Sherlock: Carpe Diem

By lies4theliars

6.9K 96 33

Everything was quiet at 221B Baker Street until a family friend of John's comes to stay, a 15 year old girl w... More

Sherlock: Carpe Diem
The Vitruvian Man, A Wiccan Pentacle, and a Pentagram
A Game, A Case and A Trap from Jamie
Round and Round the Radical Road the Radical Rascal Ran.
Faustus and Holden Caulfield
Ashes to Ashes. We All Fall Down.
Until The Fall
Carpe Noctem
Wyvern Way
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Red Death
May I have this Waltz?
A Promise Sealed
A Test of Faith
La Nuit de la Mort
The Words that were Written
The Reichenbach Fall
The Truth Behind Her Actions

Sentiment is a Chemical Defect Found in the Losing Side

267 4 0
By lies4theliars

Author's Note: Another short chapter. I apologize but school is ruining my writing style. Anyways no disclaimers in this chapter thankfully. So enjoy!



Sherlock was ready to kill. He stepped back into 221B and slammed the door shut as he walked into the kitchen and pulled out the two arms he had kept in the fridge. He quickly pulled out all of the vast chemicals that he had stored and began to test on the limbs, his frustration evident as he continuously mutilated the arms. He heard the door open and shut and saw John, Tessa, and Dynah file into the room. John didn't say anything, immediately going up to his room, and shutting the door. The girls didn't stay long. They ran upstairs quickly, changing what they were wearing before going out again. Sherlock didn't particularly care, just focused on his work and tried to only focus on his work. He found himself unable to lose his mind in the experiment he felt himself boil over in anger and throw his experiments off of the table. He heard John run down the stairs, clearly upset at the fact that Sherlock had forced him to leave his room.

"What the hell are you doing, Sherlock?" John asked, looking at the mess on the floor."You can't just throw those acids around on the floor and damage the flat!"

"I've been emotionally compromised, John!" Sherlock yelled.

"What are you talking about, Sherlock?" John asked.

"This exactly what he planned from the beginning, isn't it? God,he planned this and I was so blind to it! We all were!" Sherlock yelled.

"Sherlock, are you actually saying that..."John trailed off.

"Yes! I can't focus because Jamie is dead! Does this surprise you, John? Because I do not understand it. I live my entire life surrounded by death, bodies, and crime scenes, never feeling anything and now here I am, mourning over the loss of some girl!" Sherlock yelled, screaming at the ceiling.

"She wasn't just some girl, Sherlock! She was your friend. She could have been family! You may not want to be attached to people,or to become friends with others, but it happens Sherlock, and you became her friend. She was family! Why can't you accept that her death is going to affect you! That it's normal for it to affect you!" John yelled.

"It isn't normal for me to think. I'm not normal like you, John! I don't have feelings and I recognize sentiment as a weakness." Sherlock said, throwing his arms up in the air in anger.

"Would it kill you to be human for once, Sherlock? Do you not understand how Tessa, Dynah and I feel about this? We just lost someone who was family to us, and you're just standing here yelling about how hard it is for you because you think it's wrong! It's not wrong, Sherlock! It's human! But what the hell would you know about that? You're just a bloody emotionless freak!" John yelled before storming out of the flat.

Sherlock felt his frustration still seeping out of him and he didn't know what to do. He decided that he needed something to distract him. Something besides an experiment. He needed his mind to be focused on the case. He needed to go and see Jim again. Jim held all the answers, and as much as Sherlock hated to, he needed to co-operate with Jim in order to get them. Almost as if he had said the words to Jim himself, a text arrived in his phone, from none other than the infamous consulting criminal.

Missing you, Sherlock. We need to talk about how sentiment can lead to death.- J.M xx

Sherlock looked over the message before replying.

When and where?-S.H

Camden.-J.M xx

Sherlock quickly left the flat and took the tube to Camden. The market clearly wasn't being,considering how late at night it was. The only people around now would be drug addicts, to high to even notice their surroundings and some members of Sherlock's homeless network. Perhaps even Jim had some of his men here as well. Sherlock wrapped his coat around him tightly, realizing now how cold it was tonight. He inspected his surroundings, wondering where Jim could possibly be lurking and waiting. He heard footsteps behind him, and he stopped walking, but didn't turn around. He felt a head rest on his shoulder and a hand reach up to play with his hair.

"I love you hair." Jim whispered in his ear.

"Strange thing to say."Sherlock commented.

"No more strange than the amount of emotions you're showing." Jim sang.

"How would you know anything, Jim?" Sherlock said.

"Oh well, I can completely see why you would try to hide it. After all, why would the great Sherlock Holmes want people to know that he actually had feelings!" Jim did a mock gasp and walked around in front of Sherlock.

"You know nothing about me, Jim."

"Yes I do, Sherly. We're one in the same. Two peas in a pod."

"What do you want Jim?" Sherlock asked.

"I just want to give you some good advice. Do not let Jamie's death affect this game. I don't care how it affects Tessa, Dynah, or John. Oh no, I could care less. I just don't want you to lose your edge. Otherwise it will just be so easy to kill you." Jim said.

"It was your plan from the beginning. To throw all of us off. To make sure that it would just be you and I left at the end of this game. But why? You made such a large deal out of making sure all of us took place. Was it so you could knock us all down one by one?" Sherlock asked.

"Oh Sherlock, you sound so bitter." Jim pouted. "And here I was thinking that you would be happy to see me. Did that kiss not do anything for you?" Jim smirked.

"No, it did not." Sherlock smiled.

"Oh a pity. Perhaps I'll have to give you another one." Jim laughed.

"I don't require anything from you." Sherlock said.

"Oh we both know that's not true. You need answers from me and don't even try denying it. You wouldn't be here if you didn't. How does it feel, being lowered to have to grovel at my feet for information?" Jim laughed.

"Does it look like I am groveling at your feet, Jim?" Sherlock asked.

Jim smiled and walked around Sherlock in circles and Sherlock stood completely still. Jim swiftly kicked Sherlock in the back of his knees and laughed as the man fell to the ground, before walking around to the front of Sherlock.

"Now it does, honey."

"I'm going to beat you." Sherlock growled out.

"Still have such faith. I like that. Keep your edge Sherlock, it makes you so much more attractive. Though I have to be honest. I didn't expect you to get so attatched to those girls. I thought you would just use them for what they were useful for, before dumping them on the side of the road. But your reaction to Jamie's death. Oh it was so human of you, Sherlock. So beautiful and touching. I wonder,if you will do the same when I kill Tessa and Dynah." Jim laughed.

"You won't hurt them!"Sherlock yelled.

"That's what you thought about Jamie too."Jim grinned. "Now I really do have to go. Things to plan. Games to win. Good bye, Sherlock." Jim smiled, turning to walk away.

Sherlock quickly stood up and spun Jim around before kissing Jim lightly on the lips and pulling away. Jim was just grinning madly before laughing.

"What was that for, Sherlock? I thought you didn't want a kiss." Jim said.

"It wasn't a kiss, Jim. It was a promise. Good bye, Jim." Sherlock smiled, finally happy that he had even the smallest edge on Jim.

Sherlock was left to go to St. Bart's, notready yet to return to the flat. Though this meeting with Jim was short, Sherlock had what he needed. Jim always revealed a part of his plan when he was with Sherlock, whether he purposely was doing this or not, he did. He walked into the morgue at St.Bart's, seeing Molly quickly trying to wipe her eyes, and cover her face.

"Oh Molly, don't bother trying to hide your appearance. It's clear that you have been crying from your obviously red eyes, and flushed appearance. Also there are tear stains on the lab table." Sherlock said, walking over to the microscope.

"I-I just heard about Jamie. God Sherlock. I'm so sorry." Molly said, wiping her eyes.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault so you have nothing to be sorry for. Of course I understand your display of emotions, seeing as she was your friend, I would prefer that you remain professional while in your workplace." Sherlock said.

"S-Sherlock! How can you say that! She was your friend too!" Molly yelled.

"She was aiding me in the case. That was the extent of our relationship." Sherlock said. "Though her death was uncalled for, I will not allow it to disrupt my work."

"Get out of my lab, Sherlock." Molly said quietly.

"Excuse me?" Sherlock asked.

"GET OUT OF MY LAB, SHERLOCK!" Molly yelled.

Sherlock was about to refuse, but when he saw the look in her eyes, he quickly decided it would be more logical to leave. So that's exactly what he did. He walked out of St.Bart's, but still refused to go home. As he walked down the streets of London, a black limo pulled up beside him. The door opened and Sherlock couldn't help but smile, stepping inside the vehicle. It was time.

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