
By stylesmonarchy

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My name's Winter and I'm almost eighteen. I died three days ago, and I know who killed me. But I won't say h... More

You would always want to attend your own funeral.
Autumn's Eulogy for Winter
Nothing will change at all.
Promises should be kept until your last breath.
People will feel guilty.
You do not know when you'll get to the "much better place".
Some friends aren't really friends.
Thinking is the only exhausting activity.
Betrayal never comes from your enemies.
Author's Note (not an update!)
People will move on from you and be happy.
The story of how I died.

Everyone will talk about how nice you were.

170 14 10
By stylesmonarchy

Before my first suicide attempt, I wrote a letter to my mom telling her about who will receive some of my things when I die. She found it a few days after my burial and sent my stuff to my friends.

She sent my journal to Red because that was what I wanted. Red knows how to interpret my words, while Autumn and Summer both know how to interpret my actions.

My last entry in the journal was written exactly one month before I died. Red was smart enough to know that I don't really write on it when I'm happy because she knows that I only like writing down my feelings when I'm sad.

The next day, she approached Autumn.

"I don't think Winter committed suicide." She told her.

YES!!!! Someone's finally thinking!!!!

"She jumped off the seventh floor of a building. How can't that be suicide?" Autumn replied.

"I don't think she wanted to die. If she did, she would write that in her journal. You know her."

"What was her last journal entry about?" Summer asked.

"July 18, 2014

I feel so stupid. I can't believe I used to want to die. I'm not being sarcastic, it's true.

I'm better than this." She read and a crowd was already gathered around her.

"But we know Winter, she changes her mood every so often." Stephanie said and everyone was nodding.

I can read everyone's minds. They were all feeling pity for my soul. They started feeling guilty because the all though that they could have done something to stop me. People were already moving away from the crowd, leaving some of my close friends behind.

They started talking about how nice and selfless and thoughtful I was.

Hah. I knew you all hated me when I was still alive. People always say that when you're dead, you know? They will describe you as if you used to be the most perfect human being on earth.

They don't really talk about how mean you've been or how you would refuse to share your lunch with them. When you die, people automatically will think about the positive stuff. Which is probably good, but only if they're telling the truth.

But when I was alive, I really didn't like so many people. I was very picky when it comes to who I'm going to be friends with. I only cared about my friends. The only time I will talk to someone I wasn't close to was when I want to fish information.

That was before my first suicide attempt.

Before I died, I made sure I was friends with everyone. Not just because I had to, it's because I really wanted to. I wanted to interact with more people, I wanted to hear different opinions, I wanted to open my friend circle for everyone.

"But someone faked her suicide letter," I heard Red's thoughts. She was smart enough not to say it out loud.

"Why don't we guys investigate?" Summer suggested.

"And then? What would that do? Will that bring Winter back to us?" Autumn argued.

"No, but at least we tried. At least wherever she is, she will feel loved because at least we won't leave her hanging." Summer said.

"Are you guys sure about this? Aren't we wasting time?" Stephanie said.

I noticed that the entire time, only the girls were speaking. Alex was crying, Matty was just listening, and the others had blank faces.

"If it happened to any one of us, I'm sure she would have done this too. I'm sure we'll get to an answer." Summer said.

Yes, I would have. Or I wouldn't even have to investigate because I would always know. I always do.

I just hope their plan doesn't get sabotaged. It's interesting because my murderer was there, inside the circle. I'll just watch as things slowly unfold.

You better think and work fast now, murderer. Tick tock.

Hello! Here's another update, I'm sorry if it took so long. I might be updating in two to three days so stay tuned!!!

Who do you think is the murderer???? I need guesses!!!! The name's been mentioned in this chapter ;) ;) ;)

Have fun guessing!!!

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