More Than Just My Weekend Lov...

By NelBlake92

303 36 10

Mackenzie Hollis never intended to catch feelings for Devereaux, when they started sleeping together. After a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

8 1 0
By NelBlake92

After that lunch I was super nervous that Shelly had tarnished my name with Benjamin but Devereaux kept reassuring me that things were fine and that Unk liked me plenty. It felt so good sleeping beside him but at 6:45 that next morning I was up throwing up everything I had eaten the day before. And that continued for almost three hours.

I kept trying to convince myself that I had the stomach flu or food poisoning. But after 10 days of throwing up every day, I made an appointment to see my doctor. I also went out and got two boxes of home pregnancy tests. Two of the four came back positive.

I tried not to freak out as I drove to my doctor's office.

I hadn't told anyone, not the girls and certainly not Devereaux, where I was going. As far as they all knew I was at work. I made it to Dr. Watson's office in record time. My hands kept wanting to go to my uber flat stomach. As I checked in, I couldn't help but feel super anxious. I was only there five minutes before the nurse called me back.

She got my height and weight before showing me into a room.

"So, Miss Hollis what brings you in today," Nurse Bell asked even though I'd made the appointment for a pregnancy test.

"Well my period is late and two out of four home pregnancy tests came back positive," I said taking a seat next to her.

She typed something into the computer.

"I see here that you are on the pill."

"Yeah. I have been ever since I was 18. And I never miss one, ever," I said vehemently.

"That may very well be true but as you know the pill is not 100% effective. Have you had unprotected sex recently," Nurse Bell asked holding out a plastic urine cup.

"Yes but..."

"Then there is a very real chance that you are pregnant, Ms. Hollis."

I looked at the cup like it was a poisonous snake. Nurse Bell held the cup out and shook it a little. I took it and went into the bathroom. I tried not to think as I sat there. Being pregnant definitely hadn't been a part of my plan and honestly, I was worried about how my parents would react. I bit my bottom lip and tried not to think about it.

When I was done, I returned to the room.

"Don't be so nervous. Any man willing to give you such a gorgeous necklace is a man willing to be a father to your child," she said.

"To be honest I think he kinda planned this. But I don't know if I'm ready," I said.

"Well, young lady, sometimes the lord gives us a child to make us ready," Nurse Bell said.

"I certainly hope so."

"You're results will be in in a little while. Can I call you on your cell phone," she asked.

"Yes, that's fine."

I left the office and headed into work. I sat at my desk and began checking through my messages. As usual Isabeau had pawned her work off on me. Now I had 10 novels to go through by next Wednesday.

I sighed and sat back in my chair. I knew I was pregnant but having my doctor confirm it would make it real. More real than those home pregnancy tests. A million scenarios ran through my head. What would my daddy think? I just told him I wasn't gonna get knocked up...What would Devereaux's family think? His uncle really was going to think I was after Devereaux's money. I bit my lip and fought back tears.

"Ms. Hollis, I have a delivery for you," My assistant Madison said.

She brought in a vase so filled with roses I was sure some of them would spill out of the beautiful glass containing them. I took the case from Madison and read the card:

Beautiful roses for my beautiful Queen

Yours Forever,


"Secret admirer," Madison asked.

"My boyfriend. He's a little overzealous with his Valentine's Day gifts," I said and smiled as I sat the vase down on my desk and sat back down.

"Wow! Must be nice. My boyfriend usually forgets until a week or two later," she said.

"Maybe you make him remember by doing something for him this time and then you can add Sweetest day to his calendar and he can do something for you," I suggested.

Now this girl had only been my assistant for a few weeks and we hadn't really gotten to know each other, yet. For a second, I regretted butting into her relationship as she looked puzzled for a moment. Apparently doing something romantic for her boyfriend had never crossed her mind. Then suddenly her smile snapped back into place.

"Well now I have four days to throw something together. Thanks, boss," Madison said.

"It doesn't have to be extravagant just thoughtful and romantic," I said.

Madison left my office and I signaled for her the shut the door behind her. My cell phone rang in my desk drawer and I jumped. I pulled open the drawer and stared at the phone before pressing answer.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello. Ms. Hollis, this is Nurse Bell from Dr. Watson's office," the woman said.


"I'm calling to confirm that you are pregnant. We need to schedule an other appointment to determine how far along you are and get a due date," she said.

"Okay, I can come in Monday around noon," I said. "Perfect, Ms. Hollis. See you Monday at noon."

My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out or have a panic attack. I almost dropped the phone as I took it away from my ear. For the rest of the day I was so distracted I didn't get any work done.

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