Opposites Attract

By fallenxroses

194K 6.3K 2.6K

In Khloe King's lame attempt to get over Hayden Ross, her neighbor, she agrees to move away with her mother t... More

opposites attract
01. secret crushes & surprises
02. dinners & discussions
03. apologies & disappointment
04. ex boyfriends & school projects
05. phone numbers & basketball teams
06. jealousy & shame
07. deep convos & decisions
08. parties & surprises
09. sisters & ice cream
10. skipped classes & long lasting smiles
11. hospitals & memories from the past
12. family & the truth
14. fast paced heart beats & fake smiles
15. drug tests & liars
16. trust issues & boy fights
17. secrets & confessions
18. police stations & complete chaos
19. love & despair
20. criminals & resentment
21. judgemental stares & denial
22. stomach butterflies & temptations
23. sweet nothings & large burgers
24. heartbreak & family arrangements
25. grandmothers & affection
26. hugs & kisses
27. hot boys & jail cells
28. first dates & spaghetti
29. court rooms & girl fights
30. business deals & basketball games
31. blackmail & broken marriages
32. passion & revenge
33. old secrets & new secrets
34. family dinners & stressful situations
35. engagement rings & realization
36. new beginnings & heartfelt moments
37. missing friends & unforeseen plans 

13. cheaters & photos

5K 183 45
By fallenxroses

"Awh," Yasmin's lips turned down into a pout. "You guys are so cute." She cooed as she eyed Kiera and Noah.

They were cute together.

Noah had his arm wrapped tightly around Kiera and as soon as you looked at Kiera's face you could tell that she was in pure bliss. Her green eyes were sparkling with happiness as she looked up at Noah.

Just before school had started, Kiera told me everything. She told me how she practically ran into the changing room, filled with half naked teenage boys to confess her love for Noah. Noah almost instantly told Kiera that he had always felt the same way about her, but he never told her because he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

"It's about time." Xander laughed patting Noah on the back.

Noah held up his hand defensively. "Hey man," He laughed running a hand through his blonde hair. "I know I'm practically the best basketball player and I look very strong with all these muscles, but I do lack in some categories." The lunch table filled with laughter and Kiera blushed, placing a quick kiss on Noah's cheek.

I don't know why but at that moment, sitting there at the table with my friends, I realized just how pathetic my life truly was. My two best friends had boyfriends, and their boyfriends also happened to be my friends. I had to look away because I was laughing. I was laughing at how horrible my life was becoming.

My eyes glanced around the cafeteria and landed on Hayden who was sitting at a large table with the guys from the basketball team, including Aiden. Anger grew through out my body as I looked at him. Everyone else was happy while Aiden was stolen from me. I was truly miserable at this point. The feeling of sadness was suddenly coming into my life.

Once again I laughed but this time everyone's eyes landed on me suspiciously.

"Khloe," Kiera questioned as her eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay? You haven't said anything all lunch. Yasmin told me you were like this yesterday."

I rolled my eyes. "I rather chop my ears off than sit here and listen to this."

Everyone looked taken aback by my cold tone. "Khloe stop. What happened?" Kiera asked slowly. "Has Ashlynn been giving you trouble again?"

I could practically see the pity pouring from Kiera's eyes and that's when I realized that I was acting unreasonable. I didn't care that my best friends had boyfriends and I didn't because mine cheated on me. It wasn't their fault and my issues where much deeper. "I'm sorry." I sighed, "There's just something that has been bothering me and that's why I've been acting so strange."

Noah's features softened. "You can tell us anything, Khloe."

I knew I could tell them anything because they were my friends but I didn't want to ruin their moods. "I never told you guys this but... Alicia's biological mother used to be a drug addict, and she left poor Alicia motherless."

Noah and Xander looked shocked while Kiera and Yasmin both gasped.

"I'm so sorry, Khloe." Yasmin wrapped her thin arms tightly around my body. "What else happened?"

I shook my head out of exhaustion. "I don't know. A few days ago I was walking to my car, and then suddenly she was in front of me. I honestly didn't know who she was at first, but then she started crying about how Alicia was her only daughter. " A long sigh left my lips. "I didn't know what to do so I just went home."

"Did you tell Andrew?" Xander questioned.

I nodded my head quickly. "Yeah, I thought he had the right to know."

"Of course." Kiera assured. "That was the right thing to do, Khlo."

"Thanks for your support guys." I smiled. "I just hope everything works out in the end."

"As it will!" Yasmin exclaimed. "Us girls need to go shopping for the party." Yasmin looked over at Kiera and I. "Shopping can make anyone feel better."

Confusion clouded Kiera's face. "What party are you talking about, Yas?"

Yasmin giggled as she placed a hand over her mouth. "In photography class we have to do this project, and unfortunately I got paired with Ariana Kinsey."

Noah nodded his head in acknowledgment. "That girl with the long red hair?"

"Yes," Yasmin nodded her head. "I went to go sit with Khloe and Hayden, when she came up to us."

Kiera laughed. "What did she say?"

"She invited Hayden to her birthday party."

Xander snorted, "Then why the hell are we all going?"

"Because!" Yasmin practically yelled. "Babe, it's a party and she said Hayden could bring all his friends. It was really funny, you should have been there. Ariana looked like she wanted to rip poor Hayden's clothes off."

"Okay," Kiera laughed. "We'll all go."

✼ ✼ ✼

I was beyond surprised to see Cadence Fox sitting in my kitchen with tears streaming down her pink tinted cheeks.

The scene was definitely strange to say the least. Andrew's lips were in a straight line showing no emotion at all like he had done before, but when I looked at mom all her emotions were clearly evident on her face. She looked extremely angry but also at the same time she looked completely heart broken. I could only imagine what they were feeling.

As I walked into the kitchen I slowly paused realizing that I probably shouldn't be here, and I wondered where Luna was.

"Khloe," Mom suddenly said and I looked up at her quickly. "thank you for telling Andrew."

I nodded my head hesitantly. "Of course." I paused for a second. "Are you guys okay? Where is Alicia?"

"We're okay sweetie, thanks for asking." Mom answered firmly.

Cadence wasn't saying anything but she would occasionally glance up to look at me. Andrew noticed this and then he let out a sharp breath. "Alicia is with my sister while we still figure things out. For the time being, Alicia cannot be anywhere near Cadence."

I glanced over at Cadence. I knew that she left Alicia for drugs but I truly did feel bad for this women. She looked broken down and I'm sure all she wants is to be a good mother to Alicia, but it is easier said then done. Alicia obviously does not remember Cadence, because she left just after Alicia was born, and now six years later, she just appears out of thin air begging for her daughter back.

"Luna is upstairs, you two need to leave."

"Where am I suppose to go mom?" I questioned as my eyes widen in confusion. I was being kicked out of my own house.

"Khloe," Mom said firmly and I knew by her tone it was a warning sign that I must not argue with her about this. "I told Luna that you guys would stop by your father's house because she hasn't seen him in ages. I know you girls didn't end up going the last time."

I nodded my head and left the kitchen before I caused any more tension in an already tension filled atmosphere.

I quickly went into my room, but only to throw my school bag on the floor and grab the camera for photography. After that, I closed the door and walked to the guest bedroom where Luna was staying.

Once I opened the door Luna jumped off the bed in relief. "Thank god you're here, Khloe." She sighed wrapping her arms around my body. "What the hell is happening?" Luna questioned frantically. "Is she going to take Alicia away from us?"

I looked at Luna like she was crazy. "Obviously not, Luna." I said letting out a huff of air. "Mom said that we have to leave and she seemed very serious."

Luna nodded her head grabbing her purse along with her phone. "Okay, let's go see dad."

Luna and I both walked down the stairs quickly and as we walked past the kitchen I could hear intense hushed voices. I'm sure once Luna and I left their voices would raise by a lot.

Once Luna and I were in my car, I remembered that I should probably tell Luna that Hayden told me to stop by his house to take those stupid pictures for photography. "Luna, it's your lucky day." I laughed because I remembered how badly she wanted to see Hayden.

"What?" She questioned.

I kept my eyes on the road. "We have to go to Hayden's house for about an hour." I explained. "Hayden and I have to start a project together."

Luna grinned when I mentioned Hayden's name. "I'm excited."

Hayden didn't live far so within the next five minutes I was already pulling up onto his driveway.

Luna and I got out of the car and I reached out to ring the doorbell.

A few seconds later the door opened widely revealing Hayden with a big smile on his lips while his hazel green eyes were shining with happiness.

"Hey, Khloe,"

"Hey Hayden," I smiled. "I brought Luna with me. I hope—"

Before I could even finish my sentence Luna let out a loud scream and she wrapped her arms tightly around Hayden's body. "Hayden! How are you? I haven't seen you for ages!"

Hayden looked completely caught off guard to see Luna and it wasn't in a good way. He looked very hesitant to hug Luna back, and he had a certain expression that washed over his face. One that I couldn't quite place.

It was very strange. I thought that Hayden would actually be happy to see Luna, considering she was so excited to see him.

Finally Hayden slowly wrapped his arms around Luna. "Hey Luna, how have you been?"

Luna dropped her arms. "I'm great! How are you? I heard your grandma's sick. Is she okay?"

"My grandmother is okay for now." Hayden mumbled as he opened the door wider so that Luna and I could come into his house. This was my first time in Hayden's house so I stopped to look around while Luna whispered something into Hayden's ear.

His house was almost the same size as mine and inside it looked very beautiful. Whites and browns surrounded the house which made it feel very warm.

"Khloe, do you want to start now?" Hayden asked turning his head to the side.

I nodded my head as I grabbed the camera I had got from school. Each group was allowed to take a camera home. "Luna are you okay waiting here?"

Luna nodded her head eagerly as she sat down on a chair Hayden had in his kitchen. "You won't be too long, right? I told dad we would be at his house soon."

I glanced over at Hayden and he shook his head. "I'll make this fast." I answered following Hayden out of the room.

"Why did you bring her here, Khloe?"

"What?" I laughed shaking my head. "I thought that you would be excited to see her."

Today was a very confusing day.

Hayden froze for a second. "You're right." He sighed rubbing his forehead. "Let's just take the pictures."

"Wait a second." I held up my hands. "What happened?"

A small smile broke onto Hayden's lips. "You think too much."

I was actually offended that Hayden was trying to make me look like the crazy one.

He was acting strange wasn't he?

Regardless I shrugged my shoulders and handed the camera to Hayden.

I dropped the subject because I had no energy to fight and at this point I didn't really care. I never understood Hayden and Luna's relationship in the first place.

✼ ✼ ✼

"It's so good to see you Koko."

I let out a huff of air as I crossed my arms over my chest. "It's great to see you too dad, but stop calling me that."

Dad laughed and then turned around to give Luna a hug. "How is school sweetheart?"

Luna smiled and went on to talk about how school was and how her studying was coming along while I sat there thinking about everything.

Was Alicia going to be okay?

Was Cadence still on drugs? No one could really be too sure.

"Koko, are you okay?"

I really hated when he called me that silly nickname. It all started when I was five years old, and somehow because my name is Khloe King I thought that it sounded cool, like a superstar. "I'm fine dad."

Dad ran this fingers through his blonde hair as his hazel eyes locked with mine. "Your mother called me." He sighed. "I'm so sorry about your sister. Andrew is a good man, I can't imagine how he must be feeling."

Luna nodded her head. "I know right! I don't believe for a second that she's not still on drugs."

I frowned, "I'm not making excuses for her, but you can't just assume that Luna." I shrugged my shoulders. "People make mistakes."

Luna opened her mouth to speak but dad raised up his hand. "Girls let's try not to fight about this, okay?" A sigh left my lips and Luna nodded her head. "I'm so happy that you girls came to see me because I wanted you two to meet someone special."

Instantly my heart rate went up and a smile spread across my lips. "Dad!"

Dad's fair skin turned a light shade of pink. "Her name is Jules, and she's a really nice women."

"I'm so happy for you dad!" Luna practically yelled.

"Okay so, she's actually here right now."

"What?" I looked around my dad's house. "Is she hiding?" I laughed.

Dad laughed and walked over to the next room. A minute later he came back with Jules, who was unbelievably stunning actually. My dad was in his mid forties, and although I didn't know exactly how old Jules was, she didn't look a day over thirty nine. "It's so wonderful to meet you girls. I've heard so much about you from your father."

"Hey, I'm Khloe." I introduced myself and Luna did the same. "Dad when were you going to tell us?"

Dad shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you know now, Koko."

Luna giggled beside me. "Wow! You're beautiful, Jules! Where are you from?"

Jules blushed, "You raised them too well, Will." She laughed. "Thank you. Both of my parents are from Poland, but I left when I was ten years old. My parents wanted a better life for their children."

Well that explains her incredibly soft fair looking skin, along with her long ash blonde hair.

I was beyond happy to see that dad has found someone whom he truly cared about. Mom found Andrew pretty quickly, so I was always worried about dad. I didn't want him to think I was leaving him behind because I chose to live with my mom.

• • •
Hello beautiful people!! So school is ending in the next week and half but then I have three exams so I'm super packed! I won't be able to update this story until mid to late June. I'm sorry hope you all understand.

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