I Will Remember You. (Sequel...

By transferingworlds

18.9K 778 151

Frank, I just want you to know; this hole you put me in, wasn't deep enough, and I'm climbing out right now... More

(Chapter 1) For what you did to me, and what I'll do to you..
(Chapter 2) You get, what everyone else gets.
(Chapter 3) You get a lifetime.
(Chapter 4) Do you remember that day when we met?
(Chapter 5) You told me this gets harder, well it did!
(Chapter 6) Been holding on forever
(Chapter 7) Promise me that when I'm gone, you'll kill my enemies.
(Chapter 8) The damage, you've inflicted temporary wounds.
(Chapter 9) I'm coming back from the dead.
(Chapter 10) And I'll take you home with me.

I Will Remember You. (Sequel to TWABTSBTHATP)

3.7K 45 3
By transferingworlds

~~HELLO, EVERYONE! If you're reading this, then you've probably just finished "Things Will Always Be The Same, Between The Hunter And The Prey." If you have no idea what that story is, then you need to go read it...now. It's one of my stories so you can find it in my works. If you don't read it, you will not understand this story...at all. ALSO, if anyone wants to make a book cover for this story: YES. DO SO PLEASE! I will gladly discuss it with you. (: BUT TO EVERYONE COMING FROM TWABTSBTHATP STORY: HIII! I'm so happy & excited for this story, I have a lot of ideas for it but am still unsure about a lot of things, so, WISH ME LUCK! As our journey ends, an adventure begins...

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