When Things Go the Wrong Righ...

By CDMarie

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Excerpt: "What the hell?" I said pulling at my right wrist that was attached to the headboard. "It's about t... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: New Path
Chapter 3: Dante
Chapter 4: Best Day Of His Life
Chapter 5: Lipgloss
Chapter 6: Becoming a Slayer
Chapter 7: Surprises and School
Chapter 8: Just a Typical High School Party
Chapter 9: Let's Not Get Sacrificed
Chapter 10: Escape
Chapter 11: Him Again
Chapter 12: Scary Dreams
Chapter 13: Betrayal
Chapter 14: Brotherly Love
Chapter 15: Sacrifice
Chapter 16: Reborn
Chapter 17: Opposite Day
Chapter 18: Vampira
Chapter 19: No Plan
Chapter 20: Blue Potion
Chapter 21: Sight
Chapter 22: Early Visitor
Chapter 23: Family
Chapter 24: Failed Escape
Chapter 25: Weak
Chapter 26: Heart Broken
Chapter 27: New Legal Guardian
Chapter 28: The New World
Chapter 29: Old Friend
Chapter 30: Working With The Enemy
Chapter 31: Betrayal
Chapter 32: Dreams Do Come True
Chapter 33: Reunited... ish
Chapter 34: Father Daughter Moment
Chapter 35: Annoying Witch
Chapter 36: Escape
Chapter 37: We Had A Deal
Chapter 38: Battle lines
Chapter 39: Lives Lost
Chapter 40: New Threat
Chapter 41: Not Again
Chapter 42: Strange Places
Chapter 44: Surprise
Chapter 45: Changing the Future
Chapter 46: The End

Chapter 43: Not So Friendly

14 3 0
By CDMarie

When we reached the center of the town all eyes were on us. They all looked at us as if we just walked up to the cool kids table in high school. We continued walking anyway to a huge building marked city hall. I hesitated as we reached the door. Do I knock or just walk in?

"Hello?" I said as I walked through the door, followed by the three humans.

"How did you get in?!" A man in a muscle tank top and black short shaggy hair.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb! You're a vampire!" He called back.

"I haven't killed a human who wasn't supernatural. You see I am a vampire, but also a slayer." I told him.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

I told the witch about our journey and how we needed witches. Basically giving him the same speech I gave to the mayor of the last town, hoping some witches would help.

"I'm sure there are a few witches here who would love to help you. I will bring you to them." He said walking away and motioning for us to follow him.

"So what's your name?"

"Nathaniel, yours?"


"Wait Marie? Who turned you into a slayer?" Nathaniel asked.

"A witch named Trollhella, why?"

Nathaniel stared at me for a long time as if he knew me this whole time and just now placed how he knew me.

"What?" I asked.

"I've just heard a lot about you. I'm Trollhella's brother." He informed me.

"Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. Your sister and I were really close. If it helps at all I killed the witch responsible for her death." I told him.

"Yeah it was very difficult at first, but I'm dealing." He told me. "Also you can count me in to help you."


Nathaniel lead us into a garden full of picnic tables where at least half the town was. Just like when we were on us.

"You brought a vampire in?!" One asked outraged.

"How'd she get through the barrier?!"

Shout after shout peopled yelled in anger and betrayal.

"This is Marie the vampire who when she was human Trollhella made a slayer!" Nathaniel announced.

I thought this would bring them to my side, but it only added fuel to the fire.

"She is responsible!" People shouted.

"Let's make her pay!"

Quickly the witches got closer and closer. I turned to look at Nathaniel for help, but he was with the angry mob.

"Nathaniel?" I questioned.

"You are the reason my sister is dead!" He yelled. "Someone has to pay!"

"I told you I killed the man responsible!" I argued.


I realized he lead me here on purpose. He wanted me dead. All these witches blamed me for Trollhella's death and I don't think there is anything I can say to change their minds. That doesn't mean I won't try.

"Trollhella was my friend. We fought side by side in a war, Good vs, Evil. We both fought for the good of mankind and she died at the hands of another witch." I explained.

The mob although I tried to talk them down were still planning and preparing to kill me. I would run, but the witches could stop me. I had to convince them.

"If you kill me now, everything Trollhella fought and died for would be for nothing! There's a vampire who as we speak is planning the end of the world as we know it. He is gathering people to fight, witches and vampires. I can stop him, if you just give me the chance." I pleaded.

It was quiet for awhile as if debating whether I would live or die. After a view minutes the witches relaxed and Nathaniel stepped forward.

"If you don't stop this vampire, we will kill you." He warned.

He was an amazing example of what losing someone could do to a person. You never fully understand what it's like until it happens to you.

"Okay, but can I have a few witches to come with me and help?"

They huddled back together for a few minutes then Nathaniel responded. "We will turn the humans into slayers, but that's it. You have to the rest."

"Thank you." I nodded to him.

"Don't thank us yet, you still have to stop the vampire." He replied.

They brought Nate, Rider and Harper into a building and put them in chairs just like Trollhella did for me. It was quite the interesting experience watching it from the outside. It looks so much scarier.

It was a whole new experience when the blood came along. As a vampire I had never felt the urge for slayer blood, but smelling it now, fresh, it was like a whole new world was waiting for me if I could just have one taste...

"Marie! Snap out of it!" I told myself when I realized I was inching closer to the three humans being turned into slayers.

I stepped outside for a little to get a hold of myself. Dante had some strength being able to resist my blood during the time when I was the one being spelled. The urge for the blood is so great no wonder not many slayers have lasted more than a couple years.

"It's done." Nathaniel called to me.

I thanked the witches again before we left and met Dante and Tigger back at the jet. Luckily for us the side effects didn't kick in on the walk.

"So where are we going to find other witches?" I asked Dante a little stressed.

"Marie relax we still have 25 days till we need to return." He told me.

"Where are they going to stay so Lucifer doesn't find them?" I asked.

"Marie they can stay at my house, it's okay." He says, his deep eyes looking deep into mine.

How can I have any worries when I am getting this look?

*Ring *Ring

"Hello." I said answering my phone.

"Marie? Lucifer just called he's going to be back in six days! Get back here!" Hunter ordered before hanging up.

All this talk about having so much time and now we have six days before Lucifer returns.

"That was Hunter, Lucifer is coming back in six days." I explained.


"How can we find more witches and train the slayers when we have to be back in six days?!" I yelled at Dante.

"Marie not trying to stress you out, but Lucifer is always early, he likes to catch people off guard."

"How are we going to pull this off?" I asked defeated.

It took months for me to train, and I had two vampires to help me. We didn't even think about where we are going to keep these new slayers without Lucifer finding them. This is just a lot to handle, even for me.

"Marie, calm down." Dante told me.

I was so stressed that I was hyperventilating.

"Look Marie, the new slayers can stay at my place and train where you trained."

"But they have no one to train them." I exasperated.

"Marie, Dante spoke very softly and put his hand on my shaking knee. "Tigger can help them train. Christopher can go find other vampires and witches." Dante's words stopped my worrying and calmed my shaking body.

For the first time I no longer was sad, Dante not only calmed my body, but also repaired my heart. It was as if I was born again. The sadness gone and hope resurfaced. Who knew a single moment could change so much.

"So Marie isn't training us?" Harper asked concerned.

"Don't worry I'm sure Tigger is highly qualified to train you guys." I assured them.

"Are you?" Nate asked.

"You guys want to see if I'm qualified, how about I fight Marie when this plane lands?" He suggested.

"That sounds great! What do you think Maire?" Rider asked.

"I think Tigger better be prepared because not only am I a slayer, but a vampire too."

Dante smiled and for the first time he looked different. He smile looked brighter and his dark eyes sparkled. It's different than the way I see everyone else.

An hour passed and we were back in Washington. Everyone eagerly got off awaiting the fight ahead.

"So Marie, you ready?" Tigger questioned.

"Oh yeah." I nodded

We both got in fighting position and I made the first move. Tigger dodged my punch and when I went to kick him he caught my leg and flipped me onto my back. It was a lot like this for the rest of the short fight.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Not even evil Dante could take me." I said amazed.

"Hey!" Dante shouted offended.

"Sorry he has skill." I announced.

"Wow that was awesome!" Rider shouted.

I'm both sad and glad TIgger is such a good fighter. On one hand the new slayers have an amazing trainer. That also means I'm not as invincible as I thought I was. Even as a vampire, vampire slayer I can still be defeated.

"So how are we getting back to Oregon?" Nate asked.

"Well the vampire we are going to be fighting is expecting Marie and I to be at the house we've been staying in. You guys will ride to my house with Tigger." Dante explained.

"Wait does that mean we won't be able to talk to Marie?" Harper asked.

"Just text Dante and I will reply as soon as I can." I instructed. "But don't worry you have Tigger."

We all piled into our separate cars and started driving. It was really quiet which gave me a lot of time to think. How many other vampires are stronger than me? I'm suppose to save the world. How can I do that if other vampires are stronger?

"What are you thinking about?"

"Huh?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts.

"What's running through that pretty little head of yours?"

"Um... It's just weird Tigger could fight me so easily." I said.

"Ah... Makes sense now." He said nodding. "Marie, Tigger was spelled to be able to fight bad vampires, kinda like you. He just has more experienced than you."

"Oh makes sense. Are there a lot of vampires as strong as Tigger?"

"I only know of one other." Dante said looking at me.

Dante always knows what to say to make me feel better. Wait a sec... did he just call me pretty? I looked and smiled. Is it possible that Dante likes me?

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