
By CrystalHeart175

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The Mane Six and Colt Six's quest for the fallen stars of a missing constellation puts them on a collision c... More

1. Prolouge- You Might Be Wondering How I Got Here...
2. An Influencing Discovery
3. An Extrodinary Discovery
A Twilight Host (Twilight P.O.V)
4. Ok, For This To Make Even More Sense We Have To Go Further Back
5. Setting Off
6. Friends Aren't Always What They Seem
7. Telling The Truth
8. A Hasty Retreat
9. Too Far For Chaos
10. Looking For Stars...In Klugetown
11. Griffonstone Getaway
12. Canterlot Meetup Of Doom
13. How Chaos Intertwined
14. The Final Star
15. The Reason For Chaos
16. Cosmos Thrives!
17. How The Cosmos Arrived
18. Tactful Planning
19. The Stars Destruction
20. Cosmos Defeated?

A Cosmic Hostess (Cosmos POV)

129 1 0
By CrystalHeart175

*at the Ponyville flea market at a jewelry section a lone eight point star necklace sits on a stand but unknown to the ponies a sinister malicious entity is within the necklace*

*from within the star*

Cosmos- *looking on the outside* *angry* Blast these insufferable ponies! A piece of me being reduced to! A display! *darkly* Once I find a host worthy enough for me to possess then I will find him and rule this miserable land with him by my side...but first I have to find a worthy host...

*she notices two white unicorns with purple curly manes and three diamonds for cutie marks with one being a mare the other a stallion*

Cosmos- *notices the white unicorn mare purchase the necklace and puts it on* *admits* The hair is...adequate, shall you be my new host little one...*closes her eyes and opens them in unamused boredom* Ugh...a weak one...*admits* However when I take over I could force them to make me a new ensemble for my darling...

*the two unicorns meet up with two small dragons, two pink earth ponies and two purple alicorns*

Cosmos- *looks at the dragons* *disgusted* Disgusting greedy creatures. *looks at the pink earth ponies* *annoyed* Annoying...*notices the purple alicorns specifically their cutie marks* *smirks darkly* We nearly have the same taste in star shapes...I wonder...

Rarity- *looks at the necklace then at Twilight* You know, Twilight seeing it next to you, I really do think it's much more your style, dear.

Twilight- *shocked* Really?

Elusive- *nods* Why it practically matches your cutie mark and with all your purple it's practically made for you! *to Dusk* And you as well but you normally don't wear jewelry so...

Dusk- *smirks* Completely understandable...

*Rarity levitates the necklace around Twilight's neck*

Twilight- *flattered* Thank you?

Cosmos- *shocked as she's transported to a purple magenta void* *realizes* I'm not in the star....I'm inside this mare's mind...*grins evilly as she her eyes glow pink and concentrates* Find the rest...

Rarity- *notices her* Twilight? Are you alright?

Elusive- *concerned* Do you not like the necklace?

Dusk- *looks in concern* Twilight?

Twilight- *blinks and her eyes turn back to normal and looks at the necklace in concern*

Cosmos- *notices as she's still inside Twilight's mind* *admits darkly* This is an interesting development...*puts her claws together* but I'll have to invest more in this Twilight Sparkle to see if she'll be a perfect host for me...

*later at the Castle Of Friendship as the necklace is being passed around*

Cosmos- *looking through Twilight's memories with a sinister grin on her face* Oh...this one is powerful. Able to absorb the magic of eight alicorns, dark magic, and has absorbing/cancellation magic...and she has an...intriguing relationship with my darling...

Twilight- *levitates the necklace in her magic and puts it back on* There will be no digestion involved. *her irises and pupils turn pink* "Find the rest" It keeps saying to find the rest...

Dusk- *looks at her* The rest of what?

*the necklace glows brighter and produces a hologram of the galaxy of Equestria with six stars in the shape of a heart shocking everyone*

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* Neat!

Rainbow/Blitz- *shocked* What is it?

Applejack- *unamused at Rainbow and Blitz* Surely, someponies that spend so much time in the clouds knows what the stars look like?

Twilight/Dusk- *looks closely* We know these stars...

Cosmos- *shocked* What?!

*the hologram expands higher sending the Mane 6 and Colt 6's throne's back*

*the twelves muzzles drop in shock*

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* It's full of stars!

Twilight- *happily* It's the Andalusian constellation! We found it!

Cosmos- *shocked* She knows the constellation?!

Applejack/AJ- *confused* Say what now?!

Twilight- *excited* The Andalusian! It's a series of stars that showed up in the night sky one day ages ago, centuries ago!

Cosmos- *her expression turns from shocked to an evil grin* Yes...

Dusk- *smiles* Star charts everywhere had to be changed! It's the biggest astrological anomaly ever!

Rainbow/Blitz- *rolls eyes* Riveting...

Twilight- *goes over to a wall of charts and pulls out one* Then one day the whole constellation went dark. *unrolls the paper revealing the same stars on paper* This necklace...these points on the map...they're stars!

Cosmos- *looking over the papers* *darkly* Yes!

Dusk- *smiles at Rarity* Rarity, by finding this necklace you may have stumbled upon a clue to solving the biggest cosmic mystery of all time!

Rarity- *brushes her mane* Well we do have excellent taste in jewelry and adventure.

Spike- *sighs* So we can't eat it, right?

Twilight- *smiles calmly* Sorry you two...

Barbra- *sighs* *eating a box of soylent emeralds*

Twilight- *puts the chart on a stand and looks over it*

Cosmos- *laughs darkly* Oh, my dear Twilight Sparkle...from this moment belong to me and ONLY ME! *her form changes into pink mist and spreads across Twilight's mindscape*

Rainbow- So what do we do? Just find all these things and fling them up back into the sky?

Applejack- *looks* Seems simple enough...I mean, we have a map where to look.

Blitz- *arches eyebrow* And fling them back up into the sky part?

AJ- *smirks* Well we can kick mighty hard...

Butterscotch- *calmly* I think it's a nice change of pace from our series of monsters or creatures trying to take over the world.

Fluttershy- *smiles* A scavenger hunt for stars sounds like a fun and safe adventure.

Twilight- *her eyes are pink with a hungered expression while looking at the chart* And think of the research opportunities! We can find out what the magical qualities of the stars are, what made them fall, where they came from...we can learn all the things!

Cosmos- *with her eyes glowing pink grinning darkly* Yes my dear, you will learn all the things about me...

Rarity/Elusive/Applejack/AJ/Dusk- *looks in concern at Twilight*

Rarity- *concerned* Twilight, dear you're getting that weird look on your face like when you and Dusk are about to write one of your long...

Rainbow/Blitz- Boring...

Elusive- *finishes* academic papers. *smirks* Do we need to have the talk about time management and the importance of sleep again?

Rarity- *smirks* This can't be the Everfree Forest mystical fog management report all over again.

Cosmos- *darkly* FIND THE REST...

Twilight- *has a hungered grin on her face as she looks at the charts* *nearly monotone* Find the rest...Yes. I should leave now and find the rest.

Cosmos- *darkly* Yes...find the rest of me, my dear Twilight.

Dusk- *looks seriously at the necklace and then Twilight* *about to say something*

Fluttershy- *taps Twilight in concern* Are you alright?

Twilight- *blinks and her eyes turn back to normal* *shakes her head* Oh...yes, just excited with the thought of discovery and all that. You know how me and Dusk get.

Cosmos- *shocked as she's looking through Twilight's eyes and speaking through her voice*

Applejack- *admits* Yes-We do know how you two get that's why we're gonna help you guys.

AJ- *smiles* Otherwise you two'll take off as a duo around Equestria looking for every purple bauble and driving yourselves nuts. *admits* But to be honest, Dusk is keeping more of a level head than you are.

Applejack- *concerned* Which is odd...

Dusk- *looking at Twilight and the necklace in concern* My minds on...other things...

Pinkie- So we have one out of six! *suggests* Should we just head out in one big group to scope out the countryside? Do I need to bring my giant comb? *pulls out a giant comb* I have a giant comb.

Rainbow/Blitz- *eye twitch* Why do you have that?

Applejack/AJ- *utterly confused* Where did you have that?

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *to them* What have we learned never to do?

Rainbow/Blitz/Applejack/AJ- *sighs* Question Pinkie Pie and Bubble Berry...

Bubble- *smirks as he's combing* Have you seen our manes? This much bounce takes work!

Rarity- *walks over* You know me and Elusive have the most wonderful conditioner for that.

Pinkie- *pulls out floor wax* Conditioner? What's that? We use frosting!

Elusive- *repulsed* Really? Is that why you two always smell like vanilla?

Cosmos- *angry* Impudent fools! *smirks* However...seeing that I am their leader, they could be useful...

Twilight- *impatiently clears her throat* Can we please get back to me?

Dusk- *looks at her in slight disbelief*

Cosmos- *thinks* This Dusk Shine...I'll have to do something about him...

Twilight- *notices his expression* I mean...the task at hoof? *nuzzles him* Fallen stars should be taking precedence over mane care.

Rarity- *scoffs with a smirk* Darling, there is never an issue more important than mane maintenance and upkeep dear...except hooficures.

Elusive- *in agreement* You can hide your mane under a hat on a bad day, you can't hide a chipped hoof as easily.

Rarity- *to Elusive* Then you have to get into shoe choices and...

Cosmos- *growls in annoyance*

Twilight- *unamused* Rarity. Elusive.

Applejack- *smiles* Come on ponies, let's go rally up some troops! I think it'll be best if we all team up and split up.

AJ- *smiles* Let's go see who in town is up for an adventure. We'll meet back here in a bit, okay, Twilight and Dusk?

Dusk- *nods*

Twilight- *reading* Sounds like a plan.

Barbra- *smiles* We'll go make more tea cakes!

Pinkie- *excited* Oh! I'm gonna go ask Mayor Mare and Trixie and Trixter and Starlight and Stellar and Big Mac and Macarena and and Scootaloo and Scooteroll and Nurse Redheart And Maud And Rock and Minty and Bittersweet and Cheerille and Smiles and Mrs. Cake and Cranky Doodle and Sew-and-So...

Rainbow- PINKIE! It's not a party guest list!

Pinkie- *looks at her unamused* I know that. If I were making a guest list I'd invite everypony...

Bubble- *looks at her unamused* And we'd be putting up streamers. Do you see streamers?

Applejack- *looks at Fluttershy and Butterscotch* *smiles* Wanna team up you two?

AJ- *winks* Considering how well we worked together last time...

Fluttershy- *politely* Oh no thank you. We already have some creatures in mind.

Butterscotch- *smiles* They need something like this to set up structures in their lives. It'll be good for them.

AJ- Suit yer'selves then.

*they all walk out but Rarity and Elusive look at Twilight*

Rarity- Are you coming, Twilight?

Twilight- I think I'll stay here and draw up a game plan for everypony? Planning for faraway destination travel is kind of strength of mine. Train schedules and what not. *smiles at Dusk* Dusk, you should go with them...I got this.

Dusk- *concerned* If you're sure you're alright...we'll leave you to it. Be back in a bit.

*the three walk out*

Twilight- Yes, goodbye.

Spike- *starts to reach for the jewel* Well you won't need this for a bit. Can we smell it until they get back?

Barbra- *starts reaching for it* Maybe lick it? We promise we won't eat it.

Cosmos- *glares darkly* Let me teach those meddling dragons a lesson!

Twilight- *angrily snaps at them with her eyes turning pink with dragon pupils* NO! DON'T TOUCH IT!

Spike/Barbra- *shrieks in fear*

Cosmos- *smirks* And backtrack...

Twilight- *eyes turn back to normal and looks with a nervous grin* I mean no...this gem has a link to all the other stars. I should keep it safe. Maybe it will reveal more clues? I should wear it for...academic purposes...

Spike- *admits in fear* Fair enough. I wouldn't trust it with us neither.

Barbra- *nervously* Come on Spike, let's go get those tea cakes ready.

Spike- *nervously* Right...

*the two walk quickly whistling as they leave*

Twilight- *darkly glares as they leave* *her eyes glow pink with a sinister grin on her face* *she speaks but it's not her voice but more sinister* At last, after all this time, somepony powerful enough for me to embody has found me. *looks at a picture of Twilight and Dusk at their coronation* and she's a powerful, intelligent princess no less. How delightfully fortunate. *shatters the picture* *sinisterly* I will need every piece of my magic back so I can get back to him* *darkly with an evil grin* Are you ready, Discord my dear? Bit by bit, I'm coming home.

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