Make Your Wish Come True(BL)

By AscendingDarkness

62.1K 2.8K 396

Second chances always come at a price. More

Modern Day Fairytale
Dimension Travelling Device(DTD) Status update
The End Is Nigh!
DTD Status Update
I changed my mind

Council Meeting

1.5K 91 3
By AscendingDarkness

It was rare for Zeus to call for an Olympian council meeting and it was rarer for his older brother Hades, who was usually quite a lot more busy with the work in the Underworld, to join them.

"By now many of you are probably already aware of the reason for which I have called for this meeting, " the King of the god's powerful voice boomed across the large hall, "but, I shall take a moment to explain to those who are not."

The god paused for a moment to ensure that he had the attention of all those present before he continued, "A Divine spirit bound both to the Soul Society and Olympus has broken his oaths and entered the reincarnation cycle. Not only is an event such as this unheard of, he has also now become a minor demigod."

Surprised murmurs were heard around the hall, but soon quieted under Zeus' icy glare.

"The Soul Society is currently under the assumption that this individual is now trapped in the realm of my dear brother, Hades, after they had him...executed."

All eyes directed to the god of the Underworld, who's expression remained unwaveringly cold. Beside the god stood a youth who's face resembled that of the ancient god. Junius, his successor, looked to the king of gods with rapt attention, a frown on his face and body tense as he braced himself for a verdict.

Zeus' next words had the young god sighing, his shoulders slumping the slightest, "Their assumption will not be corrected."

Junius quickly caught himself, hoping no one noticed his slip up, he straightened his back and returned to frowning, which was his default expression. 

Hades gave his son a curious look from the corner of his eye as he caught the unusual reaction. His son had been acting quite strange since they had met each other outside the hall. While it did stir the god's curiosity a bit, he didn't really have any desire to pursue it. His son's business was his own. He was still on vacation so whatever the child did then was on his own time. In Hades' eyes, as long as it didn't interfere with his duties, Hades did not care what Junius concerned himself with in his own time.

Zeus, stood up from his throne, walking down the steps to the center of the hall. His footsteps were loud in contrast to the silence that surrounded him.

"There are many methods in which godhood can be achieved, many of you are aware I assume? One, like many of us here, you are born a god. Another one, being hailed as a god amongst the mortals and if their faith is strong enough it can raise one to godhood. This is not a common method in our pantheon, but in I am aware this has occurred in some others. I am also blessed with the power to grant godhood to deserving individuals, but entering the reincarnation cycle and collecting Divine power to attain godhood is a very difficult path to walk down to attain godhood, indeed."

His gaze moved from Junius to the seven particular gods seated beside each other in the council, before being directed to the rest of the gods, "New gods joining our pantheon has not caused too much conflict thus far, so I find myself unopposed to allowing the child complete his quest without our interference, but if there is anyone who would like to express a different view on this issue, speak up now."

When no one said anything, Zeus nodded in approval, "Good. That concludes this meeting then, you're all dismissed."

Many of the gods immediately used their power to transport themselves out of there, including his wife, while the polite few walked out the door. Junius and his father parted at the door, both politely nodding to each other before heading their own way. Hades shadow travelled to the Underworld where piles of paperwork awaited him and a grinning Junius went off on his merry way to stalk-uh check on Asha.

The king of the gods, returned to his seat with a thoughtful look on his face. He accepted the goblet of wine that his cupbearer and lover Ganymede provided for him and patiently waited for his son, who had approached him now that the other gods had left, to speak.

Hermes' golden eyes, identical to that of his son's, looked to the king of gods with gratitude, "Thank you, father. Truly, thank you."

Zeus waved his hand in dismissal, taking a sip of his wine, "Just remember the agreement."

Hermes' smile faded slightly, "My son... He will not agree to it easily."

"Not of my concern. I have done my part. Now your son will be able to now attain godhood in peace, but now you must do yours."

"Have you spoken to uncle Hades and uncle Poseidon about your...idea?" The messenger god's face showed none of the conflict he felt within.

"I have."

"What are their thoughts on this?"

Zeus smirked, "They are both willing to seriously consider if your son agrees to undergo the Trials."

Hermes' lips curled down at the corners, unable to hide his displeasure, "I will speak to him when I can," the messenger god finally said.


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