✔Manly ~ Eijiro Kirishima X R...

By Malleus_Draconia

97.3K 2.7K 3.8K

Y/n grew up with a quirk that wasn't that good. She was in class 1-C, she knew that she wouldn't get into the... More

Info Page!
No Training Today
Getting Ready
An Ungrateful Day
The Rooftop
One Week Left
Let Me Go
The Outfit
The Party
I'm Leaving
Exam Week
End Of The Beginning, The Beginning Of The End
Our Upper-Classman
Mi Amor
Final Thing

Leave Me Alone

19.2K 290 1.2K
By Malleus_Draconia

Edit from feb 2023. Please only read if you are fine with cringe Y/n singing on the rooftop, being short, and cringe writing in general. High school me was NOT it.

---...~Y/n's POV~...---

Being a U.A. student is really nice, but not when you're in general studies. I'm in class 1-C, and there is only one person I can stand in my class. His name is Hitoshi Shinso. We're brother and sister. People don't think we're brother and sister because we don't look alike. He has purple hair, and I have H/c hair. He has purple eyes, and I have E/c.

Both of our quirks are what you could consider villain quirks. His is Brainwash, and mine is Virus. We were told that we could be better villains than heroes. It was mostly my brother that got bugged about it. With that happening to him I haven't left his side and I helped him. Since we were children we dreamed about being heroes, but these other kids always brought our dreams to dust.

"Better off to be a villain!"

"You can never be a hero!"

"Just leave us, alone villain kids!"

His quirk is just as it sounds. He can brainwash someone if they answer a question of his, or they talk back to him after he talks. It's only if he wants to, he can do that. My quirk is completely different. My virus quirk can help me transport to different locations by going through electrical currents. I can also hack into different devices, and give them viruses. The only downsides to this are that I could go to the wrong place when transporting.

I did have long hair but decided to cut it. Not only to make it short like Shinso, but it was annoying to have with my quirk. So now my hair is really short, short enough that it doesn't get in my face. I could pass off as a boy because I'm pretty much flat-chested, but that's what you can see with my uniform and training clothes on. The school ran out of the girl uniforms so they just gave me the boy uniform and P.E outfit. I was fine with it since it was more comfortable to wear than the girl's probably.

When we were in Jr. high, both me and Hitoshi have stayed quiet. We never talked to anyone else, but each other. I'm a bit of an introvert, and Hitoshi is the same. People talked to him more than me, but I would expect that. I'm known as the person standing up for the villain kid, as well as being a villain kid. Every time someone would bring up something about us being villains I've been trying to stand up for both of us. I get pissed off when people call us that. We're trying our best to not be known as that.

We were still trying to get our academic classes up. We would study, and even more things. We wouldn't pay attention to training our quirks, because as much as we want to go to U.A., we know we won't make it in the hero course as we wanted. Proving people wrong would be the best thing to show that we aren't villains.

Right now it's getting to the end of the first semester. After the first day of school in U.A., I've been training my combat skills. Hitoshi was training with me for a bit. We're both training to get a chance to get into the hero course, but it's going to be a lot of training to reach where the hero courses students are.

After the sports festival, Hitoshi was approached by Aizawa, the homeroom teacher of class 1-A, to train with him. I knew that he wasn't getting good enough training with me because I was using weapons. Hitoshi has always depended on his quirk, and I don't. I told Hitoshi to take the training from him, so he could have a better chance of getting into the hero course. Aizawa did take a bit of an interest in both me and Hitoshi. I don't understand me, because I didn't even pass the first qualifier. My quirk didn't work on the obstacle course. I guess Aizawa knew I was training myself, and doing amazing. I do have to ask to use Gym Gamma to train. Especially since I need to have Ectoplasm to make clones of himself, and Cementoss to change the landscape. I'm not going to fight nothing or on a plain field!

Aizawa did mention that the entrance exam was faulty.  To show those with more strength and showy quirks off. He understood why I didn't take the exam and knew that Hitoshi's quirk couldn't work on robots. He mentioned that, if he took to exam himself, his quirk wouldn't work on the robots, so he felt the pain that Hitoshi has been feeling. 

Every day since then, I would wait for Hitoshi to finish first. He would come to Gym Gamma to pick me up, so we could walk home. I would tell him about my training, and he would tell me about his.

I liked this pattern of things. With the amount of training we're doing, we can get into the hero course.

If I'm following the timeline of the hero course students, this is the second week back from internships. I only know this because Hitoshi is training with Aizawa. Final exams are coming up soon, so if anything I should hurry up and get the rest of the semester done. Studying is what I'm mostly going to do at night. We don't finish training till 9 pm, because Aizawa is a nighttime hero. Because of these final exams, I've been getting less sleep, but I'm doing fine with it. Both me and Hitoshi can handle staying up late. We still get good grades in our classes. Out of both of us, I'm the smarter one.

If you look at our stats individually, Hitoshi's intelligence is a 4/5. Mine is a 5/5. His power, including his quirk, is 1/5. Mine is the same, 1/5. Speed is a different story. His is 1/5, and mine is 4/5. Technique is Hitoshi's powerhouse. His is 4/5, and mine is 2/5. Cooperativeness is the same for both of us, 1/5. We don't like help from those, but each other. It's kinda like a brother, sister thing.

Today's another day of training like always, but today I got a visitor.

I was training like normal, my weapons on my belt, and a sword in hand. The training outfit I had was just like the uniform and P.E. outfit. I find it comfy so why not do that with what else I have. I had headphones on, and they were Bluetooth. No, they're none of those air pods, just some Bluetooth headphones that were in my price range. I had a song I liked playing. The song was called, 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' by Dark Punk. If anything this song helps me do my best. As I was destroying the clones of Ectoplasm, I did hear the doors opening. I took out my headphones thinking that it was Hitoshi.

"Finished your training earl-!" I looked at the male who was in the gym, and he had red hair. "Oh, you aren't Hitoshi..." I turned around and continued to train. The red-haired male tried to say something, but I stopped him. "If you're wanting to train there's room over there. I'm a bit too busy to deal with you" I can recognize him from class 1-A. God, the first time in forever that someone came in here.

He walked over to the other side of the gym and started training. I kept going like he wasn't even there, so I put in my headphones. Ectoplasm is really good at keeping these clones alive. They act just like he does, but they don't fight. They keep getting to different areas of the section I'm in. At the beginning of the training day I did set up stations, my electrical currents, that were just in the gym, so I could work on my quirk. They're only connected to everything that is hooked up to the generator I brought. I can keep the area of transport small.

I used my quirk to get behind one of the clones and it worked. I kept doing that till I got most of them down.

I started to take a break and went over to the bench that was along the wall. As I was taking my break, the red-haired guy came up to me. "That's an amazing quirk you have! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and you are?"

I didn't want to answer his question. There's no need for me to answer to someone I don't like. It was a bit awkward just sitting there doing nothing so I talked back to him. "There's no reason for me to tell someone who I hate, my name. All you hero course students are all the same. Arrogant people who think you're better than everyone else. I haven't met one person who wasn't like that, and there's no way that people are different. Everyone in the hero course thinks things that won't come true. Not coming from someone like me, I'm trying to earn my way into the hero course. Non-stop training just so I could be noticed, and get a chance to be a hero" I told him. I don't like speaking so that was a bit odd for me, but it was about something I didn't like. So I felt fine about talking bad about his class.

"No, you got it all wrong! Not everyone is like that! It's just Bakugou, I swear!"

"I don't have it wrong, everyone is exactly the same. It's the worst with the first years, a bit better for the second years, then by the third years, everyone is told that they could act the same way. It's horrible with what has been going on"

"What's going on right no-" Red hair got interrupted by someone opening the door.

"It's time for us to go, he told me that we need to go home early. Just hurry up, and stop flirting" Hitoshi said.


"You and Shinso are on a first-name basis? Are you guys dating or something?"

"Pfft, no way would I ever date him! Now red hair, if you can move. I'm heading home, so I can start studying for finals"

"Just don't forget that you have an amazing quirk! It's really manly!" I took that comment to heart since he was the first to not call me a villain, but he doesn't know my quirk at it's fullest.

---...~The Next Day~...---

A school day once again, and another day of dealing with everyone in my class. People do still call me a villain the most. After the sports festival, people have started to stop picking on Hitoshi the most, and went over to me. I didn't like it, but I had to deal with it.

Usually, it would start with verbal attacks, then right after it would go into physical attacks. I don't know how to protect myself that much without my weapons. I could never really handle a fight without trying to escape with my quirk. Today was a day that I couldn't do that.

As I was walking in the hallway, two kids that are in my class started the day off with the attacks, and it, of course, pissed me off. "Why don't you look at it here, it's the villain kid! You should've known that you couldn't do anything to be a hero. You have a quirk of a villain!" This boy's name was Matsuoka.

"You don't know that I've heard that before?"

"We still don't understand why you're still trying to be a hero. You didn't take the hero course entrance exam, but you still want to go" The other boy named Tsukuda said.

"You guys didn't take the test so why are you guys bugging me about it?"

"Because we have a better chance of moving up to the hero course than you do!"

---...~Kirishima's POV~...---

I was walking to my classroom with Denki. I told him about yesterday and that boy I met. "Dude, I'm telling you he's really manly!"

"Kirishima, you call most people manly, so that's not different"

"Hey! I did call Bakugou not manly when we had that crowd of people in front of our classroom that one time!"

"Yea you did, but that was because he was being rude to that Shinso kid"

"Speaking of that Shinso guy, the dude I met yesterday kinda acted like the way Shinso did when he was at our door of the classroom declaring war. I haven't seen this dude before, but it's my fault if I don't remember him"

"He did say that he hates everyone in the hero course so maybe he was trying to stay away from us. I don't know what his deal is, but he doesn't seem like the one to mess with. Basically, he's like Bakugou"

"I swear I would've seen him at the sports festival!"

"Calm down Kirishima!"

"Sorry about that Denki! I haven't told you, but that dude calls Shinso by his first name. He isn't dating him, but there is always a chance of something else between those two"

"They could be friends"

"Yea yea"

We turned the corner to get to our classroom when we saw 3 boys. 2 of them were around my height, and the other one was the dude!

"Because we have a better chance of moving up to the hero course than you do!" Said one of 2 guys.

"It doesn't mean that you can be rude to people. Just because this is normal, doesn't mean you can do this forever" The boy from yesterday told the two other people.

"We can do whatever we want to do! You're just weak!"

"Yea, weak!"

"I'm not weak"

"Don't deny it, villain kid!"


"Aww, I think villain kid is trying to stand up"

"You're right... You're weak, you got it? Let's show that standing up to us is a death wish!"

I looked over and saw that they were about to punch the dude. It looked like he was just going to take the punches. I ran towards them and stood in front of the dude and the two boys. I used my quirk to stop the two boys from hurting him. 

"I don't think this gives you any right to hurt a fellow student!" I told the two boys. They put their hands back so now they were standing, and looking at me.

"You are seriously going to stand up for that villain kid?! A student that's in the hero course is protecting a villain!"

"I wouldn't doubt the hero course you two, we save and help fellow students at this school. So just leave right now" Denki said while walking up to us. He was now standing beside me.

"You two better leave this dude alone!" After I said that the two boys left the area, and I turned to look at the dude. "Hey, are you ok? Why didn't you use your quirk to get out of that situation?" I asked him.

"I didn't use my quirk, because there were no electrical currents. You shouldn't have stopped them, I have to deal with people like them every day. It starts with verbal attacks, then goes right into physical attacks. My brother could've stopped them, but yet again they know his quirk"

"First off, We stopped them because it was the right thing to do! Second, you need to explain to me about that everyday thing! I can make sure it doesn't happen again. Third, why wasn't your brother here if he's your brother?"

"Well, I'll never explain why they do that to me every day unless you knew my past. Also, I can't believe that you're this dumb. If you pieced the pieces together, Hitoshi's my brother. He likes to sleep in but always gets to school on time" He told me. I guess I can call him Shinso, while I wait for his first name. "Just let me go, I have to go to class. Thanks to you, I have to get my brother to protect me because no one will leave me alone now since I had to get your help"

I stood there with shock as he started to walk away. Those boys are in his class? Most importantly, everyone doesn't help him, but his brother has to help him? Maybe I can change his opinion on us hero course students so we can help him! "Hey, Shinso! Before you go I just wanted to ask if you wa-"

"Just leave me alone Red hair" He said before he turned the corner.

"Hey Kirishima, let's just head to the class. We just got him mad at us"

Once we got into the class I went straight to my desk. I never do that, I usually go talk to Bakugou, but this Shinso boy is on my mind. What's his first name? What happened to him in the past as to why they hurt him and call him a villain kid? He looked like he was able to protect himself, but he let's that happen to him? Why did I just let him walk off like that? Those questions kept in my head for the whole class. Aizawa didn't want to teach us today so he let us study, or do whatever we wanted to do for the class. 

"What's wrong with Kirishima?" I heard Mina ask.

"I think he's thinking about that boy from earlier" Denki told her.

"What boy?"

"I think the boy in General studies. He met him yesterday after school, but had an encounter with him and two other boys this morning"

"Were those three boys friends?" Uraraka asked.

"No, the two other boys were picking on him. By the way that Kirishima was explaining about the boy, it seems like his mind is still caught on something. From not just today, but yesterday as well"

"What just happened to the Kaminari that's stupid? This guy is too smart" I heard Jiro ask everyone in the classroom.

"Denki's right..."

Everyone now looked at me, well except for Bakugou. "What do you mean Kirishima?" Midoriya asked me.

"Well yesterday when I saw him, he was in Gym Gamma training. He wasn't in the hero course, but he's in General studies like Denki said. He said that he's doing non-stop training to be noticed, and get a chance to be a hero. He probably still wants to be a hero, but the problem is... He doesn't like anyone in class 1-B, and our class. He thinks that we're all arrogant and that we think that we're better than everyone else who's not in the hero course. I wouldn't be surprised a bit by that if I knew he was Shinso's brother off of the bat. Those two were both wanting to get into the hero course. Shinso even said when he was at our door before the sports festival. He mentioned how those in general studies and the other courses wanted to be in the hero course. I can say that he was mostly meaning him and his brother. Earlier today he was getting picked on, by those two boys. Calling him weak and a villain kid. He even got defensive towards me once I saved him. He said that it happens every day. Verbal attacks and physical attacks. The one thing he said that stuck out to me was when he said 'unless you knew my past'. What could his past be?"

"O-oh, well Kirishima you said that he's Shinso's brother right?" Midoriya asked.

"Yea, he's Shinso's brother"

"Well, at the sports festival, Shinso said that I was lucky to get a good quirk because him and his sister couldn't get a useful quirk--"

I stopped Midoriya once he said, sister. "Wait, wait, wait, did you just say sister?"


"Are you sure he didn't say, brother?!"

"He said, sister"

"Oh, my Kirishima you were calling her a boy!" Denki said.

"You called her a boy too!"

"That's because you were too!"

"This doesn't make sense now..."

"What do you mean?" Sero asked.

"Well, she was wearing a boys uniform today, and even yesterday she was wearing baggy clothes, so I thought that she was a male... Anyways continue with your story Midoriya"

"All right, well, while he was explaining all of that I could feel like he was trying to show people that he's someone who people said he wasn't. If you think of the quirk brainwash, you think of the use of a villain quirk. Whatever his sister had, they must've been teased about their quirks. I don't understand why they would, because it looks like they were set on being heroes"

"So you're saying that people called her and Shinso, villains?"

"I guess so..."

"What are you thinking of Kirishima?" Iida asked me.

"I want her to trust us, and know that we're not all the same. I want her to know that we're here to help in any way we can. First off by protecting her, even if it pisses her off! She told me and Denki that since we saved her, she's going to get Shinso to protect her, because no one, but him will leave her alone since we helped. If we tell her that we're protecting her, she'll try to stay away from us, and even hate us more. She might think that we're wanting to show off"

"That's a good plan, Kirishima" Momo told me.

"Thanks, Momo!"

"How do you even know that this shitty girl won't see this coming, or if this plan would work? This shitty girl is probably ahead of us already because of your fucking stunt, shitty hair" Bakugou asked me.

"I know this will work, I can take care of her after school when she's training. You guys just take a watch on her during the day. Girls, can you all make a time to have a small party just for the class. We'll use this as a way to get her to enjoy our company. If you can make it the week before finals, it'll take a while for me to get her to say yes"

"Got it!" All of the girls said.

"Now boys, we just have to watch out for her early in the morning, lunch, and right after school. I'll still help, but not that much if I'm going to be with her when she's training"

"We'll make sure we do this right!" Iida said. He's taking this too far...

---...~Bell Rings~...---

"Time for lunch, now let's get going so we can stop them from doing anything else" I told the boys.

---...~Y/n's POV~...---

The first class of the day was hell because of red hair. Once I heard the bell ring I ran out of the classroom and went up to the rooftop. As I going to the rooftop I ran into someone. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you" I looked up to a male who was 9 inches taller than me. He has blue hair and blue eyes. He's from class 1-A... Saying that's he's taller than me, he probably ran into me on accident, and now is playing the innocent act.

"It's fine, just be careful about where you walk to next time!"

"I will..." I walked off, so he wouldn't follow me. As soon as I got to the roof I started thinking about what the boys from this morning said.. 'Weak'... I'm weak, but there's nothing wrong with that... I put in my headphones and played a song that was really similar to the situation I was in right now. Singing is a good way to calm me down.

I recommend you listening to it with headphones. It is an 8d audio version because I love those. So if you want to listen with it sounding good, then put headphones in. They are listening to the 8d version with their headphones so you should too! Only if you want to though!

"No thank you' is what I should've said, I should be in bed
But temptations of trouble on my tongue troubles yet to come

One sip, bad for me
One hit, bad for me
One kiss, bad for me
But I give in so easily
And no thank you is how it should've gone
I should stay strong

But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that
I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that
I'm weak
But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that
(Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that)

No thank you
They call me after dark, I don't want no part
My habits, they hold me like a grudge
I promise I won't budge

One sip, bad for me
One hit, bad for me
One kiss, bad for me
But I give in so easily
And no thank you is how it should've gone
I should stay strong

But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that
I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that
I'm weak
But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that

We, we fall for that
Wake up, we fall again
We, we fall for that
Can't wait to fall again

One sip, bad for me
One hit, bad for me
One kiss, bad for me
But I give in so easily
And no thank you is how it should've gone
I should stay strong

But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that
I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that
I'm weak
But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that"

Once I finished singing I heard someone clapping.


Fun facts: 

~You were supposed to be friends with Shinso, but I changed it to look a bit better for the first chapter

~I noticed that reader's birthday, well Shinso's twin sister's, is on Canada Day!! This is why I love this boy! Also because he is cute, an amazing character, and I'm a lot like him

~Iida's height is 5'11", and Shinso's height is 5'10". I don't know why, but I didn't want reader~chan to be taller than Kirishima, which he is 5'7", so I made reader~chan 5'2". Height is another reason why people don't think they're twins or brother and sister

~This was edited with Grammarly, I don't trust it that much, but it's fine



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