Fairy Tails of a PokéMage (Po...

By OtakuGirlInAnimeland

49.2K 1K 396

~In a land far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small, peaceful nation of 17 million, and a place fill... More

~Chapter 1: Her Beginning~
~Ch. 3: Fire Dragon, Pokémon, Monkey, and Bull~
~Ch. 4: Erza's Return and Her Need for Assistance~
~Ch. 5: Wind Beneath a Fairies Wings~
~Ch.6: Flying and Fire vs. Wind~
~Ch.7: Fairy Tail's Strongest!~
~Ch.8: (First Name) vs. Natsu vs. Erza~
~Ch.9: The Cursed Island of Galuna~
~Ch.10: The Cold Emperor~
~Ch.11: (First Name) and Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User~
~Ch.12: Lucy, Pika-Chan & Chu-Kun vs. Sherry
~Ch.13: Do What Comes To Mind~
~Ch.14: Final Battle & Confrontations on Galuna Island~
🔮Ch.15: Demon's Revival & Village's Answers🔮
🔮Ch.16: Destroy the Moon, Free the Villagers🔮
🔮Ch.17: Body Swap Swoiree🔮
🔮Ch.18: (First Name) the PokéParent🔮
🔮Ch.19: Phantoms Shouldn't Mess with Fairies🔮
🔮Ch.20: After a Heartfilia & a PokéMage🔮

~Ch. 2: Fairy Tail, My Second Family~

4.4K 81 50
By OtakuGirlInAnimeland

Whoo! Whoo!

The sound of a train whistle stirs a now teenage (First Name) from her slumber or rather a walk down memory lane. 

It has currently been 10 years since she's first came to Fiore, and while she has rescued hundreds of taken Pokémon, she's yet to discover the 'Big Boss' behind the operation. None of the small fry who she's caught selling the creatures she grew up with since childhood have any knowledge on just who they're working for.

(First Name), are you alright?

(First Name) looks to the shiny Pikachu on her right shoulder. She shakes the sleep from her eyes and faces her once shiny Pichu that has been with her since the beginning, now evolved into her second stage evolution. The shiny Pikachu, dubbed Pika-Chan, nuzzles her trainer in a comforting manner. Pika-Chan's brother, Chu-Kun, still remains in his ever so adorable Pichu stage of evolution because he wanted to prove that bigger doesn't always mean better. And he's been proving his point every step of the way. He's learned moves that anyone back home would never even think possible. But that was something (First Name) like to do; Defy expectations and break down barriers. Something she was able to accomplish often after she joined the Fairy Tail guild and met her second family. With her abilities being treated as a new style of magic, she quickly became a powerful wizard, known as the PokéMage.

(First Name) and her Pokémon companions are on their way back to Magnolia by train ride after a two week long mission of taking care of a band of thieves that had been tormenting a village for the past months and confronting several guilds involved in black markets, particularly in the Pokémon that still continue to be taken from her homeworld. The jobs paid quite well as a bonus, now she can pay for that expansion to her Pokémon Haven.

In the beginning, shortly after (First Name) first joined Fairy Tail, she started out with a simple apartment by the canal, but after she began to rescue so many Pokémon, it was beginning to get a little cramped. As sad as she was to tell her kind, caring landlady, she had to find a bigger place. None of the homes suited all of the Pokémon's needs, so (First Name) decided she would take enough jobs to save up enough jewels to build her own home. She found a nice cheap spot of land, away from prying eyes, well within her budget because the land was so barren one would think it a wasteland. But (First Name) knew how to turn something bad into something great. When she and her Pokémon were through with it, you'd have never thought it was so barren and dry. Her Pokémon even turned the nearby river healthy again! 

Their new home was enormous, with more than enough room for her continuously growing Pokémon family to roam as often as they pleased. 

Complete with a man-made lagoon surrounding it, an orchard/garden greenhouse, a large courtyard, a dojo, plenty of rooms for new Pokémon, within walking distance of both a lake and the ocean, and it doesn't provide easy access for those that don't know the way and is protected by both the Pokémon that live there and protective wards and gates. 

The only downside was that it's was a bit far from Magnolia, but (First Name), nor her Pokémon, minded the short journey it took to get to the guild.

(First Name) loved to help the people of her new home, and she gets to use her abilities more frequently without getting weird looks by others, but she still misses her birth home every now and again.

But now that her mission has been completed she can finally go back to see her guild mates.


Well maybe just after a quick bite to eat. The loud roar of her and her Electric-Types' stomachs cause her to blush in embarrassment.

"So . . .Who's up for grabbing some lunch before we head back to the guild?" The Pokémon Trainer chuckles nervously.

The Electric-Type siblings raise their paws in agreement.

The next stop is Hargeon, the port city.

Chu-Kun informs his trainer.

I think a leg stretch would be nice too. It feels like we've been on this train for days.

Pika-Chun groans dramatically.

(First Name) laughs at her Pikachu's dramatic tendencies.

In a few short minutes, (First Name) and company reach the beautiful port town of Hargeon. But what is expected to be a peaceful visit, is turned into a mob currently gumming up the streets looking at something at the marina.

Something big has gone down here recently.

Mutters Pika-Chan.

"Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen the streets so crowded here." The young woman tries to look over other people's heads but she's too far back to get a good look at anything, but whatever has happened it brought the attention of the army. (First Name) pushes through the crowd to get a better look at things and what she sees isn't what she expected. A large ship appears to have washed ashore. No, not washed more like it crashed on shore. And parts of the town closest to the shore look like they've been burnt to the ground.

"Why does it feel as though someone from our guild is responsible for this mess?"

Probably because they are.

Chu-Kun answers.

You're probably right. No one aside from a Fairy Tail member could be responsible for this much property damage.

Pika-Chan adds.

"Well once again we have to clean up their mess. Who do you want to bet caused the damage this time?" (First Name) smirks.

The damage to the town? My money's on Dragneel. But the boat . . .I don't know anyone from our guild who can do something like that.

The young woman heaves a heavy sigh. "Let's just get this over with so we can go eat."

(First Name) is quick to find a Magic Council member overseeing the damage.

"Excuse me, but can I ask what happened here?"

"It's nothing young miss, just a Fairy Tail member causing a ruckus again. Witnesses say it was the 'Salamander' this time, but he fled before he could be questioned." He clarifies.

"I knew it." (First Name) groans. "Those idiots are gonna be the death of me." She bows in apology. "I can't apologize enough for the behavior of my guild, so may I be allowed to make up for the damage they caused?"

"You're a member of Fairy Tail?!"

She shows off the PokéBall patterned guild mark a little ways beneath her collar bone, over her heart. Her Pokémon follow suit, showing off their Fairy Tail marks that have been woven into the bandanas they wear around their necks. "As much as it pains me sometimes, I'm afraid so."

"And just how exactly do you intend to fix all the damage done to the town?"

"Like this." She takes Pika-Chan and Chu-Kun off her shoulders before taking a stance, her hands raised out in front of her, palms facing the town. "Dialga: Time Restore!" 

A diamond blue magic circle shaped like a clock with both its hands on the 12 appears in front of her open palms. With one hand, she moves her pointer finger counterclockwise and the hands on the clock follow her fingers. As the hands of the clock move backwards the damage done to the town is reversed to where it looks as nothing had disturbed the peaceful town. The PokéMage does the same to the boat on the shore, before bowing in apology once again to the official and making her way to the nearest restaurant. Unknowing of how her quick clean up left citizens speechless.

The Electric-Type siblings burst into laughter at the sight of the citizens' and army's jaws falling to the ground at their trainer's miraculous power.

Did you see the looks on their faces?

Pika-Chan laughs out.


Her brother joins in, laughing just as hard.

(First Name) remains oblivious to the reason for her friends laughing fit and is more concerned with filling her stomach after that unexpected delay.

~At Fairy Tail~

Upon reaching the giant doors of her guild hall, the young PokéMage of Fairy Tail could hear the familiar sounds of a brawl beyond the doors.

Never a dull moment in this place.

Chu-Kun sweat drops.

"Oh yeah." His trainer agrees.

Well, no point in prolonging the inevitable.

"Yeah. We gotta report to the old man." (First Name) smiles at the thought of the father-figure/guild master of Fairy Tail.

As she pushes open the doors to the guild hall, she narrowly dodges a table flying at her. Furniture, food, and even other guildmembers are thrown around the hall. From how not bad it was compared to other fights that break out in Fairy Tail it most likely just started.

Guildhall sweet guildhall/"Guildhall sweet guildhall" The three of them say together. Pika-Chan and Chu-Kun dive into their trainers thick hair to avoid getting hit.

The PokéMage punches and kicks away tables and chairs that come flying at her without the use of her powers.

Suddenly, a familiar blue fuzzball come flying at her. She catches the blue object as gently as she could and cradles it close to her chest. The little blue fuzzball is actually revealed to be her friend Natsu's flying cat partner and best friend, Happy.

Happy is a small blue cat with a white stomach. He has a rectangular head, with pink ears, big black eyes with small, thin eyebrows, and light blue cheek marks near to his tiny whiskers (two on each side of his face). Happy has a triangular nose that leads to semi-round upper lips on the sides. His body is rectangular too. But unlike a normal cat, he has a structure that allows him to walk erect, and talk.

"Hey, Happy. How's it going?" She greets the little cat.

"(First Name) you're back from your mission?" The cat asks.

"Yeah, it was a piece of cake really. Did this fight just start?"

"Aye. A guildmember gave Natsu information about a 'Salamander' in Hargeon, but it was a completely different person than we were looking for. When we got back, Natsu was really mad at the guy, and it turns out his information was just a rumor he was passing along." Happy explains.

"Ah. How 'bout I have Mira fix you up a nice fish after all that bouncing around you did?"

"You're the best, (First Name)." He praises as he snuggles further into her bust.

"Anything for my little pal."

(First Name) safely transports Happy and her Pokémon companions to the bar table and ordered Happy his fish and a (Favorite Drink & Snack) for herself and her own partners.

"Hey Mira, cold I get a usual please?"

"(First Name)! Did you just get back in? How was the mission?" The beautiful, white-haired barmaid asks.

"Child's play." (First Name) replies as she takes a sip of her drink.

Meanwhile in the brawl, a black haired, blue-eyed toned young man, dressed only in his dark blue boxers turns to face the one who started the fight in the first place: an energetic, fire-spitting, pink haired young man.

"So, Natsu finally made it back, huh?" The black haired young man growls.

~This is Gray Fullbuster. A very talented wizard. But he tends to—Well, he has a bad habit of taking off his clothes.~

Gray is a muscular young man, who wears the mark of the Fairy Tail guild in dark blue on his right pectoral. His most consistent pieces of clothing are his necklace, which resembles a sword with a stone in it, a metal bracelet and a chain which is attached to the belt loops on the right side of his pants.

"It's time we settle things once and for all."

"Gray, your clothes again." A curvaceous woman with dark purple hair that goes down to her chin and wears light clothing. Her most notable feature being her right eye is a snowy-white with a crack-like scar going through it at an angle.

~This lovely woman is Ur. Gray Fullbuster's magic teacher, who he actually blames for his stripping habit.~

She's a woman of average height with a slim, curvaceous figure. Her irises are black and she keeps her dark purple hair at chin length. Her hair is normally quite unkempt, cascading down the sides of her face and covering her ears. Only a few strands of her hair hang down her temple, some falling between her eyes. She wears a short, tan jacket with a dark brown collar and cuff and two breast pockets. The pockets could be closed by buttoning the small flaps above them to their front. She leaves her jacket open to reveal a maroon tube top below it, partially exposing her midriff. She wears a pair of black jeans and a belt with a scaly design and metal buckle. Her outfit is completed by a pair of simple brown shoes.

"I don't have time for that, Ur!"

"Seriously Ur, how can you say that he's your pupil without feeling embarrassed?" Asks a tall, yet slim, young woman with an ample bust size, with long brown hair dressed in a bikini top and brown capri pants, with wide bracelets on her biceps and silver bangle bracelets adorning both her wrists.

~This lovely young lady is Cana Alberona. She holds the title of Fairy Tail's heaviest drinker.~

Cana let's out a mushroom sigh. "You see? I don't date the men here because they have no class." She then proceeds to chug down an entire barrel of alcohol down.

Pichupipichupichuchupichu? (Is it possible that she's the one that doesn't have any class?)

Chu-Kun queries.

"You're lucky she can't understand you, numbskull." (First Name) warns.

"Come here and fight me Natsu." Gray shouts as he kicks some sorry guildmember out of his way.

"Not until you put some clothes on." The pink haired young man, yells over his shoulder as he continues to pummel the guy that probably gave him bad information on finding his dragon father-figure Igneel.

Natsu is a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, spiky pink-colored hair, and has abnormal sharp canines; He has a scar on the right side of his neck, hidden by his scarf. His outfit consists of a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, often left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, a gold trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a leather brown belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle, white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and the scale-patterned scarf.

The heavy clomps of wooden sandals sound from behind (First Name). "It's not even noon and you boys are already whining like spoiled babies."

The young mage looks up past her should to see a well-built, tan skinned young man. With his slightly massive stature he towers over the young woman. His spiky white hair makes him look even taller, and the scar under his right eye makes him look even more so intimidating.

~This brute of a man is Elfman. A muscle-bound wizard who believes that all you need to solve any problem are two strong fists.~

His black Fairy Tail stamp is located on the left part of his neck. His outfit consists of a dark blue jacket with purplish blue inners, held closed on the front by a line of large buttons, with similar buttons on the sleeves' back and the zip located on the high collar left open. The back of his jacket is adorned by large, light kanjis, which read "Man", and the jacket itself seems to be worn over a light red shirt, sometimes seemingly replaced by an A-shirt covered in many vertical lines. Elfman's outfit is completed by loose pants matching his jacket, held up by a simple belt, and traditional Japanese geta sandals, held in place by bands colored the same as his jacket's inners.

"I'm a real man. You want me to prove it to you?" He shouts as he holds up his fists.

Both Gray and Natsu turn around and punch him simultaneously, knocking him out of the fight. The buff wizard skids right by the girl's feet and looks up at the beautiful wizard sitting on her stool, sipping her drink. "Hi, Elfman." She greets as she gazes down at him.

Pikapi! (Elfman!)

Pichipichu! (How ya doing?)

The Electric Pokémon wave down at the bashed-up wizard.

"(First Name)! Welcome back!" He greets back with even more boisterous splendor.

"It's good to be back!" She smiles at her guildmate, unaware of the small blush creeping up the wizard's cheeks. The white-haired wizard is quick to get back into the fight.

"They knocked him out that easily?"

The PokéMage and her Pokémon turn to look to where the unfamiliar voice sounds. Her gaze lands on a busty young woman with blonde hair and brown eyes with a small portion of it pulled up into a little ponytail on the right side of her head.

A newcomer?

Her Pichu wonders.

"Most likely." (First Name) mutters.

The sound of girls giggling draws the Pokémon wizard's attention away from the blonde newbie and to another young man with short spikey orange hair. His gorgeous hazel eyes covered by a pair of azure-tinted glasses. Two studs and a ring adorn his left ear as does a girl on each arm. His attire consists of a green coat with a wide collar, complete with prominent, spiky, brownish-white fur trimming lining the hood, over a light red shirt covered in many flower-like motifs, black pants and whitish sneakers, each adorned by a pair of light green stripes.

"Jeez, it's so noisy around here, huh?"

The girls on his arms sigh dreamily at his soft voice.

~This is the lady-killer, Loke, ranked high on the most eligible wizard bachelor's list.~

A glass cup suddenly strikes Loke smack dab in the middle of his forehead.

"Are you all right?" One of the girls question with worry.

Loke merely scowl, but recomposes himself in front of the girls.

"I'm gonna go fight. Only to protect you two."

"Good luck, Loke." Both girls chime.

Pichuchupipichu. (Still a smooth talker as ever.)

Chu-Kun groans.

Pikachuchupipipikachupika. ((First Name), promise us you won't ever fall for that blowhard, Romeo-wannabe.)

"I'll try to contain myself." She teases.

Meanwhile, the blonde newcomer crosses out Loke's picture in a Sorcerer's Weekly magazine. "He's definitely off my list before turning around to face the madness going on around her. "What the heck is wrong with these people? There's not one sane person in the whole place."

"Hello, are you new here?"

The blonde turns around to face a white-haired young woman who was carrying some drinks on a server tray.

The blonde starts to fangirl at the white-haired bar maid. "It's Mirajane! In the flesh!"

Mirajane giggles.

~This is Mirajane, a beautiful wizard who's known for her bikini-clad photo-spreads in Sorcerer Weekly magazine. She is currently an employee at Fairy Tail.~

Mirajane is a slim young woman of below average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle's most distinctive trait is a short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. Due to her always adopting such fashion, her hair seems to have adapted to it, with the hair on her forehead remaining pointed upwards even when not tied. She has large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts. Her white Fairy Tail Stamp is located on her left thigh. Her attire is a sleeveless, ankle-length maroon dress with a pleated skirt. The chest is adorned by a large, pink bow, and similarly colored trimmings frame the rather ample neckline, acting as straps, and circle around the waist. Mirajane also wears high-heeled shoes that match her dress, and accessorizes with a small chain necklace with a blue oval gem attached to it, and a bracelet made of white flowers circling her right wrist.

"Um, don't you think we should try to stop them or something?" The new girl questions pointing to the fight still going on."

Mirajane only smiles as she observes the craziness. "It's always like this around here. I just leave them alone."

(First Name) takes note of Elfman quickly flying through the air, about to crash into Mirajane.

The PokéMage raises one hand while the other holds her half empty drink. "Psychic-Type: Light Screen!"

(First Name)'s eyes glow blue and a multicolored wall appears protectively over an oblivious Mirajane and newcomer, shielding them from being hit by the incoming buff wizard.

"Despite how it looks, it's actually kind of fun." Her Pokémon cry in agreement. "Really Mira-Chan, you need to be more aware of things." She scolds playfully.

~And this is (First Name) (Last Name) or better known as the PokéMage. A kind, caring S-Class wizard with a completely one of a kind magic. Her abilities lie with her shared relationship with the mysterious creatures known as Pokémon. Though she has an innocent beauty to her, she will fight tooth and nail to protect her family; Both of them.~

"No way! You're (First Name) the PokéMage! And your partners Pika-Chan and Chu-Kun! It's such an honor to meet you all!" She fangirls.

"That would be us." (First Name) smiles kindly to her.

The Pokémon wizard is suddenly knocked to the ground by someone landing on her. A very naked someone.

A proud smirk is plastered on Natsu's face as he swings around Gray's boxers.

Lucy shields her eyes while Pika-Chan and Chu-Kun rush to their trainer and shield hers with their tiny paws.

"Give me back my underwear, jerk!" Gray exclaims as he gets off from atop (First Name), unaware that he landed on her.

Pikapipipikachu! (How dare you soil our fair princess' eyes with your lack of clothes!)

Pipichupichupichu! (Put some clothes on or your in for a world of hurt!)

Gray turns toward the angry Pokémon and takes note of their trainer on the ground, and because he couldn't understand the creatures, he remained oblivious to their serious threat.

"Excuse me, (First Name). Could I please borrow your underwear?"

Pikabu/Pichu (Like Hell!!)

The two Electric-Types bring down a powerful Iron Tail upon the naked wizard's head making him faceplant into the wooden floor of the guildhall.

Loke suddenly picks up the Pokémon wizard bridal style. "These guys are all so insensitive. A beauty such as yourself, (First Name), has needs—"

The charmer is then punched in the face by Elfman, causing him to drop the S-Class mage. "Real men speak with their fists, Loke!"

The muscular wizard is then kicked away by Natsu. "I told you to butt out!"

"Aye." Happy moans.

"Ugh, it's so loud. So much for having a drink to relax." Cana scowls. She then takes a magic tarot card and holds it above her head. "That's enough, you guys. I suggest that you knock it off." A bluish-green magic circle appears from the card.

Gray gathers his own magic in his open palm and fist placed together. "Oh, yeah? Says who?"

Next, Elfman gets in on the action as a purple magic circle wraps around his arm, causing it to become rocklike all the way up to his shoulder.

The ring on Loke's finger glows green and begins to emit its own magic. "You punks can be such a nuisance."

Then fire starts to engulf Natsu's fists. "I'm ready for you!"

(First Name) removes a PokéBall from the shoulder strap of her bag and sets down her empty drink glass. "Things are getting serious now. I think maybe we should join now." She spins the PokéBall on her finger and her Pikachu and Pichu's cheeks begin to spark up.

"They always fight like this?" The new girl questions fearfully as she holds up Happy like a shield.

"Uh-huh." The cat answer nonchalantly.

"You don't seem worried."

A giant shadow suddenly looms over all in the guildhall and a loud voice booms off the walls. "WOULD YOU FOOLS STOP BICKERING LIKE CHILDREN?!!"

"He's huge!" The new girl cries.

Everyone freeze at the booming voice and immediately stops their fighting.

The only sound made was a cough.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still here, Master." Mirajane apologizes sweetly.

"Did you say Master?" The new girl panics.

The entire guild tries to pretend the fight never transpired, all except a pink-haired pyro.

He begins to laugh loudly and obnoxiously. "Man, talk about a bunch of babies. Looks like I won this round, you guy—" The fire wizard is cut off by Master's giant foot being brought down on him.

The new girl squeaks in fright. This action also gains her the attention of the Master.

"Well, seems we've a new recruit." He says.

"Yes, sir." The frightened girl responds.

The Master lets out a loud roar as his enormous shadowy form begins to shrink down till he's now a short old man. "Nice to meet ya." He greets kindly to the newbie in a normal, less terrifying, voice.

"He's tiny!" She exclaims. "This little guy's really in charge here?"

"Of course he is." Mirajane giggles. "Allow me to introduce the Fairy Tail Guild Master: Makarov."

The Master then flips up to the second floor, but hits his head on the railing before fixing himself upright and glaring down lightly at the guildmembers gathered down below. "You've gone and done it again, ya bunch of clods. Just look at how much paperwork the Magic Council sent me this time." He reveals said large stack of papers. "This is the biggest pile of complaints yet."

~Remember the Magic Council? Well, they monitor all of the different wizard guilds.~

"Have you lost your minds?" The Master demands to know. "Most of you kids are good for is getting the higher-ups mad at me!"

All the guild can do is murmur.

The Master has begun to grumble and shake with anger.

"However . . ." The stack of papers is suddenly lit on fire. "I say to heck with the Magic Council." The Master throws the flaming stack of papers over the railing and Natsu catches it in his mouth and begins to devour it, seeing as how with his particular magic, he can feed on his own element.

"Now, listen up." The Master says gaining everyone's attention once more. "Any power that surpasses reason still comes from reason, right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic, one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul. If all we do is worry about following rules, then our magic will never progress. Don't let those blowhards on the council scare you. Follow the path you believe in. Because that's what makes the Fairy Tail Guild number one!" He finishes with a proud yell holding up his index finger, pointing it to the sky. The entire guild aside from the newbie copies their Master's actions.

"Besides, every complaint was rendered null and void thanks to (First Name)." The Master begins to look around searching for the young girl that saved him so much headache. "Child, are you here?"

"Present, Master!" The girl in question exclaims and raises her hand in the air like a student in a classroom.

The old man smiles proudly. "Welcome back, my dear. And also, before I forget, the Council wanted me to commemorate you for taking out the main Guilds working in the black market. But they question why you completely annihilated their guildhalls and beat each and every one of them to near death."

"I caught them selling Pokémon Eggs, and infant Pokémon. Newborns, Master! They've been taken away from their homes and forced into cages like wild animals! Those pitiful excuses for wizards even collared them and were selling them to the highest bidders. Those guys got what was coming to them. They should be glad it was just me and not my teachers, otherwise there might not have been anything left."

The Master hums to himself. "I see. Wrath well deserved then."

The rest of Fairy Tail gathers around the young mage welcoming her back home.

"(First Name), fight me!" Natsu moves to rush the girl, but retaliates by kicking the fire dragon slayer into the roof of the guildhall.

"I wouldn't do that Natsu. (First Name) and her Pokémon have been constantly cleaning up the damage all you clods have been causing. And after that mess you caused in Hargeon, she isn't too happy with you. This is often why she takes so long to get back."

"Yeah, 'cause I'd like the guild to remain here thank you very much."

Pika! (Yeah!)

Pichu! (Ditto!)

Her two main Pokémon agree with her.

The Fairy Tail Guild grins and smiles at the young mage's unwavering loyalty to protect her second family.

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