Bunny is a Predator? β€’||β€’ Loo...

By Tsaka_Marshmallow

66.8K 3.1K 953

A: "Reality sucks." B: "With a pretty face, nice figure, everything would go much better." A: "Add money an... More

~ Prologue β–  Info ~
β–  Chapter 1 β– 
β–  Chapter 3 β– 
β–  Chapter 4 β– 
β–  Chapter 5 β– 
β–  Chapter 6 β– 

β–  Chapter 2 β– 

10.2K 469 96
By Tsaka_Marshmallow

A Fight!

The beeping sound of alarm rang through the dark room.
"Hmm..." Haze shifted a few times under her funton until she finally had enough of the noisy sound of the alarm.
She stood up and turned the noisy thing off.

The girl slowly walked up to the window and opened the curtian, letting the sun shine in. She streched her body in order to shake off her drowsiness, after that she quickly ran into the bathroom to do her new morning routine.
She was quick on her feet, she was already done with in few short minutes and wore her school uniform.
Her uniform was honestly simple but Haze liked it, white shirt, black skirt and a simple cardigan with a logo on it. What more did it need?

Haze stood infront of a mirror with a small smile gracing her face.
She was neatly dressed and was ready to go. After eating few light snacks, Haze left her house with her backpack.

"It's here... huh..." Haze looked up from her smartphone to the big school infront of her.
'My new school life..' Haze walked to the entrance with a graceful smile on her face.

A: "He really was a ten!"
B: "A new hottie in the school? How come we haven't heard anything!"
Few girls were chattering infront.
"I wonder which department he's from? I need to-"
One of the chattering girl turned around and unconsciously laid her eyes upon Haze. The girl stared quietly, stopping from speaking another word.
"You need to what?" One of the girls friend said and also looked at Haze's way.

A silence covered the area for few second and some random person was the first to break the silence.
"... cute.."
Again, the chatter started, all of them secretly fixated on Haze's tiny figure.

A:"When did we get a girl like that?"

B:"She's cute..."

C:"I wonder if she's a idol trainee?"

D:"With looks like that, it might be possible."

E:"What's up with these transfer students? Are there more like them?"

Haze didn't stop to hear the people's comments, she just walked straight into the school. She was used to getting attention, everyone talked about her a lot. Be it negative or positive, she has been through it so it didn't really phase her much.

5 minutes later:

'Fashion Design... fashion Design...' Haze searched through the quiet hallway.
"Ah there it is." Haze mummbled and went up to the door.
"Hmm... do I just enter or wait here..?"

With a little push, she opened a the door a tiny bit to peek inside.
She saw a handsome boy and a middle aged man standing near the blackboard.
'That guy is mostly likely my new teacher and he's... the protagonist?'
Haze quietly observed the handsome male.
'Handsome, nice body, good voice.. he really is near perfect... well not perfect but more ideal. But that just the appearance. Even if I do remember him as kind soul, he's still a loser. It's not like I hate him or anything but I'm not really fond of people who are weak minded. Then again.. he did change bit by bit later? I don't remember clearly.'

As Haze was in deep thoughts, the teacher noticed her and called out to her.
"You there! You're the other transfer student aren't you? Come on and enter."

The student all looked over to the door curiously. 'Here goes nothing.' Haze said in her mind and pushed the door open and entered.
The guys were fondly staring at the adorable thing that just enter and as for the girls, the reaction was a little unexpected.
Girls were also looked to be pretty fond of the new girl, her standing alone was charming and made the girls feel comfortable to talk to.

'Seems like my looks left a good impression overall.' Haze thought as he observed the reaction she got.
Daniel looked down at Haze with a nervous gaze. Him and Haze made an eye contact for few seconds until Haze looked away casually.
'I made eye contact with a cute girl...' Daniel thought nervously with a hint of joy.

'Smile.. smile...'Haze reminded herself and gave a small smile at her new classmates and introduced herself.
"My name is Lee Haze, nice to meet you all."
She felt a little awkward introducing herself. 'It's been a long time since I last did this. What more did I have to say again?'

"Well then, since we're done with the introductions go take a seat." The teacher said.
Daniel went and sat next to the guy Haze met yesterday. 'That guy... Zack? Yeah, Zack.. which means Mira is here as well.' She looked around and as expected, she found the girl she was looking for. It was a shame that there was no open seat around Mira.

'Only one open seat left.. and that's next to Daniel.. sigh.' Haze quietly walked up to her table and sat down.
She glanced at her fellow new student.
'He's super tense now. Why? Hmm.. because of that Zack guy?'

"Daniel? Hi, I'm Zoe." A girl with short hair approached Daniel. The girl walked closer as she talks. "Hey, you got a thing on your face."
"Huh? Where?" Daniel asked.
Zoe giggled and pointed at his face and said. "A handsome thing."

'Hmm.. he seem to like that she's flirting with him. First for him? Hmm.. I feel like him and I are similar in someways even tho I hate to admit it. He's a naive guy.' Haze thought as she observed.

"Hey Zoe." A gruff voice called out.
Zoe turned to see where to voice came from and it was Zack.
"Stop flirting and sit. It's annoying.

Zoe tensed up slightly and said "Oh, Zack! Scary~ what?"
Zack wasn't too happy with her and said. "Stop doing that, bitch."

"It's not nice to call a girl like that." Haze said as she glanced at Zack.
Zack turned to Haze and his eyes widened slightly.
"You're the girl from yesterday..."
'You're noticing it now? Ah, wait.. he was busy staring at Mira.'
"So your name is Haze! What suprise ro see you here." Mira said and approached.

Haze nodded cutely at Mira. "You're Mira right? I was suprised as well."
Zack stared at the girls chat happily until Haze felt a stare and turned.
"Is something wrong?" She asked softly or so it seemed, Haze didn't intended to appear as cute and delicate but it just happened that way.

Before Zack could answer, Daniel responded first. "Ah! No!... uhm, I just wanted to say hello." He nervously looked at Haze.
"Then, hello." Haze said to Daniel with a small smile. 'Politely smile.. smile...'Haze reminded herself again.
Daniel seemed happy with Haze's reaction, a small smile also appeared on his face as he looked down.
'Another girl talked to me.' He thought happily.

While this exchange was going on, one person's face was wrinkled into anger. Zack glared at Daniel endlessly.
'I was supposed to answer it... I hate this transfer d!ck!!' Zack screamed in his mind.

Time skip to lunch time:

So the time flied fast and it was already lunch time. Haze quietly entered the cafeteria with few snacks in her hand.
'School food... I'll try it later.' She thought and looked around to find a seat.
Unknowingly she attracted stares from the other student. Some of students looked at the lost bunny with a hint of adoration in their eyes and wanted to give a hand but they honestly did not have enough courage to do so.

"Daniel, what kind of side dishes do you like?" A familiar voice was heard. Haze looked at two of her fellow classmates.
Daniel kept quiet but relieved expression was on his face and as for the girl, well she seemed anxious.
'Zoe looks to be hissing at every girl that was staring at Daniel to be honest.'
Haze sighed at the girl.

A:"Crazy handsome."
B:"He has a girlfriend?"
D:"They say he's in the fasion dept."
C:"Danm, cool."

Compliments were thrown everywhere at because of the boy but not all of them were about him alone.

A:"I heard that another transfer student came in Fashion dept. Is that her?"
B:"She looks super cute!"
C:"I know right?"
D:"I heard that she might be a model from a big agency."
E:"Really? What's name?"

'Honestly, what's up with them and compliments. It's a little too much.' Haze thought as she heard the people chattering about her and Daniel.
"Well whatever." She mumbled and turned away to walk.

"Hey, wait!" A girl called out.
'Mira? No she has more calm tone... then-' Zoe placed her hand on Haze's shoulder and turned her around.
Zoe held a bright smile on her face as she spoke. "About earlier, thanks."
Haze tilted her head slightly and asked "earlier?"
"You defended me from that scary jerk, remember?" Zoe said.
'Ah.. that. I didn't really intend to defend you, it just came out. I didn't expected this girl to talk to me to be honest. She seems like the type to only latch on cute guys, it seems I was slightly wrong.' Haze thought as she looked at Zoe.

"No, it's fine. No need to thank me, the words just came out without me thinking it." Haze responded with a small smile.
"No need to be so humble about it! And come on, let's go eat lunch together."
Zoe said and wrapped her arm around Haze's and pulled her to where Daniel was eating. That's how Haze, Daniel and Zoe ended up having their first lunch together.
Zoe talked to Haze a lot and occasionally tried to pull Daniel into the conversation.

The school ended with nothing particularly interesting happening.

The next day:

Haze was walking to classroom alone but soon someone chatched up to her, it was Daniel.
"Hello." Haze greeted politely with a smile which Daniel happily greeted back. "Hello!"

Daniel looked forward and hurriedly opened the door for Haze and waited for her enter first.
'Hmm, this guy atleast has some manners.' Haze thought and sent a little nod as a thank you to Daniel.

As they entered the classroom, the bickering of the students got louder.
"Suddenly this prick beat him up!"
"He flipped his lid!"

'Hmm?' Haze curiously looked at the bunch seated by the window.
There was Zoe, Zack and three other guys who are sure to be not a good students.

"I took a picture to ensure that he stays silent." A slim guy who closely resembles banana shape said to Zoe.
Zoe:"What picture?"

Zack leaned into his hand and smoothly said "Stop it. You think I'm proud of hitting that pig?"
A guy with bigger frame that resembles a gorilla asked Zoe with a laugh. "You wanna see it or not?"
The third guy [looks like a untalented sumo wrestler] looked at Haze and Daniel and quickly said.
"Ooh! Hi Daniel! Hi Haze!"
Zoe waved at the two and said. "Come here! He has something funny to show us.

"Yup, you wanna see?" The banana shaped guy asked.
Zoe:"So what is it?~"
Haze glanced at Zack and saw his expression. 'So proud of something like this... it's not cool.'
"Yesterday, Zack beat up a pig and- It's a nude pic of that piggy."

Daniel tensed up and slightly looked down. Haze took notice of it fast. Stutends seemed to be laughing and mocking, having fun seeing that someone's misfortune.
Daniel clenched his fist and sat down without a word.

"You took photo of that part?!" Zoe asked.
"Yup, wanna see?" The guy asked.
"Nope! I can't see~! Gross" Zoe answered reluctantly.
"Don't be so coy." The guy said.
Zoe:"Oh my! What're you talking about? boys!"

"Zack's punch is lightning fast, really!"
"Couldn't see his punch!" The guys surrounding Zack said.
"Hey stop, I'm not proud of it." Zack said with a smirk and occasionally glance at Mira.

Mira expressed her displeasure evidently to her friend. Her friend was talking about giving Zack a chance and how he was a rising boxer in middle school.
'Hmm.. doesn't seem like much.' Haze thought as she sat down and didn't pay attention to the conversation going on for while until the mention of Daniel's mother came up.

One of the 3 guy: "Was she happy after giving birth to that?"


"I would've had an abortion."

'That's crossing the line.'

Haze unconsciously clenched her hand. 'That woman, I can respect. For the useless son she had, she did everything to make him a tad bit happier and comfortable. She doesn't deserve to be talked like that.'

"Hey, you guy's.. you've gone too far."
Daniel said and shut everyone up.

"Don't talk about someone's mother like that." Haze sent a glance at the guy who was speaking a second ago.

A glance? Yes, just a glance yet it was so heavy. No one seemed to notice it except the guy and Haze.
Even if a cute girl was the one sending the glance, it wasn't that heart fluttering one. That glance was from the champion, the underground grim reaper.
Even the tone of her voice, her demeanor, her aura, her gaze all were imposing, it seemed to tower over the guy.
The guy was too scared and too shocked to even blink his eyes until a loud bang interrupt.

"Hey, you're fucking funny you know that? Get up you fucking worm." Zack said as he glared at Daniel, he seemed pissed.

Everything happened so fast. A fight between Zack and Daniel was announced and many people came to watch.
Only Haze sat in her spot and remained disinterested in the fight. 'A fight between couple of teenagers, it's not worth interfering.' She leaned on her hand and watched the fight.

"Slower than expected." She muttered as she watched. Finally Daniel threw the finishing punch to Zack.
Zack was crouching on his knees, hugging his stomach while glaring dagger at everyone.
"Lower your eyes!! Did you guys enjoy it!? I saw everyone who smiled! I'll pluck your eyes out!"

'Ah.. he looks really pathetic like that... vulnerable.' Haze thought as she stared at Zack, there wasn't any extra emotion in her eyes, it was just like she was watching nothing.
She stole glance at Mira then back to Zack and sighed. 'She seems worried.'
Haze stood up and walked to the door and opened it. 'I hope it works.' She thought and yelled.
"DG is at the entrance of the school with pretty girl group!!"

Everyone immediately ran one after another to the entrance, even some people got dragger with them by force.
'It worked more than I've expected... this fictional logic is a little... too much.' Haze said in her mind and then eyed Zack who's still on the floor.
Zack was coughing up on his saliva and looked up to see Haze.
"You..." Zack said and attempted to stand up but failed and dropped on the ground. "... Thank you for helping me... I- " he said sincerely.

Haze quietly stared at Zack who's on the floor. "There is no need to. I just took a pity on you that's all." Haze said as she approached Zack and lowered her head near Zack's level and said while looking down.
"Although, I kind of think that you were undeserving of my help." Her eyes were peering directly into Zack's eyes, it was uncomfortable for him. Even if it was the same adorable look, he saw before, something about it was intimidating. Guilt coated his face as he looked away, avoiding her sharp eyes.

'But it doesn't matter since I already did it.' Haze said in her mind and picked up the phone that had fallen next to Zack. She switched on the phone and intsantly, the picture of bruised little fat guy appeared on the screen.
She narrowed her eyes in slight disgust and quickly deleted the picture, and tossed the phone back at Zack.

"What you did was really not cool."
Haze casually said and stood up to go, leaving Zack staring at her back with complex gaze. He was now left alone in the classroom.


I like doing fanfiction on manga or webtoons! It's more easier that the anime.
I won't leave details out of the ff!
Anyways comment how you feel about this Chapter!

Thank for you love and support!
Now, seeya!


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