrogation. No one tells her to get her wings out or smash a glass so they can observe or laugh and she relaxes. 

Before she even realises, she's slumped against Natasha and her eyes are melting shut, finally comfortable and happy enough to fall asleep.

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