Rewriting History (Obito x Re...

By JillianJuneBug

418K 18.1K 22.4K

You had always thought that Obito deserved better. In fact, you would have done anything to change the outcom... More

Making Time
That Mission
No Expectations
How Could You?
The Limit
Hide and Seek
The Savior of This World
A Night Out
The Uchiha Clan
The Ultimate Test
Fire and Earth
Misguided Judgement
Something Extraordinary
Life Goes On
Love in Its Purest Form
The Meaning of Peace
A Shinobi's Resolve

Swelling Fire

11.4K 491 402
By JillianJuneBug

A/N: This chapter's picture I commissioned from hakkobi on Tumblr depicting the events from last chapter ^^


Why? Why would Minato-sensei send an Earth Style user to the Land of Lighting? He's smarter than that. He wouldn't purposefully and needlessly put me in harm's way, right?

Such intrusive thoughts plagued your mind even weeks after returning to the Hidden Leaf Village following your close brush with death at the hands of a lightning-style user of the Hidden Cloud. You didn't want to blame Minato since you should have been more mindful about the elemental matchup, but that didn't stop you from wondering – why. Something just wasn't right, and you knew it.

You recalled the morning your teammate Hideki interrupted your earnest meeting with Obito by the pond to respond to an emergency mission personally issued by the Hokage. You immediately felt that something was off about Minato as soon as you stepped into his office as he would occasionally glance your way with a specific look in his eyes while instructing your team of the mission – though you had your suspicions that this 'emergency mission' was just a cover-up to get you into Minato's office without rousing suspicion. After receiving your orders, your team scattered while you stayed behind, returning a serious look to Minato which confirmed that something was undoubtedly occurring behind the scenes.

Minato summoned you to his office under false pretenses to ask you to provide sensitive intel – regarding the Uchiha clan.

When you stopped Obito from being crushed all those years ago, you simultaneously prevented the Nine-Tails from being released into the village. You knew that the Nine-Tails was controlled by the Sharingan, which caused fierce distrust between the Uchiha clan and the rest of the village after the incident. This boiling hatred was why the Uchiha were planning an uprising and consequentially lead Itachi to massacre his clan to prevent civil war. You thought that because of what you did, the village avoided that entire catastrophe - that was until you met with the Fourth Hokage that morning.

There was still great tension among the Uchiha clan – an ancient hatred that spanned since long before the Hidden Leaf was established. This hatred has only expanded over time, and Minato was beginning to catch on to it. With few options, he knew that he could turn to you for potentially valuable knowledge with your 'foresight.' You decided that now was the right time to reveal to him the secrets of the Uchiha clan.

It was then you discovered - you didn't completely prevent a massacre or uprising, you only rearranged when it will occur.

Minato broke the news after you explained everything you knew about the events that led up to the original clan downfall. He was shocked to learn that the clan had planned to overthrow the Hidden Leaf if not for the village's Uchiha execution orders, but even now, there was still too much apprehension between the village and Uchiha clan. You inhaled a quick gasp from realizing that every life in the Uchiha clan was at dire risk. If this wasn't stopped, another massacre was likely to take place – a clan once again assassinated for power, for traditions, and for differences of opinion. Everyone in the clan deserved a second chance. But this needed to stop, now.

You were to return the next day to discuss possible alternatives to genocide, but a man with the Uchiha emblem on his sleeves stopped you with urgent orders from the Hokage to report to the village gates to leave for the Land of Lightning immediately. That was weeks ago, and you still needed to rendezvous with the Hokage about the Uchiha Clan. You couldn't wait any longer. Who knew when the massacre would happen!

As you jerked your upper body up in your hospital bed in stark realization, clutching your bandaged chest from the sting of your wound caused by the sudden movements, you then decided that you needed answers. Now.


You knocked on the door to your best friend's house that night. Obito had plans to visit you at the hospital the next morning, but you just couldn't wait. It took all the strength you had to drag yourself across the village to his house, but this was urgent. A deep hole in your chest wouldn't stop you from reaching your goal. You hoped that your knocks wouldn't wake his grandmother when the door slid open, revealing the young Uchiha as his entire face lit up from seeing you.

"(y/n)! Those nurses let you go early? Seems a little late for discharges, though. What's up?"

Obito caught on to your anxious expression that told him you weren't supposed to be out, and he quickly ushered you inside.

With your legs crosscrossed, both of you sat on his bed across from each other. You rubbed at your temples dreadfully, trying to collect your thoughts and organize what had to be discussed.

"What's going on?" Obito asked in a mild tone, trying not to disturb his sleeping grandmother.

"Obito, we need to talk," you said solemnly. Obito's cheeks flushed at all the different implications behind your words.

"Your clan... do they... ever get together and... do anything?" You already knew that they did, but you wanted to hear an Uchiha's side on the matter.

Obito's eyes closed and he tilted his head nonchalantly, his eyebrows slightly creased in annoyance. "Yeah, ever since I became a Chunin, people from my clan have been bugging me to go to these dumb meet-"

He cut himself off, but you already knew why. The Uchiha were to keep those meetings secret, but you already relayed to the Fourth Hokage that the clan periodically group up to discuss political matters, including their growing disdain for the village. You were aware of a great deal about the Uchiha, but not everything. You needed Obito to share more with you.

"You need to tell me what's been going on at those meetings. Anything is helpful."

Could you have been any less subtle, (y/n)?!

Obito blinked at you, surprised that you knew about the clan meetups, but his expression soon switched to troubled contemplation. "I'm not supposed to say; the things they say there aren't allowed to spread to people outside the clan, that's what they tell me, anyway," he stated begrudgingly, his eyesight focused on the wall.

"Obito. Please." Your soft plea caught his attention as you looked up at him with genuine distress in your eyes. You weren't being manipulative. Obito saw real urgency on your face. Your beautiful face, he thought, finally succumbing to your benevolent request.

"Well, I'll admit that I don't go to too many of those meetings anymore. I guess the higher-ups sort of lost track of me and stopped caring if I showed up. It's 'cause they think I'm one of the weakest in the clan... so what good would I be there?" Obito asked rhetorically, his voice slightly raised in resentment. His face lowered with his fists trembling as they tightened to where the bones in his knuckles were clearly visible.

"Whoa, hey." Gentle hands softly enveloped his tense ones as you directed his attention back to your face. "You and I both know that's not true. Especially since you have the strongest willpower anyone's ever seen. Our brush with Madara is proof, and as your witness, I'll back you up if anyone thinks to give you any trouble! Besides, if anyone says that about you, you can just burn their house down. That doesn't sound weak to me!" 

Obito's eyes lit up with such delight at your answer; you couldn't help but return his happiness as you leaned in and planted a sweet kiss to Obito's cheek, prompting the Uchiha to tense in surprise; the scorching heat from his cheek almost seemed to burn your lips.

You elusively inhaled a swift breath in alarm over what you had just done as a matching blush effortlessly forced its way onto your cheeks as well. You quickly diverged the conversation before an uncomfortable silence could develop.

"So, about the meetings you did go to... did they ever talk about anything, well, scandalous?"

Obito's confused face flustered you.

"Or maybe anything suspicious? Anything that would put the village at risk?"

Smooth, (y/n).

He stared at you for a moment, arching a brow. "Where did this even come from? There's something going on with you that you aren't telling me, isn't there?"

Your heart sped up at Obito's continuously impressive deduction skills. "N-No, Obito! I mean, my best friend's in the famous Uchiha clan, it's only normal to want to learn more about them!"

Obito shot you a quiet and stern glare before he closed his eyes. He took a deep, slow breath then snapped them open to reveal his Mangekyou Sharingan and studied you intently.

"O-Obito, what are you-"

"You're lying to me."

"What? What makes you think that?"

"I see it in your heartbeat."

You took a sharp intake of breath, stunned at the idea that Obito could sense your heartrate with his new Sharingan abilities. You then sighed, seeing how avoiding the truth was no longer an option.

"Obito, I'm sorry... the truth is, Minato and I have been talking about your clan, and we think they're plotting an uprising against the village. People will die if we don't figure something out soon."

Obito looked almost offended by your statement, his luminous crimson eyes scrutinizing you through the dimness of his room. "How could you think that about us? They may look down on me (y/n), but Uchiha deserve respect!"

You tried shushing Obito back to an inside voice as he refused to quiet down. "You really think my entire clan would betray the village like that? Betray our comrades? Even Minato-sensei thinks that about us?" his voice lessened in intensity while dejection took its place after each question. You managed to catch a glimpse of tears pooling in his eyes from your accusations. Obito would never admit it, but he had an extremely sensitive soul. Your view on his clan cut him deeply.

"Oh, Obito... no," you cooed, not even realizing you placed a reassuring grip on his thigh, your only focus was trying to get him to understand you. "Uchihas are something so special. If I'm honest, I'm actually kind of jealous that I'm not one."

Obito's face softened as the images of the Uchiha symbol etched in your clothing flashed through his mind again, causing a fierce blush to develop on his cheeks even as you continued speaking.

"Not all Uchiha think that way, but some do. But that's why I'm here. I'm trying to get answers so I can save the Uchiha clan. Minato-sensei and I think they're in danger and we want to help them. You guys are our comrades, after all."

Obito's eyes widened, his eyebrows raising in a soft realization that you truly do care for the wellbeing of the Uchiha clan. He felt a little guilty; Obito knew better than to doubt your intentions.

"We need your help, Obito. Please tell me everything you know about your clan."

The remainder of the night was spent discussing his clan in detail. True to his word, Obito didn't know much about the subjects discussed at the Uchiha meetings, but his insider intel was enough for you to return to the Fourth Hokage with confidence the next day.

Unbeknownst to the both of you, ominous eyes watched your talk from afar, their grip on a nearby railing tightened in vexation until the metal rod bent under the immense pressure.


"So that pretty much covers all I've heard from them."

"Really," you mused, thinking out loud. "So some Uchihas think they're better than every other clan? That doesn't surprise me – the Sharingan really is something to be reckoned with."

Obito's eyes went downcasted, his mind in serious contemplation. "Yeah, but from what I hear, these guys take that idea to the next level. It's as if they obsess over it – like nobody else matters to them but our clan." He then blinked, raising his head back up. "They act like nothing can get in their way – not even the village. I heard one of them say that once."

Those must be the Uchiha who run the clan meetings, no doubt about it.

The conversation then began to die, and you found yourself hunching over with your elbow resting on your thigh and hand propping your chin up as you stared at your best friend with such an intrigue over his clan. You leisurely shifted your posture only for an unexpected pang to fill your torso followed by a sharp yelp to leave your throat, alarming Obito into advancing on his knees from his spot on the bed over to you, his hands grasping your shoulders in concern.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" he asked with urgency in his voice. Then it struck him that you had left the hospital early. "Why would they discharge you when you aren't fully healed yet?"

"They didn't, Obito... I had to sneak out."

"What?" he said in disbelief, still holding your shoulders. "You need to stop doing things like that! You're supposed to take it easy on yourself, remember?"

One of your palms laid flat on your cheek, leaning into it. "I couldn't help it. I just couldn't take staying there anymore. Besides," you hummed, the blush on your face now more pronounced. "I... really wanted to see you."

At that, Obito's grip on your shoulders subconsciously clutched tighter, the pink flush on his face was in the back of his mind as flustered nerves dominated his senses.

You were surprised when Obito said his clan viewed him as one of the weaker ones - sometimes it felt like he didn't even know his own strength. His strained grip on your bad shoulder sent jolts of pain down your arm. Soon, it became too much for you to bear.

"Could you... please be careful when you touch there, Obito? My shoulder hasn't healed quite right, either."

Obito had been so preoccupied with the wound on your chest that he totally overlooked the injury on your shoulder. His grip on them eased considerably, and then his hands brushed down to your elbows, absentmindedly stroking your upper arms downward along the way before his fingers clutched your hands in distress.

"We need to get you back to the hospital right now," he stated with a strained voice. He was midway from standing up before your soft voice froze Obito where he stood.

"Wait, Obito – the Hokage's office is closer to your house than it is to the hospital. I need to be there early tomorrow. Do you think I could, you know, spend the night here? For old time's sake?"

You could barely see Obito's face in the dark, but you could tell from his expression that he was hesitating because of your condition, but he ultimately gave in. He couldn't say no to your face.

Pleased, you rested your head on his pillow and laid down on your back – the best position to keep the wound undisturbed. Taking Obito's spot on his bed surprised him; you always stayed in the spare room. Immediately, you caught on to his awkward uncertainty.

"Sorry, I know this spot's yours. I just-" You inhaled deeply to try to drown out the pain of your injury. "-need to rest for a second. Until then..." You patted the spot next to you, a gesture to signal Obito to come lay down beside you. He nervously complied and mirrored your positioning on his back, the both of you staring up at his ceiling as if the stars were visible from the inside of his room.

The silence that followed was the first real silence you had shared with Obito in quite some time. The only discernable noise came from the synchronizing pattern of your breathing.

"You positive that you don't need to get back to your hospital room?" Obito asked in a gentle whisper, clearly still worried about you.

"Are you trying to tell me that you want me out of your bed?"

"N-no, no! Nothing like that! I'm just, kind of... tense, I guess."

The truth was, he was more than just a little tense. He was downright nervous, but he wasn't sure if he was more nervous about your injury, or more nervous about sharing his bed with you.

"Really? Tense about what?"

"You know." He avoided your direction while gesturing around the professional bandaging on your chest.

You chuckled. "Who needs those silly nurses anyway, when I have you?"

The positioning of Obito's head stuck to facing the ceiling out of anxiousness, but his dark eyes still attempted to shift in your general direction while the arms resting at his sides grew tense.

"If I somehow reopened my wound, I could just get you to use your 'extraordinary' bandaging skills again and I'll be good as new!" you remarked absentmindedly in a joking manner.

Obito remained silent, trying to keep his composure but the excessive sweat pouring off him indicated that he was failing, hard.

"But maybe we'll have more wrapping this time around – if there were a next time, I mean," you added, realizing how awkward this conversation must have been for him. "Not saying there will be, hopefully."

Obito almost lost it. Thinking about what he did for you in the tent – what he saw, and the intimate action that followed soon after proved too much for him to handle. The air around him became stifling from the thick tension surrounding him.

You didn't notice this, however. You interpreted the silence as rather comforting. Being around your best friend always brought you inner peace.

"I know I thanked you for it already, but I really want you to know how grateful I am for you, Obito," you purred, your hand sliding from your stomach to your side where it brushed against his before slowly and wordlessly lacing your fingers with his.

You were quick to notice the immense amount of sweat coating his hand, prompting you to turn your head to Obito, his line of sight stubbornly glued to the ceiling above.

"Obito... are you... am I... making you... uncomfortable?" Hurt was evident in your voice. Obito always made you feel so secure – only for you to be a source of stress for him. At that thought, the intertwining of your fingers reluctantly began to unravel.

Obito's mind was blank – short-circuited by the thought and touch of you, until the sense of the lessening grip around his fingers snapped him back to reality.

"Wait! No, (y/n), you're not. You make me anything but uncomfortable," he muttered while sheepishly guiding your hand back to couple with his.

Feeling the warmth of your fingers interconnected with his brought a profound sense of security and tranquility upon him. Only when he felt that emptiness of your touch leaving him did Obito discover - he needed this.

Silence struck the room again. With the tension lessening, both of you couldn't help but allow your heads to ease into the same pillow, exhaustion conquering your once uneasy mind.

In the midst in savoring the calming atmosphere beside you, Obito's mind began wandering to the last time you spent the night together. It was that morning when he experienced the feel of his first kiss. The discordant emotions coursing through him while sharing that tender moment with you was inexpressible. Obito's nerves prompted the kiss to be uncoordinated and rather sloppy. He cursed at himself for being such a fumbling mess when it came to you. Not to mention the brief moment of horror that had gripped him when Kakashi saw what he hoped to be a private, intimate moment with you. The mortified look on Kakashi's face would haunt Obito for the rest of his life.

Still, he found himself daydreaming about that morning, and even though it was plastered with awkwardness, he still felt the remnants of your touch on his cheek and lips, a touch that soothed him in a way that only yours could...

Eventually, you heard the sound of steady, relaxed breathing from the Uchiha lying next to you. You kept him up so late that the glowing sunrise began to peek through his window, enough for you to glance in his direction and see his face in deep relaxation as he succumbed to sleep, your hand still connected with his. You weren't expecting Obito to fall asleep so soon.

You were about to hoist your exerted body up discreetly as to not disturb him and lay down in the guest room, until he tossed over, furling his free arm across your stomach to fasten tautly onto your waist while his leg swaddled over yours, latching himself entirely onto you in his sleep-induced state. Obito would never admit it, but oftentimes he'd doze off with his pillow huddled at his side with a secure grip around it to simulate the feel of your body, much like how he was clasping at you currently.

It was such a comforting sentiment to him, but developing such a habit has its consequences; Obito would surely faint from blushing if he learned of how his subconscious joyously allowed intimate contact and carnal attachment to you without hesitation.

Oh my god, was all your mind could process upon Obito's unintentional embrace. It was your turn to become flustered.

Relax, (y/n). Relax! Obito's just sleeping. He doesn't mean to do this... but... I kind of wish he did.

Obito's body began to feel chilly, and you were rather frigid yourself. Taking advantage of the miniscule wiggle room, you maneuvered your foot to hook the clumsily folded blanket perched at the edge of his bed to your free hand to drape it snugly over both your bodies. Afterwards, your free arm hovered in place, contemplating its next destination.

You were unable to resist the urge to caress your palm gently across Obito's unscarred cheek before running your fingers through his dark, spiky hair. You were pleasantly surprised when Obito's body responded with a deeper inhale of air followed by a subtle, comforting squeeze to your waist that pressed you tightly against him, as if he were soothed by your touch. You didn't dare move. 

If Obito wakes up and sees us like this, he'd be a panicking, discomposed mess. You exhaled through your nose in modest amusement. Still, I don't want him distressed. I should really try to get up –

He abruptly pressed his face against yours and began nuzzling into your cheek, sending blooming waves of pleasing warmth in your chest.

...maybe I could stay for just a few more minutes.

Allowing Obito to fall asleep first left you alone with your thoughts. When you came to this world, you never imagined that you would be sharing a bed with your crush – no, scratch that. He was more than your crush. You loved Obito, and if the kiss you two shared previously was any indication, Obito had deep feelings for you, too. When your lips made contact that morning, you were sure that he requited that rapturous sentiment – but you still found it too hard to believe. To think that you stood even a chance against someone like Rin while you battled with her for Obito's affection – and won. It felt as if you were coiling into a cocoon and reliving your most desired reality in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Still, the two of you made no moves to confirm your feelings as official. You were nervous to, just in case this truly was just some cruel dream that you would be waking up from soon. Doubt soon filled your mind about what you should do about your best friend. You were so terrified of your heart shattering – a fear you've dragged along with you ever since you met Obito.

Then, you peeked at his face one more time. Instantly your worries and doubts felt as if they were melting away, dissolving and leaving no trace the longer you gazed into Obito's unwound but masculine face. It was then you decided that if the Uchiha Clan situation clears without issue, you will make your move. You will make it your goal to explicitly declare that you are in love with Obito Uchiha, – or you would at least try. Maybe. If you didn't chicken out first.

No. Don't think like that, (y/n), you can do it!

You looked to your slumbering friend again for extra reassurance. 

This was a serious decision – an action that you pleaded would end with the transitioning of being in love with your best friend, to being in love with your boyfriend. 

Satisfied with your resolution, you squeezed Obito's limp hand while shuffling even closer to his slumbering form. Your head tilted toward him and your forehead made gentle contact with his – your noses brushing together so subtly that it tickled. You had to leave soon to converge with Minato, but Obito's vulnerable expression and position combined with the intoxicating scent of your life-long friend convinced you to stay for just a bit longer. 

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