Chihiro's Big Sister

By obsessedfangirl333

13.8K 441 208

(Spirited Away x Reader) Everyone knows the tale of Chihiro's big adventure in the spirit world; How she got... More

Chapter One: The Start 💮
Chapter 3: The boiler room💮
Authors Note: Important!💮
Chapter 4: Elevator Adventure
Chapter 5: Yubaba's Contract

Chapter 2: Haku helps us💮

3.2K 107 51
By obsessedfangirl333

Previously in the last chapter// The sound of a train came from under us and Chihiro quickly went to look at it from the side of the bridge. "There's the train!!" She shout actually enjoying it here as I came over to see as well. "Wow." We both said in awe watching it leave.

Reader's POV:

A figure was suddenly standing by us and expecting it to be our parents I excitedly turn to them. I was about to say something when I realized it was a boy around my age. He had Black hair and pretty green eyes. He was wearing a blue and white kimono. He started walking closer and yelling. 

"You're not allowed here. Go back!!" He shouted.

 "Who do you think you are!?" I shouted glaring at him and protectively grabbing my sister. 

"It's almost night! leave before it gets dark," he said a little more calmer, but not exactly answering me. The sun started setting and the stand behind him lit up. He turned to the building and then back to us.

"They are lighting the lamps. Go!" He demanded grabbing my arm and pulling me. My grip on my sister tightened.

"Hey let me go!!" I snapped at him. He just started running ignoring my complaints. 'Who is this boy? He is getting on my nerves!'

"I'll distract them. Get acrossed the river!" He shouted pushing us ahead of him. Deciding to just listen I continued to run away with my sister. 'Distract who? Actually, I don't care, all I know is we need to get out of here.' More buildings lit up and the sky getting darker by the second. 

"What crawled up his butt and died?" My sister asked. I grinned at her sassy comment. I'm such a great influence on my sister.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling we need to leave now with our parents." She nodded in agreement as I guided us to the food stands. Finally seeing my parents in sight range I shouted out to them.

"Mom! Dad! We need to leave, there was this boy and-." I stopped talking when I finally got next to them and saw there were pigs instead of our parents. I gulped. 'where are our parents!? They wouldn't just leave us!' I shouted in my head.

"Ahhh!" My sister screamed running away again.

"Chihiro!" I called out running after her. I ran into shadow people and yelped in shock. 'Where did my sister go?' I was panicking. I was starting to get scared because of the random creatures and not knowing where Chihiro was. I finally found her going towards the steps we came from and let out a heavy breath.

"Chihiro please don't run off without me! I was so worried!" I said giving her a hug.

"Sorry." She apologized hugging me tightly. She was terrified and I don't blame her.

"Okay let's go. Mom and dad should be near the car." I said even though I wasn't really sure. 'I hope they are.' we ran down the steps, but instead of a bunch of rocks, cold water was surrounding us.

"It's water!" My sister shouted as I pulled us both out. 'What is happening?' I felt like crying, but I knew I had to be strong for my sister. 

"It's just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. Disappear." Chihiro chanted crouching down. I felt really bad and was about to hug her when I saw she was tuning see though. I gasped in disbelief.

"Chihiro your turning see-through!" She quickly stood up and looked at her arms. She looked back at me with tear-filled eyes which widened. Panicked I checked myself and sure enough, I was going slightly invisible too.

"You are too!" She announced.

"Oh no... What is going on? This has to be a trick!" I shouted. There's no way this is real, it just can't be. A boat then showed up and floating paper started getting off of it. Slowly turning into black shadows with red capes. I screeched and pulled my sister away from them running up a hill.

"I'm scared." She said crying into her knees while sitting on the ground. I was too, but I wouldn't ever tell her that. I crouched and pulled her to my chest.

"It's okay. We'll be okay." I said more so trying to convince myself.

"H-how do you K-know." Her voice cracked as she cried more. I felt a tear leave my left eye hearing this. Something rubbed my shoulder making me snap my head in its direction. It was the boy from earlier. He had a soft look on his face. He then patted my sister's shoulder. She looked up and yelped.

"Don't be afraid. I'm a friend." My sister looked unsure, but he did try to warn us to leave before it turned dark so he seemed okay, but I was still suspicious.

"No! No! No." my sister said scared.

"Why should we trust you?" I said looking skeptical

"Open your mouth and eat this." He demanded holding something up to my mouth. I shook my head. 

"No way! I'm not going to eat something from a stranger!" I said looking away stubbornly. he grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"Unless you eat something from this world you'll vanish!" My sister tried to push him off me but instead went through him.

"What the hell?" I said, well as best as I could with a hand squishing my cheeks.

"I'm telling mom." Chihiro announced hearing me say a bad word. The boy just smiled before putting the berry to my mouth again and one to my sister's. 

"Don't worry, it won't turn you into pigs. Chew and swallow." I gave in and ate it. Once my sister saw me do it she did the same. 

"Good girl. You'll both be fine. See for yourself?" He said raising his hand for me to touch it. I hesitantly put my hand on his and happily saw I didn't go through him. I couldn't help but notice the difference in size, but it was nice. I smiled at him and nodded. 

"Thank you." 

"You see? Now come." I turned to my sister and nodded slightly as a way to tell her it's okay to listen. She yanked his hand from mine and said.

"What about my mom and dad!?! They didn't really turn into pigs did they!?" I frowned at the warmth of his hand disappearing but quickly looked up at him dreading the answer. 

"You guys can't see them now, but you will." He said smiling. That smile was short-lived because his head quickly turned to look at the sky. Confused I looked up and saw a bird.. with the head of an old lady? 'that's really weird.' I thought. I was then pushed into a wall with my sister right next to me.

"Quiet." I blushed never having a boy protect me before. He pulled me even closer when the bird lady flew by. Once it was gone he turned to me and our faces were barely an inch away. I was burning up now, but he didn't seem bothered by it.

"It's looking for you two. There's no time. Let's run!" He tried to pull us up, but it wouldn't work. 

"I..I can't stand." I said slightly worried. 

"Oh no!! my legs don't work." My sister shouted at the same time.

"Can you help?" I asked looking up at the boy. He nodded before saying.

"Take a deep breath, both of you." We did what he said and he put one hand on my thigh and one on my sister's ankle.

"In the name of the wind and the water within thee, unbind them." He said to himself. Just like that, sparks zipped around the area his hand was, and when it disappeared he pulled up with ease.

"Cool," I mumbled as my sister stood up. I wasn't sure but I swear he grinned at my words, but when I tried looking more it was gone. Chihiro grabbed my hand tightly just as the boy grabbed my free one. unexpectedly he took off running making me stumble a bit. My sister was having even more trouble keeping up than I was. 'Wow, this boy was fast. Like really fast.' I thought just as he opened a door without even touching it. I gaped in disbelief. He used his other hand to close my mouth, not even watching where he was going.

"You should probably close your mouth." He told me with a small laugh. 'He is amazing.'

We then ran down some barn stairs and past a fish that was bigger than me. At this point, I wasn't even surprised. When we passed a bunch of pigs, my sister was trying to see if our parents were in there. It was impossible to tell so I wasn't even going to try. Soon enough we came up to a garden that was right next to a bridge. The one we originally met this boy on. Only this time there were all kinds of creatures that I figured were actually types of spirits.

"Hold your breath while we're on the bridge even a tiny breath will break the spell and the attendants will see you." he randomly said before opening the garden's gate in front of us. We walked past the gate and he shut it. Chihiro somehow moved to the other arm and we both clung to him.

"I'm scared," Chihiro said to which the boy spoke. 'I wish I knew his name. You know what I'll just call him magic boy.'

"Stay calm." I almost giggled at how bad he was at making her feel better but didn't. They would probably think I'm being rude.

"It's okay Chihiro. Nothing will happen." I looked at her from around the magic boy and smiled. "I promise."  She gave me a slight smile and a small nod before we came up to the gate. The exit. I was going to open it, but the magic boy stopped me. He then opened it himself.

"Welcome. Welcome." Some giant frogs said to literally everyone. 

"I'm back from my task." Magic boy. The frog in return said. 

"Welcome back sir." 'Sir?? He worked here!?'

"A deep breath..." He told us. I nodded and took a deep breath. My sister doing the same.

"And hold..." I closed my mouth and Chihiro covered hers with her hand. We stepped on the bridge and I curiously looked around at the different spirits, without breathing. They were so interesting. We soon walked past a spirit that was black and had a mask on. It seemed like it could see us, but magic boy said nobody could unless we were breathing. They were probably looking at another spirit by us or maybe he was just looking at the magic boy. I was starting to feel dizzy from holding my breath for so long. 

"Hang on, We're almost..." Magic boy whispered as if sensing I wasn't feeling well. Chihiro and I nodded, but then a small little green frog hopped over in front of us. 

"Master Haku!!"  The frog shouted. Ah so Haku is his name. That's a nice name. Oh no, I needed to breathe now. 

"Where have you- " The frog stopped mid-sentence because Chihiro took a breath and he saw her. "Wha? A human." I finally let out a breath as well. I couldn't help it. The frog spirit gasped in horror

"Two humans!?!" He hopped into our faces, but before he could do anything Haku trapped him in a bubble and shouted. 

"Run!" We couldn't really run much because he then started flying off the ground and under some girls' dresses. 

"What!?" They all shouted as we went inside a little door behind them. It led to another small garden. 

"Master Haku. Master Haku. Chase after it. Human intruders. I smell humans! The stench of humans!" Voices said inside sounding scared. 

"They know you're here," Haku said which made me and my little sister feel bad. 

"I'm sorry I took a breath." she said. 

"I am too. I felt like I was going to faint. We're really sorry about that." He pulled us closer to him. 

"No. Girls, you did very well. Listen and I'll tell you what to do." Chihiro stayed quiet waiting for his response and I just said okay. 

"Stay here and they will find you. I'll distract them. In the meantime, you two escape." 

"No, don't go! Stay with us please!" Chihiro begged. 

"Yes please, we don't exactly know our way around here and I'll admit... I'm a little scared about all of this too. We need you." He faces me with an apologetic look.

"You have no choice if you want to survive here and save your parents too." He said taking my hands into his. 

"So they did turn into pigs... I wasn't dreaming..." Chihiro spoke in a sad tone. 

"Be still." He told us and let go of my hands to press one on both mine and Chihiro's forehead. 

"When things quiet down, go out the back gate. Take the stairs all the way down until you reach the boiler room, where they stroke the fires. Kamaji's there, so look for him." He said pulling his hands away as images passed through my head.

"Kamaji?" I asked for confirmation. He nodded and said. 

"Ask him for work. Even if he refuses, insist. If you two don't work Yubaba will turn you into an animal." He was getting closer to my face again and I could tell a small blush was forming on my face. 

"Yubaba?" my sister questioned. 

"You'll see, she's the sorceress who rules our world.. Kamaji will turn you away, trick you into leaving, but keep on asking him for work. It'll be hard work, but it'll give you a chance. Then even Yubaba cant harm you." 

"Okay." Chihiro said. 

"Harm us..." fear creeping up me.

"Master Haku, Master Haku!" people yelled from inside. 

"I have to go, Remember (y/n) and Chihiro. I am your friend." 

"How do you know our names?" I pulled his hands down again. 

"I've known you both since you were very small. My name is Haku." He said before standing up and walking over to the doors. 

"Here I am." He said walking inside. 

"Master Haku, Yubaba wants you." voices say. I look over the bush we were hiding behind and saw a bunch of frogs crowding him. 

"Come on Chihiro. It's time to go." I said quietly. She nodded and we crawled out of the garden. Keeping low in case anyone was nearby.

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