Driving Lessons - An Octonaut...

By nekrossprincess

25.1K 317 455

It is well known that Shellington cannot drive for his life. This leads to many crashes and accidents after w... More

Chapter One - Crash
Chapter Two - Decisions
Chapter Three - Dashi
Chapter Four - Speed
Chapter Five - Confessions
Chapter Six - Surprises
Chapter Seven - Preparation
Chapter Eight - Sunset
Author's Note

Chapter Nine - Together

1.9K 32 61
By nekrossprincess

Shellington and Dashi stepped out of the Gup still holding hands and oblivious to all their surroundings for a second. They had shared the fish biscuits and chatted for hours under the sunset until it was dark. Then Shellington had driven them home. Shellington was in a daze of utter bliss. Dashi had kissed him! He stood there until he heard Dashi' s shy laugh that could only mean...

Shellington looked up to see all the Octonauts staring at him and Dashi. The Captain was smiling and Kwazii had an unmistakable 'I told you so' look on his face. Peso looked surprised, Inkling looked superior as if he had known it all along and Tweak... Shellington frowned at the rabbit. She wasn't abashed in the slightest, simply shrugging her shoulders and grinning. She was obviously trying very hard not to squeal in excitement. It must have been her who told them.

There was an awkward silence.

A Vegimal fainted.

Then another.

Soon all the Vegimals was on the floor. Shellington was pretty sure they were pretending but he put on a worried look anyway. As all the other Octonauts helped the Vegimals back up, their attention diverted for the moment, Shellington sighed, composing himself. He really needed that extra few seconds to think of what to say. Thank goodness for Tunip, always knowing exactly what he was thinking. As the Octonauts looked back, those looks still on their faces, Shellington took a deep breath and -

"Shellington and I are together." Dashi' s cool calm voice broke over them all.

"Haha! I knew it! I knew you were perfect together! Yes! Dashton FOREVERRRR!!!" yelled Tweak, whooping and jumping up and down. Shellington gave her a look. Tweak shut up. At all the other Octonauts' confused gazes she shrugged.

"What? They are!"

The Captain took over. Dashi squeezed Shellington' s hand tightly.

"We're very happy for you two." Shellington let out a deep breath he had unconsciously been holding. Dashi smiled radiantly.

"But if this endangers any missions in any way..."

"It won't!"

"No sir!" Dashi and Shellington spoke as one. The Captain looked relieved.

"Good. Now let's let the new couple get some sleep. Octonauts, let's shut down for the night." He left, followed by Peso. Kwazii winked at Shellington as he left and Inkling brushed by him reassuringly. The Vegimals scuttled after him, chattering what could have been congratulations at Shellington. Tweak gave Shellington a 'you'll thank me later' look and hugged Dashi before hopping into her bedroom. They were left alone (mostly, as Tweak could still hear every word, but Shellington didn't really mind). Dashi looked a bit flustered.

"Well I wasn't really expecting that, but..."

"Easier than having to tell them later," Shellington agreed. Dashi smiled.

"Thanks Shel. For a great evening out. For everything."

"Thank you too Dashi. For..." Shellington didn't know where to start. Dashi simply put a finger on his lips and smiled sweetly.

"See you tomorrow Shel." And she kissed him on the cheek then left, hopping through an Octo Chute and out of sight. Shellington briefly considered thanking Tweak but knew she would be all fangirly still, so left it. There'd be plenty of time for that later. He headed for his own OctoChute, smiling to himself.

He and Dashi were together now.


A.N. Aww so much cuteness it's unreal! I love Dashton! This is the end to this story, but rest assured there will be more. Please comment to tell me what you thought of this and maybe some ideas of what I should do next? Thanks! Izzy :)

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