The Beautiful World (Hetalia...

Bởi Worldclass_Fuckup

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Hetalia Oneshots * aph hetalia * 2p! hetalia * nyotalia Requests always open! **J... Xem Thêm

Author's Note
One Number Away/America
May I/England
Just Tell Her I Love Her/Italy
Shut Up and Kiss Me/Romano
Author Note
Fuck Away the Pain/2P! America
Guilty/2P America
Author's Note
I Wish You Liked Girls/Nyo! America
More Than Books/Prussia
See Ya In The Mornin'?/Denmark
Dollhouse/2p FACE
Something Just Like This/Canada
Safe and Sound/Italy
Author's Note
Waiting For Superman/America
Escape/2p Italy
Childhood Promises/Iceland
Happy Birthday, Hero/America
Author's Note
Mistletoe/ Finland
Sleepy Cuddles/Greece
Couple quirks
Welcome to Wonderland
Author's Note
Wake Up Call/2p Italy
Forever With You/Italy&Romano
Love Letters/Sweden
This is my idea/2p Romano
Coming Home/Italy&Romano
Bye Bye, Loves
Howdy babes

Romeo and Juliet/Russia

583 17 1
Bởi Worldclass_Fuckup


Character: Russia/Ivan Braginski
Warning: little bit of intimate kissing, nothing big

Yet again you find yourself at one of Alfred's parties. You were only 16 so it wasn't the smartest idea to hang around at these parties with a houseful of drunk party-goers.
At the same time it wasn't your choice.

Alfred Jones was your older brother, and legal guardian. So you had to be around these event. Mostly you just sat in your room with (favorite band) blasting as loud as you could get it, or in the kitchen stealing snacks.

But today was different.
Today you were sitting in the living room, trying to muster the courage to talk to your crush.

Whose your crush?
None other than your older brothers worst enemy, Ivan Braginski.
The adorable Russian with pale blonde hair, and violet eyes had your heart on a silver patter.

The first time you met Ivan was when you had accidently bumped into him at school, before he graduated.
You were a flustered mess as the cute older male smiled, and talked to you.
Alfred had taken notice of your association, and demanded you stay away from him.

Nevertheless, you two still talked occasionally, and on the rare time walked together through town when you two ran into eachother.

And over those few times, he had steadily won your heart.

Today was the day you were supposed to actually hang out with him. Since Al would more than likely not be paying attention to you it was the perfect time!

You saw the russian, and a smile broke out across your lips. You quickly made your way up to him, being very subtle.
You didn't want to appear desperate, so you just 'casually' bumped into him as you walked past him.

"Извини" "sorry"  you two apologized in unison.
Your face grew warm as he smiled at you with flushed cheeks.

"You are the capitalist pig's little sister" he said, his thick Russian accent a bit slurred, probably do to have had a few drinks, "(yn), da?"

You nod, looking up at the tall boy, "you're Ivan, right?"
He nods, "I have not seen you in a while, how have you been?"
"As best I can be living with Al"

He chuckled at your response causing you to giggle.
"You are very funny" he says ruffling your (hc) hair with a large pale hand.

"Thanks" you giggle, subtly leaning into his hand.
His smile fell as his hand dropped to your cheek. You two shared direct eye contact.

You were so captivated my his violet eyes as the locked onto your (ec) ones. You could feel yourself drowning in their beauty. You knew you should look away before you sink too deep to get out, but you didn't want to.
You wanted to drown.

You smiled lovingly at him with a subtly warmth spreading over your cheeks. He returned your smile with a cute grin that made your heart flutter.

"Ivan" a female voice snapped, making us both look away, and his hand to fall from your face.

"Who is this?" a blonde female with cold blue eyes latched onto Ivan's arm, glaring at me.

"Oh, this is (yn)," Ivan says with a closed eye smile, "a friend of mine"
The girl glared at me in a way that made me want to run and hide.
"(Yn) this is Natalie, my-" Ivan was interrupted by the girl tugging on his arm.

"Lets go already" she demanded
"But I want to stay and talk to (yn)" Ivan protested.
"Lets. Go." the girl hissed, giving me a glare.

Ivan and Natalie walked away, well Ivan got dragged away.
You felt your heart slowly break. You finally break down a wall with Ivan, and he has a..... Girlfriend?

You could no longer see the blonde hair of your crush, so you just went to the stairs. Might as well lock yourself in your room, no reason to stick around here anyway.

"Yo, Lil' sis!" Alfred yells as he grabbed your waist from behind and lifts you in a bone crushing hug, "I'm so glad you came down! Come meet my friends!"

"Not right now Al," you sigh pushing my self out of his grip, "im not feeling too well"
"Bull" he says grabbing your wrist, "you're just a little bit shy. I promise they don't bite"

Before you would protest more an arm fell around your shoulder as you were pulled to the center of a small group.
"Dudes," Alfred said getting the attention of the group, "this my little sis, (yn)"

"Are you sure she is related to you?" asked a blonde man with blue eyes and a smooth French accent, "she looks much too pretty to be related to you."

"T-thank you, but Al I-" you were interrupted by a British accent from another blonde, thus in with green eyes.
"Back off, frog" said the man as he slapped the Frenchman in the head, "your going to make her uncomfortable"

"Al-" you tried to catch your brothers attention but he dismissed your attempt by joining the two blondes in the argument.

"There they go fighting again," a danish accent joined into the colorful mix of accents, "they do  this all the time, so don't worry"

Another blonde with blue eyes put a hand on my shoulder, giving me a wink.

What the hell is with all the blondes??

"Alfred I-" once again you were cut off by a voice. This one Chinese.

"Western people are so immature" said a brunette as he shook his head, before turning to you "you look pale, would you like some Chinese tasty treats?"
He offered me food that seemed to come out of nowhere.
"No, thank you," you decline politely, "I really just-"

"(Yn)," Alfred said pulling you into the middle of the argument the blondes were having, "tell Arthur  that burgers are way better than tea"
"I- uh" you stammered, "Alfred I really-"

"Oh, Dont pull her into this" the person who I'm assuming to be Arthur snapped, once again interrupting you.
"Its only because you know she would side with me" Alfred nuzzled his cheek into yours, "isn't that right sis?"

You felt your temper shoot up suddenly, causing you to push your brother away.
"Alfred" you snapped at your older brother who had a look of hurt written over his face, "I don't want to be here"
"No 'but's", you say harshly, "I am going to my room, good night"

You turned and left the widely ranging ethnically group to whisper about you. You didn't care though, your night was already ruined.

As you pushed through the drunken crowd you ran dead into someone you didn't want to see. Natalie.

"Watch were you are going, stupid girl" she hissed
"Whatever" you mumble.
She glared at you with harsh eyes, "he'll never want you, you aren't nearly good enough for him"
"I already knew that, ya don't  have to rub it in" you pushed past her and angrily made your way to the stairs.

When you get to the stairs a hand grabs your wrist, once again stopping your movement.
"I am so glad I found you" the familiar Russian voice made your chest throb.

You look over your shoulder at the cheery Russian who smiled at you with an adorable closed eye smile.

"What do you want?" you hiss.
He flinches, but held his smile, "we should hang out and get some drinks" he suggests giving your wrist a gentle tug.

You pull your hand away from him, "Why with me? Don't you have your girlfriend to entertain you?"

"Girlfriend?" he looks hurt and confused, "I don't-"
"Whatever" you hiss, "just leave me alone"
You run up the stairs before he could say anymore. You didn't want to hear anymore.

When you got to your room you slammed the door as hard as you could. You threw yourself on your bed, screaming into your pillow till your lungs hurt.
When you got done screaming. You just laid there.

You felt so stupid for thinking that someone like him would like someone like you.
You were the sister of his enemy. Naturally you should side with your brother, and hate him too.
But you don't.

You cried silently leaving your back facing the door. You grabbed your phone and put in your ear buds.
You shuffled your play list and tosses the device to the bed letting whatever song came on play.

The second you heard the smooth beat you knew it was "I can't make you love me" by Bonnie Raitt.
Fucking great, even the music wants you to suffer...

You listened to her soft voice as it cooed you into a calmed demeanor. After you have calmed down enough
You sang the last verse softly to the empty room only occupied by you.

"Cause I can't make you love me if you don't"

You feet your heart clench to an almost painful level.
How true was that line?
It was funny in a sick way.

You felt a soft touch on your shoulder, causing you to jerk away and sit up quickly with a small gasp. When you eyes fell on the blonde Russian sitting on your bed you nearly fainted.
"I found you again" he smiled softly.
"How the hell did you get in here?"
"The door was unlocked" he said.

"How did you even know where to look?"
"I did not know" he smiled, " I just looked around until I found you. It took a few different rooms and walking in some very... Unnerving sights, but I did it"

You giggled at the face he made when recollecting his journey. Listening to your giggle he sigh with content.
He pushed your (hc) locks from your face, with a gentle smile.
You blushed and leaned away from his touch.

"Anyway" you say softly, "what do ya need?"
"You seemed upset," he frowns, concern etched over his face, "I wanted to make sure you were okay"
"I'm fine"
"Please do not lie to me"

"Just go away," you snapped, "I don't think you girlfriend would like you being around me"
"Girlfriend?" he furrowed his brows.
"Yes, your girlfriend " your drag out the word as if it would help him understand, "ya know, Natalie?"

He gave me a look of confusion as he processed what I said.
I turned away, my face flushing in anger.
I turned back to Ivan as he began laughing, "what is so funny?" you snapped angrily.

"Natalie is not my lover," he laughed, "she is my sister, she just gets a bit protective sometimes"
You flushed from embarrassment, burying your face on your blankets as he laughed.
"Shut up" you snapped in a defensive, high pitched voice.

"My apologies" he said as the last of his laughs died away, "its just that no one's has ever thought of her as my lover before"

You just remained silent, hiding your face from him.
You felt really stupid now...
"Hey, (yn)" the Russian voice cooed as Ivan's finger gripped your chin gently.
He lifted your face so your eyes could meet.

He wore a soft loving smile, with warm violet eyes, "there is nothing to worry about, I promise"
"Whatever" you mumble.

"Would it be too bold of me to assume that you were jealous?" he asked.
"I wasn't jealous!" you shoot back as your face continued to grow warm, "I was just- I mean- I-"

He shushed you softly by pressing his finger tip to your lips.
"There is nothing wrong with it" he says softly, "to be honest, im a little jealous myself"
"Of who?" you were shocked by his small confession.
He nodded, "of you, because you belong to yourself and not me"

I blushed, "oh"
He nods again, "maybe if I asked nice enough I would get what I want, da?
"I wouldn't mind belonging to you.." you say softly giving him a shy smile
He hummed with a soft smile as he leaned forward.

"May I" he asks.
You nod, and connect your lips gently. A bolt of electricity went through your body erupting a flick of butterflies in your stomach.
The kiss was chaste, and didn't last long enough for your liking.
When you two separated you shared smiles and went into a series of soft loving kisses.

His large hands traced your jaw, and hair, as your tugged playfully on his scarf.
Slowly the kisses began more passionate. When his tongue ran along your lips, you didn't hesitate to let him in.

Your wet muscles rubbed against eachother as you both explored the newly gain territories.
Your arms went around his neck as he laid you back on your bed softly. He propped himself up on his arms, sitting between your legs.

Ivan pulled away looking down at you with flushed cheeks, and a bright smile.
"You look so beautiful" he says stroking your face with one hand.
You smile back at him, leaning into his hand.

You two reconnected in a passionate kiss. You carefully unwinded his scarf as he lifted your shirt above your stomach to caress the soft (sc) skin there.
You playfully bit his lip earning an groan.

Ivan lifted your shirt over your head, causing you to shiver as your warm skin was exposed to the chilled air.

You pushed yourself against him to try to find heat.
"Are you cold" Ivan asked, looking into my eyes with fevered violet eyes.
"A little bit" you admit.

Ivan looks down at your almost completely exposed torso.
He moved himself down to kiss your chest. You flinched slightly.
His hands rubbed your hips and stomach gently as he kissed and breathed on your chest.

Chills ran down your body as his warm breath hit your (sc) flesh causing you wiggle a little.
You moaned slightly tangling your fingers in his pale blonde hair, "I-Ivan"
He smiled against your skin, "so beautiful"

The bedroom door opened, letting light flood the dark room, and clearly revealing this sight to anyone who looked in.
Dammit. I always forget to lock the door

"Hey, sis,"Alfred says scratching the back of his neck, "I just want to apologize for-"
When he saw the scene, Ivan and I, he froze.
His face flushed in anger, as he scowled at us, "get the fuck away from my sister"

"Why would I do that?" Ivan smiled.
"Out. Now." Alfred stomped over to us and pulled me away from Ivan, "get a damn shirt on"
I grabbed a jacket pulling it on quickly as Alfred yelled at Ivan.

"Okay, okay" Ivan smiled holding up his hands up in mock surrender, "I will go"
"Good" Alfred snarled, "and don't ever come anywhere near (yn) again"
"Ah, I can't guarantee that" Ivan winked my way, as he grabbed his scarf from the bed, "see you some other time, sunflower"
He left before Alfred could say anything else.

Alfred turned to me, with furious eyes, "when I come back, we are going to have a very long talk"
"Yes, sir" you nod, unable to find any other words to respond with. He stormed out of your room slamming the door closed.

You stood there in silence for a few minutes blushing like crazy.
A million thoughts ran through your head, as you processed the situation.
I kissed Ivan...
Multiple times...
Alfred caught us...
I kissed Ivan...
Ivan kissed me...
We kissed.. We kissed!

A few large smile broke out across your face, and you bit your bottom lips as you squealed out a high pitched giggle. You jumped up, with a small victory fist pump.

We kissed!

You threw yourself onto you bed and giggled to yourself. You were beyond happy. You had finally confessed to Ivan, and by the looks of it he felt the same way.
Tonight was the best night ever!

A small click caught your attention. You quieted your giggle fit to listen.
Another click echoed out from the window.
You slowly made your way to the glass panel. You flinched as a small pebble hit the glass.

Looking out the window you see a smiling Ivan.
Your smile quickly returned as you hastily opened to window.
You leaned out the window, "what are you doing? Alfred will kill you if he sees that your still here"
"He could not possibly hurt me"
You giggle again.

Ivan climbed up on a few crates that Alfred had sitting next to the house. Though despite his height, and the extra height from the crates, Ivan still didn't completely reach the widow.
So you leaned furthur out the window to get as close as possible.

He was able to reach up and take your hand in his, bringing it to his lips.
"You seriously shouldn't be here" you say with a smile, "Al's pissed"
"Nevermind him, I'm here for you" Ivan smiles brightly.
"You're adorable" you giggle
"Not as a adorable as you" Ivan  retaliates

You knew that after tonight Alfred would start to keep close tabs on you. You wouldn't get a free minute to yourself if he had anything to say about it.
And Ivan knew that too.

"I don't know when we'll see eachother again after this" you say.
Ivan hummed in thought, "I will come back tomorrow,  and the next day, and the day after that for as long as it takes to see you. You will wait for me, da?"

"I will" you smile, before laughing a little "this reminds me of Romeo and Juliet"
Ivan smiled, "except this wont end in tragedy"
You nod.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Alfred yelled from the porch as he saw the scene.
Ivan stood on his toes to brush his lips against your yours with a smile before jumping down from the crates."Till next time, Juliet"
"Till next time"

Ivan began to run to the road, Alfred chasing after him.
"I told you to stay away from my sister!" Alfred yells, being meet by loud laughter from the Russian.

You sighed and leaned against the windowsill.
"I'll be waiting, Romeo."
//I'm not dead surprisingly..
Anyhowww, does anyone listen to Marianas Trench?
I want to do something for one of their songs, but I can't find one that hits home. Any suggestions?

Ohhhhhhhhh I almost forgot!
Happy pride month!
I look forward to this month since its about the only time when I can find on my fellow pride people, it makes me feel less lonely, ya know?
So happy pride month to all my homosexuals, transvestites, bisexuals, gendernetuals, aromatics, asexual, pansexuals, and everyone else who falls in between there (even the straight people).
Happy pride month!

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