The Vikings Mistress (BWWM)

By shannap22

540K 4.4K 1.3K

Amazing cover by ONYXVIXEN She Stirred my blood like no one ever has She stole my breath with just a look Her... More

Decisions, Decisions

The Party

32.8K 1.1K 309
By shannap22


Gowns of vibrant colors swirled around merrily. Friends gossiped in the corners smiling at the couples. drinks were flowing in excess and everyone seemed to be in the best of spirits. We were celebrating a joining ceremony for my fiercest warrior. He had served me well these past 3 years after my second passed away and I was seriously considering him as a replacement.

Although that would be near impossible as my second was also my best friend. He was the brother I never had. We grew up together and have had each other's backs and saved each other countless times. His death was a crushing blow for me.

Familiar guilt suddenly consumes me. I had sent him on a raid. We were always together on our raids but this time my wife was due to give birth to our first bairn and I was obligated to remain behind. I should have postponed the raid until she gave birth. But we were running low on provisions and the cold season was coming upon us. I wanted to make sure we had enough to supply our clan until spring. I was brought out of my inner musings by a familiar voice.

"Good eve, My Jarl". Eira tells me bowing her head.

This is the first time I've seen her since giving her the news of her husband's fate. I assumed she had been in mourning and needed the privacy away from the clan.

Guilt runs through me again as I look upon her. she looks tired and sad.

"How are you Eira? Well I hope" I say with a friendly smile

"As well as can be expected my Jarl". she replies. She begins to speak again but looks hesitant."There is an important matter I must discuss with you my Jarl".

"Please Eira call me Gunnar. Now tell me what is wrong".

She smiles at me slightly. Eira is not a particularly pretty woman but she is kind and loyal. One of the reasons Magnus married her I'm sure.

"My...... stepdaughter is coming here to live for a time, Her mother has passed and with Magnus now gone she has no one". She states.

I look at her curious. I've never heard of Magnus having any previous wives or children.

She notices my quizzical expression and answers for me.

"He bedded a woman whilst on a raid my Jarl" she explains a bitter nasty look crosses her face for just a second before it is gone.

I stare at her, speechless. Magnus had an affair outside his marriage? Unthinkable. he and Eira always seemed happy. I feel terrible for her. Did she only recently find out or had she always known?. Did he have other children out there?. My gaze moves towards where my wife, Freydis stands. She is with the other clan woman laughing and smiling. She is the most beautiful woman in our clan. Her hair, like many of our clan women, is golden but hers is thick, wavy, and hangs to her shapely bottom. Her eyes are a beautiful sky blue, clear and bright. She is tall with a slender figure. It took me a considerable amount of time to woo her. Many vied for her hand but of course, being the Jarl has its benefits.

I turn back to Eira. "She will be more than welcome to come here, the clan will love to have her".

"Thank you my Jarl she should be here any minute". She smiles at me. I nod at her just as my wife sidles up to me her arm around my waist.

"Hello Eira!" she says excitedly mayhap she's had a drink too many this eve. "It is so good to see you out and about". she hugs Eira happily. Eira looks uncomfortable but hugs her back nonetheless.

Eira and my wife Freydis used to be childhood best friends until they reached adolescence. Then for some unknown reason, they drifted apart. According to my wife, it was Eira who drifted from her. She never knew the reason but after trying unsuccessfully to reconnect she gave up. This was also around the time I began courting Freydis.

"Thank you Frau Freydis". she replies respectfully.

"Are you enjoying the celebration?" Freydis smiles at her

Before Eira can answer commotion at the front of the keep disrupts the celebration. I move swiftly to be certain there is no danger but halt when I see what has caused the commotion, a young woman.

She stands flanked by my guards looking unsure and terrified. I immediately notice how stunningly beautiful she is. The second thing that I quickly notice much to my surprise is that she is dark-skinned. The color like the rich nutmeg we sometimes spice our desserts with.

"Who are you and why are you trespassing on McClain territory?" I demand in my most threatening tone.

I hate to frighten the girl as she seems rather harmless but I am the Jarl and no one can just trespass without consequence. She flinches at my tone and she starts to speak but is interrupted.

"My Jarl this is my....... stepdaughter that I was telling you about". Eira says quickly. She walks over to the girl and grabs her arm.

Once again, for the second time in one night, I'm rendered speechless. This is the girl Magnus had fathered. Somehow I expected someone younger. She bows her head as I continue to stare.

I wave the guards away and walk closer to her my wife clinging to my arm.

"What is your name girl?" I ask with a more calm, friendly tone.

She looks up at me and my breath halts. She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever beheld. Brown with a hint of yellow. Amber, I would say.

"Kali my Jarl". she says timidly.

Her voice flows like honey washing over me and I harden in my breeches. She is magnificent. The most stunning female I have ever beheld. For the first time since I married Freydis, I feel regret that I am already taken. But she is young and my best friend's daughter. Shame engulfs me for only a second before desperate desire replaces it when I notice her full breasts, the cleavage peeking slightly out of her dress.

Eira begins to move, holding the girl to her tightly. "Come, child, we are celebrating, you can meet the rest of the clan". she says moving quickly back to the main hall.

Freydis grabs my arm to follow as all the spectators return to the feast and celebration. However, my mind is in turmoil and my manhood is uncomfortably hard as I watch Kali walk, her round full hips swaying temptingly. Warning bells ring through my mind continuously as I stare with barely hidden longing

I know I am most assuredly in deep trouble.

Everyone returned to the celebration dancing and drinking continued and the laughter and joyful mood once again filled the hall.

I noticed Kali and Eira talking to many people no doubt she was introducing her to the clan. Kali looked shy but happy as I watched my clanswoman hug her and the men place playful flirtatious kisses on her hand.

A few lingered a little too long. Shockingly, heated anger rose in me unbidden in its intensity. I was ready to step forward and intercept but a hand on my chest stilled me. I looked down into my wife's eyes. she looked at me with concern

"You are tense my Jarl," she said teasingly "let us dance". She grabbed my hand not waiting for my response and moved us among the other dancing couples.

We glided across the floor Freydis had a wide grin on her face as we danced. I tried to keep a smile on mines as well but I was preoccupied staring at the brown beauty across the hall.

She had taken up a dance with one of my clansmen and I was tempted to rip his hands off her especially when I heard her laugh at something he said.

Freydis noticed my attention wavering. "What it is my love you seem most distracted this eve?"

I quickly turned my attention to her not wanting her to grow suspicious.

"It is nothing my sweet" I gave her my most heartwarming smile.

She looked appeased and smiled back lovingly. We danced a while longer before I excused myself and went to fill up on ale. I would need a great amount to deal with these newfound emotions assaulting me. I had watched Kali dance with many men and all seemed as enamored with her as I was

I wanted to stake my claim and demand them to stay away but knowing I could do none of that, I drowned my feelings in ale. I thought briefly about retiring for the night so I could end the torture but I couldn't part my eyes from her. Never had I felt so strongly about another so quickly. Not even Freydis. It's like lightning struck when I saw her and everything I thought I knew was wrong and only she was right.

Finally, the celebration came to an end. I took Freydis' hand ready to retire. I remembered Eira had a home away from the keep and I figured she would take Kali there to live. That thought panicked me. I needed her near. I approached Eira with an offer hoping she would take the bait.

"Eira, I know you have a house nearby but since Kali is new perhaps you will consider residing at the keep, so she can more quickly acquaint herself with the clan members and our way of life here".

I waited patiently hopeful my words and reasoning were sound.

"Of course your right my Jarl. I would like Kali to get comfortable here as soon as possible" Eira agreed

My shoulders sagged in relief before I realized, I did desperately want her near but would I be able to resist temptation having her so close by and ripe for the taking. Not to mention all her many admirers already lobbying for her hand.

"O we can finally have the time to reconnect Eira!" My wife says smiling.

Eira forces her own smile "Of course my Frau-"

"Freydis". my wife interrupts sternly with a smile. "You are my oldest friend there's no need for formalities right?"

"Right?" Eira says forcing another smile.

"I will show Kali to her chambers". I say cautiously.

Freydis frowns slightly. "Eira can do that love."

"No, I am the Jarl and it is my duty to welcome everyone who comes to reside here. besides after my poor behavior at her arrival, I feel I must make amends."

Freydis concedes. "OK I will see you in our chambers," she tells me with a suggestive look before leaving.

I turn towards Kali "this way Lady Kali"

"Its just Kali" she speaks softly

I turn to her abruptly. "Pardon?"

"It is just Kali I'm not a lady, no title has been given to me". she states

I disagree but say nothing as we walk. Finally, after several unbearably silent minutes, I decide to break the tension.

"Did you have safe travels.?" I ask her

She smiles and my heart skips a beat. "The sea travel was most perilous but otherwise the journey was pleasant". she tells me

I look at her admiring her round face and long lashes. Amber eyes pull me in like a magnet. "I am sorry about your mother"

She seems shocked at my apology but nods "thank you my Jarl".

"Gunnar," I say quietly.

"What?" she says looking up at me.

"My name is Gunnar please call me that".

She shakes her head vehemently. "No, my Jarl that would be most inappropriate. My stepmother..."

I grab her hand to stop her mid-sentence. "When it is just us alone then". I tell pleadingly.

The need to hear her say my name like a physical ache.

She smiles unsure "Alright Gunnar," she says looking at me innocently

My cock surges to life for the hundredth time tonight at the sweet sound of my name out of those soft-looking full lips. I badly want to kiss her. We reach her room door unexpectedly too soon and i am loathed to leave her. Freydis awaits me in our room and for the first time since we have married, I have no desire to bed her tonight.

She insists on it almost daily to produce another child hoping to replace the one we lost in childbirth. As Jarl, it is my duty to produce heirs but now, for the first time, I want another to carry my heir.

"Here we are Kali, i hope the room is to your liking. Someone will bring your things to you shortly"

"O no my.. Gunnar i do not have any things. My mother and i never had much and the rest was lost on the journey". she tells me.

She doesn't seem bothered by it though which I find odd. I make a mental note to change that. She deserves the finest of things.

"Well sleep well my.. Gunnar". she says smiling shyly

I kiss her hand lingering. "Sweet dreams lovely Kali". I grin at her as

She opens her door and disappears inside.

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