Secrets of Joanna Wheeler

By chu1luc

27.8K 573 79

Joanna or 'Joey' Wheeler isn't like most girls. She gets into fights, but to protect the weak, she plays with... More

Joanna Wheeler
It's Game Time
The Trap from Hell!
Kaiba Seto
The Watch Hunter!
The Millennium Puzzle and The Pendent
Shadi's Game
Digital Pet Riot
They Arrive! The Game Masters!
CapMon Unleashed!
The Lucky Champion
The Fang of the Prophet
Explosions on the First Real Date
Woman Trouble part 1, Can't Transform?!
Woman Trouble part 2, The Kind Nurse
Woman Trouble part 3, Popularity Contest
The Secret of the Pendant
Trouble brewing

The Teacher's Ugly Face

1.1K 25 1
By chu1luc

It was another Sunday, and Joanna was just finishing up her chores when she spotted a moving truck coming near her house. If she recalled someone bought the house next to hers and it looked like they were finally moving in.

A car came up next to the moving truck and a nice looking lady came out.

(This is her)

"Hi there! You new to the neighborhood?"

"Yes, looks like we'll be neighbors. I'm Susuki Anazaki."

"Pleasure Ms. Anazaki." Joanna said as they shook hands. 

The next day, Joanna was walking over to school and she saw the witch as she called her, Chouno-sensei.

"Chouno-sensei is beautiful again today," Miho said as the three of the four girls walked to school together.

In front of them was shoulder length red haired woman wearing a green business suite for females.

"Whether the Sensei is pretty or not has nothing to do with us," Tea told her with a smile.

"Hey, you!" the heard a woman's voice call making them stop and stare. "What is that?"

"It's a mascot," the young girl that she was talking to answered.

"It's against school rules," Chouno-sensei told her before reaching out and taking the mascot. "Hand it over." She just stood there smiling at her. "Be careful next time."

"Plus she's strict with the rules," Tea added after the woman walked away.

"But, that's what Senseis have to do, right?" Miho asked.

"Chouno-sensei is trying to make them even more strict," answered Tea. "There's a rumor that she has been making a lot of proposals."

"Some of them are even ridiculous. I heard she even had 12 students expelled for stupid reasons." Joanna put her two cents in. "The worst is that she's trying to prohibit anyone from bringing games, even Duel Monsters."

"Your kidding!" yelled Miho.

"I wish," Tea told her.

"That's why I can't stand that woman," Joanna growled.

Tea just patted her on the shoulder.
Later that day, Joanna heard of some ridiculous things and figured it was Chouno-sensei again, because she found Tea crying.

She also felt Yami taking control of Yugi again and turned to him.

"Give that witch hell, Yami."

Yami smirked as he walked.

The two then decided to wait for Chouno-sensei by the adviser room after school knowing that she'll be by. They didn't have to wait long for her to show and she did, she was surprised to see them.

"It's game time," Yami told her as he looked over. "Chouno-sensei."

"Game?" the woman asked surprise as Yami moved from the wall that he was leaning on. "What are you suddenly babbling about?"

"If I win, Tea doesn't get punished," Yami went on.

"I don't have time to play with You," Chouno-sensei told him as she started to walk past.

"I'll keep quiet about you using the students to interfere," Yami pointed out.

"Just what can you be talking about?" Chouno-sensei asked as she stopped and looked back at him.

"And I'll do anything you say," Yami added on.

"Really?" Chouno-sensei asked as she turned around fully. "A student that causes doubt to be cast on a teacher. I suppose I'd have you expelled."

Yami just smirked at this while Joanna looked at Chouno-sensei with a glare worse then before cause it could make even the Gods run in fear.

"This game is jigsaw puzzle," Yami explained when all three stood inside the adviser room. "Using a mirror."

Yami held to mirrors in hand while Kaiya stood off to the side.

"Mirror?" Chouno-sensei asked.

Yami tossed the mirrors into the air and they landed in front of the two of them, the mirrors shattered.

"The rules are simple," Yami continued to explain. "The one that puts it together first wins. However..." Joanna then walked to Yami and handed him a blindfold before handing Chouno-sensei once as well. "We're wearing these."

"I see."

The two of them blindfolded themselves while Kaiya went and grabbed a pair of gloves that she handed to the two players as well before blindfolding herself so she could tell who was winning.

"Now...let's being," Yami told her as he sat down. "Use this, Sensei." Once he knew that she had the gloves. "This is dangerous game."

"You too."

"I forgot to mention this," Yami told her. "The game is over when it's complete."


Joanna placed a hand on the pendant bracelet that she was wearing feeling a bit uncomfortable with the blindfold.

"This..goes here?" she heard Yami asked.

"Sounds like it's going well for you."

"I forgot to mention one more thing," Yami told her. "This is a Shadow Game."

"Shadow Game?" Chouno-sensei asked. "What's that?"

"Break the rules and terrible punishment awaits you," Yami explained.

"Oh, really? I suppose I just can't tell like this."

"How is it going?" Yami asked her after a while. "I'm already half done."

"No! I'm going to lose!"

Joanna's eyes narrowed behind the blindfold at the fake surprise.

"The door of darkness has opened," Yami told her this made her look up. "Chouno-sensei. You used your position to hurt others." Just then Joanna could hear something like cracks being made. "You...merely wear the mask of a teacher. Under that hide your ugly true face!"

"Wh-what?" Chouno-sensei asked as more creaks could be heard.

"Just as a mirror reflects. For the people you have hurt...feel what it is to be hurt yourself!"

On top of Yami's forehead the eye of Horus appeared before Chouno-sensei's make up fall off from her face to reveal an ugly face. She then looked down at the mirror in front of her before freaking out.

"My make up! My face!"

Joanna removed the blindfold from her eyes as Yami's own fall onto the top once Chouno-sensei left.

"I told you," Yami went on. "Break the rules and you are punished."

"You tell them that, but that's the problem with humans. We're flawed. And since when does anybody listen to the rules?" Joanna pointed out.

The next day...

"Chouno-sensei hasn't said anything," Tea said that afternoon class. "I wonder if we're in the clear?"

"It's probably fine. As a Beautification member, I think she was unreasonable." Tristan said.

"You guys haven't heard? She was exposed for running the school her own way without permission, and got fired. We're getting a new teacher in her place." Joanna explained.

"I hope they'll be nicer." Miho said.

The homeroom teacher came in with a person Joanna recognized.

"Ms. Anazaki? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm the new math teacher since I heard this school needed a new one." Anazaki said.

"Well, with that said, have a good class." The homeroom teacher said as he left.

Like Miho wished, Ms. Anazaki was a better teacher than Chouno-sensei.
Sorry that this is short, but I try to get as much of this story as I can. Plus you may want to keep Ms. Anazaki in mind. She'll be important later.

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