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By AnimationzRule

21.4K 1.1K 218

๐— ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜‚๐—บ๐—ถ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ฆ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ to finish the battle by killing her to confirm her defeat, but... More

Masumi Arc
Sasan Arc


1K 50 7
By AnimationzRule

Masumi Arc || CHAPTER 3 : Buisnessman Life

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

. ° ☆.* + °.

When the sun became tired and slowly came to rest, the light rays disappeared and were replaced by darkness as Sinbad's crew stood in front a brightly lit store that was selling merchandise. Their merchandise. Their joy formed into confusion and shock as they gawked at the products they had sold, which were now being resold.

"These after our products..." Vittel mumbled with a sad frown.

"Guys, take a look at the prices. They're five... no, ten times higher!" Ja'far exclaimed as the crew scanned their eyes over the store.

"We've been duped! That jerk took advantage of us," Hinahoho growled lowly, his face scrunched up in anger.

Masumi stood behind the entire crew and observed the store that was reselling the products which were once theirs. She was definitely no expert, but Masumi guessed that this merchant bought all the merchandise from them at a low price, and he took all the profit instead of them. The man was quite clever.

"He must make his money by selling goods he's already purchased. That said, looks like he only targets non-union members. Just like us," Sinbad commented.

Sinbad's crew wandered away from the store and settled themselves in an alley to wallow in their shame and frustration. Masumi just tagged along, keeping her distance as she skimmed her eyes over the people.

Although Masumi had no care for their loss since she had only just recently joined their journey, she could see everyone else was incredibly upset from being manipulated, which slightly angered Masumi. Even if the girl didn't know nor care much about these people, she felt empathetic for Sinbad and his crew as she held great hatred towards cunning men. Masumi understood it was business and not personal matters, but sneaky tricksters always triggered horrible memories of a cruel man she had been manipulated by. She would never allow herself to trust anybody or be tricked again. Before Masumi could get lost in her thoughts, she ignored the flashbacks and remained focused on the current situation with a stoic expression.

The crew muttered in disappointment as Sinbad read the contract he had received before the trade. Ja'far snuck a few glances at Masumi, waiting for a reaction to rise from out of her but she remained emotionless to the whole situation. Ja'far expected her to say 'I told you so' or even a send a glare in his direction. After all, he did act harsh towards Masumi when she was being cautious about the offer that turned out to be worse than it seemed. But she didn't do anything and he couldn't ignore the unwanted guilt that churned in his stomach.

"Let me have it Sin, how much did we lose?" Hinahoho's expression hardened as he clenched his hands into fists.

"I'm not sure," Sinbad replied and scrunched up the piece of paper, "But the bottom line is, we're going to have to join the union if we want to conduct business in Reim. There's no point arguing about the resale."

His comrades sighed in agreement, while continuing to complain about being amateurs in a cruel business. It was an entire new world they would have to grow accustomed to.

Suddenly, Masumi sensed the aura around Sinbad shine brighter in the dark after he tossed the rubbish into the air with a grin.

"What are you guys saying? Isn't that the thrill of doing this kind of work?" Sinbad asked his friends, his golden orbs twinkling with excitement.

Sinbad's words sparked Masumi's interest and she stared at him with an expressionless face, yet she gazed at Sinbad her ruby-red eyes held a glint of wonder and surprise. She was not the only one amazed by his positivity as Ja'far gaped at Sinbad like was crazy.

"But that guy made us look like idiots!" Ja'far exclaimed but his leader only shrugged.

"So? Look at the bigger picture. That's why it's fun!" Sinbad replied. Ja'far made a confused noise, staring at the purple haired boy with his adorable, green eyes which were wide with puzzlement. He did not find the fun in being made a fool

"I respect merchants a lot. If you ask me, I believe they're the shrewdest people to have ever lived. The world revolves around money, and money is moved by merchants. Merchants hold their fingers in the pulse of the world and that helps them make astute predictions. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say merchants moved the world. Just think about it you guys, we get to compete against people of that calibre. It's nothing short of incredible!" Sinbad ranted on to him team, inspiring them and lifting their spirits. Masumi was impressed with his charismatic words he used to influence people.

"I can't believe I'm letting your talk me into this," Hinahoho sighed with a grin.

"Our leader has spoken. Now, it's our duty to follow him," Ja'far announced.

Sinbad's crew felt the fire in themselves ignite once again and instantly took action by making their way towards their ship that awaited them.

Sinbad noticed Masumi quietly following along their trail, as if she was only there to provide her assistance when asked. Even if he was busy with his business, he knew he needed to make Masumi feel welcome and would try to acknowledge her more.

"One would think you're stalking me since you walk behind us constantly. I wouldn't blame you if you were too, since I'm so amazing," Sinbad joked and slowed his pace so that he was walking next to Masumi as his crew continued to travel along further while conversing with each other.

"I'm just following and listening to the next strategy you create," Masumi replied, ignoring his irritating bragging and incredibly large ego.

"Well, you and the others will sail back to Imuchakk to buy more goods, and while you're gone I'll find a way to join the union so we can do business," Sinbad explained.

"I don't mean to go against your wishes, but could you allow me to stay here. I do not enjoy sailing since I get seasick," Masumi admitted with shame because she thought it made her sound weak. The redhead avoided traveling across the sea as often as she could, unless she had a mission that involved sailing to another country. As amazing as the seas were, Masumi could not find joy when she too busy focusing on her sick, churning stomach.

"Sure, that's a shame you get sea sickness. I'm guessing it takes away the pleasure of sailing. It's absolutely amazing. Fresh breeze blowing through your hair, the smell of salty sea water, amazing creatures that swim amongst their home and the incredible views," Sinbad rambled on while he daydreamed about the wonders of sailing in which he absolutely loved since he was a sailor and fisherman.

Masumi glanced at Sinbad's bright smile as he continued to remember the feeling of sailing. He looked like an excited, young child with a joyous grin while his eyes lit up.

"Yes. It is disappointing to not experience such moments," Masumi commented and stared straight ahead as Sinbad snapped out of his daze from her words.

He observed her face which remained blank, but he saw within her enchanting eyes a glint of a strange emotion he guessed was disappointment. Sinbad made a mental reminder to himself, that he would find a way to help Masumi's sea sickness so she could enjoy the wonders of sailing across the seas.

When they reached the harbor, the crew boarded the ship and prepared any necessities they would need on their journey along with all their money.

"Take all our money Hinahoho. Masumi and I will be able to make our way around," Sinbad instructed his comrade, who held the large sack of coins in his hands.

"W-Wait! Masumi is staying here with you?" Hinahoho questioned.

"Yup! She gets sea sickness, so we'll work together to join the union," Sinbad answered, while Masumi simply nodded in confirmation.

Hinahoho was not fond of the idea and wanted to discuss the matter with Sinbad, in an attempt to reason with his leader about why leaving him alone with Masumi was a terrible idea but Ja'far beat him to it.

"No way! You can't stay here with her. Have you forgotten what she tried to do to you!" Ja'far protested loudly, while Vittel and Mahad were still confused about Ja'far's grudge against Masumi. They would most likely soon understand and hear the story along the long journey to Imuchakk.

"No I haven't forgotten, but Masumi is now our comrade, and she's going to help me while you are gone," Sinbad replied, which angered Ja'far further.

The freckled boy was absolutely mad at Sinbad's stupidity. Could he not see through Masumi's facade? Ja'far was sure she would try to kill him the second the girl got the opportunity.

"That's enough Ja'far," Rurumu demanded in a gentle voice. Ja'far opened his mouth to argue but decided against it since he did not want another Rurumu chop.

The giant Imuchakk lady strolled past Ja'far and Hinahoho and made her way to Masumi who stood next to Sinbad. Rurumu stopped right in front of the redhead and towered over Masumi, yet it wasn't intimidating since a gentle expression of kindness rested upon Rurumu's beautiful face.

"Masumi, can we trust you to help and protect our leader in anyway possible?" Rurumu asked.

Rurumu's voice was genuine and by gazing up to meet her eyes, Masumi saw that this woman would put all her trust in Masumi and give her a chance. Although she didn't show it, Masumi felt gratitude towards Rurumu.

"Yes, you can trust me," Masumi answered briefly, which made the large woman smile. Rurumu sensed the truth in the redhead's words and felt no threat from Masumi. However, Ja'far was not convinced at all but decided to respect his leader's decision no matter how much he hated it.

"Sinbad, are you sure?" Hinahoho asked for confirmation of his leader's plan.

"Yeah, head back to Imuchakk as fast as you can to bring back goods as soon as possible. Hopefully once you've returned, Masumi and I would have settled things with the union," Sinbad answered.

"Roger that," Hinahoho obeyed and glanced at Masumi with a bit of wariness, as he still felt cautious despite Sinbad's and his wife's acceptance. But he would not argue against them. "We're counting on you."

As the ship sailed away, Sinbad remained standing on the dock and simply gazed at the dark sky above, covered in bright stars that lit up the night. Masumi stood silently behind him, waiting for his next move. Now that his crew had set off to complete their task, it was time they too find a way to join the union.

"They're is so much more to learn..." Sinbad began muttering his thoughts out loud while Masumi listened to his speech.

The ocean was restless through the night as seagulls squawked high above in the sky above Sinbad, who remained still with a determined expression while the salty breeze brushed across his figure.

"About the world, this country, it's people. Also about business and trade. Whatever I do, I can't waste time and fall behind. Cause someday... I'm gonna be king," Sinbad rambled, the words tumbled out of his mouth as he felt motivation and confidence course through his body while Masumi raised an eyebrow at his dramatic speech.

Suddenly, Sinbad's stomach ruined his glorious moment by grumbling loudly in hunger. Sinbad felt his determined expression turn stupid as he realised how famished he felt.

"Let us take care of that first," Masumi commented and gestured to his stomach that continued to demonstrate a whale's call.

"No arguments there," Sinbad laughed with a sheepish smile.

Masumi and Sinbad made their way towards the late markets, where less citizens roamed since most were tucked away in their beds for sleep. Sinbad flicked the single coin with his thumb in the air and caught it before it fell on the ground.

"This is all we've got since we gave the rest of our profits to Hinahoho and the crew to buy more goods," Sinbad proclaimed.

"That won't be enough. I could earn money by finding a mission. I was on my way to find one before, and it surely will not take too long," Masumi suggested. She unsheathed her sword that had been cleaned from the blood of her many targets. Sinbad sweatdropped and frowned slightly.

"No. We can make do or find another solution. I know that... finding missions may be how you've lived for a while but we'll never resort to that option," Sinbad chose his words carefully, not wanting to offend Masumi in anyway. She had to know though that they would never assassinate anyone for a reward.

Masumi understood what Sinbad said and sheathed her weapon. It wasn't that she wanted to kill anyone. It was simply the only thing she knew how to do, and she believed it was all she was capable of. Masumi decided to accept the fact that she was a killer instead of fighting it but now the girl had been told that she would no longer have the option of being an assassin. Masumi knew that a simple command would not change who she was but she would obey Sinbad's wishes anyway.

"Let's see how far this gets us," Sinbad held the piece of copper between his thumb and index finger. Unsurprisingly, the fool dropped the coin and it rolled along the ground before the hands of a stranger picked it up.

Sinbad and Masumi's eyes settled on the cloaked figure, who in fact was the merchant that had cheated them. While Masumi narrowed her eyes at the man, Sinbad gaped in surprised for a second before he covered up his shock with a stern expression. The two teenagers and merchant stared at each other for a moment until the stranger broke the silence.

"What? This is yours right?" He questioned and held the copper coin towards Sinbad. Masumi waited patiently for Sinbad's next motive and was taken aback by the purple-haired boy's response.

"Here's an idea. How 'bout you join us for dinner?" Sinbad suggested with a charming smile.

. ° ☆.* + °.

Sinbad and the merchant sat at a table with their food served by a waitress while Masumi stood next to Sinbad like a bodyguard.

"Are you not going to join us and eat?" The stranger asked Masumi who still kept her hood over her head as she accusingly eyed the merchant.

"I am not hungry," Masumi replied. She had been trained to go weeks without eating so her stomach had shrunk quite a lot and Masumi kept it that way so she wouldn't waste too much money on food.

"Come on Masumi, I haven't seen you eat all day. Enjoy this meal with us. I wouldn't want one of my comrades starving," Sinbad told the redhead.

"If that is what you wish," Masumi obeyed, following his request and seating herself next to Sinbad while she kept cautious eyes on the blonde merchant.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Harun. I'm a trader hailing from Balbadd," Harun introduced and raised his hand in a greeting gesture with a cup of wine held in his other.

"From Balbadd. Next to Reim, Balbadd is the world's leading economy," Sinbad mentioned.

"Yes. And an active city like that is worth a visit from any merchant worth his salt," Harun advised before he took a swig of his liquor.

"Right. Then I'll see though there," Sinbad casually conversed. Masumi glanced at the dungeon capturer, wondering why he was completely ignoring the fact that the man had ripped them off.

Harun frowned once he realized that Sinbad and Masumi did know he had cheated them, mostly because the young girl didn't stop shooting daggers at him with her piercing yet mesmerizing eyes.

"You know, don't you? That I'm reselling the goods at a higher price," Harun asked and clasped his hands together to rest his chin upon them.

'No shit' is how Masumi wanted to reply but she let Sinbad respond to the issue as he would be better at handling the situation.

"Yeah. But to be fair, that was on us for the lack of knowledge and experience. If our trading negotiation was a battle, I lost, to put it in another way," Sinbad replied politely.

"So is that why you approached me? To learn the ins and outs of trading," Harun realised but he was not the only person to recognise the boy's plans since Masumi too was impressed by Sinbad's motive to discover more about being a successful merchant.

"Yeah. You hit the nail right on the head," Sinbad confirmed.

"You have a composed greed about you. That means you're a perfect fit to be a merchant. I'll teach you what I know," Harun complimented.

Harun explained how Sinbad's crew had a huge advantage in beginning their business when they brought goods from Imuchakk which were rare to Reim. They had the perfect time to make huge profit but allowed another merchant to seize their opportunity. He described it as their greatest loss.

After his last few words, Masumi saw the small birds surrounding Harun and sensed he had a bigger title than just a simple merchant from Balbadd. She side glanced at Sinbad, only to find that he also snuck a peek at her and by staring into his eyes resembling pools of honey, Masumi could read that Sinbad had the exact same thought that Harun wasn't ordinary.

"Now how about a little quid pro quo. Tell me how you got the magnanimous Rametoto to approve of this trade deal," Harun requested and Masumi knew that Sinbad had finally managed to get the merchant in a vulnerable position that they could use to their advantage.

"I've been curious ever since you made your grand debut at the port. I've gone to Imuchakk many times to ask for approval but my requests always fall on deaf ears. So I find it odd they would allow an amateur to handle their goods," Harun mentions with eagerness as he waited to hear the information he desired most.

Sinbad coughed and raised his hand to cover his mouth. Before the purple-haired boy removed his fingers so his mouth would be visible to Harun, Masumi noticed his lips move and the softest whisper which only her incredible hearing could understand.


Masumi grew incredibly confused by Sinbad's command, especially since her lips had never even curved upwards in centuries. Sinbad quickly skimmed his orbs of amber across to Masumi and sent her a silent message, which was asking the girl to trust him. While Sinbad beamed happily at Haruj with a grin, the redhead struggled to move her lips.

Masumi definitely wasn't keen to smile but she was more worried about if she even had the physical capability of lifting the corner of her mouth. However for the sake of Sinbad, Masumi attempted her best to feign a smile. One of her hands was rested on the table so Sinbad covered hers with one of his own, which made the young girl jump at the small contact. It took Masumi all her will to not throw Sinbad across the room and quietly carry on with his plan.

"Amateur or not, neither Masumi or I are ignorant too reveal out business secret," Sinbad responded and held Masumi's hand while they both smiled, making them appear as an ultimate duo. Rurumu's words played in Sinbad's head.

"Always smile. Even when facing an enemy, it is difficult to attack one that approaches you with a smile."

Although Harun could not see the yellow, glowing birds rising from Sinbad and Masumi, he still gawked at them. No doubt they were powerful individually but together in the state they were in, they looked absolutely invincible as a pair. Just as Sinbad hoped, Harun was distracted and taken aback by the smiles they wore.

"How about this? In exchange for helping us acquire a deeper understanding of this country, I promise to tell you anything you want to know. Deal? Let's be comrades who support each other and share each others knowledge," Sinbad smiled. Masumi thought he was definitely a person to go big or go home and continued to keep up the facade.

Harun slammed his fists against the table in an outraged manner which caught the attention of a few other locals.

"Are you seriously asking me to become your comrade? What reason would I have to ally myself with children like you? You underestimate me," Harun scoffed. Despite Harun's words, Masumi knew he was intrigued by Sinbad's offer and would accept. After all, it was he who underestimated Sinbad. Harun confirmed Masumi's thoughts when his frown softened into a grin.

"Why not? It'd be rude not to hear you out," Harun accepted.

"You honour me sir," Sinbad's smile widened. With one of his hands still covering Masumi's, Sinbad lifted his other hand above Harun's drink and performed the magic he had inherited from one of his djinns. An eight-pointed star appeared as he used ice magic and illuminated a blue light which glowed brightly in Harun's cup of liquor.

When the sapphire-colored glow disappeared, Masumi and Harun observed inside he cup to see that the beverage was frozen. Harun gawked at his solid wine and began stuttering incomprehensible words. He was not the only one stunned as Masumi's stoic expression she always wore formed into a look of amazement.

Sinbad noticed Masumi's eyes widen slightly as her mouth opened to let out a quiet gasp and her reaction made Sinbad grin. It was nice to see Masumi display emotion, especially when he was the reason because she was more prettier when her features weren't hardened and stern.

Masumi caught Sinbad staring at her with a grin so she removed her hand from his and didn't spare him another glance.

"That's the power of the ice djinn, Valefor. It's an ability only dungeon capturers can acquire." Sinbad explained.

"Dungeon? A boy like you captured a dungeon?" Harun asked in incredulity.

"I did. Two in fact," Sinbad answered. Masumi realized that the lightning he struck her with must of been the power from his first djinn.

Sinbad began telling the story of his journey and adventures into dungeons, including the enemies he defeated and allies he obtained.

Masumi couldn't keep her poker face as she listened to Sinbad's story in wonder and amazement. She was absolutely mind-blown, and felt like a young child being read a bed time story.

Although Sinbad mainly focused on Harun, he caught a glimpse of Masumi's star-struck face while she listened with eager ears. He found her reaction incredibly adorable.

"I'd be interested in hearing more about your story," Harun began when Sinbad finished, "Battling ferocious dragons, from being treasure rooms in historic ruins. Your stories mesmerize the senses even more than court poets."

"Wow, you think so?" Sinbad replied with pride from Harun's compliment.

"Going on adventures, exploring every corner of this vast world, you're living a dream most could imagine. You've earned my envy. But there's something I can't figure out. What exactly will you do with this power you've acquired?" Harun asked in curiosity. Masumi internally sighed with dread. Even though she had just met Sinbad, she knew he was a dramatic person that always had an inspiring speech to say. It was motivating yet annoying.

"Simple. I'll revolutionize the world," Sinbad answered.

"Come again?" Harun frowned.

"My home country, Parthevia, it's heading to ruin and taking the populates right along with it. More than anything, I want to save my people. But I know I can't do it alone. That's why I set out to gain greater power. I need to create a country the moves the world along the right path, and so... I'll become the king," Sinbad spoke proudly while Masumi watched Harun become more shock at each word Sinbad uttered. The young boy's dream was bigger than both of them combined, but she could see that his determined speech had definitely gained the attention of Harun. It was Sinbad's best ability. Speeches which were attention-grabbing yet dramatic.

"King? Sure a king has power, but he also carries a heavy burden. It's impossible to cater to the needs of the world and your subjects," Harun muttered with his head slightly bowed down before regaining his composure. He abruptly stood up from his seat, his face showing nothing but seriousness.

"Sinbad. While your story is intriguing, it is immature," Harun began before he explained the requirements needed to join Reim's Merchant Union, which included a recommendation letter from a current union member and a 1000 gold coin fee.

Harun believed Sinbad's motives to revolutionize the world were genuine, and he encouraged him to find a way in order to make that change happen.

"I leave for Remano in the morning, however I'll be back in one month. Prove yourself by gaining 1000 gold coins by the next time we meet. If you are able to do so, I will personally write your a recommendation letter to the union," Harun finished before placing money on the table for dinner and exiting the building.

Harun's exiting figure reflected in Sinbad's eyes that shone like gold, full of power and strength. Both Masumi and Sinbad sensed the yellow birds once again and felt the natural flow. It was the flow Sinbad's instincts had followed during his journey, the path that would guide him to success and Masumi could feel it too. This was their chance to achieve greatness. If they succeeded, both teenagers could create something extraordinary but if they failed Sinbad and his crew could lose all the progress they had made.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


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