After Dark Comes Midnight 2

By mysteriousthrill

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50 7 15
By mysteriousthrill

Zayn's POV

R.I.P Jamie Solis 1993-2014

R.I.P Child of Jamie Solis and Zayn Malik 2014-2014

Year 2014

I squeezed the dirt and grass in my hand as I re-read the words over and over again. My hands were muddy and they were shaking in both sadness and anger. My eyes stung from crying so much over Jamie. I threw the pile of dirt in anger and continued crying.

"Why Jamie?" I lowered my head as I cried on myself. "Why?"

"We were gonna have-" I stopped because I knew I wasn't going to be able to even say the word. Sitting here, in the middle of my child's and Jamie's gravestone was beyond devastating. I felt like- I felt like I had no other reason in life to live for. It felt like my whole entire body wanted to purposely shut down and die with them. I punched the dirt and cried into my dirty hands. I was so close. So close, to finally being happy. To finally having a family just like my mum wanted me to have. To finally give her the grand kids she longed for. I was so close.

"But who am I kidding, right Jamie?" I talked to her gravestone. "You never liked me. I was always a game to you. Nothing but a stupid game and you won!" I stared clapping. "You made me believe I had a chance. You," I sighed, shook my head and lowered my head again. "What am I saying?" I talked to myself.

A few minutes later, Dan showed up and sat next to me.

"Thank you," Dan spoke. "For keeping an eye on her when I couldn't."

I stayed silent.

"You made her so happy, Zayn. Couldn't thank you enough."

"Yeah," I wiped my face. "Yeah no problem." I stood up and left.

Year 2019

"Like always, I'm the last one to leave." I smiled at the gravestone that held the girl I love and our child. "Although it wasn't much fun seeing the rest." I chuckled. "They're doing good though, nothing to worry about, Luna is great. She's healthy. Super tall and chubby." I chuckled. "I didn't want her to leave my side." I stared at the dirt. "Niall's a lucky guy. It was probably best that he ended up being her father." I sighed and stared at the sky. "It's been rough without you. It's been rough without you both I should say." I silently stared at the grave. "It's just," A lump grew in my throat and tears formed in my eyes. "It feels like I'm half a heart without you, you know? Like," I shook my head. "It's stupid." I sat there in silence.

"On the bright side," I sighed. "I moved back to Henderson. Nick, Xavier, and Nicole came to visit you a couple years ago, by the way. Jose misses you so much. I lost contact with everyone else. I kind of promised to stay away from Luna and all of them. Niall's doing a great job at being the father I will never get to be, so why interfere. Did you know Nick had a secret crush on you? Almost taught that punk a lesson." I chuckled as I played with the grass. "I miss you so much Jamie. So so so much."

Year 2034: Twentieth Anniversary of Jamie's Death

"So remember how I told you my sister finally got married?" I sat down in the usual spot and placed a boquet of Fressia's on her grave. "The littlest one, Safaa. She's expecting another baby girl in about three weeks." I paused. "She said she was going to name her Jamie." My eyes started to sting. "For being the youngest one, she really understands me. She was there for me. She's the reason I stopped drinking." I huffed. "Really freaking cliche, I know." I shook my head. "I'm better now. Not getting any younger that's for sure." I laughed. "Almost forty-four." I rubbed my chin. "Still working at the mechanic shop in Henderson." I nodded. "Nothing really new. I miss and love you so much."

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