Markings(tododeku soulmate au...

By Bitch_thats_my_name

77K 1.9K 1.1K

When you're born you have a mark on the back of your hand. The more detailed the mark the more pain your soul... More

The mark begins forming
And so they met
What do the marks mean
What if he was
Meeting(all Todoriki's POV)
Waking up(todoroki's pov)
I'll name it later (lies)
Not a chapter but still please do read
A/N (Really important)

What happened(all Izuku's POV)

5.2K 136 131
By Bitch_thats_my_name

Shouto just fainted and fell on my lap. What happened to him.  "Mom call an ambulance." I say with panic clear in my voice.

Le time skipu

We're at the hospital and the doctor said that it was most likely the number of injuries that he has. My mom asked if he has any siblings. I responded with a simple. "Yes."

"If you have their number try to get them to live with us if they want. And of course, if Todoroki wants to he can live with us." My mother said trying to cheer me up. 

"Thank you." was all I needed to say for her to understand what I meant.

We both were very distressed. "Mom are you upset that my soulmate is a boy." I ask with sadness hinted in my voice.

"Of course not. I don't care about gender or how they look as long as your happy. And if your happy with another boy I don't care because love is love." She said to me.

I could feel my face light up. I was happier. I quickly called Fuyumi. "Hey, Midoriya what do you need." She said picking up.

"Sho's in the hospital can you come to the hospital on xxxx street." I asked hoping for her to say yes.

"Of course I'll be there soon. Bye." She quickly said then hung up.

Time skip to when Fuyumi gets there

"Is Shouto alright? What happened?" She said quickly.

"Fuyumi calm down Sho's is going to be alright he just fainted.  The doctors say that if he's met his soulmate and his soulmate cares for him with all their heart he will heal quicker." I say to try and calm her down.

"He's never met his soulmate. Unless...why was he at your house. Are you guys soulmates?" She askes clearly worried.

"Yes, we are soulmates. So you don't have to worry. But the doctors said that he has lots of injuries. Why is that?" I ask hoping that she doesn't freak?

"He's supposed to be perfect. Our 'father' beats him as 'training'. He has injuries because of our 'father'." She said with so much pain in her voice and tears threatening to flows.

I feel so bad yet I have to wonder why Sho never told me about this.

(A/N) So here's this update for ya. If ya have any advice I will happily take it because I want to improve. PLUS ULTRA

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