You are a normal person looki...

By nstryder

309 15 12

You are Lee, a normal student in a normal high school. Probably. After all, every school has to have that one... More

=> Begin
=> Check out Room B203 and claim your free snacks
=> Sure why not
=> "...wanna be friends?"
=> Tell them about their ketchup problem
=> Find someone who can help
=> Hide in with this guy
=> Ask them how to make friends
=> Agree to pair up with lollipop girl
=> Accept her offer
=> Consume now
=> Head to the library
=> Don't talk about her (Begin lollipop girl's arc)
=> Ask her about witches and Iris
=> Help her as clubmates (Begin Naomi Arc)
=> Head to the restroom (Begin Drake and ???'s arc)
=> Talk to her (Leah's Arc)
=> Have her stay the night
=> Talk to Meg
=> Hang out in the library (The Ally and The Librarian, Part 2)
=> Fight!!! (Lee's Arc)
=> Hug Her
=> Naomi (Bonus Arc)

=> Look for Iris (The Playmate, Part 2)

8 0 0
By nstryder

You shake your head. "I can't go back yet. If talking to you has led to the cure for your curse, then I need to get the cure for Iris, too!"

She raises an eyebrow. "Iris? Ah, your invisible friend. Valiant as it is, I would not recommend disrupting this world any more than you already have."

"I can't just abandon my friend, Naomi! If it takes the world to save her, then so be it!"

She sighs. "Have you considered the possibility that...she might be happy in this world? That maybe I was happy in this world?" She plays with the ring on her finger. "'Evil' as my other self was, she thoroughly enjoyed helping people. To her, magic was a gift to be shared, not a danger to everyone around her."

She adjusts her hat. "But here I am again, back to practicing malevolent magic in hopes that it'll turn out benevolent at some point." With a hand firmly on her hip, she points at you. "So I ask you, Lee, are you prepared to undo that girl's happiness?"

You look to the ground. "I'm...I don't know."

She exhales, then flashes you a slight smile. "Well, I wouldn't know what to say either. However, this is the first time I've seen you adamant on taking action, compared to your tendency to let things happen passively. I can't fault you for that." She adjusts her hat and starts walking to the school. "You have my support. I'll await you in the car after school. You can stay with me for now. Oh, and you might want to talk with a higher pitch than normal."

You light up. "Thank you so much, Naomi!"

"Hey, it's what friends do, right?"


You attend this world's school like normal. Since you look just like Leah and you guys take the same classes, you were able to fit in just fine. People seem to have bought your high-pitched voice, as Naomi recommended.

Speaking of her, you don't see a single sign of Leah here, even though this is her world. You thought she returned here, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

However, you can definitely see why she's so sad all the time; people here are meaner than usual. If your world holds the nice part of people, this world must hold their ugly side.

Luckily for you, your very own curse proves to be a boon in this situation, as the people that might have bullied you don't even want to approach you or talk to you. It's a little lonely, but you're used to that.

After a few classes and an uneventful lunch, you finally get to English class, which you share with Iris.

The moment you enter the room, earlier than everyone else as usual, she's...not here.

You sit down on the seat next to her, where you usually sit in your world. After a bit, some people enter the classroom.

It's her. This world's Iris, actually visible to the naked eye. Not only that, she's laughing heartily as she's surrounded by a few girls.

"Oh my god, you did NOT just say that!" she says to a girl next to her.

"I hella did, girl!" she says as she hugs Iris. "Alright girl, I gotta get to class. Ciao!"

The other girls wave her goodbye as well as they all exit the classroom.

You get up and look at her with widened eyes. It's been too long. "Iris!" you yell out.

She's taken aback. "Um...yes?"

You shift your eyes left and right, unsure of what to actually say to her. "Do you...ah, do you wanna play a game sometime?"

She looks at you skeptically. "Sorry, who are you again? Wait, you're Leah, right?" She walks over to her seat next to you and sits down. "You're an awkward one, aintcha? People don't usually just ask to play games together, especially not strangers--"

You're not actually listening to her, as you're mostly thinking about what your plan actually is.

Step 1. Save Iris. Yes. Fantastic plan. Think, Lee. When you touched Naomi, that's when she started to remember you.

You slowly reach out your hand towards her.

"--I still can't believe we've never talked even though we sit so close to each other! I mean, I guess you're a quiet, what are you doing?"

You stop your hand midway. "Oh. Uh, well--"

Other students start to walk in. With reddened cheeks, you turn to face the front.

Class goes on like normal. Although, it looks like Leah chose to do the solo project instead of the pair project. You're not really sure where she is in her project, but you make an effort for her anyway.

After class, as you're packing your things, Iris is already up and headed out the door. You scramble to follow her.

As she walks through the hallway, you really get to see how different she is.

"Eyoo Cindy, love the new hair!" she says to a girl while pointing finger guns at her.

A guy holding a skateboard approaches her. "Oh shit, it's the Irisaur!" he says as they do a loud high-five. "You down to skate later?"

"Naw, I got shit to do, but stay cool dude!" she replies.

Another girl runs up to her. "Oh my god, Iris, have you seen Jamie's Snapchat story?"

"I sure did! I can't believe she's breaking up with Elijah! They were cute A-F together!"

You eventually lose her in the crowd, but her barrage of greetings with people doesn't stop. It's like she knows the entire school. Getting a chance to talk to her alone isn't gonna be easy.

After school, you stop by the library to check on Meg to see if she's any different here.

And she's behind the counter as always, still keeping her robotic demeanor on. However, she's currently tending to a somewhat long line of students, so you decide not to disturb how.

But in the corner of your eye, you see a certain someone studying by himself at a table in the corner.

You run up to him with a very curious face. "Excuse me, are you Drake?"

He glances up from the papers he was writing on. "Yeah, that's me. And no, just cuz I'm a valedictorian candidate doesn't mean I'll write your semester essay for you."

"Whoa, you're super smart here?"

"Compared to other places? Yeah, I guess so. Is this important? I kinda have a LOT of work to do."

You step back with a hand behind your neck. "Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to bother you! Good luck with your work, Drake!"

"If you knew you were being a bother, then you should have known better. And go take a shower sometime; you reek."

"Oh...sorry," you say, quickly walking away in embarrassment. Shit, looks like the curse affects him in this world. Which is odd since he never minded it in your world.

You look back at the counter. Looks like the line's gone now.

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