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Masumi Arc || CHAPTER 3 : Buisnessman Life

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When the sun became tired and slowly came to rest, the light rays disappeared and were replaced by darkness as Sinbad's crew stood in front a brightly lit store that was selling merchandise. Their merchandise. Their joy formed into confusion and shock as they gawked at the products they had sold, which were now being resold.

"These after our products..." Vittel mumbled with a sad frown.

"Guys, take a look at the prices. They're five... no, ten times higher!" Ja'far exclaimed as the crew scanned their eyes over the store.

"We've been duped! That jerk took advantage of us," Hinahoho growled lowly, his face scrunched up in anger.

Masumi stood behind the entire crew and observed the store that was reselling the products which were once theirs. She was definitely no expert, but Masumi guessed that this merchant bought all the merchandise from them at a low price, and he took all the profit instead of them. The man was quite clever.

"He must make his money by selling goods he's already purchased. That said, looks like he only targets non-union members. Just like us," Sinbad commented.

Sinbad's crew wandered away from the store and settled themselves in an alley to wallow in their shame and frustration. Masumi just tagged along, keeping her distance as she skimmed her eyes over the people.

Although Masumi had no care for their loss since she had only just recently joined their journey, she could see everyone else was incredibly upset from being manipulated, which slightly angered Masumi. Even if the girl didn't know nor care much about these people, she felt empathetic for Sinbad and his crew as she held great hatred towards cunning men. Masumi understood it was business and not personal matters, but sneaky tricksters always triggered horrible memories of a cruel man she had been manipulated by. She would never allow herself to trust anybody or be tricked again. Before Masumi could get lost in her thoughts, she ignored the flashbacks and remained focused on the current situation with a stoic expression.

The crew muttered in disappointment as Sinbad read the contract he had received before the trade. Ja'far snuck a few glances at Masumi, waiting for a reaction to rise from out of her but she remained emotionless to the whole situation. Ja'far expected her to say 'I told you so' or even a send a glare in his direction. After all, he did act harsh towards Masumi when she was being cautious about the offer that turned out to be worse than it seemed. But she didn't do anything and he couldn't ignore the unwanted guilt that churned in his stomach.

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