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I ran down the hall tears threatening to flood my face. I felt stupid for believing the Jarl of all people would ever want me. He is married and his wife is beautiful. Fair skin and golden hair like many of the clan women. I was suddenly acutely aware of how different I was in comparison to them. How odd I must look, how disgusting. I missed my momma and my home now more than ever. Where everyone there looked like me and I never felt this contrary.

Every since coming here only the staff and a few men were kind and friendly, the rest looked apprehensive and disinterested. I turned left down the hall that leads to my room, eager to end this terrible day. All I wanted was to sleep and forget any of this ever happened, but as my tears clouded my vision I ran hard into a hard chest. I gasped in shock as I hit the floor. I looked up at Eirik a kind, handsome warrior I had danced with at the feast.

"O my miss Kali, forgive me. I didn't see you". He said helping me up quickly.

"It's alright Eirik it was my fault, I was not paying attention," I assured him. He looked at me with a worried expression. "Is everything alright miss Kali why do you cry?"

I gave him a strained smile." It's nothing Eirik do not trouble yourself with me." I told him then turned to continue walking to my room. He didn't look convinced but dropped the issue.

"Wait" He grabbed my arm to halt me causing me to gasp in pain.

He immediately let go and stared at me with confusion.


"Might I walk you back to your room Miss Kali". he asked sheepishly

I considered for a moment before nodding. "Sure I could use the company."

He smiled and took my hand gently placing it in his arm. We walked in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"So... How was your day Eirik? I imagine being a warrior is tiring." I said trying to start a conversation to fill the silence.

He smiled down at me with affection in his gaze. "Indeed it is, however, I love it. I couldn't imagine a better job for me".

He spoke so proudly of being a warrior it made me smile. "I hope to find something I enjoy just as much," I told him honestly

"Well what is it you love?" he asked

I contemplated it for a few moments, thinking about my life back home. "I love children". I said finally

"Back home my mother and I tended the children in our village". I smiled fondly at the memory

"Ah a natural nurturer. That is a most amazing profession. Perhaps someday soon you might have a bairn of your own to nurture".

"O" I laughed softly "I believe I might need to secure a husband first Eirik"

He chuckled "this is true. I believe I know a handsome male who might be interested in the task". he looked at me suggestively

I flushed at his obvious look of longing. Eirik was indeed handsome with his blonde hair and sea-green eyes. His body was tall and built. A warrior's body. He was only a few summers older than i. His kindness since I arrived was much appreciated. Maybe I could consider him a potential husband although my feelings had begun to grow for the Jarl since the first moment I laid eyes upon him. I had to remind myself that he was taken and even after his confession he didn't seem like he was sincere about his feelings since mere hours later he was sleeping with his wife

"Perhaps" I replied smiling back at him. Finally, we reached my door. Eirik turned to me, a hopeful expression on his face

"Might I call on you tomorrow, maybe we could go for a ride, get to know each other more."

I smiled Eirik would be the perfect distraction. I sincerely hoped he could become someone I love and who loves me. To fill the hole that has become my heart since my momma left this life. I very much did want a family of my own. Girls of my village back home were already married and expecting children. Many didn't find me a favorable option since it was known my father was a Viking white man. I shook away the awful memories.

"I would like that very much". I told him truthfully

He took my hand grinning he kissed it lightly. "Sleep well, Miss Kali"

"Til the morrow Eirik," I said slipping through my door.

As I began undressing for a wash at the basin, I heard a frantic knocking on my door. I knew immediately who it was so I ignored it. I was exhausted after the day and had no patience to listen to his well-rehearsed excuses. My hopes and feelings didn't need to be put into a married man who wasn't sincere. The knocking grew louder as I carefully and lazily washed my weary body. Taking great care to avoid the many bruises adorning my arms and abdomen

"KALI!!!" he shouted through the door. BANG!

"I know your in there. Please open the door!"


"KALI! let me just explain"


"Kali please please don't ignore me"

His pleading hurt my heart and I fought the urge to give in. I don't know why I desired him so greatly. I felt unbearably drawn to him like a beautiful siren song, calling my soul home and filling me with emotions intense, yet dangerous. The banging subsided abruptly. I heard him sigh heavily before retreating. I sagged in relief, knowing that a minute more I may have caved. I finished washing and pulled on my nightdress. but before I could make it to the bed my door unlocked and my stepmother walked in. By the look on her haggard face, I could already tell I had more bruises in my future. She looked ready to commit murder and I immediately racked my brain for what I could have done to upset her so greatly.

She rushed toward me surprisingly fast before she struck me hard against my stomach sending me falling to the ground.

"You harlot!" she yelled. "Why was the Jarl at your door huh? Did you spread your filthy legs for him?"

She continued yelling while she struck at my back and kicked at my stomach as I lay in a ball on the floor. New bruises covering my old ones.

"You had better stay your disgusting self away from the Jarl or next time I'll not be so forgiving. You are here at my mercy. I suggest you do not forget that". she spat before retreating slamming the door behind her

I picked myself up off the floor groaning in pain. Tears silently cascading down my brown cheeks. This has become my life, an endless cycle of pain and grief. My dreams were the only solace I ever received anymore.

As I climbed into bed that night I dreamed blissfully.

Of momma, Of our village, Of a life of happiness where I am free and loved.

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