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By AnimationzRule

21.4K 1.1K 218

๐— ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜‚๐—บ๐—ถ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ฆ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ to finish the battle by killing her to confirm her defeat, but... More

Masumi Arc
Sasan Arc


409 24 11
By AnimationzRule

meeting the queen

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

❝  i had left you in the past, even though you were
once my entire future ❞

° ☆.* + °.

"I'LL MAKE SURE YOU ever regret returning here, Masumi!"

Sinbad's head whipped back and forth between the queen and Masumi with his jaw unhinged, random stutters and noises escaping his throat as a swarm of solders suddenly surrounded them. "Wait, what!"

          "You could not just listen for once, could you?" she sneered at her captain. Masumi met the loathing glare of her Majesty with a blank stare. "Mira, please, I have no ill intention—"

          Her sentence died as a crackling bolt of lightning suddenly stormed at Masumi and engulfed her body. The loud fizzing of the electricity masked the shriek that was forced out of the Fanalis throat.

          She'd been hurt by shock of lightning before from Sinbad's vessel. But this hurt was on another level. It was agonising. It felt like every nerve in her body had been fried into smithereens, her heart tensed rigidly and any sense within her body being extinguished.

           Masumi couldn't tell how long she was being electrocuted. Had only seconds gone by? The pain felt endless, she hadn't even seen the blinding light disappear or
felt herself collapse to the floor with a heavy thud.

          Mira blew off the fizzling remains of electricity and steam from the head of her spear. The crimson gem on her weapon still glowed dimly after the use of her djinn's power as the queen's lips curled into a devious grin at the sight of Masumi laying limp on the floor below.

          "WHAT THE HELL!" Sinbad bellowed, unsheathing his sword as he glared daggers at Mira, knuckles turning white from the crushing grip he had on his weapon.

          "Arrest them now! For disrespecting her Majesty and bringing a trespasser!" Mira commanded before the rest of the crew could react and shooting another bolt at Sinbad for drawing his sword.

          "MASUMI!" Her crew screamed as the guards separated them from their immobile comrade, one of them desperately trying to reach her.

          The yelling was only a whisper to her, still unable to feel any sensation. The more she tried to fight it, the further she fell into unconsciousness and the less she could hear her crew, until she heard nothing at all and darkness enveloped her.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


          A band of thieves hurried around their ship, following the commands of their captain to set sail immediately with bundles of loot and goods they had stolen days ago.

          "MOVE IT WOULD YA! WE NEED TO GET OUTTA HERE NOW!" The captain shouted as his crew finally lifted the anchor and his ship slowly started to sail. He had caught rumour the business man he stole from had hired a hitman and wasn't sticking around to find out.

          He scurried to the wheel of the ship, the rest of his subordinates still rushing around to make sure they were steady to sail. But his crew seemed smaller, as if some of them had disappeared.

          "None of ya better be slacking off now! We need to get further away from the harbour!" He yelled even more, holding his fist up threateningly.

          "Too late."

          Before the thief captain could turn around, a sword appears in front of him and cut his throat. His eyes bulged out of their sockets, watching a waterfall of blood spurt from his throat before he collapsed to the ground in a choking and sputtering state.

           The crew of thieves glanced at the wheel of the ship, wondering why the captain had gone quiet only to find a redhead with a bloodied sword in his place.

          "Hitman on board!"

          Masumi had taken out a number of the thieves from the shadows, one by one to lessen their numbers, but now her cover was blown and direct attack was her only option now. She pounced towards the deck, tossing two throwing knives in the air at a pair of men that were first to run at her. The weapons punctured their abdominals, causing them to stumble with weak knees before Masumi landed in front of them and sliced their stomachs in one motion. They both fell to the ground.

          Five more men were on deck, charging at her with their own weapons. She manoeuvred herself through their attacks, sweeping them off their feet and stabbing their vital organs and throwing them off the boat with a lethal kick.

          After terminating four of them, she had to face the last and biggest of all, his limbs and stomach so large he almost rocked the ship side to side as he walked. He thrusted  sword at the Fanalis, but his solid figure slowed him down and she dodged it with ease. Masumi leapt into the air and hammered his massive head with a roundhouse kick, her strength knocking him into unconsciousness as his eyes rolled back and he fell backwards in slow motion. Masumi walked closer to the thief's body, lifted her sword and punctured it through his heart to confirm his death.

          As she yanked the blade out from his flesh, she counted the number of targets she had to kill in her head and realised out of fifteen thieves, she had only eliminated 14. With her enhanced sense of smell, she sniffed for the scent of a living being and found him hiding behind piles of rope on the deck.

          The scrawny man trembled, hugging his knees with teary eyes. "Don't kill me please! I'll do any-"

          The Fanalis ended his life with a thrust of her sword, his last dying words turning into gargling sputters. She hated it when her targets begged. It didn't make her job any easier nor did it let them live.

          After fighting an entire gang of criminals with a churning stomach, Masumi's face turned green and she rushed to the side of the ship. She hung over the ship, projectile vomiting the contents in her stomach, chunks of disgustingly yellow forcing its way up. When nothing more would pour out, she stayed leaning on the edge for support, head still spinning and vomit spilt along her chin.

           With much effort, Masumi dragged herself to the ship wheel as fast as she could before the harbour was too far too far to find. She had no sense of direction when it came to sailing and would probably be lost at sea if they'd travelled too far.

          Once she lifted herself up the stairs and grabbed ahold of the wheel, Masumi lifted her heavy head and scanned her surrounding for the harbour.

          But it was no longer in sight. And Masumi didn't have a map or any other way to navigate the ship.


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

        Weeks had passed. All food and water on the ship had almost run out, even though Masumi barely ate since it would only come back up from the constant ache and nausea of sea sickness. The pungent smell of corpses only made it worse, so she had tossed them overboard. But nothing eased her stomach, the gentle lull of the ocean more like endless taunting that dizzied her head.

          As she laid on deck, exhausted, nauseous and reeking a horrible stench that even she could smell herself, Masumi contemplated caving in and jumping into the ocean. Anything to end the torture.

          Unwillingly, she lifted herself from the wooden floor and trudged to the side of the ship, trying to distract herself from thinking such thoughts. As she hung her arms over the edge and rested her head, Masumi glanced ahead and realised there was land sitting afar on the horizon.

          She had to do a double take, checking that the sight of land was real and not some cruel mind trick from being stranded at sea for weeks. Desperate for any chance of getting off the ship, Masumi scurried to the wheel, her nausea clearing up slightly from the distraction of land.

          As the ship neared land, she realised it was a ravine, two rocky cliffs towering over her with only a narrow gorge between. Masumi steered the ship towards the entrance, until a bird started to fly at the ship. And as it got closer, it got bigger and bigger and bigger— and the bird zoomed past the ship, the flap of its wings, almost wider the than the boat itself, sending a gust of wind that rocked the ship side to side.

          Masumi stared at the giant bird as turned around and flew towards the ship again. As the bird neared, she realised there was a person riding the animal, sitting upon it's back. The feathery animal glided aside the ship and Masumi was finally face to face with the rider. A tall woman with pristine fair skin, golden hair like a princess that flowed in the wind and a red tattoo marking her right cheek. There no doubt she was absolutely gorgeous.

          The blond woman smiled at her, her fuchsia eyes sweet yet cheeky at the same time. "My, my, what do we have here?" Masumi took a step back and glowered, bringing a chuckle to the woman's lips.

          "Don't fret darling, I mean no harm. But may I say in the least offensive way possible, you look absolutely terrible!" she examined the state of Masumi, blood and vomit stains scattered across her clothes and her face still dirtied from sickness.

          "What is your purpose?" Masumi interrogated, placing a hand on her sheathed sword for precaution

          "That should be my question. After all, you are in my land with no permission," the blond woman replied, her eyes glowing with curiosity at the sight of a Fanalis sailing towards Artemyra.

          "Your land?" she repeated, almost as a question.

          "Yes. I am Queen Mira of Artemyra, City of the Sky. But save the questions for later. I'll allow you to fly with me to my kingdom." The queen held her hand out for Masumi to grab, but she didn't accept.

          "Why should I trust you?" Masumi questioned further. Mira retracted her hand, taken aback for a moment before she grinned, letting out a breath of laughter.

          "Once again, I should be asking that question since I'm offering a stranger who's covered in blood to join me and enter my kingdom," Mira chuckled. Masumi kept a careful eye on her, watching the woman's features soften into a caring smile.

          "I only wish to help a fellow woman. In your state, it would be a difficult journey to Artemyra," Mira offered her hand out again. Masumi eyed the queen in suspicion, until that aura around the blond began to glow with the sudden but faint appearance of little birds. They fluttered around, their gentle whispers putting Masumi at ease.

          Ignoring Mira's hand, she jumped from the deck and onto the bird behind the woman, her bottom falling onto a soft cushion of feathers.

          "You know you could have just let me help you?" Mira glanced at her from over her shoulder.

          "I am perfectly capable myself," she responded. In truth, her sea sickness had not subsided and had actually worsened after her efforts to jump. She wished she had taken Mira's hand because it was taking ever muscle in her abdominals to stop more vomit from erupting through her mouth.

           "Independent, huh? That's an admirable trait," Mira smiled, before she caught a whiff of the dreadful stench emitting from Masumi and grimaced. "The smell of you however, is not so admirable. My god, you reek!"

          "It was not by choice that I have not bathed," she replied, pink flowering her cheeks in embarrassment.

          "Not to worry. We'll get you to a bath when we arrive. Hopefully I don't pass out before then," Mira teased, Masumi's cheeks glowing brighter.

A short trip later, Mira and Masumi arrived at the glorious kingdom of Artemyra. Masumi gazed at her surroundings, amazed by the city's structure of buildings and houses built within the ravine while the citizens rode on large birds, just like the one she was seated on.

Mira flew them across the city towards a grand castle, and landed their winged vehicle on a large balcony where servants awaited their queen. Mira slipped off the bird and Masumu followed suit, both of them immediately being crowded by Mira's servants who stared at the redhead curiously.

"Your Highness, who is this stranger you've brought?" One asked.

"No questions. Take her to the baths then bring her to the dining room," Mira ordered. Masumi did not bother to retaliate, since just the thought of a bath soothed her sickness

Once she had cleaned herself from all the grime and filth, and the servants had washed her clothes, Masumi was escorted to the dining room. Mira and seven young girls were seated at the grand dining table, waiting for her.

"Please, take a seat," Mira gestured towards the seat at the end of the table, opposite from herself, before smiling at the kids, "Now we may have dinner girls."

Masumi slipped into the seat as royal servants appeared with dishes in their hand. They placed a dish in front of each person at the table, including Masumi, who sat stiffly among a crowd of unfamiliar people. She didn't even touch the food in front of her, despite the grumbling of her stomach, while everyone else had already started eating.

"Go on, eat up. It's not poisoned," Mira teased, but Masumi made no movement to eat. "Well if you won't eat, at least introduce yourself."

"Masumi," she replied, "My name is Masumi."

"That's a gorgeous name. These are my daughters if you were wondering," Mira introduced the young females seated at the sides of the table, "Now I have to ask, why have you sailed to Artemyra?"

Masumi hesitated, her gaze flicking across the kids who stared curiously at her unusual bold, red hair and eyes. "I do not think that is a story they want to hear," she answered.

"My children, please take your dinner else where so I can talk with Masumi alone," Mira asked her daughters, who respectfully obeyed their mothers wishes and left the room. Once the last girl had exited, the queen spoke again as she ate her meal.

"Well go ahead, I'm not going to kill you."

"You might."

Mira lifted her gaze from her dinner, her pink irises glittering with curiosity as she met Masumi's stare. "I highly doubt it... as long as you don't offend me," Mira retaliated, the corner of her lip curled upwards into a smirk. But Masumi remained silent and simply stared at her.

"Barging into Artemyra and refusing to speak after receiving aid from the queen? That's a great offence," Mira taunted, pointing her knife at Masumi.

"I do not trust royals," She snapped.

"No darling, you don't trust men," Mira spat the word in disgust, "When was the last time you met a woman in power?"

Mira's question went unanswered and the queen smirked at her silence. "Exactly. Now tell me, what brings you here?"

Masumi's lips were sealed in reluctance, but the taunting smirk on the queen's lips made her want to wipe it right off.

"I am an assassin and I had a target who sailed away on his boat. I killed his crew of thieves and got lost at sea, but then I ended up here," Masumi revealed. Mira paused mid-bite, but quickly recovered and continued enjoying her meal.

"We'll that's not something I hear everyday," Mira replied. As the queen ate, Masumi frowned at her in suspicion from her lack of reaction.

"I kill people for a living," Masumi continued, as if she had to explain the job of an assassin. She expected a sudden execution or for guards to try and capture her. But the queen didn't seem to care.

"I heard and I condole for you. No one wishes to be in your position," Mira responded, her tone sympathetic.

"Why are you acting concerned?" Masumi interrogated.

"Because I want to help you live a life you arent forced into. After I assisted you by flying you to Artemyra, I trust you won't harm anyone."

"How can you be so sure?"

"My god, you would think someone in your position would be grateful but you're just begging me to toss you out of my kingdom," Mira's composure broke as she let out an exasperated sigh, "Tell me, if you want to continue being an assassin, then by all means do so. I'll return you back to your ship myself."

Masumi pursed her lips, her head slightly bowing in embarrassment. Here she was, being saved and offered royal treatment, and she was basically trying to convince the queen not to trust her.

"I am confused is all. I do not understand why you would open up so freely to a complete stranger and assassin without some sort of suspicion," she stated. Mira offered her a cheeky smile.

"Well, you told me you had a target on that ship and got lost at sea. After seeing you in that disgusting state on the ship, I can safely assume that you're story is indeed true and that you hadn't prepared for a voyage to Arteymra, meaning you are not here to terminate anyone, correct?"

Masumi lifted her head, attentive to the queen's
sudden but critical thinking. "Correct," she answered.

          "Then there is no need to be concerned you would harm anyone. In fact, you are the one who should be concerned, since I may require your services. But I don't. So there's no reason for you or I to distrust each other," Mira concluded, finishing the last bite of her meal.

           Mira was right. Masumi had no intention to harm her kingdom in any way, which the queen seemed to fully trust, and Mira had been open that she had no desire for an assassin or even to hurt her. And something about her demeanour was convincing enough for Masumi to trust her word.

           "So then what is your purpose for me?" Masumi asked. She didn't plan to stick around since she had a reward to collect. Mira rose from her seat and slowly walked around the table, her heels clicking along the marble floor with each graceful step.

          "I have no purpose... just an offer," she began, "Stay in Artemyra and begin a fresh life. I understand you Fanalis are excellent in battle, so join my military corps and train my soldiers. End your days of assassinating for useless men with nothing but greed and ego."

          Mira approached the redhead from the side and reached out her elegant hand, but Masumi caught the queen by the wrist before she could touch her.

          "Why would I accept— no, why would you offer me this?" Masumi asked, releasing her hand. Mira simply smiled at her, her face glowing from her fine beauty.

          "Because we women have to stick together in a man's world."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

          PRESENT DAY

          Water bursted from Ja'far's mouth onto the rocky ground of the ravine as he coughed hysterically after almost drowning in a lake. The lake that had saved his life after he and his crew had been tossed into the ravine by that wicked queen. The wicked queen who had stunned Masumi right in front of them without any warning. Poor Masumi. Was she dead?

Thanks to their captain, Masumi and Hinahoho were captured by Queen Mira, while the rest of them were now stranded at the bottom of an empty ravine with no resources, food or even clothes.

          After regurgitating the last of the lake water that entered his system, Ja'far stormed towards Sinbad, who was knelt on the ground, head bowed low and fists clenched tightly. Ja'far swung on his leg and kicked the back of captain, but Sinbad seemed unbothered by it.

          "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID SIN! Do you realise what you've done? Not only are we stuck down here, but Hinahoho got captured and Masumi is possibly dead! And if she isn't, we have no way of saving her!" he raged, fuming at his captain's idiocy.

Sinbad had some stupid things before that he had tolerated, but now Masumi was in possible danger because his schemes.

"H-Hang on Ja'far, we don't know for sure. I'm sure Masumi will be alright," Mystras reassured as he timidly crept behind Ja'far, trying to alleviate the situation. The prince rested a hand on Ja'far's shoulder for comfort. "She's strong right?"

But he smacked Mystras's hand away, his head snapping towards the prince. "OF COURSE SHE IS, WHICH IS WHY I'M WORRIED! I know her, and I've never seen her collapse like that in a fight ever. That fucking bitch of a queen could have fried her brain dead!"

          "Mystras is right, Ja'far."

           Ja'far's wrath dissipated when Sinbad suddenly spoke, his tone completely unfamiliar. It was calm and low, yet stern, cold and hostile. He glanced at his captain who was still kneeling with his head hung.

           "Sin, what do you—"

           "We both know her Ja'far. She's tough. She'll be fine. She better be."

           Ja'far felt the rage consume him again, but not towards Sinbad. Towards that motherfucker, Queen Mira. She was going to pay. Sin was right. Masumi was going to be alright. But if she wasn't—


           His thoughts were interrupted by the harsh pound of Sinbad's fist crashing against the ground. Ja'far watched the rocky surface fracture beneath his captain's hand, blood suddenly trickling from Sinbad's hand into the cracks, but the swollen gashes didn't faze his captain.

However, the bloody wounds were nothing compared to his face. Ja'far could only catch a glimpse of his expression from the side, but it was look he'd never seen on Sinbad in all the time he'd known him.

His teeth were almost grinding into dust from the tight clench of his jaw, his complexion dimmed by a shadow casted upon his features and his eyes... no longer were they a glorious gold, instead taken over by a dull, empty brown that almost bulged out of their sockets — the look of a madman.

"When we get out of this, I'll make sure that bitch pays for even laying a scratch on Masumi".

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

hello to anyone still reading this. i have no promise that i can finish this story, but i have too many ideas to give this up. i hope you enjoyed this chapter :)


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